Download - Best Google adsense protection guide to avoid adsense invalid activity

  • 1. Google Adsense Protection Guide

2. Bloggers Life 3. And his/her immediately reaction 4. On Social media profiles Yeppiii..!! I have got adsense for my website, now Ill earn 100$ per day from google. 5. After few hours 6. This is our reaction when we get Adsense ban mail. 7. Now, How to Protect Google Adsense Account 8. Donts after adsense approval 1. Dont tell your friends, relatives how you earn from Google 2. Dont share Adsense approval status on social sites 9. 3. Check Adsense account at REGULAR TIME intervals 10. Maximum Invalid Adsense Activity Happens Due to Click Bombing 11. 4. Display Ads to Organic Traffic when bulk clicks are coming 12. 5. Install Who Sees Ads and Click Bombing Plugin 13. 6. Authorized your domains to display Ads in Adsense account settings 14. 7. Keep contacting Google team in click bombing situation 15. Top Tip - Remove Ads from site for few hours/days if click bombing doesnt get stopped. - Its better to loss some dollars rather than losing whole Adsense account. 16. Overview o Dont tell people how you earn money from Google Ads. o Dont Upload Adsense Approval Status on social networking sites, especially on Facebook. o Keep on eye to Adsense account at regular time intervals. o Show Ads to Search engine visitors when click bombing is happening regularly. o Install who sees Ads, click bombing plugin. o Authorized your domains in Adsense account setting. o Fill invalid click contact form in click bombing situation. o Remove Ads for some hours/days till click bombing doesnt stop. 17. Share your response and experience about this - Aman Bansal