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Find the best gemstone for Teachers

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu

Guru Devo Maheshwaraha

Guru Saakshat Para Brahma

Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

Our Teacher, the Guru! Is an integral part of our character (charitra)

and act as an essential element in laying the key foundation to our

career and are essential in shaping our lives. They have played an

intrinsic role in inducing the power of wisdom and education in all of

our lives. Since the ancient times, a teacher, rather termed as a guru,

has been given the position of a God. These shalokas praise

theगुरु (guru) for his godly qualities & can be recited any time or on

the specific occasions like #Teacher’s Day or गुरुदिवस (gurudivasa).

Page 2: Best gemstones for teachers

As the shaloka describes: a guru has been considered as

an almighty who is our Marg darshak

Today, the whole mankind is on the verge of stepping ahead far and further beyond the

20th century and has witnessed a large technology drive, an increased usage of the

high tech gadgets and applications has resulted to the whole new

generation forgetting the significance of a teacher from their lives, gradually.

अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्त ंयेन चराचरम ्। तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्म ैश्रीगुरवे नमः ॥

On this teacher’s day, as a special note of thanks to the

teachers! Here is an analysis of the key astrological aspects,

related to the teaching as a career. We salute the spirit of

teachers who have worked hard throughout their life and

spent the entire lifetime in constructing the key foundation of

our lives.

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To name few, the famous and legendary teachers of the ancient times, who have always been a source of inspiration to the teachers across the world, can be listed as:

The dedicated student Eklavya, who has been the source of inspiration for his determination, exceptional commitment and self-training.

Asoka, the great emperor, who is known for his immense power and wisdom, has always been a spectacular student of the great teacher Chanakya.

According to the Indian astrology, our planets play an impactful role in our career and the manner in which we perform and conduct. At we have enlisted one some of the best recommended gem-stones for the people who are looking teaching as their career prospects. Let’s take an overview, which stone would be the best recommended for the people who wish to pursue their career as of the government teacher.

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Ruby or Red Garnet Gemstone to increase your prospects of pursuing your career

as the government teacher:

Yellow Sapphire or the Topaz is recommended for the teachers, who want to pursue

a successful teaching career and wish to be an impressive guru among their students.

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Celebrating the colors of teacher’s day, here is an analysis by our experts about the appropriate gemstones for teachers and their key impacts:

Yellow Sapphire (Peela Pukhraj): The gemstone ruled by the planet Jupiter (Guru), is an ideal stone for the teachers. Blessed with the powers of the Jupiter, which is known to bestow immense wisdom and the ability to take right decision at the right time, it is a must wear for the people who wish to excel in the field of teaching.

A natural and unheated yellow sapphire has always been effective and has a strong impact on the teaching skills.

People, who cannot afford, the expensive yellow sapphire, can go for yellow citrine stone.

Red Garnet or Ruby: This gemstone helps you to get through the government teacher job. It is always suggested and widely recommended.

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Yellow Topaz: This precious stone is also an extremely beneficial gemstone for the teachers.

For the Students, who wish to seek the path of dedication with the immense perseverance and respect towards their teachers, the suggested stones are:

Yellow sapphire (Peela Pukhraj) or Citrine (Sunhela): This particular stone is widely recommended to the students, which bestow them with a right decision power and the quality of leadership.

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Emerald (Panna): This particular stone which belongs to

Mercury (Buddha) is widely recommended to the

students, bestows them with wisdom and a focused

mind. The great warriors and the emperors have been

known for their exceptional power of judgement and

the leadership qualities. Panna is beneficial for the

students, who wish to excel in their respective field of

education or training.

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