Transcript 1



Let me ask you a question? Are you living the life you truly desire?

That means are you living where you where you want to live -

whether it’s in a great city or on the beach? Do you have the

partner that you dream of? Do you go to work every day loving (not

liking but LOVING) what you do or do you work in a soul sucking job

that pays you very little and does not allow you to grow and flourish

as you should? The story I’m about to share with you could be your

story and I know that for many people it is their story, even if they

don’t want to admit it.


In A recent Gallup Poll nearly 90% of U.S. workers are

unhappy in their jobs. 90%!


That’s a lot of people who go to work every day and hate what they

do, where they are and how they contribute to the world. For many

years I was one of those people. I did not place any value on my

thoughts, ideas or gifts. I went through life rejecting gifts of love and

encouragement and put other people’s needs and wants in front of

my own. I was taught that if you “worked hard” you would succeed 2

and that sometimes “life is not all roses” and you had to “buck up”

and “be tough” to get what you wanted. I ALWAYS held myself

back from reaching for greatness, i.e. having my own business,

because I had stumbled before and was scared that I would not be

able to bring my dreams to fruition – again. I got stuck in a job

where I worked really hard, got paid very little and I had no way to

bring about my individual creative expression. It seemed I was

always dealing with fears that I was not good enough, although I

desperately wanted to make a deep and positive impact on the

World. This “holding back” has affected EVERY area of my life

including my career, my relationships and most importantly my

confidence. The combination of the above was the equivalent of

driving a Ferrari with one foot on the gas pedal and one on the

brake, going nowhere - fast. Sound familiar?

I believe that there are very specific KEY STRATEGIES that

once mastered will allow you to make the positive impact you want

on the world. These Keys are of the utmost importance to both your

inner game (how you see the world), and your outer game (what

you choose to reach for and bring into your life). You will need to be

fluent with the Keys and use them to develop the life you truly desire.

Period! We are all infinite beings with talents and gifts that the World

needs. Every day that you put yourself last and don’t dare to make

your voice heard, is a day where another person or special being

that needs your voice won’t hear it. Without you stepping up, there 3

is no chance for you to be happy AND for you to have the impact

on others and the World that you truly want to have. Here are:




Do you talk to yourself like a best friend (with positivity and

encouragement?) or like your most hated enemy (with scorn and

disgust)? If you find yourself saying things like “You are never going

to be successful” or “Who do you think you are wanting to own your

own business? You’re not smart enough for that!” Are you being

kind to yourself in that moment? Chances are you wouldn’t even

say them out loud to someone but they are in a constant loop in

your head. Start to really listen to your thoughts and you will find out

quickly where you need to change that negative language into

positive self-talk.

Since we are what we think, I have identified a few places where

you may need to substitute a negative phrase for a positive one. For

example, instead of saying “There is no way I’m going to reach my

goals” substitute “I am going to reach my goals and I am open to

how they will show up in my life”. By doing this you are changing

your thought process patterns that will not only make you happier 4

but you are also leaving the door open, to how success and

abundance show up.


When you are open to how abundance shows up, the

Universe understands this as “I will give you more

___wealth, abundance etc.


If you start to look at the positive instead of the negative you will

change not only the way you “look” at the world, but also what you

expect from it. For instance, I was conditioned to think “There is

never enough money to go around.” This is indicative of a Lack

Mentality as well as a belief that you will never have enough – no

matter how hard you work or how well you do your job. What a

terrible thought! I have since changed this to my new mantra of

“There is an abundance of money in the World and I am attracting it

to me effortlessly, each and every day. There is more than enough

to go around.”

#2. DON’T JUDGE (Yourself or Others)

Whenever you judge someone or yourself, that is a weakness being

manifested. If you “ALLOW” (allow being the key word) others to be

themselves and you to be who you are, just as you are, you are 5

opening the door to infinite possibilities. Remember that your

ultimate strength is you being non-judgmental towards both yourself

and others and suspending your “judgment” makes you strong.

This may take a bit of practice on your part, so don’t be upset if you

don’t get the hang of it right away. No judging remember? Just

take notice of your thoughts and every time you hear yourself

judging, stop and think “I’m not going to judge X, that is not my job, I

am just observing”. It is amazing the kind of freedom that gives you

because when we judge, it often comes with guilt, shame and a

whole load of other negative feelings. By not judging, you eliminate

the heavy mantle of being the decision maker (even if it’s just in your

mind). I judge myself all the time with thoughts as simple as “You

can’t do that, you’re not ready for that level of ____”. Don’t be so

hard on yourself. I have always said that I am my harshest critic and I

know that many others are as well. There will always be people who

look better than we do and those who do not. There will always be

people smarter than we are and those who are not as bright as we

are. What’s important to remember, is that your Judgment brings

negative feelings up and puts road blocks on the path to your




******************************************************************** 6

No one can judge you but God and the Divine (or whoever you

want to call your Higher Power). I have decided to let him handle it

and I suggest you do the same.



Basic Fact: Whatever you put out into the Universe comes back to

you twofold and more importantly, the Universe matches your

vibration. If subconsciously you are vibrating at a Lack Mentality (i.e.

need, want, have to have, desperate for), that will be matched by

the Universe and come back to you. For example: If I “need money

desperately” all the Universe hears is “She needs desperately” and it

will send me more need – as in these bills NEED to get paid. Every

human has a 20 foot circle of influence around their body that

radiates their physical energy and vibration. This is a fact based on

Physics and every day, whether you believe or not, you are vibrating

on an energy wave length. This wave length may be positive,

negative or a combination in between. If you are constantly

thinking about what you don’t have, how the world isn’t fair or how

bad the day will be, you are living and thinking in Lack. Thus your

vibration of Lack goes out to the world and more Lack is what you

get back. 7

When you change your thoughts to more positive ones like Love,

Gratitude and Giving, it forces the Universe to give you more of what

you’re projecting. Then you will start to receive double portions of

Love and Happiness and you will begin to see more positive things

happen in your life. I was always one of those people who thought

the glass was half empty and got up every morning thinking “Uggh, I

don’t want to go to work, I hate my job”. Of course with those kind

of thoughts I did not expect or get good things in my life.




Now I have trained myself to say “This is gonna be a great day! I just

know good things are going to happen. I can’t wait to see what they

are”. I literally say this to myself Every. Single. Day. Guess what? It

works. Not only will the Universe start to send you more of what you

intended, but people will feel your positivity and respond to it.

Challenge yourself to start seeing the glass (and your life) as at least

half full vs half empty. Concentrating on Love, Gratitude and Giving

will bring on rapid and positive changes. This I promise. 8


Allow yourself to _______ (you fill in the blank). Here are some

examples: be happy, be loved, be successful, receive abundance,

be prosperous etc. This is a CRITICAL piece of your success. You can

have a wonderful gift that can be dropped at your feet like a

compliment, but if you don’t accept it – you are not only gipping

yourself out of that love, but also returning it to the sender with a

negative connotation. Here is a real life example: Friend: “You are

so good at writing Julie, you should write a book or a column” Me:

“Not really, anyone can write like I do, I just doodle at it. It’s not like

I’ve won any awards or anything”. That is a scenario that has played

out in my life many, many times and I’m sure it has for you too.

Someone wants to hand me a compliment and because I do not

feel worthy, I don’t accept it and discredit myself from the

compliment. I downgrade my abilities because the true deeper

issue is: 1) I don’t feel I am worthy to receive the compliment and 2) I

am not ALLOWING myself to receive it. (NOTE: Many women are

brought up to think that if they accept compliments then they are a

narcissistic bitch who loves herself and is stuck up)-not true!

If you want more prosperity in your life and you own your own

business, then you need to start opening yourself up to the

possibilities that you are BLOCKING and NOT ALLOWING money into

your life. I used the example of a compliment but it can be money, 9

love, admiration etc. If clients pay you for your services and you

don’t “allow” that money to come into your life, then it will go

elsewhere. Remember, whatever you send out to the Universe

comes back to you twofold. If you have the attitude of I don’t

“need” it then you won’t get it. Repeatedly, until you learn the



Right now, at this very moment, you are ready for whatever visions

you have of yourself achieving success. You have and have always

had everything inside you that you need to make your visions real.

God/Source does not put visions in us that A) Are not made for you

and B) Cannot be manifested directly by you. So many times we

think that we are not ready or “If I just complete this one last piece of

research then I would be ready” as well as “If I just had another

$1,000 then I would be ready to launch”. Guess what? You will

NEVER be totally ready, BUT JUST START ANYWAY. While it’s great to

research, there comes a time when you will need to just let go and

take action.

I know because I have been researching for years always thinking

“One more article or video and I will know all I need to know”. That

is never going to happen because I love to learn and if you’re not

learning then you’re not stretching and moving forward. The more

time you have to prepare the better prepared you will be. However, 10

nothing beats just taking action, you only learn from taking action

and getting feedback.






Old Rule I bought into: Don’t make mistakes in life and any failures

you may have will result in embarrassment and shame.

New Paradigm: Failures should be embraced because they will

always teach you something. More importantly, very successful

people find out early that:





The most successful entrepreneurs EXPECT failures because the more

they fail the closer they are to success. How’s that for a thought

shift? As I mentioned in one of my latest blog posts, Walt Disney was

turned down 302 times before he finally successful. I realize old fears 11

can come into play and make you NOT want to take action.

Perhaps you are like me and have stepped out and failed before.

Old failures can make you want to shy away from stepping into your

greatness. Try to remember that failures are not there to make you

shut down, they are there to show you the path to success. There is

not one person on this earth who has been successful without any

failures. If you don’t believe me research Walt Disney, Ford and

Colonel Sanders just to name a few. On the other side of every

failure is success.


All of the steps above are important but this one is probably the only

one that will propel you farther and faster than any of the others.

The Procrastination Mindset is being unhappy where you are but not

wanting to change. If you are like me and you love to learn and

never feel “ready” you may get caught in an endless loop of doing

but never taking action. One small action can put you in the game

and start you on the road to success. Remember even if you

encounter resistance or are not as successful as you would like to be

at first, you are still moving forward. 12





My suggestion is to think about the big picture and then work your

way backwards and write down the smaller actions you can take,

that are not as scary as a larger action. For example, if you need

clients and you need to network, find a friend and see if you can

buddy up together for an event. This way it won’t be so scary.

Stay on track and focus on one action every single day while

following a game plan of baby steps to the larger goal you want to


Hold yourself accountable and be honest with yourself. If you are

not progressing forward you probably are not taking enough action

in your business.

I hope these seven key strategies help propel you forward in your

business and in life. 13

Be gentle with yourself and if this resonated with you, I am offering a

FREE STRATEGY SESSION for new clients to help bring you more clarity

around what is blocking you from success. Email me at

[email protected] to discuss what steps we can take to help

bring out your personal greatness.
