Download - Bellwork 4/16/2012 Write 2 things you see in the picture. What do you think this is a picture of?




Write 2 things you see in the picture.

What do you think this is a picture of?

Pupils at Carlisle Indian school, Pennsylvania. Established in 1879 by Richard Pratt, the school attempted to assimilate Indian children into the "white man's

world" through education and financial support. Among its students were four of Comanche chief Quanah Parker's children and those of others involved in the Red

River Wars

Land Runs of


Land Runs of



Culture of Plains Indians

– Buffalo provided food, clothing, and shelter for the nomadic lifestyle of the Indians. They did not believe land should be bought and sold, and white farmers felt it should be divided.

Government Policy

• Instead of continuing to move the Indians westward, the government changed its policy. Indian land was seized, and they were forced onto reservations.

INDIAN WARS• Army troops attacked and massacred surrendering

Cheyenne. Congressional investigators condemned the Army actions, but no one was punished in the Sand Creek Massacre.

• After the massacre, Cheyenne and Sioux stepped up their raids. In return for closing a sacred trail, the Sioux agreed to live on a reservation. Other nations signed the Medicine Lodge Treaty and were moved to reservation lands in western Oklahoma.

• George Armstrong Custer led his troops in headlong battle against Sitting Bull and lost. The Battle of the Little Bighorn was a temporary victory for the Sioux. The U.S. government was determined to put down the threat to settlers

The Government Passes Legislation to grant land

1. Pacific Railway Acts of 1862 gave railroad companies 10 square miles of land on each side of the track for every mile of track laid they resold the land to settlers. $$$$

2. Morrill Land Grant Act (1862) distributed millions of acres of land to

state governments they could sell the land to found “land-grant” colleges.

Homestead Act (1862) offered 160 acres of land to settlers who farmed, built a house and stayed.

Rules:were citizens or immigrants who had

applied for citizenship

paid a $10 registration fee

built a house within six months

farmed the land for 5 years before claiming ownership


• The Dawes Act of 1887 broke up many reservations and turned Native Americans into individual property owners. Ownership was designed to transform their relationship to the land. The Indians received less productive land, and few had the money to start farms. Most of the land given to the Indians was unsuitable for farming.

Oklahoma Act of 1889

opened the last of the frontier to new settlers;

the “Sooners” sneaked into the

territory before the official start and

claimed the best land.

ORGANIC ACT• Set up government for Oklahoma• All Indian lands open for white

settlement• All of Oklahoma available for

settlement by 1901.

April 22nd, 1889


• Start on the line• Race to the claim you wanted• Pick up stake in ground• Plant your stake and get title from claim


The starting line for the first Oklahoma Land Rush, April 22, 1889.

Base camp before the 1889 land run. Boomers at Arkansas City, Kansas, 1889. Photographer: William S. Prettyman.

Boomers on Kansas state line, April 19th, 1889. Photographer: William S. Prettyman.

Waiting for land run at Purcell, Oklahoma Territory, 1889. Photographer: William S. Prettyman.

Oklahoma City - April 29, 1889Seven Days After the Land Run of 1889

©2002 Oklahoma State Senate Historical Preservation Fund, Inc. and Wayne Cooper

Type People Who Moved West

1. Speculators: people who bought large areas of land in hopes of reselling it for a profit

2. Homesteaders: people who rushed to accept offers of free land

3. Exodusters: • African-American settlers who

moved west; took their name from the biblical account of the Jews escaping slavery in Egypt

4. Boomers: people who kept relocating

from town to town looking for a quick fortune, but seldom staying long enough to make a living

This poster urges Exodusters to move from Kentucky to Kansas.Kansas State Historical Society

Exodusters waiting for a steamboat to carry them westward in the late 1870's.

1. The extremely poor could not afford the “free” land

2. Land companies claimed most of the land, not individuals

3. Resettlement of the Native Americans

Problems facing settlers

C. Complaints of the Farmers

1. Low agricultural prices2. Insufficient and expensive

credit – 3. High rates charged by

middlemen4. High industrial prices5. Demonetizing of silver (no more

minted coins made from silver)

Farmers’ Alliance: Organized to unify concerns of farmers

with miners and factory workers.

Effect:Farmers and labor unions formed a new

political party

Wanted:Free and unlimited coinage of silver

The Populist Party


1. People had been looking for gold since the ’49 rush in California

2. Discovery of silver in Nevada (the Comstock Lode) led to more strikes

3. By the late 1800s people flocked to the West, Canada, and Alaska

“Boom to Bust”Miners arrive to build a tent cityMiners arrive to build a tent city

Merchants arrive to supply minersMerchants arrive to supply miners

Wood-frame structures replace tentsWood-frame structures replace tents


BOOM TOWNMining production fallsMining production falls

Miners move onMiners move on

Stores close and merchants leaveStores close and merchants leave

Town is abandonedTown is abandoned


E. Railroaders

The federal government helped the railroad companies because it would benefit the entire nation; a subsidy is financial aid from the government.

Central Pacific Union Pacific

Promontory Point, UT 1869Promontory Point, UT 1869

Transcontinental RailroadTranscontinental Railroad

the completion of the railroad

1.Sparked a spirit of unity in the country

2. New states admitted (NV, CO, ND, MT, WA)

Problems with the railroad

1.labor was scarce dangerous, low pay, hard work

2.high rates because of no competition

3.discrimination regarding rates rebates to large shippers, rural service high

4.corruption bribery, free passes to government officials

Rath & Wright's buffalo hide yard, showing 40,000 buffalo hides baled for shipment. Dodge City, Kansas, 1878.


• Native Americans fought the movement of settlers westward, but the U.S. military and the persistence

of American settlers proved too strong to resist.