Download - Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with

Page 1: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with

A word from the Pastor



There is a part of being a child that persists into adulthood. We want to hear our most beloved stories over and over again. The stories make us happy, comfort us and quite often, reassure us that we are loved. That is the case each and every Christmas Eve. We read the story of Jesus’ birth from the gospel of Luke. We hear about the extraordinary and incredible way that God came to earth, taking on skin and flesh and being born as an infant. It is a story that we never get tired of, I think, because it speaks to us deeply….and it says… You.are.loved. God loves us. So much so that God came to earth as a child, as a human who grew into a man who changed the world for all time. The title of this reflection comes from a hymn in our hymnal. It may well be my favorite Christmas hymn, though I love all of our old favorites as well. It’s # 292, but allow me to share the lyrics here.—

Read them, pray them, and rejoice in this gift of love!

Love has come—a light in the darkness! Love shines forth in the Bethlehem skies. See, all heaven has come to proclaim it, Hear how their song of joy arises: Love! Love! Born unto you, a Savior! Love! Love! Glory to God on high. Love is born! Come, share in the wonder! Love is God now asleep in the hay. See the glow in the eyes of his mother; what is the name her heart is saying? Love! Love! Love is the name she whispers; Love! Love! Jesus Immanuel. Love has come and never will leave us. Love is life everlasting and free. Love is Jesus within and among us. Love is the peace our hearts are seeking. Love! Love! Love is the gift of Christmas. Love! Love! Praise to you God on high! Text: Ken Bible, b. 1950. Love has come and never will leave us. Love is Jesus within and among us. Love is the gift of Christmas! I am looking forward to reading the beloved words this Christmas eve and to sharing the joy and wonder and love with you and your families. Every blessing in Jesus’ name! Pastor Jan


Christmas Eve, Sunday Dec. 24th services are at , 9am, 5pm and 9pm

All three services include communion, and the traditional readings.

Music and sermons will vary from service to service!

We hope that one of the three will work well with your own celebrations this year!

Love has come

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Oshkosh

Page 2: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with





New Members received by Affirmation of faith 11/19/2017 ~Linda Bosin( Nicolaison) ~Jerry Johnson & Cathy Nimmer ~Kevin, Leah, Baylie and Logan Locke

“While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to a son,

her firstborn. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no

room in the hostel.” (Luke 2:6-7 The Message)

These few words of scripture paint a powerful picture for me…one that is translated through the

devoted and loving work of the Women of Our Savior’s: for ALL women, for ALL children, for ALL in

need of warm quilts, baby blankets, a towel with soap & a toothbrush, or school supplies, for the

hungry, the lonely, those who need a place to sleep in the winter for a night…these (and more) are

the missions we support with our time, our talents and our treasures, but mostly with our HEARTS! CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE, Sunday, Dec. 3: Our final fundraiser of the year, the Christmas Cookie

Sale is a FAVORITE!! We invite everyone to bake their favorite Christmas cookie, bar, or treat: put 6

on a plate and bring to be part of this “cookie exchange” sort of sale. All plates of six will be priced

at $2, so you can gather different kinds of goodies to create a great cookie plate for the holidays…

without baking 6 different kinds yourself! Also makes a great gift! Please bring your donated baked

goods to the Fellowship Hall on Sat., Dec. 2 between 10 am and noon, or before Worship on Sun.,

Dec. 3. THANKS!! LWR KITS/QUILTS: You are touching our local, national, and global neighbors by supporting these

ministries!! Thanks to all who donate goods, time or dollars!! Remember, we collect items/$$ all year,

with collection baskets in the Fellowship Hall, and in the Narthex at the “Baskets of Promise” center.

Lists of needed items, as well as designated donation envelopes, are also located there. THANKS…to all who donated warm hats, mittens, gloves, & scarves, as well as unused/new 2018

Calendars and greeting/note cards to the “Knitten Tree”. Your gifts were distributed among

Christine Anne Center, Salvation Army, Prison Ministry, and more. And, if you see her, thank Laura

Gehling for setting up creative collection centers, and then distributing your gifts. We appreciate the

love and passion for sharing Christ’s love that Laura brings to this ministry!!

This is a good time to also thank … --Heidi Witt for heading up the gathering/packing/shipping of LWR Health Kits and School Kits. --Very Special Adult Sunday School Class for assembling the health kits --Kathy Keas for doing the same for the LWR Baby Care Kits --ALL the Quilters (pretty sure Audrey Reichow makes sure things run smoothly here!) --Linda Meyer for heading the Prayer Shawl Ministry! Your fundraising Fellowship spreads are

superb!! --Diane Schmude, Barb Schneider, Kim Steiner, and Eileen Kuehl for serving the past 2-4 years as

“officers” --ALL WOMEN of OUR SAVIOR’S who have attended Bible studies, prayed, donated and worked in

support of the missions this organization is supporting!

Page 3: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


A NEW CONSTITUTION for WOMEN OF OUR SAVIOR’S which now functions much as the other

committees of the congregation do: a chairwoman for agenda, a secretary to keep notes of committee

meetings, and a financial recorder to maintain the treasury. For now, present “officers” will continue, with a

goal of rotating other capable leaders into the positions. ALL women of Our Savior’s are encouraged to

consider being a part of the committee for any length of commitment that is desired. We hope to allow

more involvement with shorter time commitments, while continuing to support all current mission

ventures...listening to your passions to implement new ones! Talk with any of the ladies listed above to get

an idea of time/effort commitment. The next Women of Our Savior’s committee meeting will be Tuesday,

January 9, 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please feel free to attend!! Check the Narthex for a copy of the new

“Constitution for Women of Our Savior’s”. (We will have an Annual Meeting, probably in June or July.) AS A REMINDER… if you have any information/additions/changes you need in the 2018 Booklet, please

get that to Eileen Kuehl (920-235-6393 or [email protected]) as soon as possible. Also, if there are

budget items/requests, please direct those to either Shari Englund (info below) or

Kim Steiner (920-232-0330 or [email protected]).

We will have both the Booklet and a 2018 Budget available in January. You are a blessing to all...

thanks!! ~ Shari Englund 920-379-5669 [email protected] P.S. Something to think about: we are always hopeful to begin new Bible Study groups…we call them “circles”. We have 3 functioning groups at this time. Each chooses the time they can meet, the place they meet, and the materials they use to share in their faith understanding in light of the gospel. At the last committee meeting, an idea was discussed about having another group meeting at the Caramel Crisp, as JOY Circle does now. Also discussed was the possibility of having “Daylight Savings” Circles…that would only meet during times of longer daylight hours and “friendly” weather! Think about it…pray about it…then contact us. Your Women’s Committee is here to support you!


Each year, Americans spend over $300 billion on Christmas shopping. Imagine what would happen if we could redirect that spending toward the things that really matter, like putting an end to hunger. With ELCA Good Gifts, you can do just that. Choose from more than 50 charitable gifts to give in honor of loved ones – from goats to water wells, school uniforms to food for refugees. Start a new tradition by giving these gifts in honor of friends or loved ones this Christmas. Shop now by visiting or participating in our congregational fundraiser in the narthex.


Page 4: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


Hospice Volunteers Needed

Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of

terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with dignity and peace. As a

hospice volunteer, you can be a part of this incredible journey.

Affinity Visiting Nurses-Hospice is offering a free training course in your area for indi-

viduals who are interested in becoming hospice volunteers. Volunteers are assigned to

roles dependent on their individual interests and abilities, as well as availability.

Volunteering for patient support with hospice is unique. After completing training, ap-

proved patient support volunteers are assigned based on patient need and where they

live. The frequency and duration of patient specific assignments varies according to case

specifics. This service allows for a great amount of flexibility and tremendous oppor-

tunity for personal growth.

Personal training and ongoing support for all volunteer positions will be provided. To

learn more about upcoming classes in your area, call (920)-486-2261 or (866)-236-8500

and ask for Lauren or Leah. Lauren and Leah can also be reached via email at Lau-

[email protected] or [email protected]


Transport Veterans to Medical Appointments Volunteers are Needed in the Salvation Army Food Pantry Volunteers are needed to help in the Kitchen Volunteers are needed for janitorial work Holiday Events Volunteer receptionist, as needed If you are interested in any of the volunteer opportunities at The Salvation Army of Oshkosh, please call 920-232-7660 to speak with Shari or email at [email protected]













Spiritual Services Callers ~ Spiritual Services has opportunities for

volunteer callers to phone area churches between 8-10am to inform them of

patient admissions.

There are many ways for you to be involved and become part of our

team! For more information on these and other volunteer opportunities, please

contact Ascension Mercy Hospital Volunteer Services at 920-223-0225 or ap-

ply online at




Page 5: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


What has more than 500 legs, speaks more than 20 languages and raises more than $500 to address homelessness? The 8th Annual Interfaith Festival of Gratitude, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. More than 250 people came to The Grand in downtown Oshkosh on Monday, November 20, to share their faith and to learn about the wide variety of religious traditions in their community. Representatives from 14 faith communities took the stage in this beautiful, historic building. They sang, danced, chanted, played music and even used words to help those in attendance experience their faith tradition. Host Pastor Tom Willadsen began the festival with the words of Desmond Tutu, “Hope is nurtured in relationships and community.” “It takes time to build relationships, but it is time well-spent in society today where there is so much fear and distrust,” Willadsen added. The festival was preceded by a potluck hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Many community members brought foods from their ethnic or religious traditions to share with nearly 150 hungry people. Challah shared table space with Hungarian cinnamon bread, chicken biryani, Jell-O salad and Swedish meatballs. The freewill offering raised more than $500 for the Day By Day Warming Shelter. Executive Director, Lorraine Yarbrough said, “What a blessing to all who attended this event! This shows our community at its best. So many people share their passion in a safe, welcoming place. The ‘Least Among Us’ video reminded everyone our common need for a safe place to live. It is very gratifying to know that there are so many concerned, compassionate people in our community.” The Oshkosh North Asian Cultural Dance Group performed two traditional Hmong dances. Their costumes and smiles lit up the auditorium. A musical group from St. Raphael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church used fourteen different languages to express perhaps the most universal human emotion: gratitude. The Ambassadors for Christ African Fellowship choir was not able to attend this year, but the recording of their time on stage at last year’s festival once again filled The Grand with movement and joy. The Reverend Doctor Thomas C. Williadsen, coordinator of the Interfaith Festival of Gratitude.


for Annual Report are due

1/3/2018 to secretary;

electronically if possible.



Report on the Interfaith Festival of Gratitude

Annual Meeting


OSLC will hold its

annual meeting after

worship 1-21-18.

Annual reports will be

available 1-14-18

Page 6: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


Usher Schedule Jeff Koerner

John Koerner

Erica Nourse

Heinz Habermehl

Greeters Dec 3rd – Chelsie Oberreich & Payten Totz

Dec 10th - Dick & Audrey Reichow

Dec 17th – Joe & Shelly Rasmussen

Dec 24th – Larry & Debbie Rasmussen

Dec 31st—Dick & Sandy Hackbarth

Readers Dec 3rd – Ingrid Jorgenson

Dec 10th - No Reader Needed

Dec 17th – Jenny Williams

Dec 24th – Mike Dodson(9a),

Corky Abraham(5p), David Bayer(9p)

Dec 31st—Maria Bouche

Communion Assistants Dec 3rd – Mary Jo Rasmussen,

Laurie Streich & Max Koerner

Dec 10th - Amy Alvarez & Payten Totz

Dec 17th – Toby Kamark &

Michael Kolinski

Dec 24th – Kim Steiner & Lindsay Porst(9a)

Karla Abraham & Max Koerner(5p)

Annette Bayer & Braelee Jodarski(9p)

Dec 31st—Diane Schmude & Payten Totz

Acolytes Dec 3rd – Max Koerner

Dec 10th - Payten Totz

Dec 17th – Michael Kolinski

Dec 24th – Lindsay Porst(9a)

Max Koerner(5p), Braelee Jodarski(9p)

Dec 31st—Payten Totz

Worship Assistants Dec 31st—Maria Bouche

Altar Guild Team Kim Steiner & Carol Stewart

PK-2 Sunday School Teachers Dec 3rd – Erica Nourse

Dec 10th - Pam Andersen

Dec 17th – Erica Nourse

Dec 24th – No Sunday School

Dec 31st—No Sunday School

3-5 Sunday School Teachers Dec 3rd – Barb Schneider/Diane Schmude

Dec 10th - Pam Andersen

Dec 17th – Robin Grable

Dec 24th – No Sunday School

Dec 31st—No Sunday School

Worship Leaders For December

There is a sign-up sheet on the podium, to provide snacks for the Sunday School classes. No nuts, please. Provide enough for about 30 children – Thank You, Dana Keas


Our neighbors to the east (McDonalds) have

offered to purchase a 30’ strip of land on the east side

of our parking lot. Most of you have been aware of

this for some time, and although the sales process has

been going very slow, it looks like things should now

start moving forward. Paperwork was signed on Oct

30 and we are anticipating a closing time after the first

of the new year.

Some of the revenue received from this

transaction will help OSLC proceed with much needed

maintenance projects, both interior and

exterior. McDonalds will also be using the land they

purchase to make improvements to their business

Moving Forward with the

McDonalds’ Sale

A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Saturday, December 16, 2017

2 performances: 4:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal Church, Algoma at Division, Oshkosh This joyous celebration of Biblical readings and

related musical selections will be presented in the

brilliance of the historic Trinity Episcopal Church.

Accompanied by pipe organ and brass ensemble, the

Oshkosh Chamber Singers join with members of the

community in song and scripture readings celebrating the

Advent and Christmas story. The audience will be invited

to lift their voices in the congregational singing of familiar


Page 7: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


Stewardship News.

We wanted to update you on our stewardship emphasis for 2018. To date we have re-ceived 51 pledges for a total of $138,130. There are a total of 105 giving units (families and sin-gle persons) in our congregation, and many give faithfully but do not submit an estimated of giving/pledge ahead of time.

Of the 51 pledges, 17 reflected an increase in giving; 16 were the same, one was less and there were 15 new pledges.

Thank you to all of you who give faithfully to support the ministries of Jesus Christ in this place. Confirmation letters about giving will be coming this month.

Please note: giving to the capital fund and to debt reduction was inadvert-ently left off the pledge cards this year. There will be spaces on your envelopes for giving to those funds if you so desire.

The Stewardship Team of OSLC

Loaves & Fishes

On Saturday, December 30, we will host our final Loaves and Fishes meal for 2017. We

need as many helpers as possible to make the day lively and festive for our guests. If

you can't meet us on the top floor at Trinity (311 Division Street) to help, you can assist

by giving toward the cost. Just mark "Outreach/Loaves and Fishes" on your check or

offering envelope. In addition to those who will be working at the meal, we could also

use some help Friday afternoon or evening for our shopping day. Please see Barb

Schneider to offer your assistance.

Can you help?

We have been helping a family with four children. The mother is getting out of prison the day after Christmas. All of her clothing was stolen while she was incarcerated. Can you help with gifts of gently used or new clothing, or with a gift card for Goodwill? Jeans—women's size 9-10 or 11 Long sleeved t-shirts or t-shirts mediums Hoodie sweatshirts—large Winter coat—large— Women’s shoes , and a pair of boots—8 1/2

We've been asked by a member who now lives in DePere and volunteers at a

homeless shelter there to collect new and gently used men’s and women’s coats

for the cold weather of winter.

Can You Help???

Page 8: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with






Page 9: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with



It is December already and we are in the Advent Season. Following is a list of some of the

books in our church library about Advent and Christmas.

Getting Ready for Christmas – day by day Advent activities and prayers for all the family.

A pop-up Book for Christmas – includes an Advent calendar with 24 windows to open and flaps

with “legends and love from the very first celebration to traditions around the world.”

Advent Moments – preparing your heart for Jesus with daily devotions, prayers and more. “Think

about this: God’s love has no delete key. Everyone on his list gets his love, his care and his

blessing and so much more” C. Neil Straik, p.10.

Parents of young children can help them to choose a book to take home to help them learn

and love Jesus’ Christmas story. These are board books with delightful illustrations.

The First Christmas

Tell Me the Christmas Story

Ten Little Christmas Angels

A few wild animals take a lonely snowman with them on their journey to the baby in the

manger in Do You See What I See? They leave a gift heart that will never be lonely again.

For our fiction readers, we have a Richard Paul Evans book, Grace. Be sure to read the

author’s note in the front of the book.

Door County Christmas set in the towns of Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Epirain and Sister Bay has

four Door County WI Christmas stories.

Very short stories or reflections by many well-know Christian, writers are to be found in

Christmas Stories for the Heart. These are classic takes that can be read in a few minutes and are


Finally, there is Martin Luther’s Christmas Book with excerpts from 30 of Christmas sermons,

9 illustrations by artists contemporary to Luther’s lifetime. Four of them are by engraver A. Diier, two

of Luther’s Christmas carols – one with music are at the end of the book. On page two is a quote from

Martin Luther.: “the Gospel is not so much a miracle as a marvel.” Luther wordered “… why the Lord

of all the universe shall care enough about us mortals to take our flesh and share our woes.” Martin

Luther thought that “keeping Christians is a year-round mission of caring for those in need.” Amen!

Merry Christmas from the Library committee. ~Jean Berger

What’s in a name?

One of the things that touched my heart when I came to Our Savior’s in 2015 was the way everyone pronounced my last name correctly. I was later told that you had practiced it, to get it right. It humbled me and I have loved you for that, because not everyone in my life took the time to pronounce Veseth correctly. I hope that my new last name won’t be as difficult. As you may have heard, I am getting married to Jeff LaVake on December 31st of this year during our 9am Sunday worship service. It’s a lot easier to say…Lah/ Vake (rhymes with rake). We are so happy to have found each other and we are hoping that if you are able, that you’ll be able to share our joy in worship that day, and then to celebrate with us in the coffee hour afterwards. No gifts, please. If you’d like, please donate to a food pantry, or feeding program in our honor. Thank you for your many kindnesses and in welcoming Jeff to Our Saviors! Every blessing, Pastor Jan

Page 10: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with

We have a leader; are you a ringer?

You need not be able to read music, Just

count! Are you interested in being in the bell

choir? Let me know! Pr Jan


1 in 6 children in Wisconsin live in poverty. Why? What are we doing about it?

Visit and and

Why is advocacy important? Isn’t our direct service work enough? We believe God is calling us into the world to serve together. Through our direct service, we aid immediate needs before us. Our advocacy work impacts systemic, long-lasting change. By tell-ing our lawmakers how Lutheran ministries believe, we are helping create opportunities to over-come poverty, promote peace and dignity, and defend God’s creation. Why does the ELCA understand advocacy to be part of its mission? We serve in response to God’s love to meet human needs and protect creation.

When you write your public official, you are uniting with an apostolic community of Lutherans

concerned with how public policies work for our neighbors as a matter of faith.

In our first social statement, “The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective,” from 1991, we

committed to “work with and on behalf of the poor, the powerless and those who suffer, using

its power and influence with political and economic decision-making bodies to develop and ad-

vocate policies that seek to advance justice, peace and the care of creation.”

Does the U.S. Constitution permit religious bodies to advocate?

Yes. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the exercise of religious freedom, including the public witness of religious bodies. The Church in Society social statement de-scribes our church’s relationship with government as one of “institutional separation and func-tional interaction.”



Page 11: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2






Cookie Sale

Choir Practice


Worship 9a

Coffee Hour


Sunday School




Concert 6pm

All are


Office open



PJ @ Text

Study 2p-4p

Office closed


Bible Study 10a

Advent Soup

Supper 5:30p

Service 6:30p

Office open



ELL 4:30p




Choir Practice


Worship 9a

Sunday School


Coffee Hour


Council meets

after church

re budget


Finance Mtg






Office open



PJ @ Oshkosh



Office closed


Mary Circle


Bible Study


Advent Soup

Supper 5:30p

Service 6:30p

Office open



ELL 4:30p



Sing @ Bethel

Home Meet @



Private Piano

Recital in



following in


Hall—10a to



Choir Practice


Worship 9a

Choir Sings

Coffee Hour


Sunday School




Dinner 6pm

Office open


Sarah Circle


PJ @ Text

Study 2p-4p

Joy Circle @

Fox River

Brewing 6pm


NO Bible Study

Advent Soup

Supper 5:30p

Blue Christmas

Service 6:30p

w/ communion


ELL 4:30p

22 23


Christmas Eve

Services 9am

5pm & 9pm





Office open



Office open



ELL 4:30p

29 30

December 2017

Pastor Jan Off

Pastor Connie Weiss 920-979-5934

is covering 12/25 to 12/26

Pastor Karen Jewell 920-420-5386 cover until 12/27

to 1/2/18





9am worship

with wedding

Coffee hour


Office Closed 12/19 to 12/20

Page 12: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

PJ @ Text

Study 2p


Bible Study 10a

No PM Bible



Quilters 8:30a

5 6


Choir Practice


Worship with


Festival 9a

Coffee Hour 10a

Sunday School


8 9

PJ @ Text

Study 2p


mtg 6p


Mary Circle 8:30a

Bible Study 10a

Midweek Service

with Communion



Quilters 8:30a

12 13


Worship 9a

Coffee Hour 10a

Sunday School







PJ @ Text

Study 2p

Joy Circle 6p


Bible Study 10a




Quilters 8:30a

19 20


Choir Practice


Worship 9a

Choir Sings 9a

Annual Meeting

after worship

Coffee Hour 10a

Sunday School






Council 6p

Sarah 6:30p


PJ @ Text

Study 2p


Board Mtg 4p


No Bible Studies

PJ Off


Quilters 8:30a

26 27


Worship 9a

Coffee Hour 10a

Sunday School


29 30

PJ @ Text

Study 2p


Bible Study 10a

Bible Study 6p

January 2018 SO FAR!

Pastor Karen Jewell

920-420-5386 covers until


Pastor Jan Off

Page 13: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with


Save the Date January 7, 2018

We remember and celebrate the baptism of Jesus on January 7th and we will also hold our (now) third annual baptismal festival during worship.

Please feel free to bring your child’s baptismal candle to worship that day. We will all come to the font to bless each other and to light the candles. We will have plenty of candles for everyone if you forget yours. If you’ve not been able to be a part of this before, come and see! It’s a lot of fun, and a great way to remember that we are beloved baptized children of God!

December 16th: OSLC Christmas caroling at Bethel Home. We will gather in the

chapel to sing. Everyone is welcome, and everyone can special experience

or ability is required; the only thing you need is a love for your neighbor and a desire

to share God's love with senior citizens. It would be great to have kids come

along. Meet in the entrance of Bethel Home at 9:45am. We sing in the chapel from

10am to 10:30am and then may go to a few rooms to sing.

What is a Blue Christmas service?

The twinkling lights and merry songs of Christmas can, in cruel contrast, deepen the darkness

and gloom felt by those who are struggling. For this reason, we are offering a special time of

worship during the Advent season to offer comfort, healing, and hope. Usually called the Blue

Christmas service, this service of hope and healing is held close to Christmas, when the winter

solstice of December 21 makes the days shorter and darker than at any other time of the year.

The service includes readings that give voice to our feelings of pain, loss, and the hope we cling

to in the midst of despair. You will have the opportunity to light candles of remembrance.

Advent hymns and soft candlelight gives a sense of abiding faith and the persistent light of

Christ in the darkest areas of our lives.

Ours is Wednesday, December 20th at 6:30pm after the Soup Supper, and includes


The Singing Church Sings!

Page 14: Bellringer December · Hospice is about living each day to the fullest. It’s about helping individuals dying of terminal illness to live each day in a pain-free environment, with






Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Pastor Jan Veseth

1860 Wisconsin Street Oshkosh, WI 54904

920-235-4850 Pastor Cell: 920-891-6404 Find us on

Advent/ Christmas News.

Midweek Advent services on Wednesdays.

Soup Suppers are at 5:30pm, service is at 6:30pm.

Sunday School Christmas Program during worship December 10th

Blue Christmas service is Wed Dec 20th (soup at 5:30, service at 6:30)

This year we will offer three choices for Christmas Eve services!!!

Sunday Dec. 24th at 9am.

Sunday, December 24th at 5:00pm

Sunday, December 24th at 9:00pm.

All three services include communion, the traditional readings.

Music and sermons will vary from service to service!

We hope that one of the three will work well with your own celebrations this
