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Belize By: Pinkie Pie

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Map of BelizeBelize is in Central

America next to the two countries, Guatemala and


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Belize has lush, tropical jungles that are home to gorgeous birds like the keel-billed toucan and is also the home of the elusive jaguar. In Belize you’ll also find many ancient ruins and mountains with cascading waterfalls. One of its many features of the land is its huge network of caverns.

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The PeopleBelizeans are as colorful as their surroundings! The people are very friendly. When children speak to adults they often use the terms “miss” or “mister” and answer by saying “Yes, ma’am” or “No, sir.” They speak Belize Kriol, English and Spanish.

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One of the first Jehovah’s Witnesses to arrive in Belize was James Gordon. He was baptized in Jamaica in 1918. In 1923 he left Jamaica to live in Belize. He settled in a remote Maya Village called Bomba, where he married and started a family. In 2013 there were a total of 2,437 publishers and 58 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belize.

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Animals (Part 1)The Jaguar is one of the largest wild cats next to the lion and tiger. This wild cat has powerful jaws that are useful to catch and eat prey. Jaguars are known to eat many animals, I’ll name a few; deer, snakes, sloth, fish and frogs.

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Animals (Part 2)The Green Iguana has excellent sight allowing the iguana to detect movement from incredibly long distances. A iguanas special features are a long tongue and changing skin color with mood.

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The Belize Barrier Reef! The Belize Barrier Reef is the second largest mass of living coral in the world, after the Great Barrier reef in Australia. It is 185 miles along the Yucatan Peninsula, including most of the coast of the Central American country of Belize. The reef is home to one quarter of the earths marine plants and animals. There are 36 species of soft corals, 70 species of hard corals and 500 species of fish that have been identified in the reef. The reef is a habitat for endangered or threatened marine animals such as the loggerhead, the green and the hawksbill sea turtles as well as the manatee and American crocodile.

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The End! Bye!! =)