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Page 1: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Behaviour in Social Networks:Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects

S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

FEEM, April 2013

Page 2: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco


Peer effects: behavioural complementarities due to• joint consumption• emulation• heard behaviour• ...

Incentive to act increases in neighbors’ actions.Common in risky or health related behavior:• adolescent groups (Powell et al., 2005)• smoking (Christakis and Fowler, 2007; Ali et al., 2011)• alcohol and drug consumption (Clark and Loheac,

2007, Mednick et al., 2010)• food disorders and obesity

”social multiplier” - Glaeser, Sacerdote andSchenkman, 2002, Cutler and Glaeser, 2007).Identification and measurement of peer effects(Manski 1993, Bramouille et al. 2009, Lee 2010)

Page 3: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Behaviors that generate peer effects often exertnegative externalities:• passive smoke• driving while drunk• sexual transmission of disease and unintended

pregnancies;• local pollution

Externalities build up and the stocks affects welfareand incentives:• own stock: e.g., passive smoke affects risk of illness

due to extra-cigarette;• neighbours’stocks: e.g., concern for friends’ health or


Externalities and stocks create additional interactionchannels, as incentives to act may depend(negatively) on actions taken outside one’sneighborhood.

Page 4: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Smoking networks

Agents enjoy active smoke, and are affected bypassive smoke;The stock of passive smoke increases the risk ofillness due to an additional cigarette;Agents care for the effect of their smoke on theirfriends’ health (altruism);Incentive to smoke decrease with their friends offriends’ smoke.

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Figure : Indirect substitution effect

Page 6: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Stylized facts about smoking our research contributesto account for (Christakis and Fowler, 2007):• Smokers tend to move towards periphery of the

network.• Network affects behavior or behavior affects the

network?• C-F argue that marginalization of smokers is due to

link deletion - here we suggest that network affectsbehavior.

• People tend to quit smoking in clusters. Who? Why?How does position in the network affect smokingbehavior?

Theoretical issues:• Estimation of peer effects and causality;• Choice of instrumental variables;• Identification: which networks?

Page 7: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Local complementarities in production

Monopolists use neighbors’ products as inputs;Increases in i’s output increases demand for j’sproducts.Increases in j’s neighbor’s output increase demandfor j’s output, j’s price and i’s marginal cost.

International RelationsCountries take actions that affect neighbors;A country decides to react if the aggregate actionstaken by its neighbors exceeds a given threshold;If j and i are neighbors, and increase in j’s neighbor’sactions increases the probability that i’s additionalaction meets j’s threshold.

Page 8: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

The Model

n agents in a fixed social network G with gij = {0, 1}.Each agent i takes action xi ∈ R.


Ui = αixi − γ0x2

i2 + φ ∑j∈N gijxixj

Figure : The network of social relations and peer effects

Page 9: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

The Model

n agents in a fixed social network G with gij = {0, 1}.Each agent i takes action xi ∈ R.


Ui = αixi − γ0x2

i2 + φ ∑j∈N gijxixj − γ1


2 − γ2 ∑j∈N gijQ2


where for all h ∈ N we have defined

Qh ≡(


ghkxk + xh


Setting φ̄ = φ− γ1 − γ2:

αxi − γ0+γ12 x2

i + φ̄ ∑j∈N

gijxixj − γ2 ∑k

g[2]ik xixk + h−i

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FOC for agent i

α− (γ0 + γ1)xi + φ̄ ∑j

gijxj − γ2 ∑k

g[2]ik xk = 0

Eq. FOC’s in matrix form:

α1̄ =[(γ1 + γ0)I− [φ̄G− γ2G2]



γ1 + γ01̄ =

[I− φ̄

γ1 + γ0

(G− γ2



Equilibrium Behaviour:


γ1 + γ0

[I− φ̄

γ1 + γ0

(G− γ2


1̄ = x̄.

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FOC for agent i

α− (γ0 + γ1)xi + φ̄ ∑j

gijxj − γ2 ∑k

g[2]ik xk = 0

Eq. FOC’s in matrix form:

α1̄ =[(γ1 + γ0)I− [φ̄G− γ2G2]



γ1 + γ01̄ =

[I− φ̄

γ1 + γ0

(G− γ2



Equilibrium Behaviour:


γ1 + γ0

[I− φ̄

γ1 + γ0

(G− γ2


1̄ = x̄.

Page 12: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Figure : Peer effects and indirect substitution

Page 13: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

DefinitionThe Bonacich centrality matrix of g with parameter a isgiven by:

M(G, a) ≡ (I− aG)−1. (1)

mij = discounted sum of walks from i to j in G.

DefinitionThe vector of Bonacich centralities of g with parameter ais given by:

b(G, a) ≡M(G, a) · 1̄. (2)

Proposition 1 (Adaptation of Ballester et al. 2006)

Let γ1+γ0φ̄

> µ(G− γ2φ̄

G2). The unique interior NashEquilibrium of the game is given by:

x∗ =α

γ1 + γ0b(G− γ2


φ− γ1

γ1 + γ0). (3)

Page 14: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Issues and Research Questions

Social relations are given by the matrix G.

Social interaction is described by the matrixG− γ2


Centrality relates behavior to G− γ2φ̄


Need to relate behavior to the original social networkG.How does the ranking of behaviors within a networkdiffer?How does aggregate behavior in different networksG change?Who are the key players (those that if removed affectmost the aggregate behavior)?

Page 15: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Issues and Research Questions

Social relations are given by the matrix G.Social interaction is described by the matrixG− γ2


Centrality relates behavior to G− γ2φ̄


Need to relate behavior to the original social networkG.How does the ranking of behaviors within a networkdiffer?How does aggregate behavior in different networksG change?Who are the key players (those that if removed affectmost the aggregate behavior)?

Page 16: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Issues and Research Questions

Social relations are given by the matrix G.Social interaction is described by the matrixG− γ2


Centrality relates behavior to G− γ2φ̄


Need to relate behavior to the original social networkG.How does the ranking of behaviors within a networkdiffer?How does aggregate behavior in different networksG change?Who are the key players (those that if removed affectmost the aggregate behavior)?

Page 17: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Issues and Research Questions

Social relations are given by the matrix G.Social interaction is described by the matrixG− γ2


Centrality relates behavior to G− γ2φ̄


Need to relate behavior to the original social networkG.

How does the ranking of behaviors within a networkdiffer?How does aggregate behavior in different networksG change?Who are the key players (those that if removed affectmost the aggregate behavior)?

Page 18: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Issues and Research Questions

Social relations are given by the matrix G.Social interaction is described by the matrixG− γ2


Centrality relates behavior to G− γ2φ̄


Need to relate behavior to the original social networkG.How does the ranking of behaviors within a networkdiffer?

How does aggregate behavior in different networksG change?Who are the key players (those that if removed affectmost the aggregate behavior)?

Page 19: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Issues and Research Questions

Social relations are given by the matrix G.Social interaction is described by the matrixG− γ2


Centrality relates behavior to G− γ2φ̄


Need to relate behavior to the original social networkG.How does the ranking of behaviors within a networkdiffer?How does aggregate behavior in different networksG change?

Who are the key players (those that if removed affectmost the aggregate behavior)?

Page 20: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Issues and Research Questions

Social relations are given by the matrix G.Social interaction is described by the matrixG− γ2


Centrality relates behavior to G− γ2φ̄


Need to relate behavior to the original social networkG.How does the ranking of behaviors within a networkdiffer?How does aggregate behavior in different networksG change?Who are the key players (those that if removed affectmost the aggregate behavior)?

Page 21: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

DefinitionThe weighted Bonacich centrality vector for G withparameter a and with weights vector w̄ is defined asfollows:

b(G, a, w̄) = M(G, a) · w̄ (4)


The vector of equilibrium actions with altruism x̄ is given by:


γ1 + γ0b(G,

(φ− γ1)

γ1 + γ0, w̄) = x̄ (5)

where the vector of weights is given by:

w̄ = [I +γ2

γ1 + γ0M(G + G2)]−1 · 1̄. (6)

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Three types of agents: 1, 2 and 3.

0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100Γ2









Figure : Equilibrium actions with varying degrees of altruism.

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The marginal effect of γ2 on equilibrium behavior is given by:


∂γ2= − ∂


φ− γ1

γ1 + γ0, d) (7)


2 3 4 5







3 4


Network Players γ2 = 0 γ2 = 0.06x∗ x∗ x∗ x∗

Star 1 3.38 2.012-5 2.59 13.77 1.82 9.31

Papillon 1 3.53 1.632-5 2.95 15.29 1.69 8.42

Connected Star 1 3.73 1.342-5 3.39 17.29 1.45 7.17

Page 24: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Changing the Network: Density

Look at degree in regular networks.


Consider a regular network, with γ1 + γ2 < φ.Equilibrium behaviour is a non monotonic function ofdegree, increasing for low degrees and decreasing for highdegrees. See here






0 1 2 3 4 5 6d





Figure : Larger γ2 at lower curves (α = 2, γ1 = 0.3)

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Adding and Severing Links

We know from Ballester et al. (2006) that if weincrease the entries of a network G, the resultingequilibrium is characterized by a larger aggregatebehavior (due to stronger complementarities).But how do we increase the terms of G̃ by adding andsevering links to G?


Take r integer such that

(φ− γ1 − γ2) ≤ rγ2.

Consider G′ obtained by fully connecting an independent set ofnodes Z of size z in G, with z = r + 2.Then G̃′ < G̃ and x∗(G̃) > x∗(G̃′).

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Theorem (Ballester et al. 2006)

If η(γ1+γ0)λγ2

> µ(C), the key player is the agent with thehighest intercentrality index, measured by ci = b2

i /mii.

1 2 3 4 5

Figure : Line network

Table : Key Player - Line network

γ2 bi ci0 3 > 2 > 1 3 > 2 > 1

0.05 1 > 2 > 3 1 > 2 > 3

Parametrization: φ = 1, γ0 = 0, γ1 = 0.9, α = 2

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Table : Key Player - Ballester2006 network

γ2 bi ci0 2 > 1 > 3 2 > 1 > 30.002 2 > 1 > 3 2 > 3 > 10.01 2 > 3 > 1 2 > 3 > 10.02 3 > 2 > 1 3 > 2 > 1

Parametrization: φ = 1, γ0 = 0, γ1 = 0.95, α = 2

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Policy-specific Key-Players


The α-key player is the agent i such that ∂x∂αi is maximal.


The α-key player is the agent with the highest centralityin the network C.

Page 29: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Homophily, Polarization and Smoking

Two types: αH > αL.Pattern of connections matters for behaviour.Degree of Homophily q = share of same typeneighbors.Assume q is the same across agents and types.
























Figure : Three networks with increasing degrees of homophily.

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Equilbrium Behaviour is symmetric around commonmean:

xH = 12[ αH+αL

γ1+γ0−d(φ− γ1 − γ2

)+ γ2d2 + αH−αL





φ−γ1−γ2) ]

xL = 12[ αH+αL

γ1+γ0−d(φ− γ1 − γ2

)+ γ2d2 + αL−αH





φ−γ1−γ2) ] (8)


Let d∗ be the degree for which equilibrium behavior ismaximal.

When d < d∗, polarization is monotonicallyincreasing in q.When d > d∗, polarization is non monotone in q,reaching its maximum at q̄ ∈ (1/2, 1], where q̄ isdecreasing in γ1, γ2 and d.The maximal polarization is independent of thedegree.

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Average Action

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0q







0.07xh xl

Figure : xH and xL

Page 32: Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and ...€¦ · Behaviour in Social Networks: Externalities, Altruism and Peer Effects S. Currarini, E. Fumagalli and F. Panebianco

Empirical Analysis

From FOC we get

x = β1Gx + β2G2x + ρz + ζG∗z + ε


β1 =(φ− γ1 − γ2)

γ1 + γ0and β2 =


γ1 + γ0

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Biases in the estimation of peer effect

Bias I

If γ2 = 0 then β1 = (φ−γ1)γ1+γ0

: downward bias

Bias IIIf γ2 is omitted then

x = β1Gx + ρz + ζG∗z + ε

andCov(x, Gx)

Var(Gx)= β1 + β2δG2x,Gx < β1

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We analyze conditions of network so that theparameters are identified depending on G = G∗ andG 6= G∗, with and without altruismIf G = G∗, all regular networks are excludedIf G 6= G∗, a larger class of networks are excluded(e.g., star network).We derive an optimal set of instrument to solve theendogeny problem derived from the presence ofendogeneity of Gx and G2x.

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Model with peer effects, negative externalities andaltruismAltruism generates new strategic interdependenciesof the substitute type with distance two neighbors.Central agents in a network need not be those withlargest behaviour.Adding links may reduce behavior. In regularnetworks: inverted bell pattern w.r.t. degreeHeterogeneous agents: behaviour is largest for large -but not complete - segregation of typesImplications for empirical work:• Peer effects may be underestimated;• Relation degree-behaviour non linear;• Two-distance neighbours may fail to be valid

instrument for estimating peer-effects.

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Matrix G[k] identifies walks of order k

mij =∞



M =

mii mij mik · · · miw

mji mjj mjk · · · mjw

mki mkj mkk · · · mkw

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·mwi mwj mwk · · · mww

b̄ =

mii mij mik · · · miw

mji mjj mjk · · · mjw

mki mkj mkk · · · mkw

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·mwi mwj mwk · · · mww



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α− x∗[γ1 + γ0 − d(φ− γ1 − γ2) + γ2d2] = 0.

x∗ =α

γ1 + γ0 − d(φ− γ1 − γ2) + γ2d2 .



α(φ− γ1 − γ2 − 2dγ2)

Den2 .

d < φ−γ1−γ2

2γ2⇒ ∂x∗

∂d > 0d = φ−γ1−γ2

2γ2⇒ ∂x∗

∂d = 0d > φ−γ1−γ2

2γ2⇒ ∂x∗

∂d < 0

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Let:c = max{g̃ij} = 1c = min{g̃ij}θ = −min{0, c} > 0λ = c + θ

Define the matrix C as:

cij =g̃ij + θ

λ∈ [0, 1]. (9)


Consider G and the matrix C defined as in (9). Letη(γ1+γ0)

λγ2> µ(C). The unique Nash equilibrium of the game is

given by:

x̄ =αηb(C, λγ2


η(γ1 + γ0) + γ2θb( λγ1

, C). (10)

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Rewrite FOC’s as:

x̄ =α

γ1 + γ0b(G,

φ− γ1

γ1 + γ0)− γ2

γ1 + γ0M(G + G2)x̄︸ ︷︷ ︸


The term:

zi = ∑j[(gij + g[2]ij )xj]

measures the aggregate equilibrium actions that agents ini’s neighborhood are exposed to.

The correction of equilibrium behavior is higher for thoseagents whose high centrality (in G) comes from paths thatlead to agents who are exposed to large amounts ofexternalities in equilibrium.