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  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    An opportunity to be part of history

    Come join us as we preserve the past, enjoy thepresent, and promote the future!

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    The Beechcraft Heritage Museum is a

    distinctly original one-of-a-kind, living and

    working aviation museum that traces the

    lineage of the Beechcraft family of airplanes.

    The Museum began life as the Staggerwing

    Museum Foundation, incorporated in October

    of 1973, under the auspices of the Staggerwing

    Club. In April 2007, the Museum became the

    Beechcraft Heritage Museum. This change

    reects our commitment to promoting aviation

    education and preserving the heritage nurtured

    by generations of enthusiasts of all Beechcraft

    models from 1932 through the present. No

    matter what area of this history which

    branch of the family tree interests you most,

    youll nd it here. We invite you to join us.

    The Museum is situated in a picturesque

    campus-style setting adjacent to the

    Tullahoma, Tennessee, Regional Airport

    (THA). An attractive blend of authenticallyrestored early American log structures and

    modern museum-quality construction, this

    60,000 square foot facility currently houses

    more than two-dozen aircraft, plus many

    aviation artifacts and memorabilia for the

    enjoyment of our Members and visitors.

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    The Museums history begins early in the

    annals o aviation in this country. Walter

    H. Beech was born in 1891 and raised

    in nearby Pulaski, Tennessee. In 1924,

    prior to ounding the Beech Aircrat

    Company, he, along with Clyde Cessna,

    and Lloyd Stearman, became principals in

    the newly ormed Travel Air Manuacturing

    Company, located in Wichita, Kansas.


    Walter BeechInducted to

    Aviation HOF

    Olive Ann BeechInducted to

    Aviation HOF

    Passing ofWalter Beech

    Birth ofWalter Beech

    Birth of Olive AnnMellor (Beech)

    First Model 17Beechcraft

    Beech, Cessna, and Stearman,become principals in Travel Air

    Manufacturing Company

    Founding of BeechcraftAviation Company

    Travel Airmanufactures

    first Model 1000

    Introduction ofthe V-tail

    Beechcraft Bonanza

    Thaden and Noyes winBendix Trophy Race

    Twin Engine BeechcraftModel 18 Introduced

    Travel Airacquired by


    Staggerwing MuseumFoundation Incorporated

    Staggerwing Museumbecomes Beechcraft

    Heritage Museum

    1891 925 946 973 2007903 1932

    1929 Travel Air Model 4000

    1925 Travel Air Model 1000, c/n 1

    Mystery Ship, c/n 1 NR614K

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    Each o these legendary aviation pioneers

    soon ounded successul aircrat companies

    bearing their respective names.

    Today, we are proud to have three examples

    o the early Travel Air: the companys rst

    production aircrat Ole Number One a1925 Model 1000 on loan rom the EAA

    AirVenture Museum, plus a 1929 Model

    4000 the model in which Louise Thaden

    won the 1929 Womens Air Derby. A third

    example, currently under restoration, is the

    amous 1929 Travel Air Model R Mystery

    Ship, NR614K the rst o only ve built,

    and the winner o the Free or All speedevent at the 1929 Cleveland Air Races.

    In August o 1929, Travel Air became a major

    subsidiary o the giant Curtiss-Wright

    Corporation, and by early 1932, as President

    o the Curtiss Wright Airplane Company, Walter

    Beech believed that the market was in need

    o a high-speed, our-place cabin biplane.

    When he attempted to interest Curtiss-Wright

    senior management in producing this new

    aircrat by presenting the concept drawings o

    engineer Ted Wells, they reused, citing the harsh

    economic climate as the reason. Consequently,

    Walter resigned rom Curtiss-Wright to ound

    the Beech Aircrat Company on April 19, 1932.

    His partners were his wie, Olive Ann Beech,Ted Wells, K.K. Shaul, and investor C.G. Yankey.

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    The rst Beechcrat, aModel 17R, registered

    NC499N, was test fown by Wilbur Pete Hill on

    Nov. 5, 1932, less than seven months ater the

    company was ounded. The aircrat served as the

    Beechcrat demonstrator until May 24, 1934, when it

    was purchased by the Ethyl Corporation. Unortunatelythe aircrat was severely damaged in upstate New

    York on Dec. 11, 1935. Nearly 50 years later, in

    1984, Museum member Stephen Pster located

    the planes wreckage where it had been buried

    and began the meticulous reconstruction eort.

    The Staggerwing Museum Foundation purchased

    the aircrat, completed its restoration, and dedicated

    NC499N in honor o Pster on October 8, 1990.As the rst aircrat built by the Beech Aircrat

    Company, this beautiul restoration is our

    museums centerpiece. Ocially designated as

    the Beechcrat Model 17R-1, NC499N became

    aectionately known to pilots as the Beechcrat

    Staggerwing. Throughout its lie, this aircrat has

    become amous as the rst o many thousands o

    its Beechcrat siblings noted or their beauty,quality, speed, and excellent fight characteristics.

    Staggerwing No.1 resides in the Beech Center

    immediately adjacent to the main entrance. This area

    also currently houses the git shop, as well as a

    general-purpose area, lounge, and catering acilities.


  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    The initial inspiration or the 1973 ounding o the

    Museum by the Staggerwing Club came rom

    amed pioneer aviatrix Louise Thaden. Flying a

    stock 1936 C17R Staggerwing, she and co-

    pilot Blanche Noyes won rst place in the 1936

    Bendix Trophy Race, besting racing proessionals

    and military aircrat in a one-day fight rom New

    York to Los Angeles. The Louise Thaden Library,

    housed in an authentically restored log structure,displays the prestigious 1936 Bendix trophy, her

    1929 Womens Air Derby trophy, and many other

    artiacts honoring her aerial accomplishments.

    This area includes other displays o the early

    Beechcrat years and room or social activities.

    The frst Beechcrat ever built,

    the 1932 Model 17R-1

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum

    8/16 SAM CRIMM II

    Dedicated in 1975, the adjacent Walter

    H. Beech Hangar houses our Travel Airs,

    and several o the early Staggerwings

    including a 1934 B17L, and a 1936 C17B.

    A restored collection o aircrat paint

    schemes demonstrates the approach to

    custom aircrat building taken by the Beech

    Aircrat Company in the early years.

    Adjoining the Walter Beech hangar is

    the Olive Ann Beech Gallery and Chapel.

    Following her husbands death in 1950,

    Mrs. Beech became President and

    CEO, retiring in 1982 as Chairman o

    the Board. This delightully restored

    Tennessee log cabin, containing urniture

    rom Mrs. Beechs corporate oce, is

    popular with Members and is used orocial unctions and has been the site o

    numerous weddings.

    The Museums rst major expansion

    occurred in 1995 with the addition o the

    Twin Beech 18 Society. Following on the

    heels o the immensely popular Model 17,the Model 18 Twin Beech was introduced

    by Beech Aircrat in 1937. This airplane is

    arguably the most versatile general aviation

    aircrat ever developed, enjoying a civilian/

    military production run o nearly 8,000

    aircrat over 33 years.

    On display in the Alton E. Chuck CianchetteHangar is one o only three existing pre-World

    War II examples o the Model 18D. This 1938

    1938 Twin Beech Model 18D, c/n178, the 11th Twin Beech builtand one o only three remainingpre-world War II models.


  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    aircrat was used by Prairie Airways, a Canadian

    regional airline. Visitors will also nd a military

    version o the Model 18, designated the C-45.

    Several thousand other military versions

    served throughout the world during the war.

    Also displayed is a 1959 Super E18S Miss

    Maine, which served in the fight department

    o several corporations during its career.

    Are you one of the thousands who love

    the great Bonanza and Baron airplanes?

    I so, youll be pleased to know that the

    Bonanza / Baron Museum division was

    launched in 2003. With a master plancalling or a total o 90,000 square eet,

    the rst phase o hangar construction was

    dedicated in 2004, ollowed by the second

    phase in 2006. Among

    the treasures in this

    hangar are two o the

    oldest 1947 Beechcrat

    Model 35 Bonanzas, therst Model 55 Baron

    built in 1960, and

    the 1/5 scale original

    Bonanza wind tunnel

    models rom 1945. Also

    eatured is a turbine-

    powered A-36 Bonanza,

    which was fown aroundthe world on our

    separate occasions.

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    Are you a fan or student of aircraft design

    and engineering? An exhibit known as the

    Olive Ann Beech Staggerwing, a 1938

    E17B, is displayed without its abric covering

    so that our visitors may appreciate the

    intricate design details o these ascinatingaircrat. The Staggerwing was one o the rst

    general aviation aircrat to undergo wind

    tunnel testing as well as eature a retractable

    landing gear. Mrs. Beech donated the

    original 1933 engineering artiacts used or

    this development.

    An especially unique exhibit is a one-o-a-kind

    actual Bonanza V-35B cutaway. This

    aircrat was displayed in the Smithsonians

    Washington D.C., Air & Space Museum ater

    being built to highlight the details o an all-metal

    aircrats construction, the V-tail controlsystem, and the engine details.

    An example o modern aircrat construction

    is represented by the all-composite Beechcrat

    Model 2000A Starship. The design eatures

    pusher engines and a canard wing layout

    intended to provide jet-like perormance

    with turboprop eciency. The Starshippioneered the use o an all-graphite composite

    airrame, instead o aluminum, as the rst

    such civilian aircrat to be ully certied

    by the FAA. Much o the technology and

    experience gained is now being used in

    current and proposed aircrat construction.

    1994 Model 2000A, c/n 49, one o only 53 built.

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum

    11/16 2007 RUSSELL MUNSON


  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    As a Museum Member, youll play a

    valuable role in the important work o

    passing the history o aviation on to

    uture generations through youth

    programs designed to promote aviation.

    We are an EAA Air Academy satellite

    location using a hands-on aviation based

    program to promote interest in science

    and mathematics or students Ages 10-16.

    Students attending the Air Academy

    have their tuition paid by our Scot Perry

    Education Fund. And our educational

    eorts arent limited just to youth. Adult

    members benet rom our Aircrat

    Maintenance Seminars. These include

    topics such as Beechcrat Model 17 and

    18 Landing Gear Retraction, Radial

    Engine Operation, Spar and Inspection

    procedures, and the broad-based

    knowledge and experience across all

    Beechcrat models that youll be able to

    share as a Museum member.

    As a Museum Member, you will also

    receive the Beechcraft Heritage

    Museum magazine and ree Museum

    admission throughout the year. You,

    your amily, and guests will also benet rom

    invitations to register each year or the

    Museums annual Beech Party plus other

    Museum activities. This is your opportunity to

    enjoy the camaraderie o socializing with

    riends, making new acquaintances and

    participating in educational seminars. Our

    unique acilities, inormative museum programs,

    and a broad variety o recreational activities

    oered by the surrounding area make this an

    ideal relaxing vacation destination.

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    M E M B E R S H I P F O R MBeechcraft Heritage Museum

    P.O. Box 550 Tullahoma, TN 37388(931) 455-1974 (931) 455-1994 (fax)

    email: [email protected]:

    Please TYPE or PRINT

    MEMBERSHIP TYPE: oNew oRenewal

    RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP: Staggerwing # ____________TravelAir # ________________18 Society # ______________ Bonanza-Baron # ___________

    NAME: ________________________________________________________________________LAST FIRST NICKNAME

    SPOUSE: _______________________________________________________________________

    ADDRESS:* ____________________________________________________________________ STREET

    ________________________________________________________________________________CITY STATE COUNTRY ZIP

    *your newsletter will be mailed to this address unless otherwise specifed.

    PHONES: ______________________________________________________________________HOME BUSINESS

    ________________________________________________________________________________FACSIMILE MOBILE

    E-ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL WEBSITE


    oAnnual Membership:USA - $50; Foreign - $60 (USD)

    oLifetime Membership:$1000 - may be paid in two installments of $500 within six months.

    Please make checks payable to: Beechcraft Heritage MuseumPlease indicate your aircraft of choice:

    oTravel Air oStaggerwing oTwin Beech

    oBonanza oBaron oOther Beechcraft

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    A I R P L A N E O W N E R S*not required or membership

    Model ________________________________ Year __________________________________

    S/N __________________________________ Regis. ________________________________

    Engine ________________________________ Status ________________________________

    We would like to have PICTURES and INFO of your airplanes,

    projects, & family to share with the other members of the

    Museum via the Newsletter! Thank you!

    Beechcraft Heritage MuseumP.O. Box 550

    Tullahoma, TN 37388




  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    The Beechcrat Heritage Museum is a tax-

    exempt, nonprot, 501(c)(3) corporation,

    so contributions are tax-deductible. The

    Museums operations are unded by annual

    memberships, donations to the Friends

    o the Museum program, and income rom

    our investment portolio. Contributionopportunities include annual or lietime

    memberships; donations to the investment,

    education, or building expansion unds;

    endowment gits; as well as a donation or

    loan o aviation artiacts and display aircrat.

    Annual Membership Dues are only $50 ($60

    USD oreign), and Lietime Memberships

    $1000, payable in two installments i you wish.

    There is so much to be gained or such a

    small investment. The Beechcrat amily o

    airplanes has a storied and glorious history,

    one that continues to this day. This is an

    opportunity or you to be part o that history.

    Please join us today and add your own

    branch to the Beechcrat amily tree.

  • 7/31/2019 Beechcraft Heritage Museum


    Major Highways Direct to Museum:Interstate I-24, Exit 111, take Highway 55 South through Tullahoma to Highway 130 North;

    travel West 1/2 mile to Beechcraft Heritage Museum. We are 70 miles Southeast of Nashville

    and 70 miles Northwest of Chattanooga.

    Flying to the Museum?

    Tullahoma Regional Airport (THA)AWOS-3: 128.325 UNICOM: 123.0

    Museum located on the eld south end of RWY 36

    HOURS of OPERATION (March 1 November 30 Only)Tuesday Saturday 8:30 AM 4:30 PM

    Open by appointment December through February

    ADMISSIONAdults (18+) $10.00 per person Students (12-17) $5.00 Children (11 and under) FREE

    Museum Members FREEGroups - Call 931-455-1974

    P.O. Box 550 570 Old Shelbyville Highway Tullahoma, TN 37388


    [email protected]















