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Beautiful Tourist Locations for an Exceptional Sojourn in Japan

Japan is gifted with a number of scenic beauties. While on the tour to Japan, you have lots of options to make an exceptional journey. Whether you are fascinated with culture and tradition or serene beauty of beaches, Japan has everything and promises a truly exceptional adventurous sojourn to you. The first time visitors in Japan love to explore every facet of this country. The best aspect of sight surfing is that every tourist hot spot is well

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connected with Japan rail network and other transportation systems. So, if you are planning to explore extra-ordinary tourist locations, here are a few places to visit in Japan that you can miss on own peril.


With an entirely new concept and looks, the Old Tokyo Central Post Office has been re-launched recently. This new building has come up with a new name, KITTE that means stamp in Japanese. Yes, true to its identity, KITTE has become a major tourist location these days. This seven stories building is designed to set up highly skilled products and appreciates Japanese craftsmanship. You will be amazed to find out bright and airy entrance of the building that has an outdoor

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garden on the 6th floor. On the fourth floor, there is Old Tokyo Post Office Chief Officer’s room and other memorable collections can be found out in different sections on the floor. There are several restaurants and shopping places on different floors of this building.

Yushima Tenjin Shrine

Before cherry blossom, you can enjoy plum festival at Yushima Tenjin shrine. This shrine boasts of the most unique and bizarre blooming of plum flowers. You can catch train on Chiyoda line and de-board at Yushima underground station. This place is also

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famous for God of learning and people use to visit here before any big day to seek blessings.

Kanda Myojin

This shrine is located on the way to Yushima Tenjin and famous for unique and unusual statues that are hard to find in other shrines. There is a statue of Daikokuten, a Hindu god supposed to bring good luck in business. Entrance of the shrine looks beautiful with statues of horses on the both side.

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Yebisu Beer Museum

Yebisu beer is considered the most fantastic variety of beer brewed in Japan. Started in 1890, the aim to launch Yebisu beer was to produce German-quality beer. The museum has come up on the location of original beer factory. You can go through history of this beer at museum.

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This place looks beautiful in the months of spring. Tourists flock this place for viewing one of the best snowfalls in Japan. Niigata is almost 1 hour and 20 minutes journey from the Ueno station in Tokyo. You can de-board the bullet train at Urasa station.

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This is one of the most frequented tourist places in Japan. Okinawa Island is big and there are several shopping centres and beaches spread around the Island. Ishigaki is the prime location to do variety of shopping. Most shopping places are around the Euglena Mall venue where you can buy trendy clothes and exceptional gifts. Japan, as a whole, attracts lots of visitors from around the world. Besides exploring different

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tourist places, you can also taste yummy dishes in Japan.