Download - Beautification By: Tyrone Wannenburg and Cody Carroll.


Beautification By: Tyrone Wannenburg and

Cody Carroll

What is this project about?

Me and my partner Cody embarked on a project called beautification. We had to buy plant seeds, plant them, grow them and take care of them throughout the semester. At the end of the semester we also had to make a project about our experience.

This is where it all started..

We decided to go to Sobeys and see what our seed options were. After a long discussion we decided that we were going to buy 3 packs of green beans. MVHS supplied the rest for the operation so we did not have to buy any peat moss or flower pots.

First few weeks..

We planted the seeds in the green house at MVHS. Everyday we went to check on them and give them water. The first picture was taken 2 weeks after we planted the seeds and the second one 4 weeks.

1 Month and 2 weeks later..

The green beans got plenty of sun in the green house and with us watering them everyday they were growing at a tremendous rate.

Christmas break..

Sadly over the Christmas break sun was limited, and water could not be given to these precious plants because of miscommunication between the two of us. The plants started dying due to this.

Next time

The outcome of the projected was very sad but hopefully the next time we get a chance to do something like this, they will turn out like they are supposed to. In the picture on the right is what a green been stock looks like after it has fully grown.

The end