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BEACONMarch/April 2008 VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2


June 21 Parade, Ceremony, Picnic All PartOf Grand Lodge Bicentennial CelebrationSaturday, June 21 in Downtown Columbus will be the focus of the largest celebration planned for the Bicentennial of the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

The day will begin at 10 a.m. with a parade down High Street to the Statehouse. All Masonic organizations are invited to participate in the parade, as are veterans and historical reenactment groups. Registration forms and information are available from the Grand Secretary’s Offi ce, 800-292-6092. The registration deadline for the parade is May 15.

“It is my hope that we will have fl oats and marching units in the parade from the entire family of Freemasonry,” said Grand Master Ronald L. Winnett. “I’ve also invited our Brothers from Prince Hall to participate with us.”

Immediately after the parade, approximately 11 a.m., the Grand Lodge offi cers will publicly reenact the cornerstone ceremony for the Statehouse in full and ancient form.

Following the conclusion of the reenactment, the Grand Master will host a family picnic at the Ohio Historical Society’s Ohio Village. Food and entertainment will be provided free of charge as will bussing from the Village to the parade and back again.

“The Grand Lodge has been a major supporter of the Village since it fi rst opened in the 1970s. The Lodge hall above the hardware store gives every visitor a look at what Freemasonry in the 1860s was like,”

Charles Eichensehr, Grand Lodge historian, said.

The Ohio Village will be open for exploration, and an 1860s-style baseball game between the Village Muffi ns and the Masonic Rough Ashlars is being planned.

June 21 should prove to be fun for the whole family and a great way to celebrate the Bicentennial. It may be the largest Masonic event in Ohio in a generation.

Spend the day with a sports legend on July 28 in Medina! The Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic is coming to northeast Ohio with a special one-day event at the Blue Heron Golf Club, one of the coun-try’s premier public golf courses.

The Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic places foursomes with sports fi gures for a day of golf

and fun. The event, presented by the Endowment Foundation, has been held in the Springfi eld area for fi ve years, with proceeds most recently benefi ting Alzheimer’s care services on the Springfi eld campus. Participating sports fi gures have included major league baseball players, NFL players, professional boxers,

Continued on page 5

Golf Classic Coming to Cleveland Area

Former Indians star Jim Perry will lead his sports legends for a day of golf this summer in Medina.

Ohio Statehouse to be site of June 21st event.

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Terrifi c Time to be a FreemasonBy Ronald L. Winnett, Grand Master

Our Bicentennial celebration is well underway and I want to thank the nearly 6,000 persons who attended the

Founders Day dinners around the state in January.

Plans are being fi nished for our largest celebration day, June 21, in Columbus. One newspaper reported there will be 20,000 Masons in attendance for the parade and Statehouse Cornerstone Reenactment. (See details of event on Page 1.)

Brethren, let’s make this happen!There are three things you

can’t take back once they have been given: Time, Words, and Opportunity. The time is now to

tell the public about who we are and what we do for humanity. This is our opportunity to let everyone know that Freemasony is alive and well!

It is my belief that we are seeing a revival of Freemasonry in Ohio. A lot of our lodges are seeing an increase in candidates and many of them are younger men. To continue this trend, we have to do much the same as in the 1800s. We have to go out into our communities and talk about Freemasonry.

Brethren, this is a terrifi c time to be a Freemason. Our enthusiasm is high and our energy level is building. We need to open our doors and greet today’s world as a team. I have said many times, there is nothing that we can’t accomplish as long as we work together in this Wonderful World of Freemasonry.

2 March/ April 2008

The Beacon ispublished bi-monthlyPlease report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces The BEACON mailing labels.

Paul Quinn,Director of Marketing and CommunicationsThe Ohio Masonic Home2655 W. National RoadSpringfi eld, OH 45504-3698937/[email protected]

George Braatz, P.G.M.,Grand Secretary atThe Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of OhioP.O. Box 629Worthington, OH 43085-0629614/[email protected]

Grand Lodge Offi cers 2007-2008Grand MasterRonald L. Winnett Reynoldsburg Deputy Grand MasterCharles R. MurphyRossford Senior Grand Warden Terry W. PoseyTipp City Junior Grand WardenBradford A. GoebelWilloughby Grand TreasurerThomas H. Galyen, P.G.M. Olmsted Falls Grand SecretaryGeorge O. Braatz, P.G.M.WestervilleGrand ChaplainRalph E. Crossan Somerset Grand OratorKevin B. ToddNew Waterford Grand MarshalJames F. Easterling, Jr. Norton Senior Grand DeaconNorman J. MickHarrison Junior Grand DeaconSteven E. CokonougherWesterville Grand TylerJoseph B. PhillisCarrollton Robert E. Grim, a Past Master of

New Holland Lodge #392, has been elected national commander of the Sons of Veterans Reserve, during the group’s 51st annual Remembrance Day in Gettysburg, PA.

Right Worshipful Brother Grim, a Past District Deputy Grand Master in the 8th Masonic District, is a retired American history teacher for Miami Trace High School, a U.S. Air Force Vietnam veteran, and a member of the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame.

The SVR is the uniformed military element of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, whose membership consists of descendants of Union Civil War veterans.

Ohio Mason Elected President of SVR

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March/ April 2008 3

Long-Term Care for the Price of a Cup of CoffeeBy Worshipful Brother Wm. David Bannerman, Chief Executive Offi cer, The Ohio Masonic Home

Our current long-term care system is a national tragedy. It is a system that drains family resources and

it that way, it includes the assistance that you and your family may

provide to help your spouse, sister, brother, aunt or neighbor to stay at home. Many people assume long-term care is provided in facilities. Yet 80 percent of care giving, such as meals, transportation to doctor appointments, help with a shower, and trips to the grocery, are provided in the home. The average family spends $5,000 annually out of pocket for care-related expenses for a loved one.

The irony is that we have known for decades that long-term care is an insurable set of circumstances in your life – just like you insure your car or home. AAHSA decided to solve the problem. During an election year, you may think action is untimely. The truth is it’s precisely the right time to make your concerns known.

One of my roles as CEO of The Ohio Masonic Home is to advocate for older adults, needed services and healthcare. I do this

in Washington, D.C., through an association called “AAHSA,” which stands for American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. This association helps to create the future of aging services, and we need your help.

AAHSA set out to study every conceivable way to fi nance long-term care. They looked at worldwide approaches that could work. Their conclusion? We need a national insurance trust charged with providing affordable, fl exible, accessible long-term care. And they discovered it could be done in a fi scally sound way – for the same cost as a daily cup of coffee. This new solution allows individuals to decide what kind of care they need and to use the cash benefi t to pay and receive services in a place they call “home.” The plan is based on choice, responsibility and fairness. Every adult who becomes disabled is eligible for the benefi ts. All working, able adults pay into the insurance trust. All who can pay, pay. All who need, receive. We know this works, but we need your help. We ask of you:

Call 1-202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your member of Congress. Tell them:

“I need a fi nancial system for long-term care that makes it affordable for me to care for my loved ones. I need a system that allows me and my loved ones to plan for the kind of care needed in a way that we can afford. There is no more time for delay. AAHSA (they’ll know the Association) has a plan that makes long-term care possible for all Americans for the price of a cup of coffee. I’d like to know what you are doing about this issue.” (Let them tell you here).

Ohio Observes Month at the George Washington MemorialJanuary was selected by the George Washington Memorial as Ohio month in recognition of the Grand Lodge of Ohio’s Bicentennial.

The Bicentennial Timeline displays were shown at the Memorial during January, and the Ohio fl ag was fl own.

Information about the George Washington Memorial is available at

Ohio Masonic Home CEO Dave Bannerman was a recent speaker at a meeting of The Ohio Masonic Home High 12 Club #483.

encourages self-imposed poverty and welfare. Medicare and health insurance don’t pay for long-term care. The two biggest payers are Medicaid – which pays for those who are impoverished – and you!

As former First Lady Rosalynn Carter said, “There are only four kinds of people in this world – those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers.” That’s all of us! Even if you don’t think of

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4 March/ April 2008

Royal C. Scofi eld, Past Grand Master and nationally known for his promotion of Masonic education, left a gift in his estate designated for a charitable program in the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

Most Worshipful Brother Scofi eld died on November 27, 2006, at the age of 93.

With the estate gift, the Grand Lodge of Ohio has created the Royal C. Scofi eld Charity Endow-ment Fund to support the Masonic Model Students Assistance Program in Ohio.

The goal of the new Endowment Fund will be, by increasing its size, to fi nance the Masonic Model Program, without the need of using Grand Lodge administrative funds. The Grand Lodge has already received $125,000 from the estate and more may be coming. In the past year, Lodges have also contributed money to assist the Masonic Model effort and these will be added to the Endowment Fund. Only the interest from the fund may be used; the principle must remain invested.

A fund-raising campaign has also been launched, to give many brethren and Lodges, who want to honor the memory of Most

Estate of Royal Scofi eld Launches Charity Endowment Fund

Worshipful Brother Scofi eld, to contribute to the Charity Endowment Fund he created in his will. (See attached coupon for details.)

“Sco,” as his friends called him, was a member of Sebring Lodge #626 for 63 years, and served as Grand Master of Ohio in 1973-74.

For many years, he served as Chairman of the Grand Lodge Education Committee, and helped develop a successful series of Masonic education correspondence courses. For years, he graded every test paper personally, and was known and loved by literally

thousands of Masons for his famous red-pen notes on the test papers.

His determination and tireless efforts to spread Masonic education inspired other Grand Lodges to begin correspondence courses. He was active in the Midwest Conference of Masonic Education and was national president of the Philalethes Society in 1995. For many years, he was Fraternal Correspondent for the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

“The use of his estate gift to support the Masonic Model Student Assistance program would be heartily endorsed by Sco as a positive method of promoting educational success in a young generation,” a longtime Masonic associate said.

The Masonic Model Student Assistance Program is a gift from the Freemasons of Ohio to the schools in Ohio communities. The program consists of a three-day intensive training seminar that enables core teams of school faculty and staff members to effectively identify and refer at-risk youth. The professional trainers, manuals, overnight accommodations, and meals are all provided at no cost to participants.

I wish to honor the memory of M.W. Brother Royal C. Scofi eldBy contributing to the Royal C. Scofi eld Charity Endowment Fund

Supporting the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program in Ohio

_____________________________________________ ________________________ $____________________Name (Please Print) Lodge and Lodge # Amount of Gift

For gifts of $100 or more, the contributors will receive a specially designed certifi cate, suitable for framing, recognizing their generosity to the Royal C. Scofi eld Charity Endowment Fund.

Send to: Grand Lodge of Ohio, P.O. Box 629, Worthington, Ohio 43085-0629

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March/ April 2008 5

Six Original Ohio Lodges Meet Again in Chillicothe

NCAA referees and more. The event is led by former Cleveland Indians pitcher and 1970 Cy Young Award winner Jim Perry.

The Foundation is working with a committee of dedicated brethren who’ve volunteered to bring the event to northeast Ohio. “We’re excited to bring this opportunity to northeast Ohio,” said Illustrious Brother Glenn Beaver, 33°, event chairman. “The Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic allows you to spend a day with a prominent sports fi gure while raising funds for The Ohio Masonic Home.” Assisting Brother Beaver are: Worshipful Brothers Alan Jones, Ron Runion, Eric Schau, Joe Orosz, John Youngblood, Dave Czocher and Marlene Beaver.

Benevolent Endowment Foundation President, Right Worshipful Brother Tim Strawn said the proceeds from the event will go to support Western Reserve Masonic Community’s Alzheimer’s program. “You can have a great time with a unique golf partner and be helping a great cause,” Strawn said.

The Blue Heron Golf Club was recently named one of the best new public courses in America by Golf Digest. “In addition to the great food, company and cause, you’ll enjoy a meal and the chance to bid on great items in a silent and live auction,” Strawn said.

The sixth annual Jim Perry Legends Golf Classic Springfi eld area event will be held Sept. 15-16 at Greene Country Club in Fairborn.

For more information on either event, call The Ohio Masonic Home’s Benevolent Endowment Foundation toll free at: 888/248-2664.

Golf Classic Coming to Cleveland Area Continued from page 1

Representatives from fi ve of the original Lodges in Ohio made a special trip to Chillicothe on January 4, 2008 to attend the annual inspection of Scioto Lodge #6 – the 6th original Ohio Lodge.

The purpose of this gathering was to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the fi rst session of the Grand Convention held in Chillicothe at the Old Statehouse on January 4, 1808. The Grand Convention met for four days and voted to form the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio.

“Our Lodge hall is just about a half block from where the old Statehouse stood,” said William

70-Year Pin Awarded In Argus LodgeRobert Lloyd, seated, was presented his 70-year pin and certifi cate by Right Wor-shipful Brother Donald E. Butream, District Deputy Grand Master in the 24th Masonic District in January. The annual awards night in Argus Lodge #545 also honored Edward Dickson and Robert Bayne with 50-year awards and Mark Stoval and Joseph Fekety with 25-year pins.

Bennett, Secretary of Scioto Lodge. “It was great that the Brothers from the other Lodges took the time to share this anniversary with us.”

Also present at Scioto Lodge on January 4, were descendants of Rufus Putnam, Ohio’s fi rst elected Grand Master. Brother Philip W. Putnam of Scioto Lodge was presented his 50-year pin by his sons, Worshipful Brother Brian J. Putnam and Brother Eric D. Putnam. All three are members of Scioto Lodge #6.

Worshipful Brother Brian Putnam bears a striking resemblance to the portrait of Rufus Putnam painted by James Sharples, Sr.

These Putnam family members, who attended the January 4 meeting in Chillicothe, are descendants of our fi rst Grand Master, Rufus Putnam. From left are Philip, Eric and Brian Putnam.

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6 March/ April 2008

Secure and Confi dent

Leonard and Rowena Lindh have their own clubhouse on 200 acres! That’s what they tell their friends about their garden villa home on the campus of the Western Reserve Masonic Community.

The Lindhs’ villa home has a spacious living room, a large base-ment, and a sunroom overlooking one of the lakes in front of the main campus building.

When they came to Western Reserve Masonic Community to visit, they were impressed by its cleanliness inside and out and the friendliness of the staff. The clincher was being able to move in with their dog, Mollie, a Sheltie.

“We wouldn’t have considered moving in if we couldn’t bring our dog,” said Rowena.

The Lindhs have found Western Reserve Masonic Community to be a perfect place for them and their pet. Rowena takes Mollie on a 1.1-mile loop around the campus for exercise at least three times a day, no matter the weather. So both are able to stay fi t right in their own back yard.

This has also led to a bond with other Community residents who own dogs. The Lindhs even took care of a fellow resident’s dog when the owner was ill.

Another consideration for the Lindhs was the excellent reputation of Western Reserve Masonic Community and its parent company, The Ohio Masonic Home. “We felt this was a fi nancially secure institution,” Rowena said. “That made us confi dent.”

Being secure in where they are living has given the Lindhs time to focus on their interests. While Ro-wena enjoys spend-ing time with Mollie, Leonard, a 50-plus year Mason with Prospect Lodge #578 in Pennsylva-nia, likes working on his computer. He is also involved in the Medina community. A former Marine and veteran, Leonard serves on a board that supports wounded Marines and their families.

“We had no idea of the assets of Medina,” Leonard said. “It’s quite impressive.”

They are also discovering all there is to do on the Western Re-serve Masonic Community campus.

They are joining the Resident Am-bassador Program and want to join the campus resident choir. Rowena said she’s looking forward to help-ing with the gardening around the building.

Choosing from the many available activities is probably the toughest thing the Lindhs have faced since moving to Western Reserve Masonic Community. But it’s one they enjoy having.

“On a scale of 1-10,” Leonard said, “this place is a 12.”

100th Birthday CelebrationFor Delta Lodge Past MasterA special 100th birthday party was held for William Gorsuch, a Past Master of Delta Lodge #207, in January at the McArthur Firefi ghter’s Hall, attended by many friends and community members.

In addition to being a 76-year member and Past Master of Delta Lodge, Worshipful Brother Gorsuch is the oldest living World War II veteran in Vinton County. He is a former Mayor of the Village of McArthur and a respected citizen in the community. Until age 95, he would still help his friend, David Allen Gill, at the pharmacy and enjoyed greeting and working with all customers.

Leonard and Rowena Lindh live comfortably with their Sheltie dog Mollie in their Western Reserve Masonic Community garden villa home.

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March/ April 2008 7

Lodge Gives a Taste of I-CARE

There’s an old saying about the way to a man’s heart being through his stomach. One lodge used that same logic to support its I-CARE committee.

Huber Heights Lodge #777 in Huber Heights, wanted to move forward with its I-CARE efforts. What better way to draw attention than through a tasty meal?

The committee recently held a chicken noodle dinner with side dishes and desserts at the temple social. Free will donations were taken as payment for the dinner.

Worshipful Master Mike Cromer really wanted the event to succeed, using the lodge’s Trestleboard newsletter to talk about the dinner and build interest. “We wanted to be proactive on this rather than just waiting for a phone call,” said I-CARE committee member Ron Clement.

The Huber Heights Lodge I-CARE committee began in 2007 after a presentation by Diane Shober, the area’s coordinator. Diane said their focus on I-CARE is commendable. “Huber Heights Lodge has embraced the I-CARE committee concept and taken it a step beyond,” said Diane. “I think having this dinner really made a statement to the entire lodge that they are committed to the work and investing in future success. I see this lodge as a great example of what an I-CARE committee can do when you have creative and dedicated members who want to make a difference.”

The committee has helped its brethren with things such as rides to places, visits and other general tasks. Its focus is doing more.

Ten volunteers helped with preparing the chicken and noodles

along with side dishes such as salads and several desserts, all of which came from lodge brethren.

The date worked well on the lodge’s schedule. They spend several weekends raising funds at local sporting events and this one was open.

About 70 people enjoyed the meal and fellowship as the committee raised $270. Several lodge members and their families trickled in as the night went on, and take-out service was offered to those who couldn’t stay, which some members took advantage of. The extra food was shared with local fi refi ghters.

“This committee helps fulfi ll our obligations to relieve our brethren,” said Mike.

For more information, contact 888/286-0010 or go to

Springfi eld Masonic Community received high marks from its resi-dents in a recent survey conducted by The Ohio Department of Aging.

Springfi eld Masonic Community’s skilled nursing area received the highest rating in the area, receiving a 92.1, well above the state average of 86.3. Springfi eld Masonic Community ranked in the top three in the area for overall resident

Springfi eld Masonic Community Ranks High

satisfaction and for referral to friends and family members.

Nursing home and residential care residents and their families were surveyed regarding their satisfaction with facilities and services they receive. Residents of the Springfi eld Masonic Community were asked to rate a number of factors, including activities, choice, care and services, employee relations, employee responsiveness, meals and dining, laundry and general satisfaction.

Springfi eld Masonic Commu-nity also scored well in the nation’s fi rst resident satisfaction survey for residential care facilities, commonly called “assisted living.” In that survey, 100 percent of residents said

they were satisfi ed with the commu-nity. And more than 97 percent said they would refer friends and family members to the community.

Springfi eld Masonic Community’s nursing home and resident care facilities were recognized in 2007 for 100 percent compliance and no citations during a state inspection.

Springfi eld Masonic Community is a subsidiary of The Ohio Masonic Home, which has served the area since 1892. Springfi eld Masonic Community offers independent living options in garden villas and apartments, assisted living, skilled nursing care and dementia/Alzheimer’s care for people ages 55-older.

The quality of the physical therapy program is among the reasons Springfi eld Masonic Community ranked high in a recent state resident satisfaction survey.

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8 March/ April 2008

Bicentennial Proclamation From Mayor of Dayton

Founders DayDinners

Photos show some of the fun and excitement at the 25 district

Founders Day Dinners held in January. Nearly

6,000 attended.

The Grand Lodge received a special proclamation certifi cate in January from Rhine McLin, Mayor of Dayton, recognizing the Grand Lodge for its Bicentennial.

“Please accept my warm wishes on this special celebration,” the document read, “in recognition of your 200th Anniversary and Founder Dinner.”

Covering the Future

Part of this year’s Bicentennial celebration is the creation of time capsules by all 25 Masonic Districts as well as the Scottish Rite, York Rite and the Home. The capsules will be deposited in a location at the Home during a special ceremony on Masonic Home Day on September 7 in Springfi eld.

A special “covering” will be created above the area in which the capsules are deposited to mark it for future generations and those who will ultimately retrieve the capsules many years from now. Commemorative granite stones are being created especially for this area and are available for purchase.

To secure your place…or that of your lodge, chapter, council, commandery or other body…in this specially marked area, purchase one or more of these stones. Their

A limited number of stones are available. Orders will be processed on a fi rst come, fi rst served basis. We reserve the right to determine order of receipt and designate location. Orders received after July 1st may not be included in the covering.

sizes and the number of lines of text and characters per line (including spaces) are indicated below. Prices include engraving.

Lines of text/characters

per line

8”x 4” gray or black granite

12”x 12” gray or black granite

24”x 24” gray granite

24”x 24” black granite

Size Price

$ 50 3/14

$200 7/13

$500 14/25

$700 14/25

For more information and an order form, contact the Foundation toll free at 888/248-2664 or go to, click on the Foundation tab and then Covering the Future.

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Bicentennial Logo Earns NASCAR Status

To learn more about Brother Blake Feese visit his offi cial website at

March/ April 2008 9

Pickaway County MasonsPublicize BicentennialThe three Pickaway County Lodges together created a display of pictures and artifacts at the Pickaway County District Public Library in Circleville that was shown all during the month of January to help celebrate the Grand Lodge Bicentennial.

Pickaway Lodge #23, New Holland Lodge #392, and Heber Lodge #501 pulled together such items as old Masonic aprons, pictures of Lodge rooms and buildings, biographies, and original minutes.

In addition, the Lodge gave two Masonic books to the Library to enhance the public’s knowledge of Freemasonry.

The Grand Lodge of Ohio’s Bicentennial logo has made its racing debut. It rode along with Brother Blake Feese, of North Carolina, in a NASCAR ARCA series race at the Daytona Speedway on February 9.

Brother Feese drove car number 8. His car was sponsored by DeMolay International, Encompasses Inc., and FPC International, which is owned by Brother George Riegel of Minerva Lodge #13, Barbersville, WV.

Brother Riegel’s company produces a fuel additive, which reduces fuel consumption by 5 to 8% as well as lowers harmful emissions. He dedicates 25% of sales from their webpage, to support the racing program. It was Brother Riegel who made it possible for the Grand Lodge’s logo to be used.

More informationabout Ohio Freemasonry and

its Bicentennial celebration can befound at

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10 March/ April 2008

Bicentennial Banners and Flags are availableFor Lodges to Join in 200th Celebration

As Ohio Freemasons celebrate the Bicentennial of the Grand Lodge of Ohio in 2008, Lodges can demonstrate their Masonic pride by displaying specially designed Bicentennial Flags and Banners.

Flags are 2’x3’ and made of nylon and show the full color Bicentennial Logo on a light blue background, and are perfect for outdoor display. The cost of a fl ag is $30, which includes shipping and tax.





State_______________________ Zip____________________________




Order Form For Bicentennial Flags and BannersI would like to order:___ Flag(s) at $30 each for a total of $_____________ Banner(s) at $85 each for a total of $__________OR___ Set(s) of 1 Flag and 1 Banner at $100 per set for a total of $__________

I have included a check for the total amount of $______________________

Delivery will be in six to eight weeks.

Checks should be made out to Grand Lodge of Ohio, and mailed to:

Bicentennial FlagGrand Lodge of OhioP. O. Box 629Worthington, OH 43085-0629

Banners are 2’x2’ and made of white satin with gold fringe and tassels. The Bicentennial Logo is again in full color, and the banners are designed for enhancing an indoor Lodge Room or dining room setting. The cost of a banner is $85, which includes shipping and tax.

A banner and a fl ag can be purchased as a set for $100.

Members and Offi cers of Milford Lodge #54 passed the 6th Masonic District Lantern to the Brethren of Bethel Lodge #61 on February 14.

Following the passing of the Lantern, the Brethren enjoyed a traditional, pioneer dinner of beans and cornbread that just “hit the spot” on a rather cold evening in Clermont County.

In spite of the weather, the turnout was better than anticipated with several brothers presenting themselves in period dress (obtained through Castle Costumes in Miamiville). Much fun and

Bicentennial LanternPassed in 6th District

camaraderie was had by all as the special Bicentennial Lantern made its way to the next stop in its journey to the 199th Communication of the Grand Lodge in October.

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March/ April 2008 11

The Invisible Lodge Blends Masonry and Magic

Magic and Freemasonry have several things in common. Both are ageless, and both have always been associated with secrets.

Korim), the Invisible Lodge is not a Lodge, but rather an international organization of Masons who are interested in magic.

Several famous magicians were Masons, including Brothers Harry Houdini, Howard Thurston, Harry Kellar, Harry Blackstone, Sr., and Harry Blackstone, Jr. Most famous Masonic magicians predate the Invisible Lodge, but there are several famous members, such as Billy McComb, Carl Ballantine, and Okito (Theo Bamberg). A leading Masonic author and researcher, S. Brent Morris, is a member of the Invisible Lodge, as well.

The Invisible Lodge has its own ceremonies that make use of elements of both the world of Freemasonry and the world of magic. They typically meet at magic conventions worldwide, where the Brethren assemble to discuss and perform magic and initiate new members. There was a time that membership in the IBM or SAM was required to join the Invisible Lodge, but now a Brother just needs to have an interest in magic as a performer or collector, show his current dues card, and complete a petition.

Nearly half of the International Presidents of the Invisible Lodge International have been Ohio Masons. These include Ronald Haines, founder of world-famous Haines House of Cards in Norwood (which is currently owned by Brother Bill Winzig), and Bill Joy, who established the Invisible Lodge’s newsletter. The last surviving International President from Ohio is Brother Joe Elliott, of Reynoldsburg.

International meetings are held annually at the Columbus Magi-Fest, but there are some regional Invisible Lodge organizations that meet more frequently to initiate members, exchange ideas, and enjoy the social atmosphere. Initiation fees are $60, and dues for the international Invisible Lodge are $10 per year.

The Invisible Lodge does not have any offi cial charities, but its members are encouraged to perform free of charge at Masonic Homes and orphanages.

For more information on the Invisible Lodge, visit and read the Spotlight article.

Paintings on the walls in Egyptian pyramids show a magician performing “the oldest trick in the book” – Cups and Balls. Magician organizations such as the Society of American Magicians (SAM) or the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM) promote the secrecy of the art by stressing the importance of keeping the secrets of magic from the public while encouraging and teaching those who are interested in performing.

The Invisible Lodge joins both Masonry and magic. Founded in 1953 by Brother Brewerton H. Clarke of New York (a.k.a. Sir Felix

The members of Mt. Carmel Lodge #303 have presented a Ceremonial Bugle to The North Union Veterans Honor Guard.

The Ceremonial Bugle is a dignifi ed method of playing Taps at a military funeral when a live bugler is not available for military funeral ceremonies. It was developed in order to provide a solemn visual image and as an alternative to the playing of a recorded version of Taps on a CD/cassette player.

The people present were, from left, front row, Larry Nibert, Gail Degood-Guy, Jerry Belt, Dick Cooper, Jeff Carlson; back row, John Crabbe, Gene Mosier, and John Willis.

Mt. Carmel Lodge Presents Ceremonial Bugle

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12 March/ April 2008

LIFE PLANNINGElder Care 101 – First Steps

Caregiving for an aging parent, spouse, domestic partner or close friend presents tough challenges, especially when a crisis hits and responsibility descends upon you suddenly. Maybe your mother has fallen and is hospitalized with a broken hip. Or your spouse has wandered off and gotten lost.

Caregiving descends upon us in all sorts of ways – through sudden crises or a series of small but unsettling mishaps and warning signs. You may be the only person to step in or you may simply be

By Mike Magee, M.D

the linchpin of a large network of family members and friends willing to help. Whatever the situation, you are not sure of the next step. Or even the fi rst step. Does your loved one need help? Here are warning signs:• Diffi culty walking – unsteady

when standing – recent fall(s)• Poor grooming and personal

hygiene – soiled clothing• Loss of appetite – changes in

eating / cooking habits• Spoiled or outdated food in fridge

– little nutritious food in home

There’s a lot to see and do! With the new Browning Masonic Travel Club, it’s easy and affordable.

The club is planning day-long bus trips where you can relax and enjoy the company of others to various points of interest in and around Ohio. There is no club fee or package to buy; you take as many or as few of the trips as you’d like. It’s designed to be affordable and trips are open to people ages 21-older.

You never know where the club may take you. Its fi rst outing was a trip to see a musical production at Detroit’s Gem Theater.

The next scheduled trip, Wednesday, April 23, will be to Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids, Mich. This will be highlighted by its botanical garden

Browning Launches Travel Cluband world-class sculpture park. Expect to see exhibitions and other special features during the visit.

A summer tour is also being planned for right here in Ohio. One of the tentative attractions is Put-In-Bay on Lake Erie’s western basin.

Anyone with a sense of adventure, interested in meeting new people and just getting out for a day is welcome to join in. For more information, call Carleen Sweet at Browning Masonic Community at 419-878-1819.

Browning Masonic Community is located at 8883 Browning Drive, Waterville. It offers the fi nest in retirement living for ages 55-older with independent living garden villa homes and apartments and assisted living options.

• Diminished driving skills – recent accidents – near misses

• Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed

• Reluctance to socialize• Diffi culty concentrating – poor

judgment• Memory loss – forgetfulness

– confusion• Mishandled medication(s)• Persistent fatigue – lack of energy• Personality changes – irritability

– sudden mood changes• Unopened mail – past due bills

– mishandled fi nances• Poor housekeeping / home

maintenance – unsafe conditionsWhat kind of help does your

loved one need? Are the problems undiagnosed but correctable? For example, prescription drugs interactions and other side effects, Vitamin B12 defi ciency, dehydration and other treatable conditions are mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia more frequently than most people realize. According to Consumer Reports on Health, “Any new health problem in an older person should be considered drug induced until proven otherwise.

If your loved one’s problems are not correctable, what living arrangements and nursing care plans are most appropriate? If they are able to remain in their own home, how do you fi gure out what kind of home care to arrange? Is assisted living preferred over nursing homes? What particular challenges does your loved one’s disability pose? What is the best way to access community resources? How will you manage it all – and still maintain a life of your own? This will be discussed in the next issue of the Beacon.

Mike Magee, M.D., is a recognized leader in the health care arena. He strives to help people understand the big picture of health and how our health care system works. Dr. Magee shares his views on these topics at

The Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids, Mich. is one of the destinations for the Browning Travel Club this spring.

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March/ April 2008 13

Growth and Challenges: The Home in the Early 20th Century


Following its start-up in the 1890s, The Ohio Masonic Home faced a new century. By 1904, a second building was planned and a corner-stone laying took place on Oct. 26. The Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star raised $14,000 for a “cottage” for those needing special brief or extended physical care. The building was dedicated May 10, 1905.

For a resident of The Home, there was always something going on. Picnics were common in warmer months. There were overnight outings around the state and in Springfi eld. The YMCA, opera house and theater were popular destinations. Through the generosity of fraternal organizations, youth residents enjoyed trips to the Cincinnati Zoo and Cedar Point.

River surrounded The Home on the hill. For a time, residents and staff were marooned.

The other was World War I, which saw 23 alumni of The Home serve in the armed forces. Entertainment became somewhat limited due to the country being at war, but it didn’t slow the progress of campus expansion. Additional buildings included cottages for boys and girls in 1915 and a power house the next year. The Grand Lodge and Eastern Star combined for a gift to build a hospital in 1918. A bequest from Ralph R. Rickly in 1921 helped push the project forward. Ground was broken March 1, 1922, and the building was dedicated on Oct. 17, 1923, to serve as a residence and a hospital for physically disabled residents. Still in existence today, the building carries the name Rickly Commons.

The very fi rst alumni homecom-ing of former residents of the child-rens home was held the weekend of July fourth in 1925, with 72 former residents returning. The reunions continue today, every other year. The next reunion will be held the weekend of July fourth in 2008.

The growing number of children at The Home in the late 1920s prompted the construction of a new building. The Cunningham Building opened in 1928. It was expanded in 1930 with 220 total rooms. After being renovated in the late 1990s, The Apartments at Cunningham Place now serves as an independent living residence for seniors. One current resident, Jim Zeigler, had lived there in the 1930s as a youngster and now lives there as a retiree.

This third in a series celebrating the 200th anniversary of Freemasonry looks at expansion and how life at The Ohio Masonic Home was affected by the changing times.

Worshipful Brother Jose Diaz, a Past Master of York Lodge #563 and an Associate Professor of History, is currently teaching a freshman seminar course

entitled, “From National Treasure to The Da Vinci Code: Freemasons, Fact, and Fiction” at The Ohio State University.

“I was really surprised by the number of students who wanted to take the class,” said Diaz. “At one point, this class had the longest waiting list of any at OSU. I will teach it again in the Spring quarter, and I already have 10 students enrolled.”

The course syllabus states that by the end of the seminar, students will be able to:• Understand the origins and

history of Freemasonry• Understand Freemasonry’s role

in American popular culture• Search and locate information

resources that are helpful in conducting more advanced research in Freemasonry and other fraternal orders

• Understand arguments for and against Freemasonry

The course will meet once a week for nine weeks. Each week will focus on a different topic. The three main textbooks for the course are S. Brent Morris’ The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry, Christopher Hodapp’s Freemasons for Dummies, and Mark Tabbert’s American Freemasons.

Worshipful Brother Diaz will take his class on a tour of the Grand Lodge Museum in Worthington and will conclude the 9th week with a viewing of the Stonecutters episode of “The Simpsons.”

Students study Freemasonry at OSU

A new form of transportation, the motorized vehicle, made it easier for Masonic groups to visit, helped employees get to and from work and gave residents a chance to get to town for shopping trips or other outings.

The second decade of the 20th century brought two historical events that impacted The Home. A disastrous fl ood that leveled Dayton also affected The Home, where waters from the nearby Mad

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Achieving a Lifetime of GoalsBy Right Worshipful Brother Timothy B. Strawn, CAE, President, The OMH Benevolent Endowment Foundation


In this issue of the Beacon, we feature Worshipful Brother Ray Burkhart, a longtime supporter of The Home. His dedication to the fraternity and interest in The Home resulted in a signifi cant gift which named the Springfi eld campus auditorium in honor of Ray and his late wife, Jean.

Brother Jerry Rasor.Worthington Chapter #287, Order of Eastern Star. While he has always maintained his lodge membership at Masterton, he became a frequent visitor to and good friend of New England Lodge #4. “My mentors and the people I admired were Masons,” Ray said. “You don’t have to be a Mason

to be a good person, but it certainly helps!”

Ray said he has tried to live in accordance with the Masonic teachings. “It has served me well in business as well as my personal life,” he said.

Ray is an active member and leader of Worthington Shrine Club. He also belongs to Scottish Rite and York Rite. Jean, Ray’s wife of 54 years before she died in 2004, was Worthy Matron of Worthington Chapter. “Eastern Star was great for us because it allowed us to enjoy Masonry together.” Ray and

Jean joined Eastern Star together in 1960 and served as Worthy Matron and Patron in 1973. Ray went on to serve as Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of Ohio, Order of Eastern Star, in 1995-96.

Ray is proud of his children: Doug, Dave, Darla and Debbie, and his nine grandchildren. They succeeded Ray

in operating the family business. They all gathered recently to celebrate Ray’s 80th birthday.

A former basketball player, Ray admires the coaching acumen of Texas Tech basketball coach Bob Knight. “He really understands the game,” Ray said.

These days, Ray’s leisure time activities include euchre and travel. He recently visited Alaska, Jamaica, Switzerland and Australia with Mrs. Lynn Porter, his companion the last three years.

Many people know the Burkhart name for the Springfi eld Masonic Community auditorium which bears that name. Working with the Home’s Benevolent Endowment Foundation, the auditorium in Rickly Commons was dedicated to Ray and Jean.

“It’s an honor to have our names on the auditorium,” Ray said. “I’m quite proud of it. I was already in The One Grand Club, but we wanted to do something more. The Ohio Masonic Home is the best possible use of those assets. I’ve received thanks for our contribution from a countless number of people. It’s a pleasure to be able to help others. I just wish it could have happened in my wife’s lifetime.”

To fi nd out how you can support The Ohio Masonic Home, please contact Right Worshipful Brother Tim Strawn, President of the Benevolent Endowment Foundation,toll free at 888-248-2664.

14 March/ April 2008

Nearly 60 years ago, Worshipful Brother Ray Burkhart identifi ed his life’s goals: buy a new Ford, become a sailor, get married and have four children, and become a Mason.

He has reached all his goals. He bought a car, joined the Navy, had four children with his late wife Jean, and joined Masterton Lodge #429. “I’ve had a good life,” Ray said.

Ray was raised on a farm in Noble County. As a young man, he became a member of Masterton Lodge in 1952 and later served as its Worshipful Master in 1959. Later, he moved from the Marietta area to Worthington and became a member of Horace W. Wright Chapter #226, RAM where he served as High Priest in 1968. He also served as President of the 11th Capitular District and was a charter member of Aladdin Shrine’s Past Masters Unit, founded by Most Worshipful

Stonington Mason WritesAbout Sandstone Quarries

From left, Lynn Porter, Tim Strawn, President of the Ohio Masonic Home Benevolent Endowment Foundation, and Brother Ray Burkhart.

James Hieb, Junior Steward of Stonington Lodge #503 in Amherst, Ohio, has authored a book about the Amherst (Lorain County) region, which has long been known as the “Sandstone Center of the World.”

The book explores the rich history of quarry life, and the dozens of companies that quarried sandstone in Lorain County during the past 160 years. Several charter members of Stonington Lodge were infl uential quarry owners.

For more information on the book, “Sandstone Center of the World,” visit

Page 15: Beacon_MarApr08

March/ April 2008 15

Thank You For Your GenerosityWe offer our grateful appreciation to the estates, individuals, groups, or other Masonic bodies who have supported The Ohio Masonic Home with gifts given between January 1 and February 29, 2008.

$10,000 +Apple, Marion L.Cameron, Janis E.Fleischman, Robert CarltonFrank, WalterGibson, Curtis A.Kelly, William H.Miles, Louise C.Mueller, Mildred B.Parsons, Marion

$5,000 - $9,999 Buckholtz, Kenneth O. & Faye R.English, WalterMoss, George K.Roberds, Russell F. & Phyllis L.Seifert, Dorothy T. & Myron T.Sterrett, Kenneth R.

$2,500 - $4,999 Gevedon, HelenHigh Twelve of Dayton Ohio,

Inc., No. 69Oberle, BettyValley of Cleveland, AASRWaddell, Harry D.

$1,000 - $2,499 Blendon Lodge #339, F&AMBrookville Lodge #596, F&AMDavis, Orlando W.Fleckner, Elsie B.Gooding, MabelHoffner Lodge #253, F&AMKissel, Neal L.Ralph R. Rickly Lodge #670,

F&AMSt. Andrews Lodge #619, F&AMThird Protestant Memorial

Church Endowment FundThirteenth Masonic District

AssociationWilliams, Frank R.

$500 - $999Amelia Lodge #590, F&AMArters, George D. & B.J.

Brookville Chapter #526, OESCarroll F. Clapp Lodge #655,

F&AMClifton-Gaston Allen Lodge

#664, F&AMCortland Lodge #529, F&AMCoy, Richard L.Fairborn Lodge #764, F&AMGoff, Martha J.Grove City Lodge #689, F&AMKelly, FloydKilwinning Lodge #356, F&AMMelrose Lodge #671, F&AMNew Carlisle Lodge #100,

F&AMNova Caesarea Harmony Lodge

#2, F&AMReisinger, LeRoySackett, Floris A.Solar Lodge #730, F&AMVictory Lodge #649, F&AMWilliam H. Hoover Lodge #770,

F&AMWilmington Lodge #52, F&AM

$100 - $499 24th Masonic District

AssociationAcme Lodge #554, F&AMAdams, Edward G., Jr.Adams, LeroyAdoniram-Joppa Lodge #517,

F&AMAkers, James GroverAlbany Lodge #723, F&AMAllen Lodge #276, F&AMAmbelang, Richard C. & JoApplebee, William L.Avery Lodge #493, F&AMBacon, Lester J.Barnes, JackBayley, Ruth E.Beaver, Glenn L.Bish, Thomas W.Black, Boyd C.Black, Ross R., IIBluffton Lodge #432, F&AM

Brown, Gordon P.Buckeye Lodge #150, F&AMByesville Lodge #654, F&AMCaliburn Lodge #785, F&AMCanton Lodge #60, F&AMCarson, Terry M.Chaplain, Milton F., Jr.Charity Lodge #530, F&AMClarksville Lodge #323, F&AMClinton Lodge #47, F&AMCoventry-Akron Lodge #83,

F&AMCreps, Michael R.Dalton Lodge #578, F&AMDelta Lodge #207, F&AMDickey, Joe, Jr.Dircks, Lehr L.Emery Lodge #258, F&AMEvergreen Lodge #222, F&AMFelicity Lodge #102, F&AMFenton, Craig B.Flasher, Eric A.Forest City Lodge #388, F&AMFulton Lodge #248, F&AMGarrett Wykoff Lodge #585,

F&AMGeese, Clarence D.Harrisville Lodge #137, F&AMHazlett, Jack C.Heights-Lion Heart Lodge

#633, F&AMHolcomb, J. Robert &

AntoinetteIsaac, GeorgeJacobs, Eric ToddJasper, Elbert B.Karr, Thomas W. & DianaKarth, Charles E. & MarjorieKellem, Craig W.King Hiram Lodge #88, F&AMKopacka, Jeffrey N.Ladies Fostoria Shriners ClubLinwood Lodge #567, F&AMLogan Elm Lodge #624, F&AMLone Star Lodge #175, F&AMMayberry, William P., Sr. &


McCorkle, L. M., Jr.Mount Akra Lodge #680,

F&AMMt. Vernon Chapter #23, RAMMuskingum Lodge #368,

F&AMMystic Tie Lodge #194, F&AMOhio City Lodge #486, F&AMOliver H. Perry Lodge #341,

F&AMOola Khan GrottoPeerless Lodge #591, F&AMPfeifer, Carl E. & NormaPoland, Michael H.Quarry Lodge #382, F&AMRadican, Joseph EdwardReid, John T.Rus, RonaldSchram, Gene E.Seneca Lodge #790, F&AMShade River Lodge #453,

F&AMSikora, Michael W.Smithfi eld Lodge #182, F&AMSocial Lodge #217, F&AMSoller, Fred E.Stafford Lodge #300, F&AMStands, Robert D.Steubenville Lodge #45,

F&AMStock, Edwin L.Stokes Lodge #305, F&AMStrait, Wilbur C.Taylor, Dan & KayTriangle Lodge #748, F&AMTrinity Lodge #710, F&AMValley of Dayton, AASRW.K. Ricksecker Lodge #606,

F&AMWalden, Douglas F.Warren Lodge #24, F&AMWebb, James W., M.D. & BettyWigger, John W.Young, Todd D.

Chandler Lodge Helps London Library

Chandler Lodge #138 in London, Ohio, collected used books from its members and at yard sales for six months. Lodge members then participated in a book sale at the London public library, which raised funds to benefi t the library.

The Lodge also collected fi nancial donations from its members, which

enabled the Lodge to buy 6 books about Freemasonry and two on U.S. history for the library. Prior to the Lodge’s donation, the library had no books on Freemasonry.

In the picture, from left, are Gary Branson, London Public Library Director; Brian Knoll, Master of Chandler Lodge; and Paul Thompson, Senior Deacon.

Page 16: Beacon_MarApr08

2655 W. National RoadSpringfi eld, Ohio 45504-3698Web site: www.ohiomasonichome.orgWeb site:

March/April 2008 • VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2

Prepared for ChangeIllustrious Brother Clarence L. Hartzell, III, 33˚

OES. He became interested in Freemasonry when a co-worker invited him to an open Lodge Installation ceremony. “I noticed that the Masons were all pillars of the community,” he said. “I knew then I had to learn more about the fraternity.” He’s glad he did. “Masonry has given back to me more than I could ever give to the fraternity,” he said. “It has taught me lessons I can apply in my everyday life.”

Jack’s wife of 38 years, Charlene, saw the value of the fraternity and joined Eastern Star, ultimately serving as Worthy Matron of Fulton Chapter #67. Jack’s son, Clarence IV, joined Wauseon Lodge and served as Worshipful Master. “He knew Masonry was an important part of my life,” Jack said. “When he turned 21, he asked me for a petition.”

Jack values the friendships he has developed within the fraternity. “You can’t get these types of friendships anywhere else,” he said.

Brother Hartzell serves as Chairman of the Board at the Browning Masonic Community in Waterville, a position he enjoys. “Browning Masonic Community serves an important role in providing assistance to the elderly,” he said. “The services provided by The Ohio Masonic Home and its subsidiaries is one of the best features of Ohio Freemasonry.”

Jack takes very seriously his role on the Board. “The Brethren have entrusted us with their support,” he said. “We owe it to them to be ready for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.” He is confi dent The Ohio Masonic Home and its subsidiaries will respond appropriately. “The staff is excellent,” he said. “And Board members are generous with their resources.”He looks forward to adapting to the inevitable changes coming within the long-term care industry. “The expectations of the Baby Boomers will be dramatically different,” he said. “We will be prepared to change.”

Illustrious Brother Clarence “Jack” Hartzell, III, 33˚, can often be found these days aboard his tractor or combine, following his

retirement from Toledo Edison, farming 200 acres of corn and soybeans in Fulton County. “It’s just a hobby,” Jack said. “With the technology that’s available now, farming isn’t the hard work it used to be.”

Jack is a Past Master of Wauseon Lodge #349; Past Thrice Potent Master of Miami Lodge of Perfection in the Valley of Toledo, AASR; Past High Priest of Wauseon Chapter #111, RAM and Past Illustrious Master of Wauseon Council #68, RSM; Past Commander of St George Commandery #76, and Past Worthy Patron of Fulton Chapter #67,


In This Issue:Golf Classic Coming to Cleveland Area...........Page 1Scofi eld Estate Launches New Charity..............Page 4Springfi eld Masonic Community Ranks High....Page 7Founders Day Dinners recap........................Page 8-9Browning Launches Travel Club.....................Page 12Students Study Free Masonry at OSU.............Page 13