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Be Mindful & Super Perform Into The

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© 2013 The Mudd Partnership | | @muddpartnership |

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What have the Davos World Economic Summit, Transport for London, Pernod Ricard, Carlsberg, Google, eBay, Reebok, The US Army & the Prue got in common?

We recently attended a cracking event in Edinburgh, hosted by Mindfulness4Scotland. Great Speakers including Michael Chaskalson, Bo Heima from Denmark and Dr Shandia Nataraja author of, “The Blissful Brain”; lots of interaction and plenty of opportunities for reflective practice and learning!

And what did we Learn?

Well, all the Companies and Organizations just listed, are just a few that have introduced Mindfulness courses and training into the workplace.

Meanwhile we read that Sir Antonio Pappano, the Music Director of the Royal Opera House, has claimed that today’s singers were less physically & mentally robust than those of previous generations and this got us thinking as well!

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© 2013 The Mudd Partnership | | @muddpartnership |

Page 3: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

Now regular followers of The Mudd Partnership Blogs will know that we are Passionate about both creating the conditions for and ensuring the Super Performance of Individuals, Teams, Organizations, Executive Boards & Businesses.

Recently we have looked at Building Resilience and Mental Toughness; Emotional Intelligence and Positivity; Innovation and Creativity in the Workplace; Authentic & Servant Leadership; & The Chimp Paradox.

We believe that understanding how these things can impact upon and influence attitudes, behaviors and performance, is crucial to ensuring on a Personal Level – Physical Well being, Mental Stamina and Resilience; whilst in the Workplace creating the conditions for Super Performance.

We would now add to this list Mindfulness and these are some of the reasons why, taking in both the Individual & the Organizational dimension.

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Page 4: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

On an Individual Level:

• Better Concentration, An Increased Focus & Mental Acuity, Improved Cognitive Flexibility,  Heightened Innovation & Creativity;

• A Better Quality of Relationship, better emotional regulation, more empathy;

• An Increased Mental & Physical Resilience;

• An Increased ability to Relax and Improved Sleeping Patterns; &

• A Marked reduction in general Stress Levels and feelings of being Unable to Cope.

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© 2013 The Mudd Partnership | | @muddpartnership |

Page 5: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

On the Organizational Level:

This is where Mindfulness programmes have been introduced, employers have been able to report:

• Increased Productivity;

• Significant reductions in both stress related Absences & Scripts for Depression: Which is pretty important when you consider that British Businesses lose an estimated £26 Billion in Sickness Absence & loss of production each year;

• Significant reductions reported in episodes of conflict in the Workplace; &

• A reduction in Staff Turnover: Which is also significant when you consider that more than 3/4 of Public Sector staff (CIPD Report 2012) reported they’d had a Pay freeze in the previous 12 months, along with 58% of the Voluntary Sector workforce and 51% of Private Sector Employees.

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© 2013 The Mudd Partnership | | @muddpartnership |

Page 6: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

According to another recent CIPD Employee Outlook Report, a continuing trend amongst a number of Organizations was noted where traditional notions of Leadership were being challenged in favour of identifying Leaders & emerging Leaders who were Authentic, Ethical, Trusted & able to engage & lead in both good and bad times & a further benefit of Mindfulness training is cited as being able to reconnect you with your Authentic self.

In part this trend was put down to the prolonged economic downturn following the Banking Collapse of 2008. However, it was also part of a growing recognition amongst employers that a high stress and non-supportive workplace culture can have a highly toxic impact & not only on performance but also on efforts to retain and develop staff. Which also adds another tremendous cost to the business as well as allowing skills to bleed out.

In a future Blog we’ll take a closer look at some of the tools and techniques for using and incorporating Mindfulness both in the workplace and in your daily life, which all have an increasing body of cognitive neuroscience research behind them.

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© 2013 The Mudd Partnership | | @muddpartnership |

Page 7: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

The Mudd Partnership will also be looking at how it can incorporate Mindfulness into relevant areas of its’ Coaching Practice and also be participating in student research in support of the University of Aberdeen’s MSC Programme in Mindfulness Studies.

On a very practical level however what is Mindfulness and what are we looking for to introduce and incorporate it into the Workplace context?

Mindfulness in its’ most literal sense is a translation of a word that simply means Awareness. It is a direct, intuitive knowing of what you are doing, while you are doing. As Peter Senge might describe as part of Personal Mastery, it’s an example of “Conscious Competence”.

It’s also both a physical and mental connectivity; being aware of what is going on inside your mind and body and what’s going on simultaneously in the outside world.

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Page 8: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

I’m sure we’d all agree that Working Life requires a high degree of mental clarity and focus. Think of an everyday work situation and how you currently approach it. For example, how do you consider your presence, your purpose and your impact before a meeting?

One way might be to use a model on Credibility developed by J Bonde and J Mackmersh which can really help you think before heading into “The Room”: It looks at History, First Impressions, Knowledge, Congruence, Finish & PR, as well as Actions, Visibility & Associations.

Another way however, is by using Mindfulness techniques which will help you to respond, rather than react to situations; & with the required flexibility and resilience as well!

Mindfulness also has a role to play in developing Organizational Resilience, as well as Individual Resilience, which are both extremely important for Agility and Super Performance.

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Page 9: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

However in Corporate Life there isn’t a given and there is clearly a Business Case to be made before introducing Mindfulness into the work setting and this requires amongst other things:

• Establishing Organizational Relevance: By speaking with sustained and compelling relevance and using both sector-specific and company-specific dialect and terms;

• Establishing Organizational Sustainability; &

• Establishing Organizational Feasibility: Particular in the scope and scale and how it’s implemented.

As we have written in other Blogs, Change is a constant both on the Individual and the Organizational level. Regardless of our Personal Life, in our Working Life we can expect as Kotter & Schlesinger wrote in their 1979 book, ‘Choosing Strategies For Change’, to undertake moderate organizational changes at least once a year and major changes every four or five years – Hence also Peter Drucker’s “Five Year Plan” - & that’s certainly been the experience of colleagues at The Mudd Partnership.

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Page 10: Be Mindful and Super Perform!

Resilience then is a key Corporate & Individual strength and if the practice of Mindfulness can add value to and augment our Resilience and our ability to adapt to and cope with upheaval and change then it is also a Bargain to boot!!

We hope you have found this Slideshow to be interesting and for further details on Mindfulness contact

Stop Press:Also coming soon, Watch Out for The Mudd Partnership Takeaway – A new series of Blogs and Guest Blogs, e-Zines, Slide Share, You Tube posts & Infogests bringing to you, “Inspiring Ideas 4 An Inspiring Life @Work @Play”: Also Keep An Eye Open for the launch of the new The Mudd Partnership Place & follow us on Twitter @muddpartnership

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