Download - Be Connected - Digital Marketing Summer 2015

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Be Connected or Get Disconnected.

DIGITAL MARKETING and why it ’s important.

Created by Shirley Reul, Marketing Director

© copyright Summer 2015

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Traditional Marketing: Radio, Newspapers, Magazines & TV…

…are still used today, probably not going anywhere anytime soon, and if certain

methods work, by all means don’t stop… BUT…

Benefits of Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Advertising


…Traditional media is on the decline as the whole world is connected to the internet. And, print media has been dying a slow and painful death.

With these methods, one can only HOPE to reach their target audience…

and there is no true way to measure if it is working or not. The one that makes out is who you’ve invested with (e.g. magazine, newspaper…)

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Benefits of Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Advertising


Digital Marketing: Website, Display Ads, SEM, Video, Blogs…

…supplements traditional methods and are less intrusive than traditional methods.

They are geared to hold the audience’s attention, are less expensive, have a broader and targeted reach, make it easy to share information, provide a real-time analysis and are future proof.

Bottom line, Social media is here to stay. If you don’t have the time or the budget to build your brand online, you will be washed away by companies who make the investment.

Digital Marketing Trends of 2015 Watch Video on next slide>>

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Digital Marketing MOBILITY - Nearly everywhere you turn people are tuning in and jumping on the

technology bandwagon. No longer does a consumer have to sit in front of a computer to go online. They can browse the Internet from anywhere on their IP- capable devices.

The beauty of online marketing is that it goes wherever the consumer goes unlike traditional modes of advertisement.

GLOBAL REACH - You are able to reach a wider audience and also market specifically towards your member profile.

TARGETED AUDIENCES – You are able to place your ads strategically to attract your desired members.

Benefits of Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Advertising


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Digital Marketing MEASURABLE OUTCOMES – Simply put: “You can’t manage what you can’t

measure.” Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Analytical Reporting allow companies to measure the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns. The results are measurable, and immediate action can be taken to spot trends and re-align campaigns.


tracking, means you don’t have to wait

weeks and can refine your strategy,

if needed.

Benefits of Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Advertising


Digital vs. Traditional Advertising Watch Video on next slide>>

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COST EFFECTIVENESS – Extremely cheaper than traditional print

advertising. The starting cost of online marketing is only a fraction of the thousands of dollars that are spent (or where) on print advertisements, the Yellow Pages, and TV & radio ads.

Benefits of Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Advertising


How the Internet is Changing Advertising Watch Video on next slide>>

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Why Many Are Investing in Facebook Advertising!

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It’s where the people are (e.g. not the yellow pages!) With approximately 1.44 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the 2nd-most visited website on the Internet (behind Google). All those eyeballs mean plenty of exposure for your ads.

936 million daily active users on average for March 2015 798 million mobile daily active users on average for March 2015 1.44 billion monthly active users as of March 31, 2015 1.25 billion mobile monthly active users as of March 31, 2015

Facebook offers targeted advertising. Facebook allows advertisers to target a specific group of people based on age, location, demographics, socioeconomic status, interests and more. Facebook can even comb through user profiles to place your ads that are only relevant to them or based on their latest Google searches.

Why Invest in Facebook Advertising?


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Facebook ads are more flexible than Google AdWords. Compared to Google AdWords, Facebook offers additional character length for ad descriptions. The ability to create image-based ads also adds flexibility.

Facebook users offer heightened audience engagement. Facebook users visit the website not only to consume information, but also to create it. This results in a higher retention rate that improves ad visibility.

Facebook facilitates multiple ad views. Your ad has a better chance of getting noticed or having a positive effect when seen multiple times. A high number of Facebook users visit the site several times a day.

Choose between CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per one thousand impressions) pay structures. Facebook allows advertisers to purchase ad space on a click-based or impression-based fee structure. This allows you to tailor your ad campaign based on budget and other preferences.

Why Invest in Facebook Advertising?


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Ability to reach smartphone users. Facebook is accessed via smartphones worldwide every single day. This means advertisers not only have the ability to reach people on their computers, but also people out in the world as well.

Advertising on Facebook is inexpensive. Thanks to the

targeted nature of Facebook advertising, your online campaign can reach your target market for a fairly affordable price. Range of packages for impression-based campaigns is also fairly large, allowing you to reach as many users as your budget allows. Bottom line, you can set your own budget based on how much you want to spend per day/week/month…

Why Invest in Facebook Advertising?


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89% of people interested in properties use their smartphones and tablets to get more information about properties and


Video, which is also a huge piece of the pie, when it comes to digital marketing, has become the primary marketing tool when selling real estate because as much as 70% of potential clients like to see a virtual tour of the property before they even step foot on the actual location.

86% of potential clients want to see a video about the community, as well as other videos showcasing the member or staff testimonials, on top of videos showing the property.

Digital Marketing in Real Estate Continues to Make Waves…


Digital Marketing is how top performing real estate professionals get high quality converting leads, as 90%

of people searching for properties, do so online.

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36% of home buyers use a mobile device while watching TV.

On weekends, 59% of page views on real estate websites come from smartphones and tablets.

90% of licensed real estate professionals are now using social media for marketing, generating leads and building relationships with potential buyers.

Since 2014, more than half of all online adults 65 and older (56%) use Facebook. This represents 31% of all seniors.

Digital Marketing in Real Estate Continues to Make Waves…


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Social media marketing is very effective for real estate that it is now the second highest industry that use this tool for generating inbound leads as confirmed by a recent Consumer Engagement study.

More and more real estate professionals are finding themselves using popular social media networks.

Urgency is the name of the game in 2015 and those who can generate a response within the minute a high quality lead is generated can get as much as 400% increase in conversion rates by simply doing so.

Like social media, mobile marketing is another popular digital marketing channel that is getting popular attention from marketers and business owners across various industries.

Social Media & Mobile Marketing


Social networking will continue to be a big thing in Real Estate marketing in 2015, with more than 90% licensed real estate professionals using social media for marketing, generating leads, and building relationships with potential customers.

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Videos increases Leads! You’ve heard that a picture is worth 1,000 words?

Well, Forrester Research found that just one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words — that’s the same as roughly 3,600 Web pages of text.

The Power of Video for Real Estate…


According to the Online Publishers Association, 80 % of viewers remember what they’ve seen in online videos.

A study by international listing website found that video increased listing inquiries by 403%. That’s inquiries, not just views. In other words, properties listed with video generated four times the number of quality leads.

Forrester Research found that including video in marketing emails doubles click-through rates. And according to marketing automation firm Eloqua, video reduces email subscriber opt-outs by 75%. Add video to your marketing emails, and you’ll not only hold onto your audience, you’ll get more engagement.

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Videos increases Leads! 16 minutes and 49 seconds: According to comScore, that’s how much

time the average user spends watching online video ads every month.

According to the Online Publishers Association, 80% of Internet users who recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days.

Of that 80%, 46% took some action after viewing the ad. In fact: 26% looked for more information about the subject of the video 22% visited the website named in the ad 15% visited the company represented in the video ad 12% purchased the specific product featured in the ad

The Power of Video for Real Estate…


Why Video is a Must! Watch video on next slide >>

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