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Birthday Celebrations ofBHAGAWAN SRI SATHYA



23rd November 2013AT



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Remembering SAI with love...

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Sathya Sai Baba Centre Of SerembanAffiliated to Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia

Regd. No. PPM/NS 278/82-41 ( Affiliation No. FN8 )An Inter-Faith Non-Profit NGO Dedicated Towards The Promotion Of Human-Values

And Selfless Service To The Poor, Sick And Needy For Nation Building.3269, Jalan Kaloi 20, Taman Permai 2, 70200 Seremban


Sri Sathya Sai Baba Birthday Celebrations Programme 2013






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Sathya Sai Baba Centre Of SerembanAffiliated to Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia

Regd. No. PPM/NS 278/82-41 ( Affiliation No. FN8 )An Inter-Faith Non-Profit NGO Dedicated Towards The Promotion Of Human-Values

And Selfless Service To The Poor, Sick And Needy For Nation Building.3269, Jalan Kaloi 20, Taman Permai 2, 70200 Seremban

23rd. November, 2013

My humble Pranams at the Lotus Feet of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

This year’s Birthday celebration theme is “Serve and Be Transformed”. Swami says “grow in love, expand in love and merge with God who is Love, the best is done through Service to the poor and needy and there is no discipline like Service for the eradication of “EGO”. “Manasa Seva is Madhava Seva” – Service to Mankind is Service to God, the Centre on its part has and continues to carry out services activities and out-reaching programmes on a regular basis. Amongst, the service and outreaching activities that are being carried out are:- supplying of monthly dry rations to needy families, hospital visits, weekly medical clinic and tuition classes at the Centre, specific activities at the Makkal Illam, monthly bhajans at the Palanimalai Murugan temple in Temiang and others on request. In addition to that, the weekly SSE classes caters for about 120 children.

I would also like to put in record a word of thanks to ALL the various Coordinators for their dedication and services of their respective wings.

I take this opportunity to thank all devotees, residents of Taman Permai and well-wishers for their attendance, contributions and participations in the activities carried out by the Centre. To the members of the Organizing Committee of this year’s Swami’s Birthday Celebrations a big thank you for your untiring efforts, inputs and sacrifices to make this Annual event a memorable one..

We pray for Swami’s continuous Blessings, Love and Guidance.

Jai Sai Ram Yours in SAI Service

A.K.Karuman ( Chairman ) SSBC Seremban


SecretaryV. Vijendran

TreasurerN. Jayanthi

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“O Swami, let not anything that I see, let not anyone whom I meet, disturb my faith.

O Bhagawan, help me to grow stronger and stronger, day-by-day, in faith.

Bhagawan, help me to be nearer anddearer to You.

Bhagawan, help me to know Your message.

Bhagawan, help me to know the spirit andthe message of Your Avatar.

Swami, help me to practice all the principles thatYou teach us.

Swami, let me not be cut off from You;let me not be away from You.

Let not the world take me away from You;let not my attachments come between You and

me. Let no one be between You and me, Swami.

Let me experience in true spirit that You andI are One.”

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What is the Real Meaning of Bhagawan’s Birthday?

What is the real meaning of Bhagawan’s Birthday? Howcan we understand it? Strictly speaking Bhagawan has come with neither a beginning nor an end. His Advent is one of continuity. It is one of eternity. Then, why have the fun of a Birthday celebration?. God, who has no beginning, who has no end, is now having a Birthday celebration. What does it mean?

This Birthday celebration has nothing to do with the customary way we celebrate our birthdays. The day when you think of God is your birthday. The day when we feel the nearness with God is our birthday. The day when we find Oneness with the Divine is our birthday. The day when we follow His teachings is our birthday.

So these Birthday celebrations call for our determination to identify ourselves with the Divine, to follow His teachings, so as to bring a transformation in our lives, to find a purpose for our lives, and to lead a meaningful life hereafter. That is the message of Bhagawan’s Birthday celebrations.

It’s not merely a celebration of festivity, gaiety, and cake-cutting. It is not simply that which goes with the celebration, the paraphernalia, the extravaganza, and the activities. All these celebrations and music, they are all symbolic. The underlying spirit is everlasting. All the rest is a sort ritual, a sort of fun, and a sort of ‘enlightenment” for the time being.

What should continue from then on is a celebration in depth. What has to be borne in mind is the significance of the Birthday celebrations.

(An extract from the book Sai Blossoms by Prof.Anil Kumar)

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BEING HUMBLEby Sivananda Sundralingam

The essence of being has always been a characteristic much praised, applauded and received adulation. As much as education and academic credentials are looked upon in admiration, many have not given much thought to displaying the simplicity of being down to earth. This phenomenon is a growing concern as society lacks that specific trait. Many probably feel that reaching the zenith in their career and shielding oneself with the adequate qualification in more than adequate to be accepted in society. Thus arrogance and being haughty take precedence as these individuals disregard the qualities of humility, and portray poor social graces and some even lack refinement in character. Rudyard Kipling has stated in his poem “If” one should be able to move with the Kings yet keep the common touch. It’s the common touch that society seems to be oblivious and realizing there are times when these faction of society are the ones that come to aid in times of trials and tribulation.

The nuances of humility have lost its flavor as many disregard the importance it holds in society. A man is judged by his disposition and deportment in character. Being genteel and possessing the fineries of life is integral for an individual. Society today perceives being humble as one of the most cardinal part of human development. He or she will be able to scale greater heights if they can articulate and carry themselves with dignity, pride and honor. The latter is mirrored in their achievements, contribution and commitment to mankind.

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Needless to say it is paramount for to be warm, gregarious and to put a smile at all times. Having said that, they should also be able to mix freely with all strata of society and not to be rigid in their circle of friends. This is essential to carve an individual with all the qualities he or she should possess. It is pointless if one cannot socialize freely and becomes a social misfit. This scenario has taken place where there are those holding high positions, but lack the grace and demeanor to have eye contact and merely break the ice with a stranger. Thus being humble can make a person reach the stars and not to be recluse in society.

Education today should also focus on developing character and wellbeing instead of just reaching for the stars in the academic world. All in all being humble has never been a stumbling block for anyone.

(Article reproduced from JCS’s Pathfinder magazine)

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About rendering Service…by Aravind Balasubramanyar

Over to Prashanti Nilayam.......

Sathya Sai Baba often tells us of the wonderful hierarchy that exists in the human body and compares that to the ideal society. There are cells which make up tissues which in turn constitute the organs. These organs make the human body. And here, each cell is of paramount importance. Even if one misbehaves there is a potential for bodily breakdown by cancer. At the same time, if anything happens to the body - say the leg gets gangrenous. This has the potential to be fatal. So the cells elsewhere in the body cannot sit mute thinking that the problems are only in the leg and That, is not a problem for us.

The entire cosmos too is built in this 4 tier hierarchy.

The Vyashti (Individual) is a part of Samashti (society), which is a part of Srishti (Creation) and that is a part of Parameshti (God). A single individual like a cancerous society has the potential to harm everything. And conversely, every single imbalance in creation is bound to reflect on the individual some time or the other like the gangrene. It is here that the importance of service and Unity cannot be over emphasized.

We very often mistake Service to be some help rendered to others. There was once a farmer with the best watermelons in the country. After every harvest, he would distribute his seeds to all other farmers in his village. While everyone considered him to be doing a great service he said that if he did not do as he was doing, the bees may pollinate his flowers with lesser grade pollen from the flowers of other fields. Then he would no longer have the best watermelons. So to ensure perfect harvest, he did the so called service. Service benefits the recipient no doubt, but the one who serves benefits most. If we remember this, the things we think and do daily will be so much different than what we do daily!

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A passer by once saw a little calf stranded in slush and was struggling to get out. He immediately dived in and rescued it. It was hailed as an act of service by some while some,laughed at it as an act of foolishness. The man simply said, "I was in great pain to see that calf suffering. I did nothing foolish nor did I render service. Whatever I did, I did it to ease my own pain." When we stand strong in this feeling alone can we render service, for in the process of service, we are truly helping ourselves. That is how the Golden Age that has been promised to us will arrive.

How will the Golden Age be?

Let us take the example of Prashanti Nilayam (the ashram of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India).

Everything there - from cleaning bathrooms to seating people for Swami's darshan- is done by volunteers. As a result, there is cleanliness, order and discipline. Items are available in the stores at very low prices. All are smiling. And how is that achieved? Members from each state serve for 15 days a year and then become recipients of that service throughout the rest of the year. By the strength of service alone, Prashanti Nilayam runs. And it is not that everyone is always serving. 15 days is just about 4% of a year. There is a message for all. If we are all ready to serve with just 4% of our strength, energies, money and time, we can build Prashanti Nilayam wherever we are! And to do this, let us never think that how are we important. The others will do it. Remember the cell in the human body. Each one is vital for the overall well being.

With this noble endeavour in mind, let us all get together and pool in our resources. And these include our most valuable resource - our values. A simple " Be good, See Good and Do Good" gives us great solutions.


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FAITH IN MadhviSai

Baba, you gave me faith in myself, not only on days when I'm going great and winning and nothing seems impossible, but on days when the whole world looks lousy and I'm losing and the road ahead seems too hard.

When I wonder if I'm brave enough or smart enough and that I must be crazy to try, please don't let me quit Lord .......not ever! Let me keep the faith in myself.

No matter how many people discourage me...doubt me...laugh at me...warn me...think me a not let me listen. Let me hear YOUR voice telling me, "You can do it my child....and you WILL!"

If nobody else in this world cares, or believes in me, I know that YOU believe in me. I know there will be times when I will doubt my own abilities, be discouraged and on the verge of despair, but please Baba, please do not do not let me give up!

Dearest Baba, YOU are the source of life and power. YOU are the source of my abilities and my faith. Please hang onto me and fan the 'fires' so that I'll try even harder. Give me more faith in myself.

Don't let me quit my sweet Lord, not ever.

Help me to keep..... the faith in myself.

Remain Blessed!

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Swami’s Short Messages“Do not demean your talents; when you dive deep into yourself, you can discover the source of all strength. Small ants in millions creeping over a rock, can carve a deep groove along their path. Even the minute feet of the ants have that power. You might have seen on the walls around village wells, how hollow pits are produced on granite slabs by placing on them mud water pots continuously. Even though the pots are made of mud, over the years they erase even the hardest granite and make them hollow. The Atma Swarupam (Embodiment of Divine Self) is not Alpa Swarupam (insignificant). It is a powerful dynamo, capable of generating enormous power. The Spiritual teacher (Guru) shows you the goal (Guri), but you must generate the power yourself, by your own spiritual effort (Sadhana).”

- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1964-

“Be eager and earnest to learn more and more about the art of joyful living, the art of being happy always. People are happy when they dress well, wear rich clothes and strut about the streets. At times, this may cause envy among the little children who cannot afford these, and one may even feel elated with that response! But you can afford to be legitimately proud, only when you are able to control the vagaries of your mind and direct your emotions along honourable and healthy channels, braving even the ridicule of your so-called friends. That is true freedom; that is true success. If you reach that stage, then you become a seasoned driver and you can be trusted with the wheel on any road, and with any cargo, however precious. Now you are trained to not cause harm, either to yourself or to others. This stage is when you truly deserve to become a leader.”

- Divine Discourse, Nov 25, 1959

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“Everyone is now seeking comfort and pleasure; it is considered the be-all and end-all. If you tell someone that he or she can eat whatever they like and as much as they like, they will be delighted. If you add that they may develop, as a natural consequence, illnesses and describe the suffering associated with it, you will immediately become their enemy! No regimen or control is ever popular. However, know that strength is derived only from control, only from restraint and regulation. One becomes tough and capable of endurance only if hardships are welcomed. Struggle, and you get the strength to succeed. Seek the basis for the seen in the unseen. The tall skyscraper has a deep base buried deep into the earth.”

- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1964

“Service is the highest spiritual discipline. Prayer and meditation, knowledge of scripture and Vedanta cannot help you reach the goal as quickly as service can. Service has a double effect; it extinguishes the ego and gives bliss.”

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With Swami’s grace we have been blessed with a beautiful and meaningful building to carry out our activities.

Spiritual Activities:• Bhajans (weekly on Thursday starting at 7.30 pm except for the last

Thursday of the month its Children’s bhajans at 7.45 pm. On alternative Sundays Tamil bhajans at 7.45 pm. While on the 4th. Friday of every month bhajans at the Temiang Palani Murugan commencing at 7.30pm. Apart from that special bhajans at the homes of devotees and other temples as per requests.

• Observance of various religious festivals.• Omkarar and Suprabatham is held on alternate Sunday mornings at 6.30

am.• Vedic chantings and Bhagawad Gita classes on Mondays as from 6.00pm.• Gayathri Mantra Chanting on every Sunday commencing from 7pm.• Study Circle on the second last Thursday of the month immediately after

the bhajans.

Service Activities:

v The supply of dry rations and other essentials to 6 needy families.v Annual school children’s requirements.v Children and Old Folks Homes visits/hospital visits.v Involvement in the State’s Community Adoption Programme.v Free Medical Clinics on Tuesdays from 7.30pm – 9 pm.

Educational Activities:

Ø SSE Classes (group 1, 2, 3 & Teen Youths) are held on every Friday except on public holidays . and schools holidays commencing at 7.45 pm. A total of 12 gurus are involved. The students are also actively involved in the stage presentation of various programmes of the Centre and as well taking part in the State EDUCARE carnival winning majority of the prizes. While the Teen Youths also involved with some service projects of their own.

Ø Tuition Classes for the benefit of children in the vicinity of the centre started from 4.2.12. Currently, 15 students (Std. 1 - Std.6) do attend the classes held on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am till 12 noon at the centre. The subjects taught are English, Bahasa Malaysia, Maths, Arts & Crafts.


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Ladies Activities:

v The Ladies Wing is involved in almost all the activities of the Centre. They are the backbone of the Centre also actively involved in the cleaning of the Centre, altar arrangements etc.

v The Ladies Wing does host Gayathri mantra chantings sessions in the homes of the devotees as per requests and also at the Makkal Illam on a monthly basis with some bhajans.

v Ladies’s Day (19th. November) is also celebrated with seva activities at the Old Folks homes.

v The LIGHT programme has also been initiated in the Centre by the Ladies Wing – it’s ongoing.

Youth Activities:

Ø The Youths help around with most of the Centre activities and also are actively are involved in the State Youths programmes.