Download - BCDC Minutes 20110613 - Benton Meeting Minutes 06/13/2011 President Chuck Wartner called the meeting to order at 6:33 with the following members present: Chuck Wartner, Crystal Erdenberger,


BCDC Meeting Minutes

06/13/2011 President Chuck Wartner called the meeting to order at 6:33 with the following members present: Chuck Wartner, Crystal Erdenberger, Myrna Sysko, Rose Walton, Leo Scanlan, Steffanie Nemitz, Steve Malone (6:40), Sara Monson (6:46), and Patti Felderman (7:10) Approval of the May meeting minutes: Myrna Sysko motioned that the May Meeting Minutes be accepted as printed, seconded by Crystal Erdenberger. Voice Vote, all ayes, motion carried. Treasurers Report: Crystal Erdenberger presented the May Treasurer’s report. Crystal mentioned that she did get the returned newsletter’s and gave them directly to Andrew, Rose asked that she give them to her going forward so that she could format the changes for Andrew. Chuck Wartner mentioned how nice it was to have the detailed report every month. Rose Walton motioned to accept the report as printed, this was seconded by Myrna Sysko, Voice vote, all ayes, motion carried.

Community Wide Garage Sale Summary: Crystal reported that we made a profit of $127.33 on the Community Wide Garage Sale. She noted that she would probably suggest that we do not have the breakfast food available next year as it did not go over as well as we had hoped. The inserts in the paper were a very good idea, she stated that most people did not need maps as they already had their inserts. She would strongly suggest doing this again. Jill did a great job on putting the maps together. The idea of moving the brat stand closer to the center of town next year was discussed with several locations that came up, the parking lot across Bean St from the Zephyr Depot and the bank parking lot across Main St from the bank. Coupon Book Sale Update: Darnell was not present to tell us where we are on these for sure. We know that Darnell has sold almost all of her half of the coupon books, but we have not received the money from these to deposit. Crystal has deposited $240.00 for the sale of coupon books so far. We have sold two at the

bank and one was taken at the Chicken Barbeque. We will have a better idea of where we are on the coupon sales next month. Chicken Barbeque and Open House: Darnell emailed the Revenue and expenses to the BCDC Distribution list. This list does not give a complete picture as it does not show the advertising expenses and the expense for the band that the BBI grant covered. If the BBI had not been involved this year they would have been expenses that the BCDC would have incurred and would give us a better picture of the profit of this year compared to other years. There is a lot of work involved in this event, even for the amount of profit that was brought in this year. Should we cut down portion sizes, do we order less food? Again we need to set down and discuss what the true purpose of this event is and if it is something that we want to continue to do. Community Fund Update: Chuck Wartner reported that we received $1250 in funding which brings us to a total of $71,607 and we have received around $1000 this month so far as well. Helpers for Entertainment in the Park, Labor Day Street Dance, and Fall Decorating/Halloween Hooley: Steve Malone is willing to help with set up and tear down again this year, but he is not willing to do it all by himself. He was under the impression that committees had already been assigned and there was an entire new group that wanted to work the street dance going forward. It was explained that the committee sheet was simply to sign up for which committees you would like to be on and that nothing had been changed for the street dance at this point. No Chairman has been appointed and people just signed up to work on it. Steve noted that he and Kay would be happy to help organize but they do not want to do all of the work. It was agreed that was why a committee sign up was started so that the same people would not be doing all of the work on all of the events throughout the year.        March              April         May                                  St.  Patricks  Day                              Community  Wide                          Community  Wide                  Downtown  Decorating                    Garage  Sale  Weekend          Spring  Planting/Clean-­‐up  Myrna  Sysko,  Renee  Wartner,     Ann  McCrea,           Myrna  Sysko,  Cindy  and  Jeff  Ann  McCrea,  Chuck  Wartner     Crystal  Erdenberger-­‐Chair    

Thumster,  Jill  Knight,  Rose  Walton  

             Aaron  Erdenberger,  Steve  Malone     Maggie  Langkamp-­‐Chair  

                            Ryan  Carver      

                             May                  May                July                                          Spring  Fling                                        Memorial  Day                                                    July  4th    

                                   Chicken  BBQ                        Downtown  Decorating                      Downtown  Decorating  Myrna  Sysko,  Jill  Knight,  Michelle  Carver             Myrna  Sysko,  Renee  Wartner,  Carver,  Renee  Wartner  (Chicken  Costume)                   Chuck  Wartner        Darnell  Hendricks-­‐Chair,  Kay  Brink  Co-­‐Chair                              Chuck  Wartner,  Jessica  Polfer,  Gary  Neis                              Steve  Malone,  Vicki  Farrey,  Ryan  Carver                        August         September       September                                Labor  Day  Weekend                          Labor  Day  Weekend              Entertainment  in  the  Park                                          Street  Dance                                        Chicken  BBQ    Kay  Brink,  Steve  Malone     Myrna  Sysko,  Michelle  Carver     Gary  Neis,  Ann  Neis    

Crystal  Erdenberger-­‐Chair     Kay  Brink,  Steve  Malone     Steve  Malone,  Kay  Brink  Aaron  Erdenberger         Jessica  Polfer         Vicki  Farrey      


                             October          October         December                                      Fall/Halloween                          Halloween  Hooley                                              Christmas                  Downtown  Decorating                  and  Halloween  Parade                  Downtown  Decorating  Myrna  Sysko,  Jill  Knight     Myrna  Sysko,  Renee  Wartner     Bank          Renee  Wartner,  Darnell  Hendricks     Chuck  Wartner,  Rose  Walton                Chuck  Wartner,  Michelle  Carver,     Crystal  and  Aaron  Erdenberger                

Rose  Walton         Steve  Malone,  Kay  Brink                         Julie  Neis,  Ann  Neis              

  December         December                        Tree  of  Love  Lighting,  Santa                                            Garland  Sales                and  Christmas  Carolling                  Marketing/Advertising  Myrna  Sysko,  Vicki  Farrey     Jill  Knight,  Renee  Wartner     Rose  Walton      Bill  and  Sharon  Bastian     Chuck  Wartner,  Rose  Walton     Maggie  Langkamp      

              Kay  Brink,  Steve  Malone                               Crystal  and  Aaron  Erdenberger                


                                 Coupon  Books              Community  Bulletin  Board      Ground  Hogs  

Auction                          Darnell  Hendricks,  Chuck  Wartner    

Aaron  Erdenberger             Crystal  and  Aaron  Erdenberger  

Maggie  Langkamp                       Steve  Malone,  Kay  Brink                               Ryan  Carver      


BCDC-20 year Anniversary next year: We will need to discuss how we plan on celebrating the anniversary. Will it be a onetime event or at all events throughout the year. Something to think about and discuss at future meetings. Joint Library & Swindlers Ridge Open House: Leo Scanlon was present to discuss this event. Chuck Wartner asked what the organization between Swindlers Ridge and the BCDC was. The BCDC used to pay the insurance and pay some of the expenses for Swindlers Ridge, the liability of having other peoples belongings in the museum and not knowing the value of the items caused a problem with the BCDC insurance, so Swindler’s Ridge was asked to get their own insurance so that the BCDC did not have to take on that liability. At the present time the funding for the museum comes from the sale of the Benton Video and profits from the Lauren Farrey books. Leo stated that he is not sure where the Brat and Hamburger Sale came from but the plan is that on July 23rd the Library will be serving Cookies, Bars and Lemonade and the museum will be doing a scavenger hunt, ice cream and root beer. Leo is also looking into a matching grant from the Catholic order of Forresters to help fund the museum. Help for Swindler’s Ridge Museum: Leo also noted that he had lost several very valuable members of the Swindler’s Ridge Volunteer Group including Pauline Alexander, Malcolm French, and Steve Calvert. The museum is always looking for more help. Crystal Erdenberger brought up an idea of a door bell system in which volunteers would be notified of a visitor at the museum and they could then meet the people there and take them through it. Entertainment in the Park: Chuck Wartner reported that Barbara Sue Schubart from Shullsburg approached him about working with us and helping us promote our entertainment in the park. Crystal Erdenberger stated that the idea of entertainment in the park came out of Aaron Erdenberger wanting to use his talent to bring the community together and use the park. She said that as long as it does not get too big that she and Aaron will continue to be in charge of it, but if we are planning to make this a huge event that they will step away from it. They were looking more at bringing the community and the families in this community together and using the resources that we have. Steve Malone noted that Aaron and Crystal donated the stage and all of the work was done by volunteers to erect the stage. There was a long discussion on fund raising ideas for Swindlers Ridge

Museum, one that we all agreed would be a good idea was for the museum to play the Benton video, either before or after a movie on a movie night at Entertainment in the Park. They would do the concessions that night and the donations from passing the hat would be for the museum as well.

The Scholarships were also brought up. We are not sure of the naming of them or how much is given. Chuck Wartner believes that the paper got them wrong as well. The scholarships that the BCDC has are: Tree of love: This is a $500.00 scholarship and the recipient is chosen by

the board of the BCDC Corrected by Kay Brink this morning. The correct amount is $300.00

Benton Community Scholarship: Formerly the Lions club scholarship, there are two $300.00 scholarships awarded each year, the recipient is chosen by former Lions Club Members

Keith Farrey Memorial Scholarship: This is a $300.00 Scholarship and the recipient is chosen by Vicki Farrey

There will be a fund raiser for Paul Runde July 16th at Swift Park, rain location will be St. Patrick’s Hall. Myrna Sysko requested the use of the Tent and Fence from the BCDC, granted. Myrna also requested that the event be posted on the BCDC website, Myrna will get the information to Sara Monson and she will post it.

Before the meeting Chuck Wartner discussed the idea of keeping the meetings to one hour, whatever is not discussed will be held over until the next meeting if possible.

Chuck Wartner will be setting up a meeting with Steve Malone for Steve Malone, Chuck Wartner, Rose Walton, Crystal Erdenberger and Vicki Farrey to meet and try to simplify the accounts for the Scholarships

Motioned by Myrna Sysko, seconded by Patti Felderman to adjourn. Voice vote, all ayes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.