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  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1


    It seems like eons ago that I was released from prison, yet I was released

    from sorn orreonal enter in onnet only a lile less than three

    months ao ein ot has een dilt in some ways, t it has lmately

    een ery sasfyin

    he maor fear I had while in prison was that proaon was oin to e a

    prolem for me, that it was a trap with the ineitale onlsion that I wold

    hae to ome ak to prison ein that I did two years for a drnken rlary

    and hae e years of proaon with ten years sspended oer my head, this

    fear was ite intense ther inmates fed my fears with proaon horror

    stories that I now see were likely eaeraons, or were simply representa

    e of how they pereied it ease they were nwillin to hane the dei

    ant lifestyles that landed them in prison in the rst plae My eperiene of

    proaon is that it is not dilt at all if yo are willin to lie free of drs

    and a riminal lifestyle

    he rst proaon oer I had was a really nie lady who atally treated me

    like a hman ein, treatment I had ertainly not reeied from athority

    res in prison I perhaps feared that proaon wold e a onnaon of

    the inhmane treatment y athories I eperiened in prison, t I was ery

    happy to realie that it is not at all the ase My rst proaon oer was

    een ery interested in hearin aot the meditaon enters that I freent

    ed on the weekends and allowed me to o to other states to aend them

    sine the area of onnet I lie in does not hae anythin like that any

    where lose eently I was swithed to another proaon oer he rst

    one was someone who sees people who hae st oen ot of prison and

    need to e seen eery week he new one sees me eery two weeks While

    the new proaon oer does not seem as interested in the eat details of

    my inolements, she is easy to et alon with and is pleased with the pro

    ress I hae made in my life She een epressed that I am somewhat of an

    anomaly in proaon, as many people she sees o riht ak to the lifestyle




    NEWSLETTERB u d d h i s t C o r r e s p o n d e n c e C o u r s e


    Reentering, Philip Speirs 1

    Haiku, Louis J. Rocco 3

    My Mecca, Erik Fite 3

    True Freedom, Zachariah de la Torre 3

    uminaon, Steven Hyman 4

    Nobiity, Mike Miller 4

    Virtue, Brian Alberer 4

    Faith, the Dharma, & the Free Word

    Rev. Mujin Karuna


    Sin vs. Karma, Stefan Crisbasan 6

    Sience is Loud, Wilmer Hause 6

    Truth, Gregory Howard 6

    The Now Choice, James L. Halbirt 7

    Contemang nightenment,

    James Davie


    My Buddhist Journey, Angie Oakes 8

    Samsara: A Haiku, Chad Frank 9

    Leng o, icking ,Jeremy Jones (Tensin Hyon Sek)


    Sove the robems, Charles Carter 10

    Steadfast argoye, Hans Maverick 10

    Magic, Zachariah de la Torre 10

    uided Meditaon: uanimity,

    James L. Halbirt


    Luck, Myron Stebbins 12

    Tibet, Lawrence Jay Hughes 12

    Natura nsncts, Willie E. Campbell 11

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1



    The BCCN is distributed

    at no charge to those

    taking the Buddhist

    Correspondence Course.

    This is your newsleer

    by you, about you, and for you. You are

    the major contributors, so send us your

    uesons, problems, soluons youve

    found to dicules in pracce, thoughtsyou have on pracce, artwork, poetry,

    etc. Due to limited space, some eding

    may be necessary. Let us know if we may

    use your full name or just your inials. (f

    you uote from published books or ar

    cles that you have read, please be sure to

    include the authors name and the tle

    aer the uote.)

    Please mail all correspondence to:

    Buddhist Correspondence Course

    c/o Rev. Richard Baksa

    2020 Route 301

    Carmel, NY 10512

    We welcome your comments on the

    newsleer and suggesons for ways we

    might improve it to serve you beer.

    they lived before their arrest and are not as proacve about seng themselves

    up for success. now know that as long as dont get arrested for anything seri

    ous and dont do drugsthings have the power to controlprobaon is just a

    helpful reminder of why need to move forward with my life.

    When was in prison, everyone told me that my meditaon and interest in Bud

    dhism would fade away when got out. Similar to the saying, There are no athe

    ists in the foholes, prison is seen as a place where there is lile to do but be

    spiritual in some way. Spirituality can even be essenal for a person to keep their

    sanity. The other side of the consensus that got from most people is that when

    you get out you will be too busy for such things. This has not been true at all for

    me, and since have goen out of prison my interest in Buddhism and medita

    on has only increased. While it is true that there certainly is ample me to prac

    ce in prison, prison is actually a very dicult place to pracce the path, espe

    cially if there is no opon for Buddhism on your prisons religious designaon and

    no one to teach you in person, as it was for me in Conneccut.

    When you get out and are not behind bars, you can choose to put yourself

    around encouraging, posive people and environments. For me, doing so has

    really caused my pracce to ourish. Almost every weekend since got out have

    been aending various Buddhist meditaon centers and retreats that found

    through search engines on the nternet. tried out many different types of Bud

    dhist tradions and while respect them all, recently found a place and tradion of Buddhism that parcularly clicked with me and am in the process of

    geng involved there on a regular basis. n fact, this coming endofweek/

    weekend will be volunteering to help prepare for a Buddhist fesval taking

    place. really cannot emphasie enough how wonderful it is aer being the only

    Buddhist knew in prison to have found a Sangha full of Buddhists. recommend

    trying to connect with other Buddhists somehow when you are released because

    the support you can give and receive is invaluable. So this is something to really

    look forward to when you get out, and you will find, as have, that fellow Bud

    dhists tend to be very accepng of your criminal history.

    The dicules have faced being out have mainly been the creaons of my own

    mind. When first got out, literally felt like somehow everyone could tell hadjust goen out of prison and was incredibly anious about it. n my head it was

    as if had been physically branded so everyone could see that was a felon. felt

    like people would judge me harshly as a goodfornothing criminal and want

    nothing to do with me, yet the only one who has judged me harshly so far has

    been myself, and ve been working on being kinder to myself. also had an in

    tense feeling of alienaon from the world, as if were hopelessly different from

    everyone else because of where had spent the last two years of my life. As me

    went on this feeling has slowly diminished and is near to dissolving completely.

    Connued from age 1)

    Connued on age 3)



  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1




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    Before a single step there comes intent.he hisper of insnct. nee.

    he iea something somehere must exist

    noing hateer comes its me to leae

    ing olomons eauful songs lull some

    Others the pearl of great price of Joseph mith.

    he Buhas Heart utra lures ones loe

    Perhaps the ish of Mary Magalenes kiss

    Meanering anerers smile aroa

    esnaon seconary to aenture

    esperate stern-face seekers caste their lot eath preferale to faile ascension

    Footprints an track marks alternate as milestones

    Its har to tell ho far ones really come

    single phone call prouces ial tones

    aoos unrael knie scriptures come unone

    unoer patches pollinate opmism.

    Where stars are gaze an naps are taken

    unlight refracts through the mins prison

    Refreshe enturing forth re-aakene

    Incene seekers seek incene an

    ecretly fancy their arrial anquet

    For some the pilgrimage itself is essenal

    rael y night an arrie unexpecte

    ome play it y touch some procee y force

    oing forth orers ont e isnguishe

    he hearts compass resets its course

    nl the Holy rail is relinquishe

    A tree in the yard

    dhidhara t in

    Aer hi rney

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1




    I awakened this morning in a confused malaise. Perhaps an early walk might

    soothe my soulmy own lile ision uest. he sun is rising and the coer of

    dew uiets my steps. think am alone. look up at the trees and noce some

    hae thick trunks while others, thin. Some are straight, others crooked. Some

    hae rambling ines, forming a despised alliance that will eentually exhaust

    and kill both.

    n the sky see a hawk and a crow circle aboe a prey. hey are best of

    friends. A wounded fox lies below their flight. hey stare at each other. Who

    should hae the first strike upon the poor hapless fox? he two allies argue as

    to this concern. hen they turn on each other and fight in the air aboe. he

    wounded fox knows none of this. he two mighty warriors bale to the end.

    One drops out of the heaens two feet from the defenseless ulpine. Mr. Fox

    smiles at his good fortune and leisurely feeds on his unannounced dinner.

    Hardy and hale, he cheerfully prances away.

    connue on my ourney. come across an opossum. He sees my arrial. nplaying dead, he plays stupid, so many a predator has le him alone. Who

    would beliee that such an ugly, unintelligent, nerous lile creature could be

    capable of such decepon?

    walk on. see two frogs sing in a puddle. listen as they discuss their

    plight. Frog number 1 looks at the other and says, Our pool is drying up un-

    der the summer heat. Soon we will hae no water or food. We should look for

    another home. watch as they hop away. follow not too close behind. hey

    pass a deep well amply supplied with water and nourishment. Frog number 2

    says to his chum, Let us descend and make our abode here! he smart frog

    replies with great cauon, ut suppose the water should fail us. How can we

    get out from such a considerable depth? hey hop away in a sophiscated

    manner. walk on. see a suirrel with two handfuls of nuts. One lile nut

    drops out of his hands. He tries to pick it up and drops 20 more. He tries to

    pick up the 21st and drops them all. hen he loses his temper and runs away.

    e sasfied with what you had! shout out to his behind.

    march on spong a meadow with a fragrant apple orchard. eing hungry

    from my ourney, climb a tree and select a red ripe prize. take a minute to

    munch my lunch when an opportunisc wasp alights on my apple. swat him

    o, not subming to his demand. he angry felon worked himself up into a

    iolent rage. He lost all consideraon of penalty and stung my hand. As a re-

    sult of his reenge, he was unable to extricate his weapon from its target.

    Now he was compelled to tear himself free, which entailed upon himself a

    lingering death accompanied by pains much greater than those he had inflict-

    ed on me.

    Concerned not to obtain any further inury, circle back to retrace my steps.

    lue ays are bickering in my path showing each other who is boss. One bold

    fellow anuishes his adersaries to fly away. He stomps the ground to show

    his strength and glory. Look at me! he shouts. am the ictorious blue ay!

    At that moment an eagle dies from aboe and seizes the blue ay in his tal-

    ons, pleased to carry him to the nest. leae the woods today a beer man,

    only slightly confused.


    strie each day to lie with nobility

    o rise about like a supreme deity

    want to lie each day exercising the


    Maybe een be a philanthropist for all of


    want to perpetuate irtue in all do

    And if youre reading this, maybe can

    influence you.

    Right speech is a noble truth in itself

    Whether youre poor or lie a life of


    ts neer too late to open your eyesStop hiding from yourself behind a eil of


    Right intent starts with your acon

    Just lead by example with your compas-


    You will show your irtuous energy to

    family and friend

    hey will eentually see that you no

    more pretend

    You will experience happiness and much

    beer daysJust neer forget...its nobility that will

    change your ways.


    Brian Alberer (Smyrna, DE)

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1



    In the BCCN Volume 7, Issue 2, I wrote From Prison

    Blues to the oe o ieron ine then I ws se

    to onsier wrin out how m re hele me

    oe with the hllenes o n to the ree worl

    er m relese s I sit here onerin how to ormu

    lte it in wors, I thin I will just esrie m own jour

    ne, s ws se

    We ll now tht theres not one onvit tht oesnt

    ut themselves throuh it when the eome short,

    eseill one loein with their out te The t o

    the mer is the me hs nll ome or tht ste

    towr resonsiilit Bein le to et, thin, n shit

    on our own me n when ou wnt to without n

    offier tellin ou To e le to oen our own oors

    n unlo them when ou wnt To flush the toilet

    without usin our oot Wow!! ie is hnin st,

    n theres nothin tht ou n o to sto it! We me

    list o r to o when we et outmovies weve

    misse, new CDs to u, lothes to etsine we hve

    none now tht ll our solle riens hve quire

    them, et The list oes on, n we hve tht list

    stshe w in our ootloer, hve h it or ers,

    n the thin ees rowin, so it woul seem On the

    one hn, its some unn shit On the other, its ver

    seriousl rel We wnt to o it ll euse we misse

    so muh o wht lie hs to offer, or hve we? Thts the

    queson, wht hve ouwe misse? nswer, not

    mn thin! Beuse ll tht stuff oesnt mer Itswht ot us loeu in the rst lethe wish to

    in stuff we ont nee

    In the Buhs tehins, he instruts us to not e

    ome he to thins tht we ont nee to live our

    lives, the thins tht onl rin sufferin, n we lern

    this n relie this while in rison er ll, rison is

    the retest le to trul ut ones re to the test,

    to see i wht the Buh tuht wors To see the Bu

    hs Dhrm t its est, in the worl o ul, the Gret

    Ctstrohe But wht is it tht hnes when we wl

    throuh the min te n into the ree worl? It

    wore or ll those ers in rison Wh isnt it now

    tht Im in the worl? One wor ene In rison

    we h to e ent We h no hoie in the mer

    But now its ifferent Where o we strt rst, n with

    wht? Wheres tht mn list? Itll hel, n Ill just hill

    n see wht or who omes m w rst houl I i it

    with m homeos, or shoul I not tell none n hill

    lone or while? Get m min riht? Beore we even

    strt n et out the te were oome, n weve

    one it to ourselves without even nowin rell n i

    ou now, or those tht hve een own more thnone, its lie ou now eer ut ou nt sto tht

    minset Its mness or rel!

    For me, I ws livin in the ree worl lie I ws sll on

    C 2 t FP, wlin n orth in m ell, onl now

    m ell hs some lss n C, eer view n ool

    to o jum in Gen m BCCN n ll the rest o m

    mil, tht ws the sme ll Buhist in nture I oul

    nt stn to e roun eole I te m oo the sme,

    with shovel n lie I h some le to e With m

    rior reor I ws ri to o nthin Hell, I sore out

    to months without new hre, stnin sll I

    oulnt trust none or nthin n thouht I ws

    oome I shoul never hve le rison I ws eer off

    there It ot to the oint to where I re to o , Iwnt to o to tht shit hole Wow, how r i I

    eome? How r i the sstem me me? Well, I

    ws wron, theres no the, just me I i ll this to

    msel, noo ut msel I ws so sun with the me,

    m, n I tht I h lost ous o everthin I elieve,

    the Dhrm n who I ws I lost ith in msel, n s

    soon s ou o tht, its over! Beuse s Buhists,

    (nne n ae 8)

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1




    One of the strong points

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    Wilmer Hause (Cranston, RI)




    Truth is neither

    ier nt seet

    Yet a lie is mre

    Seet than the

    Nectar f the gds .

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1



    The crossroads in your life are alays places f chice.

    Chsing truth means yur decisin ill be based nt n

    eternal circumstance epectans udgments r ther

    ed beliefs but n yur relanship ith yur inner

    Surce. acts dnt cnstute truth. Yu may be factual

    but nt tell the truth. acts are created. They are by na-

    ture f the past. Truth can nly be knn in the here and


    The reasn e dnt kn hat e are is because f ur

    aenn t frms. e create labels f near-innite diver-

    sity. e generally live unuesningly under the illusin

    f ur separate self-eistence. hen e try t make ur-

    selves the bects f ur n aareness e cannt. T

    d s stps ur minds. e cme t a crucial insight: hat

    e call I r me is a kind f default mental cnstrucn

    that ur minds autmacally turn t. e assume ur n

    eistence is cncrete and becve yet this assumpn

    remains valid nly as lng as e d nt lk directly fr

    ur I. The mment e d it is gne. hen e remain in

    the present e have the pprtunity t decnstruct this

    false identy and learn t abide in the essence f the n.

    hen ur sense f self is based n hat e see in the

    mirrr e are nt cnscius that there is a mre funda-

    mental part f urselves that can be aare f ur self-

    bservan. e spend ur hle lives chasing aer sme

    ideal r imprved image never sased ith h e

    lk ithut realizing that in ding s e mve ur

    minds elsehere rather than in the present.

    hen e all ur minds t gr uiet and recepve as

    in meditan e can appreciate the unkning in the

    face f beliefs abut urselves and the ay e idenfy

    urselves. e can create a mre ferle grund fr discv-

    ering mre f h e really are. Everything e are aare

    f implies the eistence f smething aare f this aare-

    ness and if e try t name that hich is aare then

    there is sll anther ne that is aare. This is like standingin a mirrred rm and seeing yur reecn repeang

    innitely int space.

    hen e turn ur aareness tard self-inuiry e

    must remain in the present in the n. Obviusly e

    dnt kn h t stay uncndinally in the present

    unl e discver that this me is nt h e really are

    unl e realize that e are nt the feelings that enter ur

    minds. Ideas abut urselves are relave nt abslute


    hen e nally are able t see ur true self it lks at all

    e think d and eperience including ur sense f me.

    In this lking a relanship is created that has the per

    t transfrm ur eperience f urselves and ur rlds.

    Thrughut ur lives the mment e bring ur aare-

    ness fully int the n e enter the dmain f the true

    self. In the n it is ust hat it is. In the n I g back t

    my riginal aareness by the ay that I have cme.

    e eercise the per f aareness and strengthen ur

    spiritual muscle by bringing urselves ver and ver again

    int the immediate present. e turn ur aenn direct-

    ly t hat e are eperiencing instead f staying en-

    meshed in feeling r blindly accepng ur beliefs abut

    urselves and thers. e d this in ur meditan prac-

    ce and in ur daily lives.

    Lve f humanity and all that eists is the backbne f

    reality. Nthing is in eile frm this. Nthing in life des

    nt belng here. Even fear. Our bsessin ith survival

    and security alays ulmately leads us back t fear and all

    its mininsper cntrl self-righteusness ealusy

    neediness greed blame hate and revenge. e live in

    endless hpe f imagined security fr freedm frm an

    endless legin f eternal threats. In that very hpe h-

    ever is the rt f fear that hich e have nt turned t

    meet and hld. Hpe cannt break us ut f that cycle. It

    is nly in facing fear that e becme free f the cycle f

    fear and hpe. hen e nally face ur egs primal fear

    f being uerly and hpelessly enguished e cme t

    realize the true surce f ur true nature. It is never in the

    past r future. It is alays in the present.

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1



    faith starts with the person. Buddhist faith is not blind faith

    and some cop-out to usf the means to the end. ou and

    ou alone will be the one to make it or break it.

    Shugen Sensei told me while in prison that if I wanted to

    come to Zen Mountain Monaster for residenc, I would have

    to wait a ear or so unl m re-entr to the free world had

    seled. ell, that was too long. I would never make it that

    ear. e explained and opened m ees to one of the most

    profound teaching in Buddhism paence. ithout paence

    we have nothing, not even a real pracce. e talked about

    paence and its teachings for a ver long me, and to this da

    Im sll learning this harma lesson. ithout paence, we

    have nothing, nor can we come to an true realiaon of an-

    thing, especiall the harma and the end of suffering. Pa-

    ence in and of itself is the harma ate to all the Buddhas

    teachings. nd it starts with ou. ou have to be paent with

    ourself, with life, and everthing in it, too. See with the True

    harma e. To see the inmac of all Things, the Thus of life,

    is to see who ou are trul in the light of mpness. In ones

    true light of self-nature. Its that ver change that unfolded

    over the ears in that cell, that change given to us b the Bud-

    dha b means of the harma teachings. That change that

    took us from the mind of a criminal to the mind of a Buddhist

    with love and compassion for the world and all its suffering.

    That for the most part, each and ever one of us here have

    had a hand in.

    So how did I make it from prison blues to the robe of libera-

    on Pracce It was b taking responsibilit as in prison and

    using the same point of view one has to realie in order to be

    a convict and do me, and not let me do ou. The precepts

    are what I live b, at least the best I can. Moment to moment,

    in the ever-changing world of impermanence, I keep them to

    the front of m mind. nd its b falling that reat oubt

    manifests itself. nd when I break a Precept and pick mself

    back up, it empowers me in the vortex of mundane condi-

    ons to have faith in mself. It allows me to invesgate the

    maer and see things ust as the are. hat is ust is, and

    theres nothing to add or take awa from that point of entr. I

    believe that the training precepts are the ra that will take

    ou out the gate and back into the world. So hold them near,as the moonlight that shone for all those ears through that

    cell window off the raor wire. The light of hope, the ancient

    ee that shines so bright in the darkest of moments. The Mani

    that fills our heart to this da, kept safe under the chin of the


    Im no preacher man, and b far do I have it or anthing right.

    ust a small monk taking one step at a me. But if I had to

    sum it all up, and give something to take out that gate, it

    would be the second precept, ust as it is o not steal. Be

    giving. This is the dharma, in which nothing can be obtained,

    and that means its impossible to possess anthing. e can-

    not step outside to take hold of anthing. e alread contain


    To possess something means to separate ourself from some-

    thing. rom the viewpoint of realiaon, everthing is unob-

    tainable, including the Buddha a. rabbing, controlling,

    and dominang are an upside down wa of understanding

    the nature of the universe and the self. I took a vow to this

    precept to take up the pracce of the Six Perfecons

    generosit, ethical discipline, paence, eal, meditaon, and

    wisdom. Through this wa of pracce Iou will cut the root

    of desire.

    Zen Master Bodhidharma said, Not giving rise to the thought

    of obtaining is called the precept of refraining from stealing.

    hen mind and obect are not discriminated, the gate of Lib-

    eraon is open. This is the realit, and thats realiaon ood

    luck, and keep it real


    for about ten ears now. No

    all of those ears were eas for me. Being a Buddhist in pris

    on has been one of the hardest things Ive had to deal with.

    In the beginning of m ourne, I had to deal with m famil

    asking me wh I couldnt ust follow a hrisan life. None othem understood that a mainstream religion was not wha

    moved me or touched m heart. To this da I sll have famil

    who do not accept me or m belief sstem.

    M next challenge was telling people I thought were m

    friends here in prison of m decision to pracce Buddhism.

    was ver hard for me to hear people who claimed to like an

    accept me call names like heathen and atheist. s I stud

    ied the books from the B and put what I learned to prac

    ce, I learned to deal with it. I lost friends and I learned to b

    oka with it.

    I transferred rom a max prison to a medium prison a ea

    aer I started the B. I had enough confidence not to hide

    m pracce. Some people have told me at some point Ill fin

    the truth and Ill come to follow hrist. There have been peo

    ple who have told me Im going to hell for being a nonbeliev

    er. I meet their negave views with a smile and sa Than

    ou. or the most part, no one reall bothers me about i


    bout two ears ago with the help of a Buddhist staff mem



  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1



    ber I started a Sangha here. In all my years of being incarcer-

    ated I had never done anything that could help other inmates

    on an inmate level. I as pleasantly surprised to nd there

    ere other Buddhists here. Having a Sangha to lean on and

    turn to has become a comfort to all of us. Our teacher is kind

    and giving of his me. I am grateful and honored to be taught

    by him.

    I as nally able to start receiving a vegan diet. It took me a

    hile, but the Chaplain nally decided to allo it. I simply

    cannot condone the killing of animals so that I may eat. This

    opened the door for other inmates to receive a vegan diet if

    their religion calls for it. This has caused people to look at me

    funny because I dont eat meat. I have a different tray so

    others make negave remarks. I have learned from my prac-

    ce ust to be humble. I smile and simply tell them it is

    against my beliefs to have a helpless animal die so that I may

    eat. It ust doesnt bother me anymore hat other people

    have to say about me. I have the support of the Sangha and

    those ho understand my choice.

    I am no preparing for Jukai. My teacher has performed this

    ceremony for male inmates before. I ill be his rst female

    inmate. The Chaplain here at incoln Correconal Center

    contacted the regional Chaplain in Illinois and asked if I could

    have rakusu. He said yes, as long as it ent through personal

    property and I as told I could only have it on during private

    pracce and hen I as at Sangha. I ill be making my ra-

    kusu myself and giving it to the Chaplain so she can do the

    paperork so I may have it. lso by compleng Jukai, I ill

    obtain a (Sanskrit) Dharma name. Im looking forard to


    I am on a nonstop ourney as a Buddhist praconer. I look

    forard to seeing here that ourney leads me. I have decid-

    ed that for the rest of my stay in prison, I ill be of service to

    others. I ill help ith homeork. tutor in math and/or read-

    ing, be a shoulder to lean on, hatever someone needs. Pris-

    on can be a hard and lonely place. I dont ant to see anyone

    suffer needlessly. kind act could be all the difference to

    someone. So, yes, Im looking forard to seeing here my

    ourney takes me.

    Letting Go, Picking UpJeremy Jones, Tenshin Hyon Sek

    (Bunker Hill, IN)

    If you just stopped thinking for a while and sat back to

    reflect on your own mind, you would be surprised to realize

    that you are at peace. (, Dr.

    Thynn Thynn, page 36)

    Put yourself down as you read these words. Let them flow

    naturally into your mind. Their truth will penetrate your

    existence and saturate your soul. Right now, without ego,

    we are at peace, not only are we at peace internally with

    ourseles, but we are at peace with the enre unierse.

    Thus, we are able to permit the natural order of all things to

    carry on without interecng me, mine, and out onto


    Being always there, yet seldom being aware of its reality,peace of mind is a lot like a radio signal or a sound wae.

    The old American koan, f a tree falls in the woods and

    nothing is around to hear it, does it sll make a sound

    makes me think of peace of mind. The answer is no. The

    tree sends out a sound wae that has to bounce off of an

    eardrum to produce sound. The energy is there but the

    needs to be something tuned into it.

    Radio waes are similar. Right now thousands of signals are

    reaching out for a receier to be tuned into them. Find the

    right frequency and you get music.

    That peaceful mental state is likewise sending out its signal.

    Always reaching out to us, it simply awaits our recognion.

    e tune into the air around us by praccing mindful breath

    ing. Through mindfulegoless obseraon, peace of mind


    f peace of mind is always there, then its opposite is always

    there as well, which one are you tuned into right now

    hat path were your thoughts and emoons traeling down

    before you read this arcle hich road will you choose

    once you lay this newsleer aside and walk to chow

    challenge you to put on the headphones of spiritual awareness eery day all day. challenge myself to do the same

    thing daily as well. Just think about how much peace and oy

    we hae already missed out on in our lies. Aer 3 years of

    life and 16 years in prison know hae been walking

    around with earplugs in and blinders on. No more will

    dwell in the dark depths of a pissed off, angry, wae thrash

    ing sea. Now will lie and walk the path of the sweet smell

    ing, cool blowing breeze. ueson is how long unl my

    feet start hurng

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1




    On the roof of an ancient building

    Sits a stone gargoyle

    How eny him!He is the ery epitome

    Of steadfastness and equanimity

    (Though fearsome in appearance,

    know he is harmless.)

    Come what may,

    He remains unperturbed.

    inter snows chill him,

    Spring rains wet him,

    Summer sun warms him,

    Autumn winds blow around him,

    Yet he keeps his seat.

    No maer what,

    He is not disturbed

    Fire burns him,

    Air buffets him,

    ater washes him,

    Yet he is as steadfast as the Earth

    From which he is made.

    But look again!

    Perhaps he is not so steadfast aer all.

    Like all things in this unierse,

    Busy electrons whirl within him.

    Like all things in this unierse,He is already crumbling, decaying, eroding,

    Returning to the Earth from which he came.

    Let me respecully remind you, r. argoyle,

    Dont waste me!

    All of us who are confined, especially those of us who

    have put in some years, know something is seriously

    wrong with this world we are living in. Everyone is forsome religion, but that isnt coming close to solving the

    problems facing mankind. You have heat from the sun

    thats geng to levels that have never been seen

    before. Why? Our modern society with all our

    advancements is the sole problem. You have people

    starving in different parts of the world. Why? Mans

    greed and mans selfishness.

    Human beings are not human anymore. Only someone

    who is truly mad or insane can show lile kids on

    starving. hen you ask people to send in money. hen

    when some people do send money to help, it is stolen. I

    dont believe society is advanced like it claims to be.

    You have human beings rong away in prisons

    because they have been mis-educated by a system that

    does not work. Prisoners are a byproduct of mis-

    educaon imposed on them at an early age.

    We who are grasping the teachings of the Buddha are

    in line to become more aware of why things are the

    way they are. Yes, karma, but dont be hard on yourself

    for being confined. Just look within yourself. Follow the

    teachings and come out that new man thats within

    you, that hidden person who has the answers to world


    ransformaon is awareness. You know why people

    do what they do, because you have taken the me to

    know yourself. Before you can help anyone, you have

    to see the problem within yourself. Understand

    yourself, then go out and really try to save this dying

    planet from its destrucve course.

    he Dhammapada is an ancient Buddhist text that

    ancipated Freud by thousands of years. It says that

    what you are now is the result of what you were. Whatyou will be tomorrow will be the result of what you are

    now. he consequences of an evil mind will follow you

    like the cart follows the ox that pulls it. he

    consequences of a purified mind will follow you like

    your own shadow. No one can do more for you than

    your own purified mindno parent, no relave, no

    friend, no one. A well-disciplined mind brings


    hats the soluon to the world problems.


    Zachariah de la Torre

    (Okeechobee, FL)

    Some people would say that

    there is no magic.

    That we only live in the reality

    of our senses.

    I would say that these persons live in delusion.

    Myriad delusions.

    And all the while, myriad dharmas stare right at them.

    WAKE UP!

    If you dont believe in magic, please tell me how you

    really got here

  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1



    Natural InstinctsNatural InstinctsNatural InstinctsNatural Instincts

    Willie E. Campbell, III (St. Gabriel, LA)

    You are you, a unique individual. Only by walking, only by

    living your life, will you find the Way. This is something of

    great value. (From The Spiritual Path: Buddha, Zen, Tao,

    Tantra, by Osho)

    There are animals trained to serve humansdogs, certain

    breeds of primates, cats, birdsand it is a most unique

    relaonship at that. Figure that these creatures are sort of

    tuned in to our (human) mental and emoonal energies,

    our atudes and personalies. So much so that they are

    able to, by insnct, grasp our most subtle ways of conduct

    be it our tones of voice, bodily gestures, and amazingly,

    they can pick up when certain elements about our nature

    are about to change before the change occurs. Intriguing

    phenomenon this is.

    Humans too are able to intuit things about other humans.

    Unfortunately, we dont oen take advantage of these

    natural gis. Worst of all, we mysfy them and treat them

    as something apart from our natural way of being, calling

    these natural aspects of our character ESP. Then breaking

    ESP down into its smallest parts, separang the parts into

    smaller parts, treang them all as if they are something

    outside of our natural makeup. The fact is that

    clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, and other gis

    are as natural to us as is blinking our eyes, or breathing.

    One would think that since these are natural for our

    construct as human beings, then we should have lile

    trouble being much more in tune with one another, to the

    point that we are fully capable of pung forth a much

    more focused effort in recognizing when our fellow human

    beings are notreceiving our compassionate best.

    o our atudes affect non-human beings (viz plants and

    animals)? What about inanimate objects like stones, soil,

    water air, houses, vehicles, etc.? Simple answer Yes! to allof the above. es. And since we know that our atudes

    affect inanimate objects, how much so do our atudes

    have an impact on our fellow human brothers and sisters.

    Think of it something is seriously wrong with us when we

    are kinder, gentler, and more thoughul of plants and

    animals than we are toward our fellow man minding how

    we conduct ourselves in the presence of animals, but

    caring less about our conduct in the presence of other

    human beings. ot displaying any negave atudes so as

    not to provoke dogs, cats, bears, moose, and snakes, yet

    quick are we to find the most hurul, insulng, and

    dehumanizing things to say, do, and feel toward other

    humansfeeling jusfied in doing sounder the false

    noon that such muck is for their own good.

    Humanity connues to grow in our understanding of

    compassion. One of the areas we are sort of uctuang in

    is our understanding of the interconnectedness of all

    beings. This is not an easy thing to realize with the depth of

    a Buddha, Guru, Christ, or an Avatar. And, unlike the bears,

    the alligators, tortoises, and cockroaches, even though we

    are born with every insnct necessary for basic survival, as

    our caretakers, friends, and life coaches get hold of our

    minds, we change into something we later need to learn

    that we are not and are not born to be. The struggle to

    truly awaken to the god-sparks we are is a long and

    arduous adventure that somehow has a way of introducing

    us to what we look like when we are not at our human

    best. Mainly, when that less-than-the-best part of us has

    digressed into something horrendous, and unpleasing to

    look upon with our own eyes. Insncvel, we just know

    we are much beer than the way we choose to mistreat

    others. Like the bears, the poodles, billy goats, andpigeons, were born just as we are made to be. Human

    nature doesnt change, We change and twist in our minds

    what nature unashamedly is.

    Another (and most honorable) gi we are born with is

    compassion. We are born blessed with love and trust for

    others. With care and concern for the feelings of others.

    With consideraon for the effects our thoughts, words, and

    deeds can have on one another. There is always that

    something inside of us that tells us when we are

    conducng ourselves less than our human best toward

    others and ourselves. There are no magical incantaons,spells, and no amount of prayer necessary to just stop,

    look, listen, and feelbefore we think speak and act toward

    others. A genuine love for our fellow man is encoded in the

    universe abroad and the universe within our beings. Were

    growing, and geng beer. I think were growing closer,

    and geng closer to there. Our original nature.

    Brotherhood. Universal Brotherhoodnot just as a concept

    but a fact of life, living, and being. Peace, Love, and


  • 8/3/2019 BCCN Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 1









    Winged horse, hear my prayers.

    Mother Himalaya our homeland lays at your feet.

    Lungta, travel far and wide for all ears,

    Announce to all those who have ears to hear.

    The boots are on our backs, whips that tear.

    We are a people who know no violence or fear.

    Oppressors hide behind a veil of peace and compassion.

    Our blood stains their hands.

    How can we have peace when genocide is in fashion?

    sat on a corner last night and discussed polics with a

    drunken derelict

    And couldnt believe his answers to the worlds problems

    actually made senseAre those who feel the pain the only ones to understand

    its suffering?

    A single mother pregnant once again must sell her body

    and work dead-end jobs to support her kids

    While her significant other sits in prison for trying to

    illegally support his family

    A soldier laying in a bunker, covered with natures


    ust commied murder with his military-issued high-

    powered assault rifle

    He did this without thinking or wondering why

    ust following ordersSir, Yes Sir

    When he comes home he wishes he didnt because of the

    lack of state assistance

    The messed up economy, these crazy dreams of death

    The state refuses to help him, or help him help himself

    He then becomes the drunken derelict was discussing

    polics with who had all the answers

    Found in homelessness, sorrow, and disturbed reality,

    hopelessness, a bole and death

    Could you believe his luck?

    by The Convicted Poet (Myron Stebbins)e-mail: [email protected]

    ConvictedPoet on YouTube
