Download - BBL3103 Assignment Plato


BBL3103 Literary Theory from Plato to T.S EliotSemester 2 2014/2015Assignment (30%)Due date: Week 12 (Thusday, One Hour Class)

Task: Two Essays (15% each)

Task 1: Optional essay

Choose ONE of the following essay questions:

1. Discuss the influence of Platos literary criticism to at least two other thinkers/ literary critics.

2. Discuss the definition of mimesis and how this notion has been applied by literary scholars in different contexts and times.

Task 2: Compulsory essay (15%)

Do you agree that there is a lack of female critics/theorists before the modern era? Support your arguments by taking into account a sociological/ cultural/ political background of a particular era of your choice (before the modern period).

Write an essay which includes the following:

1) An introduction (this introduction must contain the reason/s for your concern to write on such topic and your thesis statement.2) Three paragraphs of major points in topic sentence form to support your thesis statement (each point must have supporting details)3) A conclusion which relates to your thesis statement.

Quote or cite at least two academic works for each essay to support your analysis. You must have at least three sources in the bibliography, according to MLA style. Your cover page must be a plain piece of white paper containing your name, matric number, programme of study, course code and title, and the title of your essay. The cover page must simply be stapled together with your essay at the top left corner of the paper. You are required to send a soft copy version of your work to [email protected] as your work will be analysed using TURNITIN to check for plagiarism. And plagiarized work will receive an F grade.Pada pandangan saya, saya mendapati kesemua cerpen yang ditulis memiliki satu persamaan iaitu kesemua cerpen merupakan kesusasteraan Islam. Penulis banyak meletakkan elemen- elemen Islamic dalam cerpen-cerpen beliau. Sebagai contoh, dalam cerpen Pabila Bulan Mengambang, Pabila Angin Menerbang, terdapat penggunaan surah al-Qamar ayat 34-35 ; Sesungguhnya Kami telah menghembuskan kepada mereka angin yang membawa batu-batu (yang menimpa mereka) ..... (m/s 1) . Selain itu, terdapat juga surah al-Qasas ayat 51-55 dalam cerpen Bisu , Kaku dan Kelu. Dalam cerpen Catatan Cinta Anakanda Bonda, terdapat pengunaan kata Rejab , Syaaban , Ramadan dan Syawal untuk mengantikan istilah bulan. Tentang Hijab sudah tentunya menunjukkan sifat keislaman yang pekat. Persoalan Hijab sudah lama berbunyi dalam masyarakat wanita Islam.