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MLM SCRIPT- VERSION 2USER PANELREGISTRATION Step1 registration for members to choose their package Login details such as username and password Contact details such as address, mobile number, email-id, Fax etc Ajax validation for all the required fields JavaScript validation for all the required fields Getting coupon id according to the members chosen packageLOGIN Login by username and password Forgot password option to recover the member password JavaScript validation for username and password fields PHP validation for username and password fieldsLANDING PAGE Latest member Latest news Viewing images from gallery in random manner Viewing active products in random manner Login for Existing membersMY PROFILE Viewing all the details about the members Editing the member details JavaScript validation for all the required fields Changing the members profile photoEDIT PHOTO Upload member profile photo JavaScript validation to upload photoPACKAGES Viewing all the product packages Viewing full details about the product packages BUSSINESS Viewing organization summary with total, left side and right side members count Viewing organization chart for members with left side and right side member name and status. Viewing account information of each left and right side member Viewing organization chart of the members Viewing commission details such as payment date, username, amount and payment status etc Viewing all the commission detailsACCOUNT SETTINGS Change password JavaScript validation for username and password PHP validation for required fields FEEDBACK Sending enquiries to admin JavaScript validation for all the required fieldsLATEST NEWS Viewing all the latest news Viewing full details about the newsLATEST MEMBERS Viewing the latest members Viewing the contact and personal details about each latest members

ADMIN PANELLANDING PAGE Viewing site statistics such as total members, total visitor, daily visitors etcMEMBERS Viewing all the registered members with photo, username, email, product type etc Search members by name, membership, from and to registered date Viewing full account details about the individual members Delete, Block and unblock members Pagination for members listPACKAGES Viewing all the packages with package name, amount, duration etc View, Edit, delete, block and unblock packages Adding new package Viewing coupon number with package name, image and status etc Deleting coupon number Adding coupon under the chosen packages Pagination for packages and coupons number listCOMMISSION Commission rates with details such as pair income, max pair, TDS, ST and HC percentage Viewing commission details such as payment date, username, amount and payment status etc Viewing details about the individual members Paying unpaid commissions Viewing paid commission with paid date, username, email and member type etc Viewing commission detail report for each member Viewing organization chart for each member with member status Search members by name, membership and date Pagination for paid commission listCONTENTS Manage gallery shows list of images Hide, show and delete option for image gallery Adding new images with JavaScript validation Pagination for image list Left menu contents with edit, block and unblock option Add and update CMS content such as terms, privacy policy, about us, contact us etcFAQ Viewing list of FAQs Edit, block, unblock and delete FAQ and members Add FAQ with category, title and answer JavaScript validation for all the required fields Add FAQ category with JavaScript validationNEWS Viewing list of News with description Edit, block, unblock and delete newsFEEDBACK Viewing list of feedbacks sent from the members Option to send reply message to each individual feedbacks JavaScript validation for reply fields Option to delete feedback Pagination for feedback listSETTINGS Change admin password with JavaScript validation Change admin username with JavaScript validation Editing site settings with JavaScript validation