Download - Bappenas Short Course Leadership of Adelaide Short...of the themes to be explored, an example agenda and

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March, 2015 Ongoing

Bappenas Short Course Leadership Programs

Indonesian Ministry of Finance

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A word from the Executive Dean ____________________________________________________________________ 2

Contact Details ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3

Organisational Scope _________________________________________________________________________________ 5

Overview ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6

Leadership Program Draft Agenda __________________________________________________________________ 8

Service Excellence Program Draft Agenda _______________________________________________________ 10

Project Management Program Draft Agenda _____________________________________________________ 12

Human Resource Management and Training Needs Program Draft Agenda __________________ 14

Finance Program Draft Agenda____________________________________________________________________ 16

Appendix 1 - Leadership Program Fee____________________________________________________________ 17

Appendix 2 - Service Excellence Program Fee ___________________________________________________ 18

Appendix 3 - Project Management Needs Program Fee _________________________________________ 19

Appendix 4 - Human Resource Management and Training Program Fee ______________________ 20

Appendix 5 - Finance Program Fee _______________________________________________________________ 21

Appendix 6 - Important Considerations __________________________________________________________ 22

Appendix 7 - Note to Fees__________________________________________________________________________ 23

Appendix 8 – Acceptance __________________________________________________________________________ 25

Appendix 9 - Course Presenters ___________________________________________________________________ 26

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A word from the Executive Dean

2 December, 2014

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to partner with Bappenas to deliver programs designed to aid Ministry officials to develop leadership and management capacity.

The Executive Education Unit of the Faculty of the Professions has been designing and delivering Leadership and Management programs for more than 20 years. The aim of this draft proposal is to clearly set out the details of the Spirit Scholarship Learning and Development Programs requested by Bappenas. This proposal provides an overview of the themes to be explored, an example agenda and a schedule of fees.

These unique and tailored programs would develop leadership and management skills, whilst ensuring the groups have the opportunity for interactive discussion and experiential learning. This will positively impact learning outcomes from the programs and look at how key ideas and concepts could be applied in Indonesia.

I look forward to your visit and I am delighted about this potential partnership between Bappenas, associated Agencies, and the University of Adelaide.

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Contact Details

Company Name Executive Education Unit – The University of Adelaide

Australian Business Number 61 249 878 937

Place of Business 7th Floor, 10 Pulteney St, Adelaide 5000, Australia

Postal Address The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia

Contact Person Sarah McGregor

Position in Company Manager Customised and International Programs

Phone +61 8 8313 7000

Fax +61 8 8313 6140

Email [email protected]

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Bappenas and Associated Agencies

Spirit Scholarship Leadership and Management Development Programs


6 short courses in total, with delivery to representatives from:

Ministry of Finance


Civil Service Commission, which includes the people working on bureaucratic reforms (Menpan)

Public Administration Institute (LAN)

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)

Civil Service Authority (BKN)

Finance and Audit Agency

Banking Supervision Agency

Land Administration Delivery Includes:

Program delivery from 9.30am - 5pm unless otherwise requested.

Morning and Afternoon Tea, and Lunch.

2 free days for participants during the weekend.

Local government visit/industry visit as determined appropriate for each delegation, based on participants and areas of work.

Attendees Maximum 30 representatives from selected agencies per program


Sarah McGregor, Program Manager

Our presenters have extensive experience of working globally and have worked in Indonesia previously or with Indonesians. They consist of adjunct lecturers and consultants who are experts in the field of Leadership Development.

Delivery Dates From March 2015 into 2016, dates to be confirmed

Location The University of Adelaide, South Australia

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Organisational Scope

Established in 1874, the University of Adelaide is one of Australia’s finest universities and enjoys a strong international reputation. It is a first rate, forward looking innovative university and is a member of the prestigious Australian “Group of Eight” elite Universities.

The University is directly associated with five Nobel Prize winners and has produced more than 100 Rhodes Scholars. Its research is at the leading edge of knowledge and it consistently ranks amongst the top universities in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Business School has successfully delivered a range of postgraduate award and non-award, organisational development programs for more than 40 years. The Executive Education Unit has been delivering non-award programs for over 20 years to the public and private sectors in South Australia and beyond.

Executive Education has considerable experience in delivering face-to-face management education tailored to middle to senior managers and professionals. A range of short and longer-term management development programs are offered both as open enrolment or tailored in-house program.

The Unit delivers approximately 200 training days annually to around 100 managers, with 25% of these representing customised programs for both public and private sector clients. These programs may be delivered in our new state of the art facilities, at client sites or other external training venues.

Through the Executive Education Unit, considerable experience has been developed in designing and delivering customised management and leadership development programs. Clients from both the government and private sector both internationally and nationally have utilised this service and have included:

Chinese University Vice-Chancellor’s programs

South Australian Attorney-General’s Department

Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Local Government Professionals South Australia

Pernod Ricard


PepsiCo Australia and New Zealand

“We were drawn by the fact that The University of Adelaide had a specific unit for Executive Education and were impressed with the calibre of presenters, in particular, that they were real world experts.”

Ann Bradford Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Northern Territory Department of Justice

The Executive Education Unit is a part of the Faculty of the Professions within the University of Adelaide. Together with the Business School, the Executive Education Unit has developed a sound reputation in the field of management education both in Australia and overseas.

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Overview The Executive Education Unit at the University of Adelaide has been approached by Bappenas in Indonesia to

provide a proposal for Leadership and Management Development Programs to meet the learning and

development needs of officials within Indonesian Government agencies.

The Executive Education Unit has suggested

the delivery of program content in this

document, be based on discussions our

Executive Dean has had with Bappenas.

The Executive Education Unit has provided

course content addressing specific

management competencies with practical

application to your workplace. They are

delivered by highly experienced presenters

who offer extensive international and practical

experience. The Executive Education Unit has

provided an overview on the possible content

of the sessions and facilitators for your

reference. However, it is important to note

aspects may require to be changed due to

timeframes, interpretation requirements,

availability of the facilitators and Industry visit


The Executive Education Unit at the University

of Adelaide would be delighted to consider these plans in more detail and support Bappenas in program

delivery. We are available to discuss this work in more detail and to work together in partnership, should you

be required to contact us about the program or have any further questions.

Bappenas is seeking six (6) programs focused on the leadership and aspects of management development capabilities of Indonesian government agency leaders and representatives. The programs we can provide will be informative and interactive, providing participants with the opportunity to consider the scope and breadth of leadership whilst having the opportunity to share their thoughts and discuss ideas to develop their own skills in the selected areas. The aim of these programs is to build capacity in the participants by providing them with information and practical resources that they may implement in their own region.

The Executive Education Unit has designed the following targeted programs including presentations, facilitated conversations and tours.

Bonython Hall, The University of Adelaide

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Program Leadership Program: Developing Leadership and Management Skills


Without exception good management is about leading and managing people. This has always been the case of course but in an increasingly competitive environment, with widespread technological parity, it is becoming even more so. Whatever the core business of your organisation, its long-term viability and profitability is heavily dependent on the talents and innovations of your people. They simply must perform at their best, with an absolute commitment to achieving your organisation’s objectives. Perhaps more than any other factor is this commitment to leadership and management skills that distinguishes a high-performance organisation. This program will provide you with a stimulating experience, imparting valuable knowledge and skills, reinforcing key concepts, with immediate application. The session may include a presentation, class exercises, team-based activity and discussion of genuine case studies. If case studies are undertaken we would be seeking prior collaboration with Bappenas to provide us with relevant content for the case studies to ensure that they meet the needs of participants and ensure relevance to the course. This program will also include diagnostic and self-assessment questionnaires, which may be required to be undertaken prior to course commencement by participants. The learning environment will be supportive at all times and participants will be given ample opportunity to contribute their own ideas and experience.

Pre-course work includes a leadership challenge that participants are required to identify within their organisation. During the program this will be explored via pier support and group work.


Partipants will obtain an understanding of:

The difference between leadership and management.

Personal leadership.

How to develop emotional intelligence to more effectively manage and lead people.

Networks as the key to creating strong work-place relationships.

Team dynamics and working to their strengths.

Coaching and counselling or culture and values (to be confirmed with the client).

How to deal with conflicting adaptive challenges.

How to evaluate personal performance.



9 Days, 2 are non-program days and delivery includes:

Program delivery from 9.30am - 5pm unless otherwise requested.

Morning and Afternoon Tea, and Lunch.

2 free days for participants during the weekend.

Local government visit/industry visit as determined appropriate for each delegation, based on participants and areas of work.

Attendees Maximum 30 representatives from selected agencies per program

Facilitators Sarah McGregor, Program Manager

David Pender

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Leadership Program Draft Agenda Pre-Program Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6/7 Day 8 Day 9

Introduction and welcome (AS)

Personal Leadership and EQ


Team Dynamics and Working to their


Site Visit

Industry Visit

Coaching and Counselling / Culture

and Values

The Ability to Deal with Conflict

Adaptive Challenges

Industry Visit

Interactive Discussion

Weekend (Free time)

Evaluating own Performance

Managing own Performance

Adaptive Challenges

Program Close Thanks, Evaluation and Discussion with

Andrew Stevens, Director

Pre-course work

Program Introduction and Overview

The difference between Leadership

and Management

Orientation Guide


Presenters Andrew Stevens

David Pender David Pender

David Pender

David Pender David Pender David Pender David Pender David Pender

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Program Service Excellence Program


Excellence in client service is a key determinant for business success, especially in today’s fast changing market place. This service excellence course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to ensure that products and services are delivered and maintained to the standards required to align with strategic direction. It will also provide participants with techniques essential for managing complex situations whilst maintaining a strong focus on service excellence. The workshop will enhance each participant’s ability to deliver outcomes and ensure that they have the confidence to enable them to implement best practice service excellence techniques, delivering satisfaction whilst developing high strategic outcomes and processes. This program provides a streamlined strategic process driven approach to managing the complexities of service excellence. Not only would we consider strategic processes in facilitating service excellence, this program could also entail a module in Six Sigma and Lean which are the two pre-eminent business excellence and improvement methodologies currently used by leading organisations across a broad range of industries. Six Sigma is the comprehensive business improvement strategy made famous by organisations such as Motorola and General Electric. It seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of errors and variation in business and work processes, ultimately impacting service excellence. Lean is the embodiment of Toyota's Production System principles. It is an improvement practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful and thus a target for elimination. Pre-course work will include completion of a proforma by participants. They will detail what they want to achieve in their strategy and what does exceptional service mean to them/their organisation. This will help to formulate group discussions during the program and shape their strategy.


Participants will gain an understanding of:

What is service excellence and what are the benefits to government users?

Public sector strategy, national strategy, regional strategy, local strategy and outcomes.

How do we set strategic policy objectives?

How to take account of contextual analysis.


How we design programs to realise them.

How we implement the programs and strategy.

Day-to-day service delivery and improvement.

How to identify and action opportunities for improvement.

The basic foundations and concepts behind improvement methodologies.

How to progress and implement improvement projects.


10 Days, 2 are non-program days and delivery includes:

Program delivery from 9.30am - 5pm unless otherwise requested.

Morning and Afternoon Tea, and Lunch.

2 free days for participants during the weekend.

Local government visit/industry visit as determined appropriate for each delegation, based on participants and areas of work.

Attendees Maximum 30 representatives from selected agencies per program

Facilitators Sarah McGregor, Program Manager

Michael Edgecombe and Max Zornada

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Service Excellence Program Draft Agenda Pre-Program Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6/7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Introduction and welcome (AS)

National, Regional & Local strategy and Outcomes

How do we set Strategic Policy


Industry Visit

Consider Day to Day Service Delivery and Improvement

How do we Design and Implement

Programs to Realise them?

Interactive Discussion

Industry visits

Interactive Discussion

Group Work: What are our

strategies? What does exceptional

performance mean to us?

How to Identify and


Opportunities for



The Basic

Foundations and

Concepts behind




(Free time)


Six Sigma and

Lean Thinking

How to progress and implement improvement


Group Work: What are our

strategies? What does exceptional

performance mean to us?

Tools and


Industry Visit

Program Close

Thanks, Evaluation and Discussion

with Andrew Stevens, Director

Pre-course work

Program Introduction and


Public Sector Strategy

Orientation Guide Supplied

Presenters Andrew Stevens

Michael Edgecombe Michael Edgecombe Michael Edgecombe Michael Edgecombe Max Zornada Max Zornada Max Zornada

Max Zornada

Andrew Stevens

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Program Project Management Program


In today’s highly competitive and fast changing business environment, projects play an increasingly vital role to help organisations survive and prosper. No business can be managed without projects. In government, projects are essential for improvement of service delivery and maximisation of citizen benefits. Managers are constantly seeking to capture business opportunities and reduce risk through projects, while minimizing cost and duration overruns. Today's managers are required to take on vast spheres of responsibility, demanding a comprehensive knowledge and skill base. Whatever your background or industry, if you are in a management role, then you need to be an effective project manager. This applies irrespective of the size or budget of the project, or the context in which it’s undertaken. Structured to offer a careful balance of strategic and operational considerations, Project Management will equip you with the essential management and leadership skills required for effective project delivery. The management component of the course will outline the tools, techniques and principles of a systematic approach to the project management process, allowing you to methodically, efficiently and consistently achieve your objectives. The leadership component of the course will focus on the knowledge and skills necessary to inspire and lead the team, influence stakeholders, negotiate and resolve conflicts. You will consider important aspects of leadership and management, review project management competencies and gain valuable insights in this area. This course is aligned with the Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) and promotes the use of language and terminology that project managers speak all over the world. Pre course work will include a case study for this short course.


Participants will gain an understanding of:

How to assess organisational strengths and weaknesses.

How to establish rigorous and consistent project management practices in your organisation.

How to conduct accurate, in-depth project analysis.

How to manage project stakeholders and ensure strong governance process throughout the project.

How to map a project’s lifecycle.

How to create a meaningful and valuable Project Plan.

How to apply the "Critical Path Method" of project planning

How to evaluate resource requirements.

How to effectively engage and manage suppliers.

How to manage small, large and multiple projects concurrently.

How to complete and hand over the project.

How to conduct post-implementation reviews.

How to keep project focus on realisation of key business benefits.


10 Days, 2 are non-program days, delivery includes:

Program delivery from 9.30am -5pm unless otherwise requested.

Morning and Afternoon Tea and Lunch.

2 free days for participants during the weekend.

Local government visit/ industry visit as determined appropriate for each delegation, based on participants and areas of work.

Attendees Maximum 30 representatives from selected agencies per program

Facilitators Sarah McGregor, Program Manager

Alina Lebed or Max Zornada

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Project Management Program Draft Agenda Pre-Program Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6/7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10

Introduction and welcome (AS) Manage project


Map a project’s lifecycle

Create a meaningful and valuable Project


Break a project down into strong

governance process throughout

the project

Industry visit

Apply the "Critical Path Method"

Evaluate resource requirements

Understand and apply key project

management concepts

Effectively engage and manage


Complete and hand over the


Conduct post-implementation


Key business benefits

Industry visit

Weekend (Free time)

Evaluate your own leadership style

Understand roles and responsibilities

Appoint and develop a high

performing team

Industry Visit

Motivate and empower team





Managing conflict and change

Program Close Thanks, Evaluation

and Discussion with Andrew

Stevens, Director

Pre-course work Introduction and

overview of project management

Assess your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses

Conduct accurate, in-depth project

feasibility analysis

Orientation Guide Supplied

Presenters Andrew Stevens

Alina Lebed Alina Lebed Alina Lebed Alina Lebed Alina Lebed Alina Lebed Alina Lebed Alina Lebed Alina Lebed

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Program Human Resource Management and Training Needs Program


The greatest challenge for all organisations is attracting and retaining the right people with the right skills and capabilities to provide leadership and oversee the effective delivery of an organisation’s products, programs and services. The growing challenge for Human Resource managers is the increasing complexity of workplaces and the challenges of competing in a global market at a time of immense social and technological change combined with skills shortages in some industries and professions. Wherever practical, organisations need to develop workforce talent from within, plan their workforce and develop strategies to retain good employees. This module will focus on human resources from a senior management perspective and cover such topics as:

Strategic workforce planning.

Succession planning.

Developing workforce skills, competence and capability.

Job analysis and design.

Recruitment and selection.

Performance planning and review.

Coaching and mentoring.

Developing high performing teams.

Managing change.

Workplace health and safety. Pre-course work will be included and is yet to be confirmed.


Participants will gain an understanding of:

Key Australian workforce legislation.

The Australian workforce structure.

Strategic workforce planning.

Training needs analysis.

A series of workplace site visits to observe the application of different HR and training concepts in Australian organisations.

A series of work-based projects centred on key topics that groups of participants will assemble and present to their organisations on return to Indonesia.


8 Days, 2 are non-program days, delivery includes:

Program delivery from 9.30am - 5pm unless otherwise requested.

Morning and Afternoon Tea, and Lunch.

2 free days for participants during the weekend.

Local government visit/industry visit as determined appropriate for each delegation, based on participants and areas of work.

Attendees Maximum 30 representatives from selected agencies per program

Facilitators Sarah McGregor, Program Manager

Dr Lindsay Ryan

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Human Resource Management and Training Needs Program Draft Agenda

Pre-Program Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6/7 Day 8

Introduction and Welcome (AS)

Industry Visit

Managing Change

Workplace Health and Safety

Industry Visit

Recruitment and Selection

Performance Planning and Review

Developing Workforce Skills, Competence and


Industry Visit

Job Analysis and Design

Coaching and Mentoring

Weekend (Free time)

Industry Visit

Developing High Performing Teams

Program Close

Thanks, Evaluation and Discussion with Andrew

Stevens, Director

Pre-course work

Strategic Workforce Planning

Succession Planning

Orientation Guide Supplied

Presenters Andrew Stevens

Lindsay Ryan Lindsay Ryan Lindsay Ryan Lindsay Ryan Lindsay Ryan Lindsay Ryan Lindsay Ryan

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Program Finance Program


In this program participants will gain the capabilities required to enable them to interpret and use financial reports, prepare and use budgets, be involved in business case preparation, and provide them with the confidence to use these capabilities. Information contained in financial reports is critical to understanding your organisation’s situation, where there are issues to be addressed, and opportunities for improvement. The program assumes you have no prior knowledge of financial management. By the end of the program participants will have covered the outcomes detailed below. There is no pre-course work required prior to this program.


Participants will gain an understanding of:

The 3 key financial accounting reports.

Concepts and methods of using financial statements.

The techniques appropriate to preparing budgets, and analysing reports.

Preparation of financial statements.

The 3 key financial accounting statements.

Interpretation of Financial Statements – the 3 basic steps.

A general ‘walk through’ of the statements.

Individual ratio analysis.

Dos and don’ts in analysing financial statements.

Financial evaluation and business case preparation.

Time-value-of-money principles.

Risk assessment: sensitivity and scenario analysis.

A ‘checklist’ approach as part of business case preparation.

Budget and Budgetary Controls.

Identifying and analysing budget variations.

‘Good practice’ principles for developing budgets.


5 Days Delivery Includes:

Program delivery from 9.30am - 5pm unless otherwise requested.

Morning and Afternoon Tea, and Lunch.

2 free days for participants during the weekend.

Local government visit/industry visit as determined appropriate for each delegation, based on participants and areas of work.

Attendees Maximum 30 representatives from selected agencies per program

Facilitators Sarah McGregor, Program Manager

Mark Coleman

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Finance Program Draft Agenda Pre-Program Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Orientation Guide Supplied

Introduction and Welcome (AS)

Interpretation of Financial Statements

A General ‘Walk Through’:: what can I see just by looking

at the statements ?

Individual Ratio Analysis

Industry Visit

Putting the Whole Together

Dos and Don’ts of Analysing Financial Statements

Financial Evaluation and Business Case Preparation

Risk Assessment

Budget and Budgetary Control

Identifying and Analysing

Budget Variations

Determining Appropriate Responses

‘Good Practice’ Principles for Developing Budgets

Industry Visit

Program Close

Thanks, Evaluation and Discussion with Andrew

Stevens, Director

Preparation of Financial statements

The 3 Key Financial Accounting Statements

Presenters Andrew Stevens

Mark Coleman Mark Coleman

Mark Coleman

Mark Coleman Mark Coleman

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Appendix 1 - Leadership Program Fee

The Program Fee

The Program Fee is detailed below and is inclusive of GST. A reduction in participant numbers does not reduce the cost of the program.

Program Design & Delivery $51,500

Materials and Administration


- 7 X morning teas and lunches


- hotel transfers

- program transfers

TOTAL 30 participants $1,888 $56,650

Other potential costs

Program Interpretation 7 days at $774 per day Approx $5418-$5960

Program Translation 100 words $74.25 per hour $74.25 per hour excluding GST

Accomodation approximately $150 twin room Ibis Max 10 nights


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Appendix 2 - Service Excellence Program Fee

The Program Fee

The Program Fee is detailed below and is inclusive of GST. A reduction in participant numbers does not reduce the cost of the program.

Program Design & Delivery $59,588

Materials and Administration


- 8 X morning teas and lunches


- hotel transfers

- dinner / program transfers

TOTAL 30 participants $2,185 $65,576

Other potential costs

Program Interpretation 8 days at $774 per day Approx,$6,192 - $6814

Program Translation 100 words $74.25 per hour $74.25 per hour excluding GST

Accommodation approximately $150 twin room Ibis Max 11 nights


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Appendix 3 - Project Management Needs Program Fee

The Program Fee

The Program Fee is detailed below and is inclusive of GST. A reduction in participant numbers does not reduce the cost of the program.

Program Design & Delivery $59,588

Materials and Administration


- 8 X morning teas and lunches


- hotel transfers

- program transfers

TOTAL 30 participants $2,185 $65,576

Other potential costs

Program Interpretation 8 days at $774 per day Approx,$6,195.2 - $6814

Program Translation 100 words $74.25 per hour Approx, $74.25 per hour Excluding GST

Accommodation approximately $150 twin room Ibis Max 11 nights


Excluding GST

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Appendix 4 - Human Resource Management and Training Program Fee

The Program Fee

The Program Fee is detailed below and is inclusive of GST. A reduction in participant numbers does not reduce the cost of the program.

Program Design & Delivery $49,570

Materials and Administration


- 6 X morning teas and lunches


- hotel transfers

- program transfers

TOTAL 30 participants $1,817 $54,527

Other potential costs

Program Interpretation 6 days at $774 per day Approx,$4,644 - $5,108

Program Translation 100 words $74.25 per hour Approx, $74.25 per hour Excluding GST

Accommodation approximately $150 twin room Ibis Max 9 nights


Excluding GST

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Appendix 5 - Finance Program Fee

The Program Fee

The Program Fee is detailed below and is inclusive of GST. A reduction in participant numbers does not reduce the cost of the program.

Program Design & Delivery $31,910

Materials and Administration


- 5 X morning teas and lunches


- hotel transfers

- program transfers

TOTAL 30 participants $1,247 $37,410

Other potential costs

Program Interpretation 5 days at $774.4 per day Approx,$3.872 - $4259

Program Translation 100 words $74.25 per hour Approx, $74.25 per hour Excluding GST

Accommodation approximately $150 twin room Ibis Max 6 nights


Excluding GST

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Appendix 6 - Important Considerations

Program fee related information and presenters are detailed in the Appendices.

Bappenas needs to be aware that all of these programs are customised.

If Bappenas is interested in proceeding with the delivery and the development of these programs a signed acceptance would be required to be emailed back as soon as possible so the Executive Education Unit can proceed. This would constitute an agreement between the Client and the University of Adelaide for the delivery of the Program.

The Program Fees are outlined at the back of this document. The Executive Education Unit has highlighted the program costs for a minimum of 30 people. If any participants are unable to attend, we would still be required to charge the amount outstanding.

We are unable to manage more than 30 participants per program due to room capacity.

Dates for the programs would have to be agreed in partnership and would be subject to presenter availability.

Due to the timeframe, if there is a request to reschedule the program 30 days prior to the program commencement, this will be subject to facilitator availability and room availability to deliver the program. If Executive Education is unable to deliver the program at another time, we will be required to invoice for 30% of program costs. In the event of cancellation by the Ministry of Finance, 30% of program costs will also be invoiced.

As part of the programs, the Executive Education Unit will arrange local Industry/Government related excursions or alternatively can provide a presenter from Industry/Government. As we do not yet know which participants who would be attending the particular programs and specifically which agencies they are from, we believe it would be more appropriate to work in partnership with Bappenas to determine visits that would meet the needs of those in the particular program. We have only factored costs for this in our schedule of fees for local visits. Arrival will be in agreed commencing in March 2015.

The Executive Education Unit would be willing to visit Indonesia and meet with the agencies prior to the programs commencing, to learn more about their work and provide an opportunity to discuss

aspects of the Programs, including pre-course case study work.

All courses will provide pre-course case study work. We would like to work directly with Bappenas to identify suitable case studies for participants prior to the courses commencing.

The Executive Education Unit has not factored in costs for post-program evaluation work or delivery in Indonesia, however if this is requested we can consider costs for this.

We have flexibility for times of course delivery. We have scheduled the following, however we can start earlier or start later if preferred and we can shorten break and lunch times as requested:

Program Deliver: 9.30-10.45

Break: 10.45-11.15

Program Delivery: 11.15-12.30

Lunch: 12.30-2.00

Program Delivery: 2.00-3.15

Break: 3.15-3.45

Program Delivery 3.45-5.00

There is flexibility on the course lengths provided. If Bappenas wish to reduce the length of the program, we are willing to consider this and submit an updated program. Reducing the number of days will reduce the costs.

The participants will have free time over the weekend to explore Adelaide and surrounding areas. If a host and activities are required, we can consider providing costings for these activities and transportation.

All participants who undertake the programs will obtain Certificates upon completion of the Program at the University of Adelaide.

In addition to the academic program, the Executive Education Unit will provide support for the entirety of the delegation’s stay in Adelaide including:

Pick up and transfers between the airport and hotel, plus site visits when required.

Costs for an Interpreter and time required for interpretation of the program content is built into the program schedule.

Halal catering/coffee and tea facility will be provided on program days for morning and afternoon tea and lunch.

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Appendix 7 - Note to Fees The Program Fee shall be payable in full upon program acceptance.

Delivery Location

The Program will be delivered primarily on the University of Adelaide’s City Campus. Some sessions will be held at other sites.

Catering & Travel

Catering is provided for the program and is detailed in the above table.

A Formal Closing dinner has been arranged, providing an opportunity for participants to meet with leaders from within and outside of the University of Adelaide subject to their availability.

Travel is provided for airport transfers, any travel required for academic program activities and for dinners. It does not include any flights.

Accommodation is only an approximate cost from Ibis Hotel (inclusive) with twin share in place as standard, unless otherwise required. We have costed a maximum of 15 rooms for your reference.

Participant Materials

The fee allows for the printing and collation of materials associated with the program. Each participant will receive a printed manual containing the program and some presentation slides, handouts and readings.

If translating and interpreting is required we can factor those costs in. We have only provided guestimate costs for these areas not actual costs.


No assessment is included in the program

Program Itinerary

As the Executive Education Unit is currently in the process of organising this program, it may be required to move activities and program days around subject to availability of the Government and Industry visits. In the case this is required; we will provide an updated Program Itinerary to the Ministry of Finance.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights in the Course are owned by the University or the University’s contractors. The Client may not use, reproduce, communicate or publish any of the Course materials without the prior written permission of the University.

Cancellation or Variation

The University may, in its absolute discretion, permit cancellation or variation of the Course delivery dates if the Client submits a request no less than 30 days prior to the scheduled Course delivery date. No cancellation or variation to delivery dates will be permitted if the Client submits a request later than this.

Limitation of Liability

The Client has made its own determination about the suitability of the Course for its purposes and its participants.

To the extent permitted by law, the University excludes any warranties, conditions, promises or statements, whether express, implied, and statutory or otherwise, which are not expressly set out in the agreed proposal.

Where the University is in breach of a condition or warranty implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974 (other than a condition or warranty implied by section 69 of that Act) the University’s liability is limited, at the option of the University, to:

if the breach relates to goods: the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; the repair of such goods; the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; or the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired; or if the breach relates to services: supplying the services again; or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

The maximum aggregate liability of the University for any claim for loss or damage, either in contract, tort and/or statute, in relation to the delivery of the Course shall not in any event exceed the Course fee.


These terms and conditions and the agreed proposal records the entire agreement between the parties as to the delivery of the program. It supersedes all prior contracts, obligations, representations, conduct and understandings on the subject matter. The laws of South Australia govern this agreement. Each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of South Australia.

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LGMA is independent of the University of Adelaide and as such is restricted from making any representation on behalf of the University of Adelaide, The Executive Education Unit or any other associated entity.

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Appendix 8 – Acceptance Signed acceptance of this proposal will constitute an agreement between the Indonesian Ministry of Finance and the University of Adelaide (through its Executive Education Unit) for the delivery of the Leadership and Management Programs outlined in this document and detailed below, subject to the above terms and conditions.

Signed for and on behalf of

Signature Date



Name of program accepted

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Appendix 9 - Course Presenters Leadership Program David Pender BEc, MBA (Adel), CA

David is a leading Australian consultant specialising in the development and success of knowledge intensive organisations. He has worked widely in the public and not-for-profit sectors both in Australia and overseas concentrating on sustainable performance improvement through people and organisational development, including recent work with NASA. The application of knowledge management principles and negotiation skills are a key part of his work. David is also an adjunct lecturer at the Business School conducting classes in negotiation, knowledge management and leadership. He is also completing his PhD in knowledge management at the School.

Service Excellence Program Michael Edgecombe Ass Dip Bus (HRD) MBA (Adel) GAICD AIMC

Michael has been consulting to business and government since 2004 after 21 years as an executive, with a focus on markets, strategy and business planning. He has extensive experience in developing strategies, writing strategic and business plans, designing projects and executing them.

Michael has consulted in local government and regional economic development in the areas of council and regional strategic plans, service design, tourism and business facilitation, branding and political strategy. He has taught strategic management to postgraduate students in the Adelaide Business School MBA program.

Max Zornada BE (Mech), Hons, MBA

Max is a Management Educator and Consultant with extensive experience teaching MBA, executive education and management development Seminars and as a hands-on practitioner, consulting to major corporations on a range of Operational and Strategic issues, throughout Australia, the US, Middle East, UK, Western Europe and Asia, with a focus on achieving Business and Operational Excellence throughout Australia, the US, Middle East, UK, Western Europe and Asia.

Human Resource Management and Training Needs Program Dr Lindsay Ryan Hons (Bus), MBA, PHD

Lindsay has an interest in Strategic Partnerships and Learning and Development needs. He has experience of working with public and private sector organisations developing and customising the delivery of in-house corporate and executive education programs. He has delivered programs to industry based on University award programs or part of the range of business improvement programs including Lean Management and Six Sigma certification. Lindsay also has significant experience in Corporate and Executive Education, the strategic role and potential of corporate education and lifelong learning.

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Project Management Program Alina Lebed G Cert Ed, Dip Management & Intl Trade

Alina is a leading management consultant specialising in a complex problem solving for a variety of clients throughout Adelaide and interstate. Prior to this role she led the Business Advisory Practice for an international consulting firm in Adelaide. Alina has also lectured in the areas of strategy, risk and project management at the University of Adelaide since 2003. Her relevant areas of expertise include strategic analysis, business and marketing planning, corporate governance, business case analysis, risk management, economic and industry development, change management, strategic procurement and of course, project management. Alina has designed and implemented multiple training programs on many of these topics to a range of corporate and government clients both nationally and internationally.

Finance Program Mark Coleman BEc (Adelaide), MBA (Edinburgh), FAICD

Mark was previously an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Adelaide Business School. He has taught in the School’s MBA and management development programs in Adelaide and Asia, and has also taught in Europe. Mark operates his own consultancy specialising in strategic and business planning, organisational and governance/board reviews, financial evaluation and project analysis. He is also involved in developing and delivering financial management and governance training programs. Prior to establishing his consultancy, Mark had management experience at senior levels, including

Director Corporate Planning and Finance at the Electricity Trust of South Australia. He has held various board positions and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors