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1. Do the following for Language Practice in your English Grammar notebook.

I. WORKBOOK: Unit 2- Read to Understand, Word World

Unit 3- Word World, Language Ladder

Unit 4- Read to Understand, Language Ladder

Unit 5- Word World, Language Ladder

II. MAIN COURSE BOOK: Unit 2- Read and Answer, Word World

Unit 3- Read and Answer, Word World, Word Hunt, Language Ladder

Unit 4- Read and Answer, Word World

Unit 5- Read and Answer, Word World, Word Hunt


Q1. You had been working very hard for your sprint race competition. You have finally won the

competition and have been declared the best athlete in Delhi. Write a diary entry expressing

your emotions about the day and your achievements.

Q2. You have found a black coloured Titan wrist watch in the school playground right after the

lunch break. As Mayur Gupta, Head boy of your school draft a notice inviting claimants for the

same. Mention all the necessary details in the notice.

Q3. Choose the appropriate options from the bracket and complete the sentences.

1. How (much/many) bananas would we need for the cake?

2. There are (several/any) lemons and (many/some) cheese in the refrigerator.

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3. Should she buy (few/a few) sprigs of mint leaves?

4. There is (a little/little) sugar in the jar. Would it be (enough/ much)?

5. Would you like (little/ some) more tea?

Q4. Change the following sentences into their reported speech form.

i. Nikhil said,” Mom have you seen my black jeans?”

ii. Teacher said,” Do not shout in class.”

iii. Seema asked Geeta,” Are you coming for the party tonight?”

iv. Mother said to Rahul,” Please get me a glass of water.”

v. Raj says,” I always enjoy pool parties.”

Q5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb given in the bracket.

My mother (a) ___________ (do) a lot of work. She (b) _________ (cook) food and (c)

___________ (clean) the house. Whenever, I (d) ___________ (fallen) ill, she looks after me

well. She (e) ________ (be) a religious person. She (f) ____________ (tell) many interesting

stories from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to us at bed time.


Q6.Read the given stanza and answer the questions that follow.

(a) A man passed by me close,

I asked my way; he said,

‘come, follow me, my friend-‘

I followed where he led.

i) Name the poem and the poet.

ii) Who is ‘I’ in the above lines?

iii) Whom did he follow? Why?

(b) ‘ is there anybody there?’ said the Traveler,

Knocking on the moonlit door;

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And his horse in silence champ’d the grasses

Of the forest’s ferny floor:

i) Where is the traveler standing at the moment?

ii) What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?

iii) Which poetic device has been used in the last line of the given stanza?

(c) Even as the bird circled and came back in another dive, Jai heard a fierce barking. The

eagle immediately swung away and rose skywards.

i. the eagle came diving down to ____________________

ii. who came for Jai’s rescue?

iii. Write a short character sketch for Jai.

Q7. What game did the boys play at Fagin’s school? Why?

Q8. What kind of a person was ‘the merry old gentleman’?

Q9. Elaborate the poet’s dream for his motherland in Tagore’s ‘ Where the Mind is Without


Q10. What memories did Dom Moraes have of the camp at the Juhu Beach?

Q11. What did Gandhi ji advice him at the camp?


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Instructions :

1. Holidays homework has to be done in the Notebooks.

2. This assignment consists of the syllabus till Half Yearly exams.

3. Topics which are not yet covered are not to be done in the Holidays assignment.

Q1: Conjuguez les verbes:

i) Nous______(finir)le travail.

ii) Rajat______(écouter)la musique rock.

iii) Vous_______(parler)bien français.

iv) Je_______(être)dans la classe.

v) Ils _______(habiter)à Delhi.

vi) Elle_______(inviter)Mohan à son anniversaire.

vii) Tu ______(choisir)les stylos rouges.

viii) Ils______(fermer)la porte.

ix) Nous_____(réussir)à l’ examen.

x) Les garçons_______(grandir)très vite.

Q2: Mettez au pluriel:

i) c’est la robe et c’est une jupe.

ii) Tu finis le devoir.

iii) J’aime la glace.

iv) Voila un homme et une femme.

v) Le fruit grossit.

vi) La gomme est rose.

vii) L’étudiant parle anglais.

viii) Elle a un cahier.

ix) Je vais et il va.

x) Il regarde la télévision.

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Q3: Donnez le pluriel:

i) Croix

ii) Fille

iii) Pou

iv) Clou

v) Recital

vi) Cheval

vii) Dos

viii) Fruit

ix) Oeil

x) Signal

Q4: Mettez au négatif:

a) Ma voiture est brune.

b) J’aime la couleur bleue.

c) Nous achetons des livres.

d) Il y a une table.

e) Le professeur donne des stylos.

f) C’est un chocolat.

g) Vous appelez les garçons.

h) Je suis ingénieur.

i) Ils regardent la télé.

j) Les cerises sont rouges.

Q5: Mettez au féminin:

a) Le boucher est grand.

b) L’acteur est timide.

c) Les danseurs sont amusants.

d) L’instituteur est gentil.

e) Le musicien est petit.

f) L’écrivain est canadien.

g) Les artistes sont adorables.

h) L’avocat est antipathique.

i) Le chanteur est joli.

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j) Les pilotes sont souriants.

Q6: Remplissez les blancs avec les nationalités:

a) Rehana habite au Japon ; elle est__________.

b) Nous habitons en Espagne ; nous sommes __________.

c) Saara et Hoshana habitent en Chine ; elles sont ___________.

d) J’habite en Australie ; je suis ___________.

e) Ils habitent au Danemark ; ils sont ____________.

Q7: Complétez avec les adjectifs de couleurs:

a) En hiver,la terre est ________.

b) Les feuilles sont _________en automne.

c) Le soleil est _________.

d) Le ciel est _______.

e) Le livre de français est _______.

Q8: Nommez:

a) Deux fromages français.

b) Deux pays voisins de la France.

c) Deux vins français.

d) Deux rivières françaises.

e) Deux montagnes françaises.

Q9: Conjuguez les verbes:

a) Ranger b) faire c) aller d) choisir e) préférer

f) Décrire g) commemcer h) peser i) être j) jeter

Q10: Écrivez cinq mots avec les articles définis pour chaque image.

( write the 5 words with definite articles for each picture.

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Q11: Chassez l’intus:

i) Stylo-cahier-crayon-livre-gâteau.

ii) Parler-regarder-préférer-être-voler.

iii) Hibou-bijou-chou-pou-cou.

iv) Choisir-remplir-punir-grossir-décrire.

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v) Yeux-oreilles-cheveux-lèvres-nez


Q13: Complétez en utilisant les pronoms sujets:

i) _____s’appelle Ria.

ii) _____avons des crayons.

iii) _____parle italien.

iv) _____sont japonaises.

v) _____aimez les fruits.

vi) _____suis indienne.

vii) _____ont voitures blanches.

viii) _____chantons une chanson.

ix) _____travaillent bien.

x) _____s’appelle Rekha et Manish.

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Q14: Décrivez une personne en utilisant les noms du corps humain avec les adjecifs: ( describe

a persone while using the names of body parts with suitable adjectives… e.g. mon père a les

yeux bruns , les cheveux noirs….etc….)



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Q1. Was ist das? Schreiben Sie wie im Beispiel.


Das ist eine Banane.


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Q2. Schreiben Sie 5 Schulsachen mit der, das, die.

der das die

Q3. Erganzen Sie die Verben essen und trinken in richtige Konjugation.

Was i______ du in der Pause?

Ich e______ ein Schinkenbrot.

Was t______ du gern?

Ich t_______ eine Limonade.

Was _______ dein Freund?

Er _______ Kekse.

Und was t_______ er?

Er t_______ einen Orangensaft.

Q4. Formulieren Sie Satze!

1. Pause

2. Fruhstuck

3. Schultasche

4. Dose

5. Mappchen

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6. Kantine

Q5. Erganzen Sie die Lucken wie im Beispiel.

Nimmst du einen Kaffee?

Nein, ich nehme keinen Kaffee. Lieber einen Tee.

Nimmst du _____ Chips?

Nein, ich nehme _____ Chips. Lieber _____ Schokoriegel.

Mochtest du _____ Stuck Torte essen?

Nein, ich mochte _____ Stuck Pizza.

Isst du _____ Kasebrot?

Nein, ich esse _____ Kasebrot. Ich esse _____ Schinkenbrot.

Trinkst du _____ Orangensaft?

Nein, ich trinke ______ Orangensaft. Lieber _____ Apfelsaft.

Mochtest du _____ Limonade trinken?

Nein, ich mochte ______ Limonade. Lieber _____ Flasche Mineralwasser.

Q6. Schreiben Sie ein E-mail an dein Freund/ deine Freundin und antworten Sie die Fragen.

1. Wieviele Pausen haben Sie in der Schule?

2. Was essen Sie in der Pause? Und was trinken Sie?

3. Hat Ihre Schule eine Kantine?

4. Was essen und trinken Sie gern?

Liebe/Lieber ___________,

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Viele Gruβe


Q7. Was passt zusammen?

Nimmst du eine Tasse Kaffee? a. 1. Ich auch.

Was kostet ein Portion Pommes frites? b. 2. Nein, ich nehme keine Tasse Kaffee.

Ich habe Hunger. c. 3. Das kostet 100€.

Trinkst du gern Cola? d. 4. Nein, Jutta.

Bist du Petra? e. 5. Nein, Limonade.

Q8. Schrieb die Satze richtig.

1. trinke-ich-Milch-gern.

2. du-wie-findest-Deutsch?

3. brauche-ich-Radiergummi-den.

4. brauchst-das-du-Lineal?

5. Mathe-finde-super-ich.

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6. isst-keine-er-Nudeln.

7. Wir-einen-nehmen-Limonade-und-eine-Hamburger.

Q9. Stell Fragen!

a) _________________________________________?

Nein, ich trinke einen Kaffee.

b) _________________________________________?

Ja, ich habe die Schere.

c) _________________________________________?

Ich esse gern Erdbeeren. (strawberries)

d) _________________________________________?

Ich brauche den Spitzer.

e) _________________________________________?

Ich mochte eine Currywurst.

Q10. Lesen Sie den Text und beantworten Sie die Fragen.

Mark und Julia leben zusammen. Am Mittwoch hat Mark frei und geht in den Supermarkt.

Mittags isst Julia einen Hamburger mit Pommes und trinkt einen Kaffee. Mark mochte gesund

leben. Er isst jeden Tag ein kasebrot mit Tomaten und trinkt einen Saft. Er geht nicht in die

Kantine. Sie studieren zusammen. Mark mag Deutsch und Sport. Julia mag Musik.

F: Was isst Julia mittags?

A: ___________________________________________________________________________.

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F: Was trinkt Julia mittags?

A: ___________________________________________________________________________.

F: Was isst Mark jeden Tag?

A: ___________________________________________________________________________.

F: Was trinkt Mark?

A: ___________________________________________________________________________.

F: Was macht Mark und Julia am Mittwoch?

A: ___________________________________________________________________________


F: Was ist das Lieblingsfach/die Lieblingsfacher von Mark und Julia?

A: ______________________________________________________________________(Mark)



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Do only questions 1 to 15 in Maths Homework Notebook as summer assignment.

(Write reasons also in questions 8 to 15)

1 Evaluate using distributive property: (-75) x 173 + 173 x (-25)

2 Simplify: 400 ÷ {40 - (-2) -3 - (-1)}

3 Fill in the blanks and name the property used:

a) -12 + 0 = 0 + _____ = -12 Property:________________

b) (-5) + (-62) = (-62) + ______ Property:________________

c) 23 + [ _____ + (-5)] = [23 + (-4)] + (-5) Property:________________

d) 297 + ________ = 0 Property:________________

4 Using distributive property, find: – 1001 x 6789

5 Simplify: [-42-{-24 ÷ (-15 + 3) + 7} – (-30) ÷ (-6)]

6 Simplify using distributive property: 125 x 62 – (- 125) x 37 + 125

7 In a freezer, the temperature falls by 2ᵒC every 5 minutes. In how much time water kept

at 36ᵒC will freeze into ice?

8 In the given figure if p || q, find the measure of both the angles and give reasons also.

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9 Find all the angles in the given figure:

x x +8

10 In the given figure, p ll q. Find x.

11 In the given figure, find the measures of LAOB, LBOC and LCOD.

12 In ∆ABC, DE || BC. Find x, y and z.

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13 In the given figure, DE ll AB. Find a and b

14 In the given figure if AC || DE, find x and y.

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15 In the given figure, AC || DE and ےABD = 32°. Find x and y if LE = 122°.


16 Solve: (42

3 x 5


7) ÷ 3



17 Divide 49.08 by 0.012

18 Convert 35 mm to cm and m.

19 Divide the product of 31

2 and 5


5 by 4



20 A sum of money is divided between two friends such that one gets 5

17 and his share is Rs

2500. What is the total and how much did the other friend get?

21 Find the value of (0.23 – 0.023) ÷ (0.0023 ÷ 23)

22 Making pasta requires boiling 71

2 cups of water. Your measuring cup holds 1


4cups of

water. How many times do you need to fill the cup?

23 Find the mean, median and mode of the following data: 1, 16, 11, 6, 11, 8, 14, 11, 21

24 Find the mean of first 10 even numbers.

25 The given table shows the sales of some fruits in one day in a local market. Represent

this data by a bar graph.

Fruit Papaya Pear Mango Orange Apple

Sale (in kg) 16 8 24 40 52

26 The production of oil (in lakh tonnes) in some of the refineries in India in 2008 is given

below. Construct a bar graph to represent the above data.

Refinery Barauni Koyali Mathura Mumbai

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Production of oil (in lakh


30 70 40 45

27 Find the mean, median, mode and range of first ten prime numbers.

28 The marks (out of 50) obtained by a group of students in a Maths test are 35, 26, 40, 35,

9, 18, 6, 45, 31, 25. Find the range and the median.

29 Number of girls in six different classes in two schools is given below. Represent the data

by a double bar graph.


No. of girls in school A

75 60 45 90 80 50

No. of girls in school B

55 40 65 70 60 80

30 Solve: 7 + 3 ( x – 1) = 16

31 Solve: 5x + 3

4 = 9

32 Solve: 2 ( 2x + 5) – 3(2x-1) = 9

33 Solve: (3𝑥+5)

2 =



34 ΔABC is right angled at A. If AB=9cm and AC=12cm, find the length of BC.

35 Find all the angles of a triangle whose measures are x+40°, 2x+20° and 3x. What kind of

triangle is this?

36 One of the exterior angles of a triangle is 110° and its interior opposite angles are equal

to each other. Find all the angles of the triangle.

37 The length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is 10 cm. If the lengths of the

other two sides are in the ratio 3:4, find the lengths of these sides.

38 Fill in the blanks:

a) A regular polygon of side n has __________ lines of symmetry.

b) A figure having rotational symmetry of order 0 is ___________.

c) A triangle having line symmetry but not rotational symmetry is _____________.

39 Fill in the blanks:

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a) Two letters of English alphabet having rotational symmetry of order 2 are ________ and


b) A triangle with line symmetry but no rotational symmetry is ____________

Q40 Name and draw a rough sketch of

a) A quadrilateral with rotational symmetry but no line of symmetry.

b) A quadrilateral with line symmetry but no rotational symmetry.

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Instructions: Students to do the questions of the chapters covered in class till


The Holiday assignment is to be done in History notebook.

Write in neat and legible handwriting.

Do not copy, print and paste from internet.

Label the picture answers.

Ques1. What is the hardest rock?

Ques2. Draw a diagram to show the rock cycle. Label it correctly.

Ques3. What are the various forms of inequalities you see around you?

Ques4. Find out more about Rosa Parks & Mention Leather King.

Ques5. Explain the term political equality.

Ques6. What supports our landmass from below?

Ques7. What sort of matter do volcanos throw up when they erupt?

Ques8. Which stone was used to build the Red Fort in Delhi?

Ques9. Which stone was used to build the Taj Mahal?

Ques10. Who used the term ‘Hindustan’ & ‘Hind’ to refer to our country? What did these terms


Ques11. Why did the scribes copy Manuscripts?

Ques12. What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?

Ques13. What are the goals of the National Rural Health Mission?

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Ques14. Why are private healthcare services gaining popularity?

Ques15. Why does the National Capital Territory of Delhi have a governor or Lieutenant


Ques16. What are the various forms of gender inequality?

Ques17. Name some social reformers of 19th century in India who worked for the emancipation

of women. What are the efforts of their work?

Ques18. Discuss the role women are traditionally expected to play?

Ques19. What steps has the government taken to prevent discrimination of women at work?

Ques20. On an outline map of the world label the Continents & Oceans.

Ques21. On an outline map of the world trace in the plate boundaries & label each plate.

Ques22. What is the theory of continental drift?

Ques23. How are the Fold Mountains formed? Add a diagram to your explanation.

Ques24. What is the composition of our atmosphere and what are its layers?

Ques25. What two factors determine heat zones?

Ques26. Why it is hotter in cities than the rural areas surrounding them.

Ques27. Write an account of heat zones of the world.

Ques28. What was the Delhi Sultanate?

Ques29. Who were the First Sultans of Delhi?

Ques30. Highlight the work done by Iltutmish during his reign?

Ques31. Who were the Chahalgani? Which Delhi Sultan suppressed them?

Ques32. Mohammad bin Tughlaq is known as the ‘wisest fool’ in the history of India. Justify

giving any two of his experiments

Ques33. Analyse the Mansabdari system started by Akbar.

Ques34. Who was the Bairam Khan? How did he help Akbar?

Ques35. Who wrote Akbarnama? What does it contain?

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Students are requested to do questions of chapter respiration and motion & time only in

their science copy during summer break.

Q1. Write down the difference between-

a)Aerobic repiration &anaerobic respiratioin

b)Combustion &Cellular respiration

Q2. Give reasons

a) Breathing becomes faster while doing exercises

b) We should not overwater potted plants.

c) Mangroves trees have aerial roots.

d) We have muscular cramps after strenuous exercise.

e) We yawn when we feel sleepy or drowsy.

Q3. Explain how air enters our lungs?

Q4 . Exchange of gases takes place through-

a) ----------------in fish

b) -----------------in amoeba

c) ----------------in grasshopper

d) ------------- and--------------in frog

e) --------------------------in earthworm


Q1. Define speed. Write down the SI unit of speed.

Q2.A car travels a distance of 550 Km in 5 ½ hours. Find the speed of the car.

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Q3. An aeroplane takes 3 hours to travel from place A to place B. If the plane travels at a

uniform speed of 650 Km per hour,find the distance between place A and place B.

Q4.Draw a distance time –graph from the following data showing the distance covered by a

racing Car. Does the car have uniform motion.

Q5. Write down the difference between uniform and

non-uniform motion.


Q1.Define the following-


b) Element

c) Valency

d) Radical

Q2. Write down the difference between compound and mixture.

Q3.Write down the chemical formula of

a) Zinc Sulphate b) Calcium Carbonate c) Magnesium Oxide d) Aluminium Sulphate

e)Potassium Nitrate f) Sodium chloride g)Copper Sulphate

Q4. Balance the equation

a) Mg+O2 ------------------MgO

b) P+O2-------------------------------P2O5

c) Al+O2----------------------------------Al2O3

TIME (sec)


0 0

1 10

2 30

3 45

4 60

5 75

6 90

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Q1.What is an acid –base indicator ? Give examples.

Q2.Explain with a chemical reaction what happens when an acid reacts with-


b) carbonates

Q3.What is the difference between dilute and concentrated acid?

Q4.Give reasons

a) Acids are not stored in metal containers.

b) All alkalis are bases but all bases are not alkalis.

c) Baking soda is used to treat ant stings.

Q5. Explain neutralization reaction with the help of a reaction.



a) 550 C into 0F

b) 1100F into0C

Q2.Why is mercury used in clinical thermometer?

Q3.Why is laboratory thermometer not used to measure body temperature?

Q4.Why is space left between two sections of the rail tracks?

Q5.Draw and describe the working of an automatic fire alarm system?


Q1. Write down the difference between

a) Conduction and Convection

b) Conductors of heat and insulators of heat

c) Land breeze and sea breeze

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Q2.Give reasons

a) Cooking utensils are made up of metals.

b) Ice is covered with jute and saw dust

c) we wear light coloured clothes in summer

d) Cloudy nights are warmer than clear nights.

e) Ventilators in houses are provided at the top of walls.

Q3. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a thermos flask. How does it prevent transfer of heat by

conduction, convection an radiation.

Q4.What conditions are necessary for transfer of heat from one body to another by




a) Symbiosis


c) Parasites

Q2.How do plants get nitrogen to synthesize protein?

Q3.Pitcher plant can photosynthesis but why does it need to feed on insects?

Q4.Why is nitrogenous fertilizers not added in soil in which leguminous plants grow?

Q5.What factors are essential for photosynthesis to take place?