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Nation Branding & Cultural Diplomacy

City Branding:

Image & Reputation Analysis of Dubai*

Abdeslam Badre

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• The Middle East: A regional Profile

• Dubai in the Middle East

• Dubai’s Brand Image

• Dubai’s Branding Strategies

• Dubai’s Regional Competitors

• Challenges Facing Dubai’s Brand

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The Middle East: A regional Profile

1 Bahrain

3 Palestine

4 Jordan

5 Kuwait

6 Lebanon

7 Qatar


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Stereotyping the ME

• War

• Terrorism

• Islam

• Dictatorship

• Conflicts

• Oppressions

• Oil

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The Missing Image in the ME

• Home to The First Civilizations in the World

• Home of the World First Documented City

• During Centuries, being a center of development and innovation

• Home of the largest Oil Reserves worldwide

• Cradle of the World three Monolithic Religions

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Dubai in the Middle East

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Dubai is the best Example

of a City Brand that has

established itself in a very

short time.

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Dubai: then & Now

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Dubai’s Dubai’s Brand Image

• Dubai focuses on creating an image of:• Luxury• Prestige• Modernity• Regional Hub for investments

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It is based on:

• High profile Promotion

• Quality Service

• Luxuries Infra-Structures

• Logistics

• Diversifying its resources

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Dubai’s Regional Competitors

1. Qatar

2. Bahrain

3. Abou Dhbi

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• Economic Crisis

• Regional Competition

• Regional Malaise

• Scarcity of Resources

• Dichotomy of Modernity & Tradition

• Public vs. Private Sectors

• Human Rights of Labors

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• Robert Govrs, Oct. 2011. Brand Dubai and Its Competiters In the ME: An Image and Reputation Analysis. Place Branding and Cultural Diplomacy




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