Download - Back Pain Half Truths

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A true story of Western medicine’s cycle of deterioration…


…and how to avoid it

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TRUTH: At some point in their lives, over 80 percent of the world’s population will experience lower back pain.

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HALF TRUTH: Lower back pain sufferers should rely on their doctors for help.

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HALF TRUTH: Lower back pain sufferers should rely on their doctors for help.

FULL TRUTH: Lower back pain sufferers should consult with their doctors, yet search and consider ALL possibilities.

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Because of this Box

And the inability of today’s health care system to think outside of it

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There is no one person to blame

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But the dilemma is real

What do you do? Where are the REAL answers? Who can you trust?

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Consider this true storyOf a man named James*

* Name changed to protect anonymity

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James had a successful20-year career as a hair stylist

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Then his lower back began to ache often.

The aches turned into constant pain. The pain became intolerable.

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James was forced out of his career…

…and into a frantic search for answers and relief

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As bad as things

were for James, they were about to

get worse

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James was unknowingly about to enter a cycle of


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When James first had pain he visited his doctor who prescribed him some mild pain killers.

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They relieved his pain and this made James happy.

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But soon, despite the pills, the pain slowly

returned. …so James went back to his doctor

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James got stronger pills

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And he was pain free and happy again…

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…Until his body adjusted to the new meds

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So he went back again. Got even stronger meds.

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This cycle happened a few more times.Soon he was addicted to pain killers…and STILL in pain.

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Next the doctors injected pain

blockers directly into his spine!

This is called an epidural

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As with the pain killers, the

epidurals worked at first

But they soon lost their effectiveness.

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James was at the end of his


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The doctors had no options left but to

suggest spinal surgery

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Or did they?

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Herein lies a half-truth

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Herein lies a half-truth

The Truth: The doctors have indeed exhausted all their options

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Herein lies a half-truth

The Truth: The doctors have indeed exhausted all their options

The Rest: There are other options doctors don’t suggest because it is outside their training and industry

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So What Are The Other Options?

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(Don’t you wish there were a sign like this for everything in life?)

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Let’s get back to James’ Story

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Before he would consent to surgery…He dedicated himself to researching

an alternative treatment.

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What he found changed the course of his life

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Through a series of about 25 visits to a spinal decompression specialist James became virtually

pain free, naturally.

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But the good news doesn’t stop there.

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James also found a unique back brace unlike any other he had seen.

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Rather than just cinching tight

around him, this one created

spinal decompression!

Much like his decompression sessions

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James was so impressed with the results of his

decompression sessions and this new brace that…

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…he began telling others.

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Soon he was selling the brace…

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And not long after that, he founded a company to make

the brace available to EVERYONE!

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James got off pain killers, adverted surgery, was pain free and well on his way

in a new career

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But what if James had not done his own research?

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What if he had accepted what Western medicine had

told him?

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Would he still be in pain and still on pain meds?

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Everyone is different and not all results are the same

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But one thing is for sure:

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But one thing is for sure:

No one cares more about your health

than you do!

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So…EDUCATE yourself!

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And learn the WHOLE TRUTH of what’s available to you!

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Thank you for your time!

To learn more about spinal decompression and the decompression

spinal brace mentioned in this presentation, log onto

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This presentation is courtesy of:

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