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  • Pumps

    Sistem Dan Permesinan Kapal


    References: Centrifugal Pump Handbook third edition Winterthur,

    Switzerland, Sulzer Pump Ltd Handbook of pumps & Pumping, Brian Nesbit, Elsevier

    Science & Technology books Pump Handbook third edition McGraw Hill

    Pumps System Energy Efficiency Ref. Guide, CEATY International

    Introduction to Marine Engineering Marine Auxiliary Machinery

    Maritime Engineering Reference Handbook

  • Introduction

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    Pumps : sebuah alat yang berfungsiuntuk menambah energy ke suatucairan atau yang menyebabkanpenambahan tekanan danmemungkinkan terjadinya gerakan darifluida tersebut

    Energi yang ditambahkan oleh pompake fluida yang lewat dinamakan total head

    Pumps Functions

    Transfer liquid

    Circulate liquid

    Components of a pumping system



    Prime movers

    Piping Valves,

    Other fittings, controls and


    End-use equipment,

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    Head atau energy per-unit mass flow rate fluidaumunya terdiri dari

    Pressure head karenagaya per-unit area fluida

    Dynamic / velocity head yang diukur dari energy keinetik fluida

    Potential atau static head karena ketinggian cairan

  • Bernoulli Equation

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  • Flow rate depend on friction

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  • General Pumping Fundamental

    Pressure is needed to pump the liquid through the system at a certain rate. This pressure has to be high enough to overcome the resistance of the system, which is also called head. The total head is the sum of static head and friction head.

    Static head

    Static head is the difference in height between the source and destination of the pumped liquid

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  • Static head consists of:

    Static suction head (hS): resulting from lifting the liquid relative to the pump center line. The hS is positive if the liquid level is above pump centerline, and negative if the liquid level is below pump centerline (also called suction lift)

    Static discharge head (hd): the vertical distance between the pump centerline and the surface of the liquid in the destination tank

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  • Friction head:

    This is the loss needed to overcome that is caused by the resistance to flow in the pipe and fittings.

    It is dependent on size, condition and type of pipe, number and type of pipe fittings, flow rate, and nature of the liquid.

    In most cases the total head of a system is a combination of static head and friction headTotal head = Static head + friction head

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  • Pump performance curve :

    The head and flow rate determine the performance of a pump.

    The figure shows a typical curve of a centrifugal pump where the head gradually decreases with increasing flow.

    As the resistance of a system increases, the head will also increase.

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    Typical characteristic curve of centrifugal pumpTypical characteristic curve of

    rotodynamic & positive displacement pump

  • Pump Operating Point

    The rate of flow at a certain head is called the duty point. The pump performance curve is made up of many duty points.

    The pump operating point is determined by the intersection of the system curve and the pump curve

    The Best Efficiency Point (BEP) is the pumping capacity at maximum impeller diameter, in other words, at which the efficiency of the pump is highest. All points to the right or left of the BEP have a lower efficiency

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    Pump efficiency & diameter of pumpCombined pump & system curve

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  • Reynolds Number

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  • Head loses in straight pipe

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  • Head loses in fitting

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    + + =


    + +


    Total Head Pompa (hp)

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    Net Positive Suction Head

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    Pump connected

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    Contoh: Karakteristik Unjuk kerja pompa sentrifugal

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  • Selecting the right pump

    Oversized pump

    Requires flow control (throttle valve or by-pass line)

    Provides additional head

    System curve shifts to left

    Pump efficiency is reduced

    Solutions if pump already purchased

    Variable Speed Drives or two-speed drives

    Lower RPM

    Smaller impeller

    The Best Efficiency Point (BEP) is the pumping capacity at maximum impeller diameter, in other words, at which the efficiency of the pump is highest.

    All points to the right or left of the BEP have a lower efficiency.

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    Flow Rate



    Pump Performance Curves

  • Calculate the pipe loss in a 2 meter pipe with the diameter d=32 mm and a flow of Q = 10 m/h The pipe is made of galvanized steel with a roughness of 0.15, and the fluid is water at 20C.

    ContohSoal 1

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  • ContohSoal 2

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  • Unit Penggerak Pompa


    Umumnya unit penggerak pompaterdiri dari 3 jenis penggerak

    Motor bakar

    Motor listrik


    Yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam memilih penggerak pompa adalah

    efisiensi tenaga pembangkit,

    transmisi bahan bakar ke penggerak pompa,

    mudah pemeliharaannya,

    beaya bahan bakar,



    independensi operasi, dan


    Penggerak tipe motor bakar danturbin sangat tidak ekonomis untukperencanaan pompa karenakonstruksinya berat, besar danmemerlukan system penunjangmisalnya pelumasan, pendinginan danpembuangan gas hasil pembakaran

    Sistem penggerak motor listrik lebihsesuai dimana konstruksinya kecil dansederhanan sehingga dapatdigabungkan mejadi satu unit kesatuandalam rumah pompa

  • Dasar-dasar Pemilihan Pompa


    Didasarkan pada system ekonomisnya, yakni keuntungan dan kerugian jikapompa tersebut digunakan dan dapatmemenuhi kebutuhan pemindahanfluida sesuai dengan kondisi yang direncanakan.

    Yang perlu diperhatikan dalampemilihan jenis pompa adalah fungsiterhadap instalasi pemipaan, kapasitas, head, viskositas, temperature kerja danjenis motor penggerak.

    Kondisi yang diinginkan dalam perencanaan

    Kapasitas dan head pompa harusmampu dipenuhi.

    Fluida yang mengalir secarakontinu.

    Pompa yang dipasang padakedudukan tetap.

    Konstruksi sederhana

    Menmpunyai effisiensi yang tinggi

    Harga awal relative murah jugaperawatannya

  • Selection & Application of pump

    Fluid Properties

    pH, operating T, Solid Concentration, specific gravity, vapour P, viscosity,

    End use requirement

    Design pump capacity End use process

    requirement Total system head

    Environmental factor

    Ambient T, humidity, operating P

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    Pompa displasment Cairan atau gas dipindahkan dari pengisapan ke pengeluaran dengan variasi mekanis volume dari sebuah ruang atau beberapa ruang (chamber).

    Pompa Sentrifugal Aliran melewati pompa disebabkan oleh gaya sentrifugal yang diberikan ke cairan dengan putaran sebuah impeller atau beberapa impeller.

    Klasifikasi Pompa

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    Pengeluaran berbandinglangsung dengan kecepatan

    Pengeluaran sedikit berkurangsaat tekanan bertambah, biasanya akan lebih banyak slip pada fluida yang encer (less viscous)

    Pompa dibuat dengan tekananpengeluaran sama denganhambatan yang muncul, mengabaikan kecepatan

    Pompa ini adalah self priming


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    Screw pump

    Rotary piston pump

    Peristaltic pump

    A vacuum is created by the rollers compressing the hose and moving along

    Liquid is drawn into vacuum

    Rollers capture liquid between them and move liquid towards discharge

    Displacement - Rotary Pump

  • Vane pump

    Not suitable for high viscosity products

    Such liquids include LPG, ammonia, solvents, alcohol, fuel oils, gasoline, and refrigerants.

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  • Lope pump

    Lobe pumps can handle solids.

    A gentle pumping action minimizes product emulsification.

    Can operate dry for brief periods of time.

    Can handle viscous products

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  • External gear pumps (below) come in single or double configurations.

    Handle viscous and watery-type liquids.

    Reduced speeds with high-viscosity liquids results in greater efficiency.

    Two gears come into and out of mesh to produce flow.

    Uses two identical gears rotating against each other.

    gear pump

    For each revolution of an internal gear pump, (below) the gears have a fairly long time to come out of mesh allowing the spaces between gear teeth to completely fill and not cavitate.

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    Displacement - Reciprocating Pump

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  • Piston, Plunger Pump

    All reciprocating pumps (and some rotary pumps) depend on check valves (sometimes Known as non-return valves)

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  • Diaphragm pump

    perfect sealing

    high mechanical efficiency, since flexing a diaphragm involves much less friction then sliding a piston with seals up and down a cylinder

    diaphragms need to be high quality rubber

    a diaphragm pump is similar to a large diameter piston pump with a short stroke

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    Dynamic pumps are used in conditions where high volumes required and a change in flow is not a problem.

    As the discharge pressure on a dynamic pump is increased, the quantity of water pumped is reduced


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    Pompa centrigugal berfungsi berfungsi mengubah energi (external driving force) ke energi kinetik di fluida dengan memberikan impuls ke fluida dengan bantuan impeller.

    Sebuah difuser atau volute mengubah seluruh energi kinetik ke dalam tekanan atau dengan kata lain mesin ini menggunakan hukum dasar (Bernoulli) konversi energi potensial ke energi kinetik dan sebaliknya

    Dalam hal kecepatan pompa konstran, maka:

    Head bervariasi dengan kuadratdiameter

    Kapasitas bervariasi dengandiameter

    Power bervariasi dengan diameter pangkat tiga

    Dalam hal kecepatan pompa adalah sebuah variabel, maka:

    Head bervariasi dengan kecepatankuadrat

    Kapasitas bervariasi langsungdengan kecepatan

    Power bervariasi dengan kecepatanpangkat tiga, karena fungsi dari headdan kapasitas

    Dynamic - Centrifugal Pump

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    Electric Motor

    Suction Nozzle

    Discharge Nozzle

    Bearing housing

    Volute casing


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  • Classification of impeller by flow

    Radial impeller

    Semi axial impeller

    Axial propeller

    Thicker the Impeller- More Water

    Larger the DIAMETER - More Pressure

    Increase the Speed - More Water and Pressure

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    Gas lift pump Hydraulic Ram Pump

    Dynamic - Special Effect Pump

  • Jet (Eductor) Pump Electromagnetic Pump

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    Type, duties and capacities of centrifugal & displacement pump

  • Pump used in marine

    shipboard applications

    Diesel propulsion


    Engine fresh water & sea water cooling pump

    Single stage Centrifugal pump

    Fuel oil transfer pumpsMultiple screw or rotary


    Fuel oil supply & booster pumps

    Multiple screw or gear pumps

    Lubricating oil pumpsMultiple screw or gear


    Ships service

    Hydraulic System pumps Positive displacement pump

    Bilge, ballast& Fire pumpsSingle stage centrifugal


    Hotel services

    Single stage centrifugal pumps


    Single stage centrifugal pump

    Multiple screw , lobe type rotary, sliding vane pump

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