Download - BAA709 Corporate Internship · outcomes associated with the internship project(s) and related tasks.project outcomes and learning experiences. Global Perspective: Develop and demonstrate

Page 1: BAA709 Corporate Internship · outcomes associated with the internship project(s) and related tasks.project outcomes and learning experiences. Global Perspective: Develop and demonstrate


Tasmanian School of Business and Economics


Corporate Internship

Semester 2, 2014

Unit Team:

Unit Coordinator:

Mr Norton Grey


Ms Elly Hope

Corporate Internship Mentors

CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

Page 2: BAA709 Corporate Internship · outcomes associated with the internship project(s) and related tasks.project outcomes and learning experiences. Global Perspective: Develop and demonstrate


Contact Details

Unit Coordinator: Mr Norton Grey

Campus: Hobart

Room Number: 411, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, Sandy Bay campus

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 3 6226 2377

Consultation Time: By Appointment

Tutor: Ms Elly Hope

Campus: Hobart

Room Number: 428, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, Sandy Bay campus

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 3 6226 2714

Consultation Time: By Appointment

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Contact Details ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 2

Unit Description …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 4

Intended Learning Outcomes and Generic Graduate Attributes .………………………………………….. Page 5

Learning Expectations …………………………………………………….…………………….………………………………. Page 6

Learning Resources ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 6

Details of Teaching Arrangements ………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 7

Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 8

Specific Attendance and Performance Requirements……………………………………………………………. Page 10

Penalties and requests for extension of assignments ………………………………………………………….. Page 11

Academic Referencing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 11

Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism ………….………………………………………………………………………. Page 11

Getting Assistance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 12

Internship Mentor Assessment Criteria ………………………………………………………………………………… Page 14

Page 4: BAA709 Corporate Internship · outcomes associated with the internship project(s) and related tasks.project outcomes and learning experiences. Global Perspective: Develop and demonstrate


1. Unit Description

This Unit integrates work and learning for final year Master’s degree students. It carries a 25%

weighting (equivalent to two units), and is an elective unit or specialisation unit in Master’s degrees

offered by the TSBE. You will undertake a corporate internship (project/s and or tasks) with a

business organisation in the public, private or not-for-profit sector in Tasmania that employs or

trains staff and be assigned a Mentor from within the organisation. Specific work projects,

assignments and related duties for you are determined in discussion between you and the

nominated representative/s of the internship business organisation (the ‘Internship Mentor’) and

the TSBE, in order to ensure that appropriate standards are maintained. During the term of the

internship the Unit Director will liaise closely with you, the Internship Mentor and TSBE Postgraduate

Course Coordinators.

Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite Unit(s)

Enrolment in this unit is subject to satisfactory performance in your Master’s degree (Distinction average, minimum) and permission from the Faculty Postgraduate Course Coordinator and the Director of the Corporate Internship Program. The application process is competitive and there are no guarantees you will obtain a placement.

Enrolment in the Unit

Enrolment in the unit will be possible only after completion of all the following stages in the order in which they are listed:

1. An enrolment check to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria; 2. Online application received by Programme Director for an internship project/placement

advertised on the Corporate Internship website (Note: you are also encouraged to source your own internships, subject to approval by the Programme Director);

3. Attendance at an interview conducted by the business organisation offering the internship project/s;

4. Offer of an internship placement by business organisation following the interview; 5. With permission from Program Director and Postgraduate Course Coordinator, enrol in

Corporate Internship study unit: BAA709 = 25% weighted unit = 2 day p/w per semester internship placement


The Workshop in week 12 will be held in Launceston. The Poster presentation session in Week 13

will be held in Hobart. ALL enrolled students are required to attend the face-to-face workshop and

poster presentation. Transport between campuses will be provided by the University and students

are expected to take that transport except in exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangement

with the Unit Coordinator.

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2. Intended Learning Outcomes and Generic Graduate Attributes

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria – In assessing this learning outcome I will be looking at student ability to:

Assessment Methods

Graduate Attribute Outcomes

a): Critical reflection on the skills, capabilities and knowledge acquired in the 1



and 3rd

years of study in your undergraduate degree and elsewhere and their application to the internship project(s) and related tasks. Understanding limitations of university study and its application to a corporate environment.

Link UTAS Graduate Attributes: knowledge, problem-solving skills, communication, social responsibility, global perspective

Weekly journal entries.


Poster presentation

Knowledge: The ability to transfer knowledge acquired during your university studies and elsewhere to complex business situations and to transmit that knowledge to business professionals for critical discussion, evaluation and/or implementation. Acquire knowledge of corporate culture, structures, practices and procedures, the nature of project-based work and business project reporting. Development of self-knowledge and lifelong learning skills to further fulfilment of professional and personal career aspirations.

Communication: The ability to engage in persuasive, succinct discussions. Communicate orally and in writing to support a position held. Create clear and detailed analyses and research-based recommendations for business stakeholders. Develop and/or augment business report writing skills. Communicate knowledge-transfer through clear, concise business and academic report writing. Problem Solving: The ability to apply logical, critical and creative thinking to complex business problems. A critical grasp of theoretical frameworks and practices and the ability to integrate and apply them to problem resolution in a business context. The ability to locate, evaluate, analyse and use information from a range of appropriate media to achieve outcomes associated with the internship project(s) and related tasks. Global Perspective: Develop and demonstrate awareness of the local, national and/or global context of your study discipline and/or professional area and impact of same in relation to your internship project(s) and related tasks. Develop awareness of the interconnectedness of business activity with economic, social and/or political decision-making. Social Responsibility: Develop awareness of and the ability to identify and articulate ethical issues involved in business planning and strategy development with executives and key stakeholders. Demonstrate awareness of the implications of your decisions and actions upon others in a corporate context. Develop awareness of potential social and economic impacts of enterprise activity on specific social groups and appreciate the impact of social change through the decision-making processes and economic imperatives of business and industry.

Critical reflection (with evidence) on applicability (or not), of university-acquired theories, concepts and methods to undertake and complete internship business project (s) and related tasks

As above

b): Integration of acquired skills, capabilities and knowledge from university studies with practical experience in the workplace. Integration of corporate knowledge and skills acquired in workplace to university studies. Public presentation of project outcomes and learning experiences.

Link UTAS Graduate Attributes: knowledge, problem-solving skills, communication, social responsibility, global perspective

As above

Research, analyse, evaluate and provide recommendations to decision-makers in the workplace. Critically evaluate (with evidence), the integration of university-acquired theories, concepts and methods to the internship business project and related tasks. Synthesise skills, capabilities and knowledge acquired from university studies with those acquired in the internship corporate environment. Collaborate with peers. Present project findings and reflections on learning experience in poster format.

As above

c): Capacity to perform project-based work assignments and provide project reports on such assignments to decision-makers in the workplace

Link UTAS Graduate Attributes: knowledge, problem-solving skills, communication, social responsibility, global perspective

As above

Performance during completion of project-based tasks assigned by workplace Mentor and/or Project Leader

Internship Business/Mentor evaluation of Internship business project and related tasks

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3. Learning Expectations

The University is committed to a high standard of professional conduct in all activities, and holds its

commitment and responsibilities to its students as being of paramount importance. Likewise, it

holds expectations about the responsibilities students have as they pursue their studies within the

special environment the University offers. The University’s Code of Conduct for Teaching and

Learning states:

Students are expected to participate actively and positively in the teaching/learning

environment. They must attend classes when and as required, strive to maintain steady

progress within the subject or unit framework, comply with workload expectations, and

submit required work on time.

To undertake this unit you MUST strive to meet the expectations of the TSBE and the University as


Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)

The University is committed to providing a safe and secure teaching and learning environment. In

addition to specific requirements of this unit you should refer to the University’s policy at:

4. Learning Resources Access to MyLO - Corporate Internship unit BAA709


MyLO software has been incorporated into the delivery of this unit to enhance the learning

experience by providing access to up to date course materials and by allowing for online discussion

through this web based environment.

To access MyLO from your own computer you will need the appropriate software, and hardware to

run that software. See Learning Online at for computer software you

will need.

Note: Older computers may not have the hardware to run some of the required software

applications. Contact your local IT support person or the Service Desk on 6226 1818 if you

experience difficulties.

Privacy Policy and Notice

The Tasmanian School of Business and Economics takes the utmost care to protect the privacy and

security of your personal information and to ensure its accuracy. If you have any concerns about

your privacy in MyLO please contact the unit coordinator or view the University of Tasmania MyLO

Privacy Policy Statement available from the university website on

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Prescribed Texts, Journals and Periodicals

Apart from books, you will find it valuable to get into the practice of reading relevant articles from journals and periodicals (including newspapers and magazines). There are no prescribed texts, academic and related journals or periodicals for this unit.

5. Details of Teaching Arrangements There will be a compulsory 2 hour seminar in Week 1 of the semester. At this seminar (video-linked between Hobart, Launceston and Cradle Coast as required) you will be introduced to the programme and other interns, obtain advice about assessment tasks and requirements and review relevant UTAS policy relating to the internship programme. Note: the seminar will not be repeated.

At the commencement of your internship placement, you will attend an initial meeting with the

Internship Mentor. At the meeting a programme of work will be determined involving the

completion of one or more major projects that shall be agreed upon together with the performance

of any related duties. The programme of work will include reference to your Pre-Placement Learning

Plan (PPLP). Thereafter you will commence work on the project/s and related duties as directed by

the Internship Mentor.

Time spent by you completing the major project/s and related duties in the workplace will be the

equivalent of two (2) days per week for a 13-week period (26 days).

You are required to attend the business premises of the Internship Mentor or such other place as

may be directed by the Mentor on each of the 26 days during business hours from 9.00am to

5.00pm or during such other period of eight (8) hours as may be agreed with the Internship Mentor

and the Unit Director in accordance with the Programme of Work. During the period of the

internship, you will be under the direct supervision of the Internship Mentor and you will carry out

such activities as may be directed by them in connection with the major project/s and related duties.

Placement Visit & Contact

The Unit Coordinator will liaise with the Internship Mentor and with you during the period of the

internship and will make at least one visit to you both at the internship workplace midway through

your internship at a time as shall be agreed between you. Additional visits can be arranged if

required. You are expected to contact the Unit Coordinator on a regular basis via email, as necessary,

and respond to all requests from the Unit Coordinator for information about the internship, in a

timely manner. All communication relating to the programme MUST be through your UTAS account.

Communication, Consultation and Appointments

Communication with TSBE staff throughout the internship period is via your UTAS email account.

Individual consultation with the Programme Director and other teaching staff is by appointment.

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6. Assessment

Assessment Schedule

Assessment Task/External Assessment Date due Percentage


1. Pre-Placement Learning Plan Week 1 (submit to



2. Reflective Journal Entries 12 noon Friday in

weeks 2-11


3. Workshop & Poster Presentation Weeks 12 &13.

Dates and times



4. Internship Mentor Evaluation (External Assessment) Not due from the



Assessment Details

1. Pre-Placement Learning Plan (PPLP) (compulsory but not assessed)

Task Description

It will be helpful for your Mentor to understand your background knowledge and experience, as well

as what you hope to learn from your internship placement. To help you to clarify and articulate your

personal learning objectives, a template PPLP will be provided to you prior to your first meeting with

the Internship Mentor. You are expected to complete the template, add any additional information

you think relevant, and bring this with you to the first meeting. Your PPLP will directly inform

reflection and evaluation in this unit.

Task Length Template provided

Due Date Week 1 – submit to Mentor at first meeting

2. Reflective Journal Entries - 30%

Task Description

You will be required to present weekly Reflective Journal entries in respect of all work and activities

undertaken in connection with the major project/s. Journal entries will focus on specific questions

which will be released via MyLO each Monday at 0900. You will respond to these questions with

reference to your PPLP, the specific project/s you have completed, and your experience of learning

as a student intern.

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Task Length 500 words per entry

Due date Weekly - 12 noon Friday in Weeks 2-11. Submit via Dropbox in MyLO.

3. Workshop & Poster Presentation - 40%

Task Description

You will use your specific project/s and reflection on attainment of PPLP objectives as a basis for a

poster display and presentation.

Week 12 – A one-day workshop will be held at which you will review your internship experiences,

design your poster presentation, update your CV and collaborate with other interns to in

preparation for the Poster Session. Supplementary information will be provided on MyLO, including

guidelines for preparing posters and the presentation session, links to websites which illustrate how

to create effective posters and a YouTube clip which demonstrates how a poster session works in


Week 13 – Poster presentation at TSBE. You will design and produce a poster which will provide a

snapshot of your internship project, your experience and your reflections on the skills, knowledge

and abilities you have acquired. The posters will be displayed in a Poster Session at the TSBE.

Business mentors and academics from TSBE and the broader University community will be invited to

attend. Refreshments will be provided and the atmosphere will be collaborative and relaxed.

Participation in a Poster Session requires you to engage in interactive conversation with audience

members i.e. you will be expected to talk to your poster and be prepared to discuss your

experiences and learning with the invited guests and other students. This aspect of the assessment

can be quite challenging for students who may not have previously presented work in this way; you

may be required to engage in various levels of conversation because some audience members may

know little about the topic and others may have an extensive knowledge and wish to discuss the

internship project in depth. For this reason, the workshop in Week 12 will include guidance for

producing poster, presentation formats, topics that may be covered, design and layout and

discussion about engagement with guests.

Task Length Not specified. Poster presentation.

Due Date Weeks 12 & 13. Dates TBA.

4. Mentor Evaluation - 30%

Task Description

During the course of the internship, the Internship Mentor will evaluate the work and activities

undertaken by you in connection with the major project/s. The Internship Mentor will advise the

Unit Coordinator and you of the nature and content of the evaluations on a regular basis. The

evaluations may be provided orally and/or in writing. You shall comply with any and all reasonable

directions provided by the Internship Mentor in connection with the activities undertaken in

connection with the major project/s, the related duties or otherwise. At the conclusion of the

internship period, the Internship Mentor will provide to the Unit Coordinator a formal written

evaluation of all work and activities undertaken by you in connection with the major project/s. An

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electronic version of the pro forma in this Unit Outline will be used by the Internship Mentor for the

purposes of the formal written evaluation.

Assessment/Learning Outcomes/Generic Graduate Attributes Matrix








Reflective Journal Entries

Workshop & Poster Presentation

Internship Business/Mentor Evaluation

















Global perspective

Social Responsibility

Assessment in this unit tests the extent to which the learning outcomes referred to above have been


7. Specific Attendance/Performance Requirements

Subject to illness or other compassionate grounds accepted by the Unit Coordinator, you are

expected to attend the workplace of the Internship Mentor for two days per week for a period of 13

weeks (26 days) for 8 hours per day OR the equivalent thereof in accordance with the Programme of

Work agreed with the Internship Mentor and the Unit Coordinator.

It is most important that any information gained in the workplace be kept CONFIDENTIAL between

you, the Internship Mentor and the Unit Coordinator, including when you post any questions or

comments to the Discussion Board on MyLO. Where required by the Internship Sponsor, you and the

Unit Coordinator will sign additional confidentiality agreements.

You must achieve both an overall mark of 50% AND have completed and submitted each item of

assessment to pass the unit.

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8. Penalties and requests for extension of assignments

Written coursework not submitted by the due date and time will incur a penalty of 10% of the

available marks for EACH DAY the coursework is late.

Consistent with the TSBE’s Policy on late submission of coursework, extensions of time will only be

granted on medical or compassionate grounds. Requests for extension must be made to the Unit

Coordinator in writing on the TSBE’s Corporate Internship Assignment Extension Form available from

MyLO or the Unit Director.

Medical certificates or other evidence, which supports the application, must be attached.

Certificates attached must be valid for:

The period during which the assignment was being prepared; AND

Cover you for the number of working days past the due date.

Extension requests must be made BEFORE the assignment deadline.

Tasmanian School of Business and Economics Late Assessment Policy

A full copy of the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics late assessment policy is available

from the TSBE homepage -

9. Academic Referencing

In your Reflective Journal Entries you will need to support your ideas and comments by referring to

scholarly literature and/or other literature/documents (e.g. literature, documents, etc.,

prepared/used by the Internship Mentor). It is important that you understand how to correctly refer

to the work of others and maintain academic integrity. Failure to appropriately acknowledge the

ideas of others constitutes academic dishonesty (plagiarism), a matter considered by the University

of Tasmania as a serious offence (see below).

For this unit you will be required to adhere to the Harvard system of referencing. For further

information on referencing styles go to:

10. Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, allowing another student to copy work for an assignment or an examination and any other conduct by which a student:

(a) seeks to gain, for themselves or for any other person, any academic advantage or advancement to which they or that other person are not entitled; or (b) improperly disadvantages any other student

Students engaging in any form of academic misconduct may be dealt with under the Ordinance of

Student Discipline, and this can include imposition of penalties that range from a

deduction/cancellation of marks to exclusion from a unit or the University. Details of penalties that

Page 12: BAA709 Corporate Internship · outcomes associated with the internship project(s) and related tasks.project outcomes and learning experiences. Global Perspective: Develop and demonstrate


can be imposed are available in the Ordinance of Student Discipline – Part 3 Academic Misconduct,


Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or

inventions and representing them as your own, for example:

using an author’s words without putting them in quotation marks and citing the source; using an author’s ideas without proper acknowledgment and citation; or copying another student’s work

If you have any doubts about how to refer to the work of others in your assignments please refer

to the academic integrity resources at:

The intentional copying of someone else’s work as one’s own is a serious offence punishable by

penalties that may range from a fine or deduction/cancellation of marks and, in the most serious of

cases, to exclusion from a unit, a course or the University.

The University and any persons authorised by the University may submit your assessable works to

a plagiarism checking service, to obtain a report on possible instances of plagiarism. Assessable

works may also be included in a reference database. It is a condition of this arrangement that the

original author’s permission is required before a work within the database can be viewed.

For further information on this statement and general referencing guidelines, see or follow the link under ‘Policy, Procedures and Feedback’ on

the Current Students homepage.

11. Getting Assistance

If you have any concerns about this unit then in the first instance you should discuss the matter with

the Unit Coordinator.

Difficulties with Studies, Personal Problems, Disability and Illness

If you are experiencing difficulties with the internship or in satisfying the assessment requirements

for the internship, have personal or life planning issues, disability or illness which may affect the

course of the internship, you should raise this with the Unit Coordinator and one of the following

staff as soon as possible: Student Advisor, Student Counsellor, Careers Adviser and/or Disability


Information about services and support for students provided by the University may be obtained

from the University Website:

University and TSBE Equity Plans

The University's Equity Plan is a dynamic document. It identifies eight key principles that underpin

four broad goals. The strategies, performance measures and responsibilities are placed in the

University Plan context and format. Through these the Equity Plan promotes, in a practical way, the

Page 13: BAA709 Corporate Internship · outcomes associated with the internship project(s) and related tasks.project outcomes and learning experiences. Global Perspective: Develop and demonstrate


image of an inclusive community where diversity is embraced and celebrated, rights are protected

and all students and staff are able to achieve their full potential.” University of Tasmania Equity Plan:

Student Complaints and Appeals

There are a number of avenues available to you if you have not been able to resolve a concern to

your satisfaction through informal means. You can obtain information about these processes from:

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12. Internship Mentor Assessment Criteria

30% of the total assessment for this unit comprises an evaluation of your performance by the

Internship Mentor. It is recommended that the Internship Mentor award a mark out of 20 for each of

the following criterion at the completion of the internship. An electronic version of the form will be

submitted to the Unit Coordinator and the marks aggregated and reduced to a mark worth 30%

overall. Internship Mentors are encouraged to provide comments based on their experiences

working with their intern and to share these with them thus contributing to the student’s learning.

The form should be completed in the final week of the internship placement period. This document

will be made available to interns upon completion of the unit.

Criteria Mark (out of 20) + Comments Use the scale below this table when assigning the mark.

General attributes (e.g., punctuality, personal presentation,

willingness to learn and accept direction from others, capacity to

work independently, interpersonal skills, social responsibility in




Communication skills (e.g., demonstrate high standards of oral and

written communication skills through ability to: access, interpret,

organise and present information effectively; use appropriate

medium for communication; listen to and evaluate views of others;

communicate own ideas effectively)



Problem-solving skills (e.g., able to: identify critical issues relevant

to work being undertaken; conceptualise problems and formulate

appropriate solutions; learn new skills and apply them appropriately

in the workplace; work effectively with others; demonstrate

initiative, apply logical, critical and/or creative thinking to a range of

problems; able to organise self)



Knowledge (e.g., able to demonstrate: awareness of core business,

management structure and culture of organisation; understanding

of information imparted and assigned tasks; application of relevant

technical and/or informational (academic) skills to assigned tasks;

capacity to identify learning needs and understand limit of current

knowledge relevant to assigned tasks)



Project Requirements (e.g., all tasks completed to agreed

organisational requirements, quality of work, capacity to meet set

deadlines, overall contribution to business organisation)



Please use the following scale to help you assign a mark out of 20 for each item above:

Excellent Good Neither good nor poor Poor Very poor

20 15 10 5 0