Download - B2B Email Campaigns on CPA -- LeadSwell

Page 1: B2B Email Campaigns on CPA -- LeadSwell

Effective B2B Email Campaigns on CPA

Curated by Matt Payne

Fall 2013

Note: The following campaigns are publicly available & should not be considered confidential.

Page 2: B2B Email Campaigns on CPA -- LeadSwell – Twitter Support Kit (Free Trial)

<- Step 1 of 3: Email Creative I successfully brokered this offer to publishers on a CPA-basis. Respect this creative because: - It leverages dominant Twitter name &

brand - It’s a great offer. More than just a

whitepaper this “kit” combines content, technology (free SaaS trial) & a demo

- Creative adheres to best practices. Logo upper left, engaging headline, body copy on the left, bullets, hero image on the right, strong call to action with button below image, good text to image ratio

- Opening sentence of 1st paragraph paints an enticing reward in exchange for improvement on an existing effort, “Imagine what it would be like to double your fans on Twitter just by providing better customer success.”

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<- Step 2 of 3: Client Landing Page

Appreciate this landing because:

- Clear, succinct, powerful language relates to copy in the email creative.

- Strong offer: Free App + eBook + Demo is a strong 3 in 1 offer, the end-user perceives considerable value

- Short form of 5 fields, the 5th field allows the end user to actually reserve the URL of their portal.

- Engaging video on the left.

- Customer logos at the footer.

- This landing page redirects to a page which spawns the end-user’s free trial. – Twitter Support Kit (Free Trial)

Page 4: B2B Email Campaigns on CPA -- LeadSwell – Twitter Support Kit (Free Trial)

<- Step 3 of 3: Free Trial

After the user clicked, “Get it Now” on the landing page, they are automagically redirected to their trial account.

Recommendation: Automatically place a call to everyone @ this moment.

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Druva – Gartner Whitepaper

This offer converts well- generates hundreds of leads/mo.

Client hosts landing page, controls billing #’s, billing terms & cost per lead.

Email Creative Landing Page

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Druva – Free Trial

This offer does not convert as well for publishers, but client is ecstatic with quality.

Client controls billing #’s, billing terms & cost per trial.

Email Creative Landing Page

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Druva – Savings Calculator

Untested. Suspect quality will be high b/c conversions should be “right party contacts.”

Client controls billing #’s, billing terms & cost per lead.

Email Creative Landing Page

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GigaOM – Webinar Promo Email Creative Landing Page

This offer converts well- generates hundreds of registrations per event.

Client hosts landing page, controls billing #’s, billing terms & cost per registration.

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iSpeakVideo – SMB Whitepaper

Step 1 of 3: Email Creative

Customer pain point: small businesses have a hard time establishing credibility against larger, established brands online.

Subject lines :

Small Companies are Seeing Success with Video

Sales Can Increase 40% when Using Online Video Small Companies Find Online Video Boosts Sales

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iSpeakVideo – SMB Whitepaper

Step 2 of 3: Email Creative

- Video

- Short form

- Customer logos on top

- Bullets

- Headline above form

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Step 3 of 3: Whitepaper & More Videos

- Showcases product

- Develops deeper hooks

Offer converts well. Client tells us lead quality is high. They take longer to close but the average gross order size is high.

iSpeakVideo – SMB Whitepaper

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IntraLinks – 30-day trial Landing Page

- Untested. Test projected Nov ’13.

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Unitrends – On Demand Demo

- Untested. Test projected Dec ’13.

Landing Page

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Thanks for viewing!

Matt Payne


[email protected]
