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1-JUNE 2011 TO 6-AUGUST 2011.






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It is great pleasure to express my sense of gratitude toMr Ravindra Khot and whole staff of Axis Bank Byramji town branch along with my respected faculties of my college Institute Of Management and Research ITM Nagpur without whose valuable guidance generous help and constant enthusiastic inspiration this assignment titled“To study customer relationship management(CRM)and marketing strategies adopted by Axis Bank with refrence to Prime Segment Customers” would have never been a success. I was almost convinced that I was aware of the business & market forces that drive the banking industry. However, once I s tarted out working on the same, I realized how grossly inadequate my knowledge had been.

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This is to certify that Anurag Avinash Padoley has successfully completed his Internship at Axis Bank on topic “To study customer relationship management(CRM)and Marketing Strategies adopted by Axis Bank with refrence to Prime Segment Customers” from 1-june 2011 to 6-august 2011 . He always tried to learn more and more during internship and his conduct was good durning this period. I wish him all the best for his future.




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TIMINGS:- 9.30 TO 3.30













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Without a sound and effective banking system in India it cannot have a healthy economy. The bank ing sy s t em o f Ind i a shou ld no t on ly be ha s s l e f r e e bu t i t shou ld be ab l e t o mee t new challenges posed by the technology and any other external and internal factors. For the past thread decades India's banking system has several outstanding achievements to its credit. The most striking is its extensive reach. It is no longer confined to only metropolitans or cosmopolitans in India. In fact, Indian banking system has reached even to the remote corners of the country. Thesis one of the main reasons of India's growth process.

HISTORY:The first bank in India, though conservative, was established in 1786. From 1786 till today, the  j ou rney o f I nd i an Bank ing Sys t em can be s eg rega t ed i n to t h r ee d i s t i nc t phase s . They a r e As mentioned below:

PHASE I - Early phase from 1786 to 1969 of Indian Banks

PHASE II - Nationalization of Indian Banks and up to 1991

PHASE III - Indian Financial & Banking Sector Reforms after 1991.

PHASE I - Early phase from 1786 to 1969 of Indian Banks:-

The Gene ra l Bank o f I nd i a was s e t up i n t he yea r 1786 . Nex t c ame Bank o f H indus t an and Bengal Bank. The East India Company established Bank of Bengal (1809), Bank of Bombay(1840) and Bank of Madras (1843) as independent units and called it Presidency Banks. These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and Imperial Bank of India was established which start edams private shareholders banks, mostly Europeans shareholders. During the first phase the growth was very slow and banks also experienced periodic failures between 1913 and 1948. There wereapp rox ima te ly  1100  banks ,  mos t l y   sma l l .  To   s t r e aml ine   t he   func t i on ing   and  

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ac t i v i t i e s   o f   commercial banks, the Government of India came up with The Banking Companies Act, 1949which was later changed to Banking Regulation Act 1949 as per amending Act of 1965 (Act No.23 of 1965). Reserve Bank of India was vested with extensive powers for the supervision of   bank ing   i n   Ind i a   a s   t he  Cen t r a l  Bank ing  Au tho r i t y .  Dur ing   t hose  day ’ s   pub l i c ha s   l e s se r   confidence in the banks. As an aftermath deposit mobilization was slow. Abreast of it the savings bank facility provided by the Postal department was comparatively safer. Moreover, funds were largely given to the traders.

PHASE II - Nationalization of Indian Banks and up to 1991:-

Government took major steps in this Indian Banking Sector Reform after independence. In 1955,it nationalized Imperial Bank of India with extensive banking facilities on a large scale especially in rural and semi-urban areas. Second phase of nationalization Indian Banking Sector Reform was carried out in 1980 with seven more banks. This step brought 80% of the banking segment in India under Government ownership. The following are the steps taken by the Government of India to Regulate Banking Institutions in the Country:

1949: Enactment of Banking Regulation Act.

1955: Nationalization of State Bank of India.

1959: Nationalization of SBI subsidiaries.

1961: Insurance cover extended to deposits.

1969: Nationalization of 14 major banks.

1971: Creation of credit guarantee corporation.

1975: Creation of regional rural banks.

1980: Nationalization of seven banks with deposits over 200 crore. After the nationalization of banks, the branches of the public sector bank India raised to approximately 800% in deposits and advances took a huge jump by 11,000%.Banking in the sunshine of Government ownership gave the public implicit faith and immense confidence about the sustainability of these institutions.

PHASE III - Indian Financial & Banking Sector Reforms after 1991.

This phase has introduced many more products and facilities in the banking sector in its reforms measure. In 1991, under the chairmanship of M Narasimham, a committee was set up by his name which worked for the liberalization of banking practices. The country is flooded with foreign banks and their

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ATM stations. Efforts are being put to give a satisfactory service to customers. Phone banking and net banking is introduced. The entire system became more convenient and swift. The financial system of India has shown a great deal of resilience. It is sheltered from any crisis triggered by any external macroeconomics shock as other East Asian Countries suffered. This is all due to a flexible exchange rate regime, the foreign reserves are high, the capital account is not yet fully convertible, and banks and their customers have limited foreign exchange exposure.


Axis Bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promoted jointly by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI - I), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and other four PSU insurance companies, i.e. National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance Company Ltd. The Bank as on 30th June, 2011 is capitalized to the extent of Rs. 411.88 crores with the public holding (other than promoters and GDRs) at 52.87%.The Bank's Registered Office is at Ahmadabad and its Central Office is located at Mumbai. The Bank has a very wide network of more than 1281 branches (including 169 Service Branches/CPCs as on 31st March, 2011). The Bank has a network of over 6270 ATMs (as on 31st March, 2011) providing 24 hrs a day banking convenience to its customers. This is one of the largest ATM networks in the country. The Bank has strengths in both retail and corporate banking and is committed to adopting the best industry practices internationally in order to achieve excellence.

Axis Bank Ltd. has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of the country, UTI. The Bankwas set up with a capital of Rs. 115 crore, with UTI contributing Rs. 100 crore, LIC - Rs. 7.5 crore and GIC and its four subsidiaries contributing Rs. 1.5 crore each.

VISION 2015:-

To be the preferred financial solutions provider excelling in customer delivery through insight, empowered employees and smart use of technology

Core Values:-

Customer Centricity Ethics Transparency Teamwork Ownership

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UTI was established in 1964 by an Act of Parliament; neither did the Government of India own it nor contributes any capital. The RBI was asked to contribute one-half of its initial capital of Rs 5crore, and given the mandate of running the UTI in the interest of the unit-holders. The State Bank of India and the Life Insurance Corporation contributed 15 per cent of the capital each, and the rest was contributed by scheduled commercial banks which were not nationalized then. This kind of structure for a unit trust is not found anywhere else in the world. Again, unlike other unit trusts and mutual funds, the UTI was not created to earn profits. In the course of nearly four decades of its existence, it (the UTI) has succeeded phenomenally in achieving its objective and has the largest share anywhere in the world of the domestic mutual fund industry.'' The emergence of a "foreign expert" during the setting up of the UTI makes an interesting story. The announcement by the then Finance Minister that the Government of India was contemplating the establishment of a unit trust caught the eye of Mr. George Woods, the then President of the World Bank. Mr. Woods took a great deal of interest in the Indian financial system, as he was one of the principal architects of the ICICI, in which his bank, First Boston Corporation Bank, had a sizeable shareholding. Mr. Woods offered, through Mr. B.K. Nehru, who was India's Executive Director on the World Bank, the services of an expert. The Centre jumped at the offer, and asked the RBI to hold up the finalization of the unit trust proposals till the expert visited India. The only point Mr. Sullivan made was that the provision to limit the ownership of units to individuals might result in unnecessarily restricting the market for units. While making this point, he had in mind the practice in the US, where small pension funds are an important class of customers for the unit trusts. The Centre accepted the foreign expert’s suggestion, and the necessary amendments were made in the draft Bill. Thus, began corporate investment in the UTI, which received a boost from the tax concession given by the government in the 1990-91 Budget. According to this concession, the dividends received by a company from investments in other companies, including the UTI, were completely exempt from corporate income tax, and provided the dividends declared by the investing company were higher than

the dividends received. The result was a phenomenal increase in corporate investment which

accounted for 57 per cent of the total capital under US-64 scheme. Because of high liquidity the

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corporate sector used the UTI to park its liquid funds. This added to the volatility of the UTI funds. The corporate lobby which perhaps subtly opposed the establishment of the UTI in the public sector made use of it for its own benefits later. The Government-RBI power game started with the finalization of the UTI charter itself. The RBI draft of the UTI charter stipulated that the Chairman will be nominated by it, and one more nominee would be on the Board of Trustees. While finalizing the draft Bill, the Centre changed this stipulation. The Chairman was to be nominated by the Government, albeit in consultation with RBI. Although the appointment was to be made in consultation with the Reserve Bank, the Government could appoint a person of its choice as Chairman even if the Bank did not approve of him.


The Bank's principal activities are to provide commercial banking services which include merchant banking, direct finance, infrastructure finance, venture capital fund, advisory, trusteeship, forex, treasury and other related financial services. The Bank has 463 branches and263 extension counters throughout India. During April, 2006 the Bank open-end 1 overseas branch in Singapore.


UTI Bank Ltd. has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of the country, UTI. The Bank was set up with a capital of Rs. 115 crore, with

UTI contributing Rs. 100 crore,

LIC - Rs. 7.5 crore

GIC and its four subsidiaries contributing Rs. 1.5 crore each.


Erstwhile Unit Trust of India was set up as a body corporate under the UTI Act, 1963, with a view to encourage savings and investment. In December 2002, the UTI Act, 1963 was repealed with the passage of Unit Trust of India (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 2002 by the Parliament, paving the way for the bifurcation of UTI into 2 entities, UTI-I and UTI-II with effect from 1st February 2003.

Major players in banking industry with whom axis bank is competing now:-


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Board Of Directors Of Axis Bank:-

Dr. Adarsh Kishore Chairman

Smt. Shikha Sharma Managing Director & CEO

Shri S. K. Chakrabarti Deputy Managing Director

Dr. R.H. Patil Director

Smt. Rama Bijapurkar Director

Shri R.B.L. Vaish Director

Shri M.V. Subbiah Director

Shri K. N. Prithviraj Director

Shri V. R. Kaundinya Director

Shri S. B. Mathur Director

Shri Prasad R. Menon Director

Shri R. N. Bhattacharyya Director

Shri Samir K Barua Director

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Once the marketing strategy is developed, there is a "Seven P Formula" that should be used to continually evaluate and reevaluate your business activities. These seven are:








As products, markets, customers and needs change rapidly, company must continually revisit these seven Ps to make sure you're on track and achieving the maximum results possible for you in today's marketplace.

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To begin with, develop the habit of looking at your product as though you were an outside marketing consultant brought in to help your company decide whether or not it's in the right business at this time. Ask critical questions such as, "Is the current product or service, or mix of  products and services, appropriate and suitable for the market and the customers of today?"Develop a habit of assessing your business honestly and asking,

Are these the right products or services for our customers today?

Compared to your competitors, is your product or service superior in some significant way to anything else available? If so, what is it? If not, could you develop an area of superiority? Should you be offering this product or service at all in the current marketplace?

Product variety, quality and its features.

Is there a market for the service on offer?

Is the market growing or shrinking?

Is the service new or established?

The competition prevailing in the market for the service on offer?

The USP of the product. Products and Services on offered by AXIS Bank:


Easy Access Accounts

Prime Savings Account

Salary Account

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Women’s Saving Account

Senior Privilege Account

Defense Salary Account

Trust & NGO Savings Account

Azzadi –No frills

RFC (D) Account

Pension savings Account.


Fixed Deposits

Recurring deposits

Encash 24

Tax Saver Fixed Deposits


Home loan

Personal loan

Loan Against Property

Loan Against Security

Car Loans

Study Loans

Two Wheeler Loan

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Consumer Loan


Online Trading

Mutual Funds

Fixed Income

Depository Services

E Depository Services


Health Insurance

Family Health

Health Guard






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The second P in the formula is price. Develop the habit of continually examining and reexamining the prices of the products and services you sell to make sure they're still appropriate to the realities of the current market. Sometimes you need to lower your prices. At other times, it may be appropriate to raise your prices. Many companies have found that the profitability of certain products or services doesn't justify the amount of effort and resources that go into producing them. By raising their prices, they may lose a percentage of their customers, but the remaining percentage generates a profit on every sale. Could this be appropriate for you? Sometimes you need to change your terms and conditions of sale. Sometimes, by spreading your  price over a series of months or years, you can sell far more than you are today, and the interest you can charge will more than make up for the delay in cash receipts. Sometimes you can combine products and services together with special offers and special promotions. Sometimes you can include free additional items that cost you very little to produce but make your prices appear far more attractive to your customers. In business, as in nature, whenever you experience resistance or frustration in any part of your sales or marketing activities, be open to revisiting that area. Be open to the possibility that your current pricing structure is not ideal for the current market. Be open to the need to revise your  prices, if necessary, to remain competitive, to survive and thrive in a fast-changing marketplace. AXIS bank has developed innovative strategies against its competitors with respect to pricing by use of technology. The use of technology is the strategic differentiator for AXIS bank that helps in cost minimization and creating efficiency for the customer. The creation of centralized processing system linking all its branches has been a major strategic move in this regard.

The pricing mechanism and features of various HDFC products are as follows:-

Home LoansFloating rates

For loan of up to five years for amounts between Rs one lakh and Rs 50 lakh is at9.25 per cent (9 per cent).

The rate for loans of 5 years and above up to 10 years is now at 9.75 per cent (9.50 per cent).

The interest rate for above ten years now stands at 10.25 per cent (10 per cent).


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INITIAL FUNDING RS.5000 at metro and urban at semi urban and Rs 1000 at rural branches

Rs 5000 at metro and urban rs 2500 at semi urban and Rs.1000 at rural branches

Rs 5000 at metro and urban rs 2500 at semi urban and Rs 1000 at rural barnches

Rs 25000 at metro,urban,semi urban and Rs 10000 at rural branches

AQB REQUIREMENT Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as aboveANYWHERE BANKING

Available Available Available Available


No-limit No-limit No-limit No-limit

CHEAQUE BOOKS 1 free cheaque book per quarter

1 free cheaque book per quarter

1 free cheaque book per quarter

1 free cheaque book per quarter

DD/PO chargeable chargeable chargeable 2 dd/po free per month on axis bank location


Quarterly or monthly E-settelment

Quarterly or monthly E-settelment

Quarterly or monthly E-settelment

Quarterly or monthly E-settelment


Free 5 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 5 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day

Free 5 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 5 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day

Free 5 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 5 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day

Free 5 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 5 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day


Free 10 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 10 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day

Free 10 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 10 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day

Free 10 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 10 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day

Free 5 transactions per month with no limit on value at home branches and 5 transactions at non home branches subject to 50000 per day


No limit No limit No limit No limit

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Debit card features:- Features SBEZY SSEZY SWEZY SBPRM1. Type Classic Classic Classic Titanium reward

2. Photo Yes Yes Yes Yes

3. Insurance fee(primary)

Rs 100 Rs 100 Rs 100 Rs 500

4. Insurance fee(joint)

Rs 100 Rs 100 Rs 100 Rs 500

5. Annual fees Rs 100 Rs 100 Rs 100 Rs 300

6. Atm withdrawal limit(per day)

Rs.40000 Rs.40000 Rs.40000 Rs.50000

7. Pos(per day) Rs.40000 Rs.40000 Rs.40000 Rs.50000

8. Lost card liability Rs.40000 Rs.40000 Rs.40000 Rs.50000

9. Transaction charges at other atm(domestic)

5 transactions per month

5 transactions per month

5 transactions per month

Unlimited transactions per month

10 Transaction charges at other atm(international)

Rs.125+taxes Rs.125+taxes Rs.125+taxes Rs.125+taxes

11 Pa insurance cover

Rs 2 lakhs Rs 2 lakhs Rs 2 lakhs Rs 3 lakhs

12 Fuel surcharge 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%

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Investment Plans:Investors can choose from cumulative and non-cumulative bond options.

Interest Rate:Bonds will bear interest @ 8.00% per annum and are payable half-yearly.

Minimum Investment Amount:The Bonds will be issued for a minimum amount of Rs 1,000 (face value) and in multiples thereof

Maximum Investment Amount:There is no upper limit for investment in the Bonds.

Maturity:The Bonds shall mature on the expiration of six years from the date of issue.

Taxation:Interest on the Bonds will be taxable under the Income Tax Act, 1961 as applicable according to the relevant tax status of the Bonds holder. Presently there is no tax deduction at source at the time of interest payment.


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The third habit in marketing and sales is to think in terms of promotion all the time. Promotion includes all the ways you tell your customers about your products or services and how you then market and sell to them. Small changes in the way you promote and sell your products can lead to dramatic changes in your results. Even small changes in your advertising can lead immediately to higher sales. Axis bank has devised an aggressive promotional strategy through its diversified distribution mix which includes tied agencies and alternate channels like banks, brokers, telemarketing, direct sales force, internet advertizing .some of the promotional activities undertaken are:

Cross selling exercises

Organizing school level painting competitions in order to create awareness about the environmental concerns and the wild life to promote kids advantage account.

Wheels of fortune - this promo are targeted at all those customers who avail a personal loan, car or a two wheeler loan. There will be lucky draw at the end of the promo and the winners would get exotic prizes.

Personalized promos by sending mailers about various products on offer to all those who come in contact during the mass promotion strategies. The promotional strategies are carried out with an objective of positioning axis bank as a one stop financial super market. The focus of the promotions are not just confined to acquisition of new products but also extends to creating product awareness, enhancing usage, and also provide value add to the customers for their faith and loyalty. these promotions are scientifically designed based on data analysis and data mining in order to have maximum impact on the target audience.


The fourth p in the marketing mix is the place where your product or service is actually sold. You can sell your product in many different places. Some companies use direct selling, sending their salespeople out to personally meet and talk with the prospect. Some sell by telemarketing. Some sell through catalogs or mail order. Many companies use a combination of one or more of thesemethods. It refers to those activities of the company that makes the product available to target consumers. It includes geographic spread, distribution channels, dealer ships that facilitate network establishment. Axis bank is widely spread in India and its core banking operations has huge network: 

580 branches and extension counters foreign offices – in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Dubai

2457 ATMs reaches out to 350 cities, towns and villages across the country AXIS bank owns a wholly owned distribution channel with dedicated workforce, thereby lowering the operating costs. It uses its network base to good effect to sell customized products.

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The fifth element in the marketing mix is the process. Develop the habit of standing back and looking at every visual element in the process or service through the eyes of a critical prospect. Remember, people from their first impression about you within the first 30 seconds of seeing your some element of your company. Small improvements in the process or external appearance of your product or service can often lead to completely different reactions from your customers. With regard to the process of your company, your product or service, you should think in terms of everything that the customer sees from the first moment of contact with your company all the way through the purchasing process. Process refers to the way your product or service appears from the outside. Packaging refers to your people and how they dress and groom. It refers to your offices, your waiting rooms, your  brochures, your correspondence and every single visual element about your company. Everything counts. Everything helps or hurts. Everything affects your customer's confidence about dealing with you.


The next P is positioning, the habit of thinking continually about how you are positioned in the hearts and minds of your customers.

How do people think and talk about you when you're not present?

How do people think and talk about your company?

What positioning do you have in your market, in terms of the specific words people use when they describe you and your offerings to others?AXIS Bank has positioned its branches in all the strategic position so that it is easily accessible to maximum customer. It has also come up with some phone banking centre and centralized collection and payment hub.


The Bank’s Centralized Phone Banking Centre provides customers across the country Access to the Bank over the phone, handling multiple queries in about 7000 calls per day.


The Bank’s Centralized Collection and Payment Hub (CCPH) manages the entire collection and payment activity under the Bank’s Cash Management Services (CMS) across the country, handling on an average about Rs.5000 crores per month on the collection front and aboutRs.1500 crores per month on the payment front.

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The final P of the marketing mix is people. Develop the habit of thinking in terms of the people inside and outside of your business who are responsible for every element of your sales and marketing strategy and activities. It’s amazing how many entrepreneurs and businesspeople will work extremely hard to think through every element of the marketing strategy and the marketing mix, and then pay little attention to the fact that every single decision and policy has to be carried out by a specific person, in a specific way. Your ability to select, recruit, hire and retain the proper people, with the skills and abilities to do the job you need to have done, is more important than everything else put together. An essential ingredient to any service provision is the use of appropriate staff and people. Recruiting the right staff and training them appropriately in the delivery of service inessential if the organization has to obtain competitive advantage. AXIS bank values its human resources very highly and is on a constant endeavor to continuously develop its human resources by laying strong emphasis on training development. It possesses a highly motivated team of professionals and has the lowest employee turnover rate in the industry.

Employee productivity:-

S.No Item 2006-07

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 All Private Bank Avg 2010-11

1. No. Of Offices 348 450 490 520 545 468

2. No. Of Employees

6553 7224 8598 9984 11540 10112

3. Business Per Employee(In Lakh)

1020 1106 1190 1425 1652 1528

4. Profit Per Employee 8.69 9.35 10.52 12.05 13.55 11.98 (In Lakh)

From the above data it is clearly evident that Axis bank is growing at a good rate as there number of branches is also increasing along with the increase in the employee also showing the environment provided by Axis bank. Its profit per employee is also showing a positive trend and is above the average of both the private bank and the all the bank category. It provides challenging and exciting growth opportunities for its employees in order to push the employees unleash their maximum potential. One of the key features of any growing business is the Recruitment and Retention of Human Resources. During The Year, A Major Challenge Was The retention Of Manpower, Given The Current Buoyancy In The Indian Economy As Also The Lucrative Opportunities Available For Skilled Personnel In The Growing financial Services Sector. The Bank Has Generally Successfully Managed the Important Challenge of Acquisition of Talent to Keep Pace with the Rap id Ne twork expans ion , and t he

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demands o f   s p e c i a l i z e d   b u s i n e s s e s . T h e b a n k h a s   b e e n   s u c c e s s f u l   i n   a c h i e v i n g   t h i s ,   w i t h   t h e   s t a f f   complement increasing by 1,792 during the year from 4,761 at end-march 2005 to 6,553 at end-march 2006 . T ra in ing i s an a r ea o f con t i nu ing focus Fo r t he Bank In Orde r To Ensu re Tha t I t s P ro fe s s iona l s Are Equ ipped t o Ma in t a in H igh S t anda rds o f  Customer Service. The Scope Of Training Is Continually Improved And Refined In Consultation With Business Groups. The Training System in the Bank Focuses on Upgrading the Professional Skills of Each Individual employee through classroom sessions, outbound training, and in-house and external domain skills programmees. Amongst the significant retention tools is a well-structured performance-linked scheme of variable pay and employee stock options to all employees across grades and functions. Continuous training, the opportunity to work on challenging tasks, and job rotation are part of the Bank’s talent retention strategy.

Fig:- age group who prefer axis bank over other banks.

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Fig:-percentage of employees in axis bank of different education backgrounds.


Prime savings account:- At Axis Bank we have always strived to pace our products with the growing needs if our customers.te prime savings account has therefore been created with your specific financial requirements in mind. This is what they say!Some features of this account are:-

Wider accessibility Greater convenience More comfort Enhanced privileges Added speed


Fixed Deposits

Axis Bank offers a simple reinvestment Fixed Deposits (at very competitive interstates), which can be opened with a minimum investment of Rs 10,000.

Reinvestment Deposits:

In a reinvestment deposit, the interest accrued to your deposit at the end of each quarter is invested along with the principal. The tenure of your deposit must be a minimum of 6months.

Automatic Rollover:

As a Fixed Deposit holder, you can avail of the facility for automatic rollovers on maturity (for both the principal and interest). You can select this option in the Account Opening Document.

The options available are:-



Power of compounding Axis Bank's Recurring Deposit scheme will allow you with an opportunity to build up Your

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savings through regular monthly deposits of fixed sum over a fixed period of time.


Recurring deposits are accepted in equal monthly installments of minimum Rs 1,000 and

Above in multiples of Rs 500 thereafter. The fixed number of installments for which a

Depositor can opt are 12, 24, 36, 39, 48, 60, 63, 72, 84, 96, 108 and 120 months. Transfer of Accounts - a recurring deposit account can be transferred from one office of the Bank to another branch.

Encash 24:-

The ENCASH 24 (Flexi Deposits) gives you the liquidity of a Savings Account coupled with high earnings of a Fixed Deposit. This is achieved by creating a Fixed Deposit linked to your Savings Account providing you the following unique facilities.

LOANSPOWER HOUSE:Axis Bank's Power Home puts an end to your Real Estate troubles.


Attractive interest rates

Balance Transfer facility

Doorstep service

Option to choose from floating rate or fixed rate Free Property & Personal accident insurance.


Loans for salaried and self employed individuals

Special loans for doctors, chartered accountants, engineers, architects, CS and ICWA .

Loans are available from Rs 50,000 to Rs 20 lacs

Repayment tenures from 12 to 60 months

Attractive interest rates Free personal accident insurance cover with personal loan

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Loans can be used for any purpose with no questions asked regarding the end use of the loan A balance transfer facility available for those who want to retire any higher cost debt Loans available against repayment track record of any existing auto, personal or home loan Loans available against proof of life insurance policy or premium receipts

Zero balance SB account facility for personal loan customer’s Simple procedure, minimal documentation and quick approval.

ASSET POWER (Loan against Property)A take-over of your existing loan with refinancing is also possible with Asset Power.


Attractive interest ratesBalance Transfer facility available with additional finance

Doorstep service

Four products under Asset Power

Loan against property - Residential

Loan against property - Commercial

Loan for purchase of commercial property

Take-over of existing loan with additional refinance (Balance Transfer)

Lease Rental Discounting (LRD)


Working Capital Finance. These products are designed to ease the liquidity position of the client and come with a number of other facilities such as Internet Banking, Phone Banking etc.

Trade ServicesAxis Bank has emerged as one of the leading banks in providing trade finance services, providing a gamut of products for both exports and imports, with dedicated Front-Desk and Specialists, speedy processing of documents and provide comprehensive and timely IS.

Structured FinanceAxis Bank provides tailor made solutions to meet our clients' requirements, while mitigating the credit and price risk at the same time.

Supply Chain Management

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Axis Bank provides integrated commercial and financial solutions to the supply and distribution channels of a corporate. The products are designed to add value to supply and distribution channels by providing unique solutions to meet their working capital requirements.

CAPITAL MARKETS Debt Solutions:-

Axis Bank is a leading provider of debt solutions in the form of bond or debenture issuances and loan syndication. The Bank has successfully managed various debt issuances of mid and large size which includes plain vanilla loans or bonds, and structured term loans to meet the specific requirements of the clients and the projects. The Bank is the largest bond house in the country and has been ranked first in respect of various domestic and international league tables in respect of domestic debt issuances.

Equity SolutionsWe are SEBI registered Category I Merchant Banker. The Bank's Capital Markets Department has developed significant expertise in the area of public or rights issue management, private placement of equity, overseas fund raising through FCCB and GDR and debt syndication. The Bank has acted as Lead Book Running Managers, co-arrangers and advisors to a number of equity issuances or offers.

Trusteeship ServicesAxis Bank Ltd. is a SEBI registered Debenture Trustee in the business of Debenture Trusteeship, Security Trusteeship, Monitoring Agency and Facility Agency and predominantly acts as Trustee to privately placed debt issuances, domestic borrowings and external commercial borrowings. At present the aggregate value of the Trusteeship portfolio is approximately Rs 1, 00,000 crores. The Trusteeship Group presently services over 150 clients including leading public and private sector corporate as well as Banks and Financial Institutions including international funding agencies in respect of various debt instruments issued within the country and also for various secured Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds and External Commercial Borrowings.

Depository ServicesWith the introduction of settlement on T+2 basis, instruction for delivery of securities to broker’s account is required immediately after sale of securities. Hence time available for submission of delivery instructions is limited. Axis Bank now permits submission of delivery instructions in electronic form using Internet based service called Speed-e. Physical delivery instructions need not be submitted in case you are submitting the instructions on Speed-e.


Axis Bank is a clearing bank for following exchanges:

 National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)

The Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE)

 National Commodity and Derivative Exchange (NCDEX)

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Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX)

All the Settlement related activities for these exchanges are carried out through its Capital Market Division, Fort Branch, and Mumbai.


Axis bank offers wide range of current accounts to its customers to suit their business requirements. Each current account is customized to ensure efficient account management, quick transfer of funds across axis bank network coupled with modern day electronic methods to stay in touch with the account on real time basis. Following are the various current account offered by axis bank:-

Normal Current Account:-Our Normal Current Account gives you the optimum value for your money. At Monthly Average Balance (MAB) of Rs. 10,000*, this account takes you into an all-new world of banking.


Home Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Free upto Rs. 1.2 Lacs per month

Inter Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Deposit cash up to Rs. 2 Lacs per day at a remote branch for instant credit into your account.

Non-Cash Services

Free Anywhere Banking, DD & PO transactions up to Rs. 12 Lacs per month.

Intercity Cash Withdrawal Facility

Cash withdrawal upto Rs. 5 Lacs per day at a remote branch.

Fund Transfer

Completely free Funds Transfer & local cheque collection and payments across Axis Bank locations all over the country.

Free Transactional Package

Free upto 25 transactions (Cash / Clearing / Transfer) per month.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Business Debit Card

Phone Banking

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Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mail

Business Advantage Account:-As your business growth gains momentum, your banking requirements begin to diversify increasingly. To cater to your diversified banking needs, we offer you our Business Advantage Account which comes with a host of privileges while requiring you to maintain Rs. 25,000* as Monthly Average Balance.


Home Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Free upto Rs. 3 Lacs per month

Inter Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Deposit cash up to Rs. 2 Lacs per day at a remote branch for instant credit into your account.

Non-Cash Services

Free Anywhere Banking, DD & PO transactions up to Rs. 30 Lacs per month.

Free Cheque Leaves

Free upto 50 cheque leaves per month

Intercity Cash Withdrawal Facility

Cash withdrawal upto Rs. 5 Lacs per day at a remote branch.

Fund Transfer

Completely free Funds Transfer & local cheque collection and payments across Axis Bank locations all over the country.

Free Transactional Package

Free upto 50 transactions (Cash / Clearing / Transfer) per month.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Business Debit Card

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

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Daily free account statements through e-mail

Business Select Account:-This unique current account is the first of its kind which has both flexibility and fungibility of free limits as its core feature. The Monthly Average Balance requirement shall be Rs 50,000.


Flexible Cash deposit

Enjoy free cash deposit upto 12 times the monthly average balance maintained in the same cycle with minimum free limit of Rs. 6 Lacs per month.

Fungible Free limits

For the first time enjoy fungibility of Free limits between Home branch and Non Home branch cash deposit.

Non-Cash Services

Free Anywhere Banking, DD & PO transactions up to Rs. 60 Lacs per month.

Free Cheque Leaves

Free upto 100 cheque leaves per month

Doorstep Banking

Avail services like cheque and DD pick up, PO delivery and cash pick up or delivery at nominal cost.

Fund Transfer

Completely free Funds Transfer & local cheque collection and payments across Axis Bank locations all over the country.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Business Debit Card

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mail

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Business Classic Account:-Business Classic Account from Axis Bank helps you co-ordinate your finances perfectly with total control on your funds. So enjoy the power. All at a Monthly Average Balance of Rs 1 lac.


Home Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Free upto Rs. 12 Lacs per month

Inter Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Deposit cash up to Rs. 2 Lacs per day at a remote branch for instant credit into your account.

Non-Cash Services

Free Anywhere Banking, DD & PO transactions up to Rs. 1.20 Crores per month.

Free Cheque Leaves

Free upto 200 cheque leaves per month

Intercity Cash Withdrawal Facility

Cash withdrawal upto Rs. 5 Lacs per day at a remote branch.

Fund Transfer

Completely free Funds Transfer & local cheque collection and payments across Axis Bank locations all over the country.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Business Debit Card

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mail

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Business Privilege Account:-Enjoy the host of privileges with our Business Privilege Account. If you can maintain Rs 5 lacs monthly average balance, opt for the great facilities on offer with this account.


Home Branch Cash Deposit

Free Home branch Cash Deposit upto Rs. 60 Lacs per month.

Inter Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Free Inter Branch Cash Deposit upto Rs. 12.50 Lacs per month.

Non-Cash Services

Free Anywhere Banking, DD & PO transactions up to Rs. 6 Crores per month.

Intercity Cash Withdrawal

Upto Rs. 5 Lacs per day at remote branch with upto Rs. 1 Lac free per day

Free Cheque Leaves

Free upto 500 cheque leaves per month

Fund Transfer

Completely free Funds Transfer & local cheque collection and payments across Axis Bank locations all over the country.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Business Debit Card

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mail

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Channel One Current Account:-Channel One is Axis Bank's high end Current Account with Minimum Monthly Average Balance requirement of Rs. 10 lacs (Rs. 5 lacs at Semi - Urban / Rural branches).


Doorstep Banking

Doorstep Banking and designated relationship manager are the salient features which include services like free cheque and DD pick up, PO delivery and cash pick up or delivery at nominal cost.

Dedicated Relationship Manager

To make your day to day banking hassle free, a Relationship Manager will be available to attend your banking requirements at the branch.

Free Non - Home Branch Cash Deposit Facility

Maintain the required monthly average balance and enjoy free non - home branch cash deposit upto Rs. 25 lacs per month.

Free Home Branch Cash Deposit

Upto Rs. 1.2 cr. per month at Home branch.

Free Non cash transactions every month

Enjoy free multi city cheque facility which are payable At Par across all our locations. You can deposit your local cheques at any of our branches / service outlets across the country and get the credit as if these transactions were done at your own home branch absolutely free.

Enjoy local clearing transactions and free fund transfers without any limit between Axis Bank accounts.

Free DDs and POs payable at Axis Bank locations

Free RTGS / NEFT Facility

Maintain your required monthly average balance and enjoy the benefits of free RTGS / NEFT facility all through.

Free Transactions and Cheque Leaves

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As high as 1000 transactions and 1000 cheque leaves can be availed absolutely free every month.

Cheque Protection Facility*

Cheque protection upto Rs. 50,000/- per day.For many other benefits & related charges, visit your nearest branch.

Current Account for Govt Organisations:-The Government Organisations/Bodies (Central Govt./State Govt./Local Govt./Autonomous) are offered Current Accounts with no Minimum Balance Stipulation and host of other services without any charges as under.


Account Management Services:

Current Account with No Minimum Balance Stipulation.

Free Anywhere Banking Facility at all Axis Bank Locations.

Free Cash Deposit Facility.

No Chequebook Issue Charges.

Payment Services:

Free At Par Payable Cheque Facility with no limit on the amount of the cheque at all Axis Bank centres across the country. The Multi-city At Par Cheque book enables the cheques to be treated as local cheques across any of the centres across the country where Axis Bank is present.

Free Instant Online Funds Transfer Facility to Axis Bank Beneficiary Accounts.

Free Demand Drafts/ Pay Orders on all Axis Bank Locations.

Free Demand Drafts on Non-Axis Bank Centres, on a case to case basis.

Collection Services:

Free Local Cheque Collection Facility - Deposit cheques at any Axis Bank Branch and get the credit into the Account as per local clearing cycle.

Free Outstation Cheque Collection Facility - Collection of outstation cheques drawn on any Axis Bank location with assured faster realization (only out of pocket expenses to be charged).

Other Value-Added Services

Account Statements: Monthly Account Statement delivered at doorstep as well as Daily Account Statement through e-mails.

Internet Banking Facility - Corporate iConnect.

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Delivery & Pick-up of Cheques and Cash from Office premises.

Current Account for Banks:-One of the fastest growing New Generation Private Sector Banks presently having more than 850 branches / outlets and 3,700 plus ATM's which are interconnected to each other on a Real Time Online mode giving you the convenience of having a bank account in any of the more than 500 locations where we have our presence.We have a special relationship with over 1000 Co-operative Banks/Private Sector Banks/MNC Banks/Public Sector Banks across the country. We have a dedicated business unit to take care of the banking requirements of these Banks.


We offer the following services under Correspondent Banking arrangement.

Payable at Par-Cheque Drawing ArrangementUp Country Cheque Collection (UCC) - At all Axis Bank locations. Collections at our Correspondent Bank's locations and Remote locations can also be availed under Cash Management Services (CMS) arrangement.Remote Pay OutsConstituent's Subsidiary General Ledger AccountCorporate Demat AccountForeign cheque collectionCollateralized Borrowing & Lending Operations (CBLO)Trading in Government & Corporate securities.

Capital Market Current Account:-The current account product for brokers comes with wider choice of variants and you may choose the variant, which suits you the best.


CAP Normal: MAB - Rs. 10,000CAP Advantage: MAB - Rs. 25,000CAP Business Classic: MAB - Rs. 1,00,000CAP Business Privilege: MAB - Rs. 5,00,000CAP Channel One: MAB - Rs. 10,00,000

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Free Anywhere Banking

Irrespective of variant you choose you can pay / deposit cheques at any of our branches / outlets absolutely free of cost and you will get the credit as if these transactions were done at your home branch.

Free Funds Transfer

Instant Funds Transfer across all locations absolutely free.

Customized Cheque Printing

Customized Cheque printing at nominal cost. You may also avail the benefits of our robust technology for bulk printing of your payment instruments with least turn around time. Top of all a customized solution for MIS and reconciliation is also available.

Credit Facilities for clients

Fund based and Non-fund based credit facilities available subject to satisfying the Bank's lending norms.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Debit Card

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mailTo know more about this product or any other assistance, please walk into any of our branch in your vicinity.

Krishi Current Account:-Business Account for Agri based businessesThe product with half yearly average balance requirements captures the seasonality nature of agriculture based businesses and is packed with host of powerful features and incentives for higher balances.


Half Yearly Average BalanceThere are different Half Yearly Average Balances (HABs) for different category of locations.(Urban - Rs. 10,000, Semi Urban - Rs. 5,000, Rural - Rs. 2,500)

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Anywhere Banking

Enjoy Anywhere Banking with Axis Bank from more than 800 branches / service outlets where you can :

Issue multi-city cheques payable "At-Par" at any Axis Bank branch.

Deposit cheques drawn on any location in the country for local clearing.

Upto 50% rebate on charges for maintaining higher balances

You deserve to be treated differently if you maintain higher balances. The product comes with reward in the form of rebate on transaction charges, if you maintain higher balances. Higher the balances you maintain higher is the scale of rebate.

Fund transfer

Opening accounts of wholesaler / retailer and farmer at any location would also help you for instant funds transfer.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Debit Card

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mailFor many other benefits & related charges, visit your nearest branch.

Business Global Current Account:-A current account for Exporters / Importers that satisfies their banking needs for both domestic & foreign transactions.


Zero Balance Current Account

To facilitate your domestic transactions, Business Global brings you a zero balance current account.


Enjoy rebates upto 60% on current account charges.

Specialised Forex services at concessional rates

Export / Import Bill Collection

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Foreign Inward / Outward Remittance

Foreign DD Issue

Foreign Cheque Collection

Inland Demand Drafts / Pay Orders

Enjoy 10 free DDs per day and 5 free POs per day of unlimited amount.

Enhanced transaction limits

Avail the facility of higher free limits for funds transfer and Anywhere Banking.

Travel Currency Debit Card

Available off the shelf at your nearest Axis Bank Branch and select FFMCs (Full Fledged Moneychangers), the Travel Currency Card is a secure, convenient and hassle free way to carry money and make payments when in foreign shores.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

ATM cum International Debit Card

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mailFor many other benefits & related charges, visit your nearest branch.

Club 50 Current Account:-At a half yearly average balance of Rs. 50 lacs (Rs. 25 lacs at Semi - Urban / Rural branches), this premium current account smoothly fulfills your daily banking requirement. It gives you the freedom to concentrate on what you do best - growing your business and attaining new heights of success.


Enhanced Transactional Benefits

Higher free home branch cash deposit limit upto Rs. 2 cr. per month

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Maintain the required half yearly average balance and enjoy free non - home branch cash deposit upto Rs. 50 lacs per month

As high as 2000 free transactions per month

Absolutely free non cash transactions every month which includes local clearing, clearing at non - home branch location, DDs and POs payable at Axis Bank locations and funds transfers between Axis Bank accounts.

Dedicated Relationship Manager

To make your day to day banking hassle free, a Relationship Manager will be available to attend your banking requirements at the branch.

Customized Cheque Stationery with Hologram

Customized Cheque stationery with Hologram for additional safeguard of banking transactions.

Lifestyle Benefits / Privileges*

Enjoy lifestyle benefits / privileges like free subscription to magazines and books, access to Business center at all our Premium branches at select locations, Priority Savings Bank accounts for all authorised signatories (Directors, Partners or Proprietors), etc.

Free Doorstep Banking

Deposit cash/cheques, withdraw cash or have demand drafts/pay orders delivered at your office free of cost.

Free RTGS / NEFT Facility

Maintain your required half yearly average balance and enjoy the benefits of free RTGS / NEFT facility all through.

Free Cheque Books*

Avail the facility of free cheque books every month.

Free DD's on Non Axis Bank locations

Avail the facility of free demand drafts on Non Axis Bank locations upto a certain limit.

Cash Management Services

Our CMS (Cash Management Services) products enable efficient handling of your receivables through coordinated management of payments, collections and balances in your accounts. You can enjoy free collections under CMS on Day 2 credit basis.

Free International Business Gold Debit Card*

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Get free International Business Gold Debit Card to enjoy a host of benefits.

Cheque Protection Facility*

Cheque protection upto Rs. 1 lac per day.

Local Current Account:-Small businesses rising on the growth graph need the right kind of nurturing and appropriate solution for their growing banking requirements. Recognising these needs, we, at Axis Bank present you the Local Current Account geared to answer all kinds of local business requirements.


Enjoy the following features with Local Current AccountZero Balance facility

Enjoy banking without any constraint on balance maintenance.

75 free transactions every month

Grab the opportunity of using 75 free transactions per month on a combination of services.

Rebate on Annual Charges

Get a rebate of 15% every quarter on your annual charges if average balances maintained in a quarter exceed Rs. 50,000.

Upfront Annual Fee

A nominal annual charge of just Rs. 1,999 + Service Tax allows you all the above benefits. You can renew your account every year with nominal fee and continue to enjoy the benefits of the product.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Banking

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

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Daily account statements through e-mail

Axis direct:-

Identifying the best investment opportunities in unpredictable markets can be challenging. At least your trading portal should be easy. Hats why this easy to use trading portal its intelligent and intuitive features keep all necessary information handy so you don’t have to browse multiple windows. Its sharp research and analysis tools help you take well informed and timely decisions experience simplified online trading with axis direct.

Current Account for Pharma: Pharmacists, Druggists & Chemists:-With a combination of high quality medicine production & competitive costs, the Indian pharmaceutical industry continues to clock record growth levels among its peer markets. In order to service the banking needs of the key players of this unique industry Axis Bank brings you the current account for Pharma -- a one of its kind banking product for the following entities in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry :Retail ChemistsC & F agent, Wholesalers, Stockists / Retailers in the Pharma segmentPharmacists


Enjoy the following features with Current Account for Pharma:Zero Balance facility

Enjoy banking without any constraint on balance maintenance.

60 free transactions every month

Enjoy 60 free transactions per month on a combination of services.

Waiver of EDC installation charges

We offer EDC machines with free installation for our Pharma current account customers.

Anywhere Banking

Enjoy Anywhere Banking with Axis Bank from more than 800 branches / service outlets where you can :

Issue multi-city cheques payable "At-Par" at any Axis Bank branch

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Deposit cheques drawn on any location in the country and much more for local clearing.

Upfront Annual Fee

A nominal annual charge of just Rs. 1,500 + Service Tax allows you a host of benefits. Renew your account every year with the nominal annual charge & continue to enjoy the product privileges seamlessly.

Other ancillary services

Mobile Alerts

Phone Banking

Corporate iConnect

Daily free account statements through e-mail

ATM cum International Debit Card


Below in the table is shown a comparative analysis of AXIS Bank with the other major players in the banking industry:-

Bank Deposits No. Of branches

No. of employees

Business per employee

Profit per employee

Capital reserves and reserves

Interest income


ICICI 165083 600 24479 905 10 22556 13784 717547

AXIS 55797 515 15878 1022 8.65 15466 14475 589545

HDFC 40114 348 7000 758 7.56 12578 12254 41527

YES 2910 50 4985 8.56 8.25 1573 1190 11350


6566 98 3656 4.15 7.65 1865 1694 12856

The above given figures are in crores.

DATA: 2008-2009

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From the above data it is clear that AXIS bank is among the top three private players in the banking industry.

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The Economic Survey of 2005-06 has affirmed that significant features of dynamic growth in recent years include a new industrial resurgence, pick-up in investment, modest inflation in spite of spiraling global crude prices and the laying of institutional foundations for faster development of infrastructure. The economic growth indices in the current year have been good and the GDP growth is expected to be around 8.1% for fiscal 2006. Non-food bank credit is expected to grow at 25.2% indicative of industrial recovery and the services sector by 9.8%. Agriculture and Allied sectors are expected to grow at a rate of 2.3% in the current fiscal. In order to maintain the GDP growth at over 8% in coming years and accelerate growth in industry, substantial investments will be required in infrastructure. External conditions have also been favorable with a growing level of foreign exchange reserves. The overall macro-economic prospects for 2006-07 are, therefore, encouraging.


The Bank has been able to turn in an impressive business performance and record good financial results for the fifth year in succession, owing to the efficacy of its business model which aspires to be customer-centric.Information technology is continuously leveraged in providing value added products and services as well as multiple-delivery channels to customers in a manner that is cost-effective and which offers the Bank’s customers easy, real-time and on-line access for all types of transactions. The strong performance, despite a tightening of overall liquidity leading to a hardening of interest rates in the closing stages of the fourth quarter, reflected the fact that the primary Goals of the Bank of increasing its

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market share in various businesses and improving its quality of earnings by enhancing its core income streams, is solidly anchored in the strategy adopted by it. The sizeable network of branches, extension counters and ATMs has equipped the Bank with an impressive reach across the country and is supported by channels such as the Internet and mobile phone banking. The steady widening of this reach to smaller cities and towns, including in district headquarters, is expected to sustain the momentum of growth of low cost deposits, as the Bank enjoys a first-mover advantage vis-à-vis other private sector banks in many of these centers. The key factors which contributed to the healthy performance of the Bank during the year were the

Continued thrust on improvement in the quality of earnings through an emphasis on core income streams such as net interest income and fee based income;

The a ailment of opportunities emanating from the upswing in the corporate credit cycle;

A focus on improvement in asset quality through rigorous credit and risk appraisal, sound treasury management, product diversification and internal control;

Enhanced cost efficiency by leveraging on technology that is continuously upgraded;

Maintenance of high standards of customer service.


Axis Bank was the first bank in the country to set up a Business Continuity Centre (BCC)In Bangalore which replicates the entire centralized database with a view to enable the Bank Torun smoothly in case of any eventuality affecting the Bank’s Data Centre in Mumbai. Each transaction that gets recorded at the Data Centre gets reflected almost instantaneously through WAN on the back-up database at the BCC.

CENTRALISED PHONE BANKING CENTREThe Bank’s Centralized Phone Banking Centre provides customers across the country Access to the Bank over the phone, handling multiple queries in about 7000 calls per day.

CENTRALISED COLLECTION AND PAYMENT HUBThe Bank’s Centralized Collection and Payment Hub (CCPH) manages the entire collection and Payment activity under the Bank’s Cash Management Services (CMS) across the country, handling on an average about Rs.5000 crores per month on the collection front and about Rs.1500crores per month on the payment front.

RETAIL ASSETS MANAGEMENT GROUPThe Bank’s Retail Assets Management Group (RAMG) is the operations hub of the entire Retail asset distribution structure. In addition to opening and disbursing more than 3000Schematic loans every

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month, it is responsible for the maintenance of more than 100,000Such loan accounts, and handles the entire post – dated cheque presentation and several Kinds of repayments for all these accounts.

ATM BACKEND CELLThe ATM Backend Cell handles the entire cash management and reconciliation of balances pertaining to ATMs across the country and ends up tallying over four lakh Transactions by the end of the day.

SERVICE BRANCHESThe Bank’s Service Branches in the 8 major metros take care of centralized clearing activity, Handling more than one lakh cheques every day for outward and inward clearing.

DATA CENTREThe Bank’s Data Centre in Mumbai, the centralized IT powerhouse is like the central nervous system of the Bank. It is a real time 24x7 setup which manages 270 products and services of the Bank with a database size of 1850 GB supporting on an average 42 lakh transactions per Day on service over 42 lakh customer accounts and adding new customers @ 8000 per day.

CENTRALISED PROCESSING UNITThe Bank’s Centralized Processing Unit (CPU) is the backbone of the Bank, managing production and delivery of the entire range of deliverables to customers across the country within24 – 72 hours from the time the customer opens the account. The CPU currently handles about8500 new accounts every day.


Job descriptionA banker is responsible for establishing and maintaining positive customer relationships, planning and delivering effective sales strategies and monitoring the progress of new and existing financial products. Bankers may work as managers in high street branches providing operational support on a day-to-day basis, or in more specialized posts in corporate or commercial departments at area, regional or head offices. Banks operate in a fiercely competitive marketplace where change is common. Products and services offered have to develop to satisfy the expectations and demands of customers and working with staff and customers to achieve targets has become a very major part of the role.

Typical work activitiesResponsibilities and work activities may vary between retail and corporate and commercial banking. Most retail bankers work in high street branches, dealing with both private and corporate customers, while some work in regional or head offices. Bankers who work with commercial or corporate customers may be based in branches or may work from specialized area or regional offices.Bankers who have area and regional responsibilities adopt a strategic role and, whilst retaining overall accountability for service and product delivery, usually delegate supervision of day-to-day operations to staff in branch outlets. Responsibilities for both retail and corporate and commercial bankers may include:

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Implementing the delivery of sales strategies and targets and motivating employees to meet these;

Establishing and maintaining effective relationships with new and existing customers, establishing their needs and advising on the suitability of services;

Visiting business customers and attending meetings and conferences with them and other  professionals;

Managing and supporting staff and facilitating appropriate continuing professional development (CPD);

Communicating, implementing and monitoring compliance with corporate standards and procedures;

Processing data to produce accurate facts, figures and reports;

Evaluating new and renewal lending proposals, negotiating terms with customers and, where appropriate, submitting proposals to the credit department for approval;

Checking accounts and initiating action if they are overdrawn without arrangement or are in excess of agreed arrangements;

Assuming overall accountability for products and services, such as consumer lending, current account transactions, unsecured loans, overdrafts, credit cards and personal loans;

Networking with appropriate professionals;

Representing the bank within the wider community.


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A healthy banking system is essential for any economy striving to achieve good growth and yet remain stable in an increasingly global business environment. The Indian banking system, with one of the

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largest banking networks in the world, has witnessed a series of reforms over the past few years like the deregulation of interest rates, dilution of the government stake in public sector  banks (PSBs), and the increased participation of private sector banks. The growth of the retail financial services sector has been a key development on the market front. Indian banks (both public and private) have not only been keen to tap the domestic market but also to compete in the global market place. New foreign banks have been equally keen to gain foothold in the Indian market.

Key banking reforms needed:-

Encourage voluntary consolidation among banks

Allow public sector banks to fix salary levels proportionate to performance

Permit banks to issue preference shares to raise capital.

More autonomy to fix salary levels proportionate to performance.

Offer Competitive compensation packages at all levels to improve employee productivity.

Strengths of the banking industry:-

Regulatory systems,

Economic growth,

Technological advancement,

Risk assessment systems

Credit quality.

Scope of improvement includes:-

Diversification of markets beyond big cities,

Human resources systems, size of banks,

High transaction costs, infrastructure and labor inflexibilities.


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Customer Relationship management is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring, retaining and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the company and the customer.

Privatization opened up the Indian banking sector, allowing a large number of players to offer retail banking services in the country. Using the latest technologies, AXIS Bank introduced quality services to enhance the banking experience of its customers. As the services stack expanded, supporting customers became a challenging task. Efficient service and timely support were the deciding factors for customers to remain loyal to any particular bank, which brought Customer Relationship Management (CRM) into sharp focus.


AXIS Bank wanted to establish itself as a customer focused bank and carve a niche for itself amidst the widespread competition. Setting up a state of the art call center facility that could provide quality support to customers across the country became vital to further this goal. The call center was expected to eliminate the load of routine queries that branch operators had to handle. A dedicated response center would allow branch operators to divert all customers’ queries to the helpdesk number and focus on their core responsibilities instead. Also, a single window service with a populated knowledgebase would introduce a high degree of standardization in the replies given to customer queries. The bank was also looking to avoid a situation where customers would be put on hold for long periods of time. A failover and redundancy solution was required to guarantee high availability of services and ensure uninterrupted call traffic. For handling large call volumes, the application infrastructure was also required to be perfectly scalable. The bank wanted a solution that could accommodate growth over a long period of time.


Differentiate Customers: All customers are not equal; recognize and reward best customers

Disproportionately. Understanding each customer becomes particularly important. And the same

customers’ reaction to a cellular company operator may be quite different as compared to a car dealer.

Besides for the same product or the service not all customers can be treated alike and crm needs to

differentiate between a high value customer and a low value customer.

What CRM needs to understand while differentiating customers is?

Sensitivities, Tastes, Preferences and Personalities

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Lifestyle and age

Culture Background and education

Physical and psychological characteristics

Differentiating Offerings

→ Low value customer requiring high value customer offerings

→ Low value customer with potential to become high value in near future

→ High value customer requiring high value service

→ High value customer requiring low value service

Keeping Existing Customers

Grading customers from very satisfied to very disappoint should help the organization in improving its

customer satisfaction levels and scores. As the satisfaction level for each customer improve so shall the

customer retention with the organization.

Maximizing Life time value

Exploit up-selling and cross-selling potential. By identifying life stage and life event trigger

Points by customer, marketers can maximize share of purchase potential.

Thus the single adults shall require a new car stereo and as he grows into a married couple his needs

grow into appliances.

Increase loyalty

Loyal customers are more profitable. Any company will like its mind share status to improve from being a suspect to being an advocate. Company has to invest in terms of its product and service offerings to its customers. It has to innovate and meet the very needs of its clients/customers so that they remain as advocates on the loyalty curve. Referral sales invariably are low-cost high margin sales.You may receive enquiries from a web based "contact us" form. In addition, you may promote your web site through various marketing initiatives such as Google Adwords.Your business may have additional lead sources not covered here depending on your specific marketing methods. Perhaps you have door-to-door salesmen, or run campaigns via SMS text messaging. The point is, there are many sources from

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which you may receive contact from potential customers. Key Concept OF crm comprehensive strategy: CRM at one end links itself to SCM – supply chain management and on the other hand the customer service and customer care. This makes a comprehensive strategy. Acquiring: This is about prospecting. Using effective sales promotion methods, prospective buyer can be acquired. It is about developing new customer as well as converting competitor’s customers. Selection: You can’t please all people at all times. You may not be able to serve and satisfy all the customers at the same time. There may be customers who may not be willing to have long time relationships with you. As a consequence you need to have selectivity in the customers as well. Retaining: Once a right customer is selected, we need to provide the customer with a good product and a better service which exceeds the customer requirements. Only then can the customer be satisfied and retention of a customer can be possible. Partnering: Partnership is about constantly striving to create better value for each other i.e. The buyer and the seller. Interactive Communication: A clearly planned and focused two way, interactive communication is a very essential ingredient of CRM. A meaningful communication will always be an interactive communication. Technology + people: CRM is all about people and relating people to technology. This is all automation of people is all about? Mutually Beneficial Long-term Relationship: It is all about the long-term relationship of the buyer and the seller. This overall results in the mutual benefit of both resulting in a long term relationship.

Customer delight needs to be created instead only satisfying the customer. Customer service is about giving facilities and services that the customer asks for, or delivering service that is expected in today’s competitive world. Most products require additional or long-term support from the organization. These traditional services include delivery, installation, lessons- in-usage, instruction manuals, repairs and maintenance etc. Customer care (and also customer delight) is going beyond the “expectation check list”. Customer care is being proactive in developing relationship with your customer. Always remember “Good customers are worth keeping for life”. Great services can create a great experience and customers delight. Role of crm in bank the idea of CRM is that it helps businesses use technology and human resources gain insight into the behavior of customers and the value of those customers. If it works as hoped, a business can: provide better customer service, make call centers more efficient, cross sell products more effectively, help sales staff close deals faster, simplify marketing and sales processes, discover new customers, and increase customer revenues. The organization must look into all of the different ways information about customers comes into a business, where and how this data is stored and how it is currently used. Role of CRM in banking sectors are as follows: Consumers largely select their banks based on how convenient is the location of bank to their homes or offices. The pressures of competitive and dynamic markets have contributed to the growth of CRM in the Financial Services Sector. Analysis suggest that a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profitability by 35% in banking business,50% in insurance and brokerage and 125% in the customer credit card market. Private Banks have traditionally viewed themselves as exceedingly Customer Centric offering what they believe to be highly personalized services to the high net worth customers.CRM Objectives In Banking sector objective of CRM in Banking Sector are as follows: Responses to campaigns Shipping and fulfillment dates Sales and purchase data Account information Web registration data Service and support records Demographic data Web sales data crm would also make Indian bankers realize that the purpose of their business is to “create and keep the customer” and to “view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create and satisfy customer needs” .


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In early 1950's most of the markets were choking with surplus products on offer, defying the theory "the best quality will always sell". The emergence of Branding as a value in offering has kept many organizations leaders, and in survival. Branding is termed as a part of offering, created in the mind of customer and consumer of superior values that he or she perceives and ready to pay for. The brand can be associated with superior product, superior services, superior sales after services, or easy access. In today's era with increasing competition, is that not important enough to revisit Brand as a marketing offering (Product or Service).

BRAND NAME:UTI has officially announced the change of its name to ‘Axis Bank’. The awareness campaign titled ‘UTI Bank is now Axis Bank; everything is the same except the name’, has been created by O&M and is the brainchild of Sumanto Chattopadhya. The decision to re-brand the bank emanated from the need to move out of a scenario of brand confusion that is created by several shareholder-unrelated entities using the UTI brand. On the creative point of view, the change of name from UTI Bank to Axis Bank is precisely just a name change. Everything else about the brand remains the same. Axis is a strong name with an international aura to it. It is very much in keeping with UTI’s success story in the private banking arena.

MARKETING INITIATIVES:On the marketing initiatives, a multimedia campaign was unfolded on August 1 that will go onfor the next few weeks. It seeks to reassure customers that the change of name will in no wayaffect the services offered by the bank. On the thought process the creative platform adopted for the name change is based primarily on twins -- siblings whose names are different, but are identical in every other way. This campaign will run on




Radio and other 360-degree media. Some interesting innovations are planned in the print medium. On radio, the name change is being expressed in a slightly different manner, in keeping with the nature of the medium.

BROADSHEET WAY:The first campaign that was featured was a false cover page for Mid-Day going the broad sheet way. The campaign very much focused on the idea on the awareness of the bank changing its name to ‘Axis Bank’. Television is given priority as it gives the maximum reach among the mass media channels. Besides the mass media channels, the 2,500-odd ATM locations is also being used to convey the name change message. And of course, the signage’s of the 600 or so branches will also change to reflect the new name.LOGO DESIGN:The logo design of Axis Bank is based on the letter ‘A’. It is a contemporary, universal and solid design that retains the burgundy color of the original UTI logo as a link to its heritage

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Going forward, the Bank will continue to derive benefit from the infrastructure created over the years and pursue a strategy of profitable growth through stronger corporate relationships and an accelerated retail customer expansion program me driven by the Bank’s multiple channels. The Bank continues to identify new thrust areas to sustain its growth, and these include:

Growth in credit to the SME and agriculture sectors that will be driven by a network of rural and semi urban branches supported by organizational reinforcement in the form of SME cells and agriculture clusters.

Reinforcement of the international remittance business. The Bank has already tied up with various banks and exchange houses in the Gulf for tapping the high-volume remittance business emanating from this region.

 New initiatives such as Wealth Management will enable the Bank to advice and to cross-sell third party products to high net-worth customers.

An expansion in the overseas branch and representative office network, commencing with the first branch in Singapore, will create opportunities for cross-border trade finance, syndication of debt and NRI business.


The Bank believes in the continual enhancement of shareholder value by an efficient use of available capital in a manner that leads to a high return on equity. In this sense, the Bank seeks to be protective of its capital.

The Bank continued to attract investor interest from domestic and foreign institutional investors, leading to a very visible increase in trading volumes and price.

On the successful conclusion of the GDR offering, the Bank mobilized Rs. 1,122 crores(equivalent to US Dollars 257.03 million).

In addition, the Bank also placed subordinated bonds of Rs. 1,000 crores in the market in order to raise Tier II capital to the extent eligible.

The Bank is focusing on developing an asset structure that was sensitive to the importance of increasing the proportion of low risk weighted assets, in order that capital is more efficiently deployed.


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The Bank is in the process of identifying an appropriate software system and data management solution for a phased adoption of the Basel II framework in the area of credit risk. In the first instance, the Bank is in a position to

adopt the Standardized approach for credit risk and it is strengthening the internal credit rating architecture and archiving the internal rating migration data to prepare for an eventual migration to the Internal Rating Based (IRB) approach.

The Bank is in readiness to calculate capital charge on operational risk, under both the Basic Indicator approach as well as the Standardized approach, and has mapped its activities to the eight business lines defined in the Basel II Accord.

The Bank has also undertaken internal studies on several lines of business for an evaluation of the risk profile, capturing of losses incurred and identifying key risk indicators (KRIs).


With a view to attaining an increasingly significant position in the burgeoning retail financial services sector in the country, the Bank has continued to provide a sustained thrust to retail banking through a continuously expanding network and a growing sales force with customer relationship skills, that has enabled the distribution of a wide range of products to a fast expanding customer base. The key driver underpinning the profitability of the retail banking business has been the Bank’s customer-centric vision, manifested in the

strategic interplay of product differentiation and innovation on the one hand

customer segmentation on the other, where the constant Endeavour is to introduce

Introduction of customized products and services to cater to the specific needs of different customer segments.This has resulted in a substantial growth of retail banking business during 2005-06The thrust on customer segmentation has been a strategic success, as evident from the strong business growth across various customer segments during 2009-10

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The Bank has also continued its earlier pioneering efforts in persuading other banks to participate in ATM sharing, and presently offers the largest available access to over 18,000 ATMs in the country to its customers, based on alliances with other banks and multi-bank shared payment Networks. The Bank has also provided value additions on its versatile ATM machines, including LIC premium payment and telephone bill payments for service providers like MTNL and BSNL, as also mobile banking services and mobile refill facilities for Airtel, Hutch, Orange and Idea cellular service providers. The Bank has tied up with UTI Mutual Fund to launch a new service that will help customers of the Bank to subscribe as well as redeem UTI Mutual Fund schemes through the Bank’s nationwide network of 1,891ATMs.The Bank’s future thrust is on:

Marketing approach

Product innovation

Risk management systems

Financial Advisory

Rigorously designed back-office processes contribute to the strength of the Bank’s retail lending strategy

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Wealth Advisory Services

INTERNATIONAL BANKING:-The Bank continued to provide a business focus on tapping business from the NRI community by offering a wide range of banking, investment and advisory services to them. During the year, the aggregate NRI deposits grew by 48.37% from Rs. 1,134.87 crores to Rs.1, 683.84 crores with the NRI savings bank balances growing by 115.90% from Rs. 295.79 crores to Rs. 638.60 crores. During the same period, the number of savings bank NRI accounts grew by 82.61% from 27,018to 49,337. The accelerated growth, both in terms of account acquisition and savings bank  balances of NRI business, is attributable to

Initiatives that have focused on deepening of existing relationships and a simultaneous expansion of the customer base, driven by alliances with various banks and exchange houses in the Gulf region.

The Bank has also partnered with the Ministry of Overseas Indians to offer an Internet based electronic remittances portal to facilitate remittances from NRIs. The portal also provides information services relating to investments in financial markets, tax consultancy and investments in real estate.

Globalization of financial markets across economies and the significant increase in international trade in recent years provides opportunities for the Bank to render banking and related services through a presence in overseas centers. Keeping this in view, the Bank has embarked on an active international expansion programme in key Asian markets.

The Bank has since received a license and set up a branch in April 2006 in Singapore. This Bank’s first overseas branch.

The Bank has also obtained the necessary approval from the regulators in China for setting up a Representative Office in Shanghai and is now in the process of completing the related formalities for opening an office.


Corporate Banking offers various loan and fee-based products and services to large corporate, SMEs and to the agriculture sector. The Bank continued with the strategy of diversifying its customer base, including deeper penetration in higher yielding segment, channel Finance, SMEs and agricultural finance segments. In order to give an impetus to the SME segment and to agricultural lending, there was a significant organizational reinforcement by setting up

SME cells

Adopting a cluster-centric approach for agricultural lending in areas with rich potential for such activity.

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In this direction 6 state-specific and 4 city-specific SME cells were set up. In the area of agricultural lending, 9 agricultural clusters were formed which focused on agricultural lending. The Bank will continue to:

Open more rural branches as also set up agricultural clusters to boost its agricultural business.

Create backward and forward linkages for all players in the agriculture business chain soas to provide composite financing across the food chain.

The syndication and underwriting of corporate loan activities of the Bank took off during the year. The Bank experimented with new delivery models for credit, including setting up low costrural ATMs at Anand, in order to provide convenient and low cost transaction services to the suppliers of milk to the Co-operative. Such application of technology provides customer convenience as well as product innovation.


The Bank’s Capital Markets business encompasses investing and trading in corporate debt and equity, and providing several other fee-based services like

Capital restructuring,



Trusteeship services,

Management of public

Rights issues,


Advisory services,

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Depository related services,

Portfolio management services,

Capital market related services. Future Strategies:

Project advisory services with a focus on infrastructure and other core sectors.

Financial advisory skills with technical advisory skills by forming alliances.The Bank also maintains an investment and proprietary trading portfolio in corporate bonds and equities.


Today 14.6% of our customers are registered for mobile banking. The Bank aims to be a significant player in the cards business.

The debit card base of the Bank grew to 40 lacs during the year from 30.3 laces.

The Bank was the first Indian bank to introduce the travel currency card, a foreign denominated pre-paid card, which is positioned as a convenience alternative to the travelers’ cheque. The card is issued in five currencies:

U.S. Dollar,

Australian Dollar,

Canadian Dollar,

Pound Sterling

Euro on the VISA flag platform. During 2005-06, foreign currency sales by the Bank through the travel currency card exceeded US Dollars 63 million. The Bank is also the first to introduce

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Remittance Cards, which changes the way inward remittances, are sent to India. Direct remittances are facilitated via tie-ups with major Banks in the US, UK, Europe and South


Rewards Card, a pre-paid Rupee card for corporate to facilitate quick payments to their employees, agents and distributors.

As on 31st March 2006, the Bank has installed 21,084 POS terminals, as against 12,067POS terminals at the end of the previous year. The growth of retail and consumer lending in India must be seen as arising from a strong growth in incomes amongst the middle class and the more affluent segments, leading to changes in consumer behavior. As the demographically induced shift is structural rather than cyclical, it is likely to sustain over the medium term and beyond, and constitutes the rationale for the growth in retail lending.


Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

Section 2(d) of the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 defines a housing finance institution asunder "Financial Institution" means any non-banking institution which carries on as its business or 

the acquisition of shares, stock, bonds, debentures or securities issued by a government or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature;

Letting or delivering of any goods to a hirer under a hire-purchase agreement as defined in clause (c ) of section 2 of the Hire-Purchase Act, 1972;

The carrying on of any class of insurance business;

Managing, conducting or supervising, as foreman, agent or in any other capacity, of chits or kuris as defined in any law which is for the time being in force in any State, or any business, which is similar thereto;

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collecting, for any purpose or under any scheme of arrangement by whatever name called monies in lump sum or otherwise, by way of subscriptions or by sale of units, or other instruments or in any other manner and awarding prizes or gifts, whether in cash or kind, or disbursing monies in any other way, to persons from whom monies are collected or tony other person.

As per Section 45-I (f) of the RBI act, "non-banking financial company" means: - a financial institution which is a company;a non banking institution which is a company and which has as its principal business the receiving of deposits, under any scheme of arrangement or in any other manner, or lending Tiny manner; the financing, whether by way of making loans or advances or otherwise, of any activity other than its own.


I. Bank-related

1. All banks which are included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 areScheduled Banks. These banks comprise Scheduled Commercial Banks and Scheduled Co-operativeBanks.

2. Scheduled Commercial Banks in India are categorised into five different groups according to theirownership and / or nature of operation. These bank groups are (i) State Bank of India and itsAssociates, (ii) Nationalised Banks, (iii) Regional Rural Banks, (iv) Foreign Banks and (v) Other IndianScheduled Commercial Banks (in the private sector).

3. Scheduled Co-operative Banks consist of Scheduled State Co-operative Banks and Scheduled UrbanCo-operative Banks.

4. Regional Rural Banks and Scheduled Co-operative Banks are excluded in bank-wise tables andtheir summary tables at bank group level. However, details of Regional Rural Banks and ScheduledCo-operative Banks as groups are presented in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.

5. During the year 2004-05, the following changes have taken place in the commercial banking system(i) Yes Bank has been included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934

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with effect from 19th August 2004.(ii) IDBI Bank has been excluded from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934with effect from 2nd April 2005. However, no separate balance sheet and profit and loss accountsare available for the bank for 2004-05. It has been merged with its parent IDBI Ltd. and the latterhas been included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 with effectfrom 11th October 2004.(iii) Global Trust Bank has been excluded from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of IndiaAct, 1934 with effect from 7th August 2004.(iv) Sumitomo Mitsui Bank has been excluded from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank ofIndia Act, 1934 with effect from 28th February 2005.(v) Credit Lyonnais Bank has been excluded from the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank ofIndia Act, 1934 with effect from 1st May 2004.These changes are reflected in the tables where individual bank’s data are presented.

6. In the bank group-wise classification, IDBI Ltd. has been included in Nationalised Banks.

7. As on the date of going to the press, balance sheet and profit and loss account of Sangli Bankwere not available, and hence excluded in 2004-05 data.

8. Population groups of the banked centres presented in this volume are based on the 1991 census.The population groups are defined as under:(i) ‘Rural’ group includes all centres with population of less than 10,000VII(ii) ‘Semi-urban’ group includes centres with population of 10,000 and above but less than 1 lakh.(iii) ‘Urban’ group includes centres with population of 1 lakh and above but less than 10 lakhs.(iv) ‘Metropolitan’ group includes centres with population of 10 lakhs and more.


Third party selling in very simple words can be described as selling of products and services of other company on them be half.

At axis bank third party selling takes place for two insurance companies:-

1.max newyork life insurance.

2.bajaj allianz life insurance.

1.for max newyork life insurance following products will be recommended by axis bank of max newyork life insurance:-

Whole life par Life gain plus Shiksha plus ii

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2. For bajaj allianz life insurance following products will be recommended by axis bank of bajaj allianz life insurance:-

Family health Silver health Safe guard Safe home Safe home plus Jewellery insurance Business advantage.

So selling or recommendation of any of these life insurance products by working people of axis bank to their customers is known as third party selling at axis bank.

Last main conclusion aur bibliography add kar lena maine khud bhar jake type kit hi shop p kyuki light chale gyi thitoh uski soft copy nai hai.

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