Download - Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Page 1: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 2: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 3: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 4: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 5: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 6: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 7: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 8: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Joseph P Higham-Carmel - Fun, Serious, Exceptional, Willing Joe came to Techno Chix this season. He has been an inspiration to this amazing team. He has helped girls reach new heights which has gotten them to the Super Regionals. His technical knowledge is superb, and he is able to impart that knowledge to the girls in an informative, thoughtful and fun way. They have learned a tremendous amount from him, being able to design, construct and compete with a winning robot. Joe’s dedication and enthusiasm propel the girls to work hard, be their best and be proud of what they’ve accomplished as a team and as individuals. Robyn Boardman-Chester - Influencing, Caring, Role Model, Dedicated Robyn’s belief and knowledge of the Girl Scout program has been a positive contribution to the Chester Girl Scout Community. She is always available to help or guide leaders who are seeking advice. Her dedication to Girl Scouting is inspiring. Her most well known and heartwarming event is the Veteran’s Day Cookie Baking and Thank you Card Making event for the Chester Service Unit. Her troop hosts this event each year and has touched the hearts of many Chester Veterans. She has a true love for Girl Scouts and it has been an honor to work with her over the years. Cindy Secunda-Croton – Informative, Selfless, Committed, Caring, Thorough Cindy has been passionate about Girl Scouts ever since she was a Girl Scout. She understands the importance of volunteers and continues to be active in the Croton Girl Scout community, long after her two girls (and two troops) have graduated. She served as the recruitment chair and developed a protocol for parent meetings to explain the Girl Scout program and inviting parents to participate. Cindy’s dedication is a testament to everything Girl Scouts is about.

Page 9: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Ruth Metz-DeForest - Dedicated, Motivator, Creator, No-Nonsense Ruth is an amazing member of the DeForest Community. She has been a member of Girl Scouts for 25 years. Over the years she has filled many roles including Cookie Chair, Fall Product Sale Chair, Troop Organizer, and Consultant. Ruth volunteers to assist leaders old and new. If you need any kind of ideas or support just check with Ruth because she has been successful in leading three active troops and managed to keep the girls and parents engaged. Ruth, her co-leader and her troops serve the community with a wide variety of volunteer services. They participate in Operation Cookie Drop, Food Drives, and Meals on Wheels just to name a few. Ruth is an asset and true inspiration to the DeForest Community. Melanie Aprahamian-Germonds - Trustworthy, Giving, Thoughtful, Kind Melanie has been ever-present in our Service Unit. She has successfully implemented the leadership role as Treasurer for the past four years. Her finance abilities are trustworthy, organized, and efficient and she makes certain that all Service Unit records are accurate and complete. Melanie has been a leader for both of her daughter’s Girl Scout troops since kindergarten, contributing countless hours of her time all the while fulfilling her work commitment as a nurse. She is a caring, enthusiastic, and dedicated leader and as her co-leader, I am grateful for the time, enthusiasm, and energy she contributes to the Germonds Service Unit. Emily Callanan-Germonds - Organized, Compassionate, Honest, Role Model Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl Scouts to Cadettes. Under Emily’s guidance, Troop 40079 has hosted Earth Day Events, Pin SWAPs, and Book Collections for our Service Unit. Emily has served as Germonds Service Unit Manager since 2011-2012. She organizes agendas and monthly meetings and motivates leaders to participate in troop level and Service Unit events. Emily is a tremendous supporter of the GSHH Annual Giving Campaign. She has taken every opportunity to inform and encourage our Service Unit families to donate to the great movement! Emily’s continued support and leadership has kept us going strong.

Page 10: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Cristina Conciatori-Germonds - Efficient, Unique, Fair, Hardworking Cristina has embraced the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and has been an enthusiastic and dedicated troop leader for a number of years despite not having a daughter of her own. She is a full-time teaching professional that gives back to the community with her time and talent. She has organized wonderful events, outings, activities and learning experiences for troops and hosted a successful Pin SWAP that was enjoyed by everyone in our Service Unit. Christina’s greatest contribution to our Service Unit has been the creation of our own Service Unit website. This website has been most useful to our members for information and forms. Our Service Unit has been blessed to have Cristina as a member. Elaine Damiano-Germonds - Open-Minded, Helpful, Community-Focused, Friendly Elaine has been a leader for both of her daughter’s Girl Scout troops, sharing many hours of her time while working full time as an educator. Under Elaine’s tutelage, her Girl Scouts have hosted Service Unit events and achieved their Bronze Award and Silver Awards. My most recent recollection of a wonderfully executed event was a Pin SWAP. Elaine’s Girl Scouts were organized, efficient, and demonstrated great leadership skills that are a direct result of her own effective leadership and mentoring style. We can’t thank Elaine enough for being ready and willing to support the Service Unit in any way she can! Karen Brown-Lakeland East - Energetic, Intelligent, Kind, Reliable, Dedicated Karen has been a Lakeland East leader for six years; she travels extensively for work, but has made time for Girl Scouts, to our benefit. She became the Service Unit Cookie Chair and meets with every Lakeland East Troop Cookie Chair to ensure that they understand all the ins-and-outs of cookies. She does this with a smile and a great sense of humor. Her leadership shows in the volunteers who come out to help each year, to lend a hand in the delivery. Lakeland East is lucky to have such a dedicated and organized and professional person. Pat Byrnes-Lakeland East - Giving, Warm, Patient, Positive, Leader Pat is the picture of what a role model for girls and leaders in Girl Scouting is. She is patient and warm, shares her personal experiences about the positive role that Girl Scouts plays in a young girls’ life. In addition to leading, Pat coordinates the Girl Scout programs in our elementary school – recruiting, reporting, communicating and problem solving with all new troops that form each year. Pat has committed herself to provide any girl the Girl Scout Experience as she will never “turn away a girl” and continues to grow her troops in the Lakeland East community.

Page 11: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Christine Daly-Lakeland East - Creative, Responsible, Hard-working, Kind, Generous Chris is an absolutely incredible leader – she makes every effort to ensure girls are given a wide variety of activities to participate in, and she makes every girl feel included. She is an outstanding communicator, sharing troop and service unit news; as an event coordinator for Lakeland East, Chris has ensured that Lakeland East has a variety of activities and workshops to keep girls engaged in Girl Scouting. She has provided opportunities for older girls, whose troops have disbanded to join her ever increasing older girl troop, welcoming them and making these girls feel as much of a member of their new troop as the girls who have been with her since Daisy Girl Scouts. Chris’s guidance and leadership have benefitted the Lakeland East community greatly. Perian Foss-Lakeland East - Hard working, Organized, Amusing, Straight-Forward Perian gives of herself to make her two troops and Lakeland East Girl Scouts a wonderful experience for every girl. She organizes middle school events – providing amazing experiences and challenging opportunities for girls in middle school years. She coordinates the Fall Product Sale for Lakeland East, providing all troops with organized, thorough training and assists troops in following through the necessary computer program steps to completion. Kristen Carpenter-Larchmont Mamaroneck - Warm, Helpful, Pragmatic, Gracious Kristen has led two troops for over seven years; she continues to actively mentor some girls who are now Juliettes. She has organized our service unit community camping for three years, providing outdoor opportunities for over 150 Girl Scouts each year. She is well organized and works well with other members of the service unit team to ensure exciting, challenging and fun activities. She models good will and active engagement for both girls and other volunteers in the Larchmont Mamaroneck Service Unit. Cordelia Derhammer-Hill-Larchmont Mamaroneck - Enthusiastic, Dedicated, Motivating, Encouraging Cordelia has led two troops for ten years and has served as Service Unit Annual Giving Chair; she is a key contributor and/or coordinator for many activities in the service unit. She is enthusiastic and dedicated, encouraging participation in service unit and council events; she has provided a warm, safe environment and an exciting Girl Scout experience for a troop that has a number of special needs members. Cordelia is the voice of the Larchmont Mamaroneck Service Unit in activities related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and environmental concerns.

Page 12: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Lisa Pascetta-Larchmont Mamaroneck - Smart, Enthusiastic, Caring, Responsible Lisa has done an outstanding job organizing the recruitment for new Larchmont Mamaroneck troops for the past three years. She provides parents with a comprehensive understanding of the Girl Scout Mission, supports national and council goals, is well organized and has helped our service unit meet and exceed our membership goal. In Lisa’s troops, we see a group of motivated girls, responding to her compassion, patience and respect; she is an asset to the Larchmont Mamaroneck Service Unit! Sara Stonner-Larchmont Mamaroneck - Responsible, Enthusiastic, Organized In addition to leadership of two troops, working full time and traveling extensively for business, Sara contributes to the success of the Larchmont Mamaroneck Girl Scout Service Unit as Co-Service Unit Manager, Secretary and Fall Product Sales Chair. She helps with Larchmont Mamaroneck Girl Scout activities with great energy and enthusiasm; she is a problem solver and a doer, and has actively solicited increased engagement from other volunteers and supportive community partners. Marie Quirk-Little Tor/Woodglen- Responsible, Supportive, Thorough, Friendly Marie has served Little Tor/Woodglen as troop leader for 13 years, guiding her troop through the Gold Award, and continues to serve as Service Unit Cookie Chair for the past five years, helping Little Tor/Woodglen increase cookie sales and keeping all leaders and girls engaged and enthusiastic. She is well-organized and thorough, making sure the sale runs smoothly for both experienced and new leaders alike. Stephanie Spagna-Little Tor/Woodglen - Committed, Creative, Determined, Inclusive Stephanie has organized our Leaders Annual Dinner many times over the years. This is a fun team-building activity that helps our volunteers remain engaged while forming a cohesive group. She has co-chaired many Service Unit activities for girls and has always done a great job! She has also served as troop organizer and brought her excellent organizational skills to that role. Stephanie is always the first to step up and volunteer to help out in any way with Service Unit activities, arriving early to set up, staying late to clean up, and everything in between!

Page 13: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Stacey Vitro-Little Tor/Woodglen - Supportive, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Responsible Stacey has not only been an involved, motivated leader but has been a very active member of our Service Unit. She has organized collection drives for those in need, co-chaired the Sweetheart Dance, chaired the sing-along at assisted living facilities and has been a Level Consultant, sharing her knowledge and talents with other leaders. Stacey has led an active troop of girls for eight years, ensuring her girls have a wide range of experiences together. Melissa Curtis-Misty Mountains - Dedicated, Compassionate, Selfless, Friendly, Strong Melissa has been the Misty Mountains Service Unit Manager for over seven years; she is dedicated to Girl Scouts, and has served as Recruiter, Troop Leader and event planner during her term as Service Unit Manager. She has knowledge of ceremonies, has taught many girls outdoor essentials; she embodies the true spirit of Girl Scouting. Her kind nature welcomed new volunteers to Misty Mountains and always put the girls first. She networked with other leaders, other service units and the council to provide an enriched, supportive, creative and honorable experience for girls. Lynn Fahmi-Nanuet –Motivator, Loving, Inclusive, Genuine, Considerate Lynn is a dedicated, caring leader; she is kind, patient, and makes the Girl Scout experience fun for the girls. She has served as coordinator for the Nanuet Service Unit Fall Camporee where over 150 girls and moms take part in a weekend camping experience. Lynn is patient, enthusiastic and truly interested in the girls and their development as future leaders; she makes every girl in the troop feel valued and empowered. She is a role model and an inspiration to her troop and to other volunteers in the Nanuet Service Unit. Tamara Roche-Nanuet - Dedication, Commitment, Leadership, Positive, Enthusiastic Tamara has served as Troop Leader in Nanuet for over four years, and has served as an Event Planner for the Nanuet Service Unit. She is willing to support cooperative activities with outside organizations, ensuring the Girl Scout message is presented in a strong voice. She involves her troop members in an effort to create a vision for their Girl Scout program that ensures that the girls make a difference in their world. Tamara coordinated a Nanuet Service Unit daughter dad event that served over 350 participants. She is a valued member of the Nanuet Service Unit.

Page 14: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Kelly Tricarico-Nanuet - Passionate, Determined, Accepting, Friendly, Inclusive Kelly is deeply passionate about Girl Scouts and the experiences that a girl can have as a Girl Scout. Kelly consistently welcomes everyone and encourages all adults to volunteer – no time commitment is too small. She has served as Service Unit Treasurer for over three years, as Service Unit Manager for two years, served as a Council Delegate to the Girl Scout National Convention in Texas. Kelly became a leader of a troop of girls at middle school age, and coordinates numerous Nanuet Service Unit events and activities. With each position, she radiates Girl Scout passion - and it flows from her to everyone involved. Kim Miyoshi-New Windsor - Prepared, Planner, Productive, Thoughtful Kim is a leader, Service Unit Manager, Fall Product Sales Chair and Delegate. She is always prepared with Volunteer Meeting Agendas and keeps all of us up to date. Kim does a great job promoting the Fall Product Sales and Cookie Program. She also encourages all troops to participate in our Annual Giving Campaign. Jennifer Veiga-New Windsor - Fun-loving, Resourceful, Caring, Dedicated Jenn is an asset to the New Windsor Service Unit; she has chaired many Service Unit events over the past 8 years, especially Thinking Day. She is our Registrar and supports leaders with the placement of girls. She is truly dedicated to the Girl Scout Program. John Diehl-North Salem - Dedicated, Patient, Focused, Motivated, Enthusiastic John has been an active volunteer for over five years developing and expanding the Techno Teams for Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson. He has helped new opportunities such as the Engineering Expo, as well as coaching teams when needed. John has handled the behind the scenes administration paperwork for team registrations, budgeting, ordering supplies, processing registrations and coordinating the Girl Scout council and other Techno Teams. Sharon Rushton-Northern Dutchess - Energetic, Dedicated, Leader, True Girl Scout Sharon serves on the Northern Dutchess Service Unit Team and consistently accepts responsibility for product sales, programming and organizing, epitomizing the whole Girl Scout Movement. Sharon has been a steadfast volunteer for 20 years. She leads by example and her positive approach helps others step up and do more than they ever thought they could.

Page 15: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Jill Holtman-Northern Dutchess - Caring, Organized, Helpful, Responsible Jill is Northern Dutchess’ Recruiter/Organizer and works hard to place girls and sign on new leaders. She also holds recruiting events in coordination with council. Additionally, Jill organizes Girl Scout Sunday and has taken on the role of Communications Coordinator for our Service Unit. Diane Murphy-Pearl River - Consistency, Role Model, Dedication, Exemplar Girl Scout Diane has been involved actively with Girl Scouts in Pearl River for over fourteen years; she has served as the Service Unit Manager, Recruiter, Organizer, Event Chair and Leader. Diane has been a constant source of support for new volunteers, welcoming them to Pearl River Girl Scouts, assisting many in getting troops started and moving forward, and helping to interpret the new Girl Scout Leadership Experience Journeys curriculum. During Diane’s service with the Pearl River Service Team, the Girl Scout membership in Pearl River grew to nearly six hundred girls. She has been an integral part of the Pearl River Service Unit and will be greatly missed as she passes on the torch to a new group of volunteers. Sylvia Adams-Peekskill - Organized, Communicator, Caring, Advocate, Knowledgeable Sylvia has been actively involved in Girl Scouts in Peekskill for over fifteen years and is the perfect candidate for the Appreciation Pin award for her outstanding service in Peekskill! With Sylvia’s guidance, the Peekskill Service Unit has developed a strong sense of the need to do community service; she ensures that everyone knows about available programs and opportunities and seeks to match a leader’s skills and talents with a program they might want to organize for the service unit. Sylvia steps up to the plate and takes the lead on organizing numerous community events that benefit all troops in the service unit. Victoria Lehning-Peekskill -Trustworthy, Loyal, Dedicated, Organized, Friendly Victoria has been actively involved with Peekskill Girl Scouts for over six years, serving as a troop leader, Delegate and Event Chair. She has chaired the Service Unit’s Thinking Day celebration to connect as a Girl Scout community with the WAGGGS Centers and to educate girls on the cultures and customs of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in other countries. She exemplifies not only leadership qualities, but humane qualities that one would want in a friend and leader, and she has a can-do, ‘get the golden ring’ attitude when guiding girls through planning and executing events, badges and Journey work.

Page 16: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Deborah Paul-Peekskill - Adventurous, Dedicated, Mentor, Hard Working Deborah has been actively involved in Peekskill Girl Scouts for over fourteen years, serving as Leader, Recruiter, Fall Product Sale Chair, Camping Chair, Delegate, and Adult Recognition Chair; additionally, she served as a Council Delegate to the National Convention in Texas. She has coordinated events providing self-defense workshops, camping experiences and parades, ensuring that Peekskill Girl Scouts have opportunities to participate in a wealth of challenging and fun experiences. She has worked with the GSHH Techno Teams to advance the opportunities for girls to participate in science, technology, engineering, and math in the council. Deborah takes on every task she volunteers for with gusto – none more obvious than her commitment to Operation Cookie Drop: Deborah and her troop have worked at this event each year since it began, have delivered cookies to locations as near as Fleet Week NYC and as far as Stratton Air Base in Albany. Laurie Duffalo-Scarsdale/Edgemont - Energetic, Dynamic, Positive, Organized, Involved Laurie has been involved with Scarsdale/Edgemont Girl Scouts for over eight years; she serves as Service Unit Recruitment Chair, overseeing eight elementary schools in the service unit. Laurie spear heads Scarsdale/Edgemont’s recruitment of new Daisy Girl Scouts with mother daughter events each spring where new parents and girls have an afternoon of activities with an existing troop while the parents meet and speak with current leaders to learn about Girl Scout leadership. Additionally, she has been an Event Chair and Delegate for the Service Unit, as well as a Leader of an active group of Cadette Girl Scouts. Laurie’s co-Leader feels that with Laurie’s leaderships, they have been successful in helping to raise kind, helpful, smart young women. Diane Gurden-Scarsdale/Edgemont - Creativity, Awesome, Passionate, Enthusiastic Diane is an excellent Girl Scout Leader and Scarsdale/Edgemont Service Unit team member, with over seven years of experience leading two troops. Her warm spirit and gusto for life has instilled enthusiasm among her troop members during their Girl Scout activities. She has been the Scarsdale Edgemont Registrar for three years, has worked on the Adult Recognition Committee and has served as Event Chair for the service unit. Diane’s creativity and effort on behalf of Girl Scouting, her commitment to Girl Scout values, and her ability to provide challenging and exciting opportunities to her troops and to the larger Scarsdale Edgemont Service Unit demonstrate the difference she has made in the lives of many young girls.

Page 17: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Alison Litofsky-Scarsdale/Edgemont - Generous, Smart, Creative, Approachable Alison has been a dedicated Leader for over five years in the Scarsdale Edgemont Service Unit, has served as Event Chair, Recruiter and Service Unit Team member for three years. She is kind-hearted, thoughtful and very motivating for her troop members and for other leaders in the service unit. She has coordinated service projects for local animal shelters and programs discussing friendship, how to stop bullying, and tactics to increase middle school girls’ awareness about their feelings and ideas they can use to control their emotions. Judy Stanley-Scarsdale/Edgemont - Diligent, Diplomatic, Communicator, Dedicated Judy has been an active volunteer in the Scarsdale/Edgemont Service Unit for over twelve years, and has served as Leader, Event Chair, Web Mistress, Gold Award Advisor and member of the Service Unit Team for over five years. She designed the service unit’s website and maintains it, is responsible for the communications distribution in the service unit thru constant contact, keeping all leaders informed of all activities and opportunities. As a Leader, she has successfully guided some girls in her troop thru the Gold Award, kept the other girls involved by organizing interesting field trips, community service projects, social activities, and skillfully handled parents who asked for and expected the moon from their Girl Scout Leader! Tina Wile-Spackenkill - Friendly, Patient, Organized, Resourceful Tina has served on the Spackenkill Service Unit team as the Recruiter since 2009. Rather than have girls on a wait list, she started multi-level Troop 10145 so that all girls could participate in the troop experience. Tina has also served as Service Unit Co-Manager and is currently a Service Unit Delegate. Jennifer Hamilton-West Point - Friendly, Supportive, Encouraging, Helpful Jennifer Hamilton serves as the Cookie Chairperson for West Point. She has served in this role for two years and served as an assistant cookie chair for two years prior. In this role she helps to recruit troop cookie chairs that represent the diversity of the community. Due to Jennifer’s excellent efforts West Point has doubled their cookie sales in the past 2 years and have earned the West Point Service Unit a $500 cookie bonus twice which was used to purchase needed camping equipment.

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Diane Nelson-West Point - Committed, Caring, Trustworthy, Resourceful Diane has made it her mission to increase membership at West Point as well as increasing the number of troops within our Service Unit with much success. She has also been able to increase adult volunteer membership. Diane has an uncanny ability to encourage adult involvement and match adults with positions that meet their skill sets. She is extremely talented, well organized and completely committed to making Girl Scouts at West Point a wonderful rewarding group to be a part of. Diane shares this experience with neighboring service units by inviting them to events she has planned. We are extremely lucky to have her here at West Point as our Service Unit Manager. Shannon Giacomazza-Woodbury - Supportive, Helpful, Organized, Friendly Shannon has taken on multiple roles on the leadership team. She has served as Fall Product Sales Chair, Cookie Chair and been a Delegate. Shannon is always willing to help in whatever way needed. Lisa Noroian-Woodbury - Involved, Gracious, Strong, Persistent Lisa is a calming force in Girl Scouts, helping us with running the service unit at monthly meetings. She has a quite, articulate presence while enthusiastically supporting the Girl Scouts Mission. It is fabulous having her on our team. Lisa has been on the Adult Recognitions Chair for 2 years, and our Alternate Delegate for 3 years. She has also been intricate in supporting our graduating seniors. Robin Rosenberg-Woodbury - Loyal, Passionate, Committed, Inspiring Robin has been the heart and soul of Woodbury Girl Scouts as its Service Unit Manager for the past 3 years. She is dedicated, dependable, and always coming up with new ideas all while working full time and maintaining family responsibilities. Robin has organized and led multiple recruitment events to increase Girl Scout membership and has been an inspiration to both girls and adults in the Woodbury Service Unit. Sherry Zambrzycki-Woodbury - Organized, Supportive, Responsible, Caring Sherry has tirelessly given time to our service unit in multiple capacities. She has been the Cookie Chair and provided guidance, support and help to the troops. She has helped run our Holiday Party, Thinking Day and Court of Awards. Sherry brings her positive energy to all of her volunteer efforts.

Page 19: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Mary Peters-Carmel - Artistic, Affectionate, Compassionate, Enthusiastic, My name is Rachel Guzman-Jones and I am 13 years old from Peekskill, NY, and for the past 5 years have been a member of the Dotted Half Notes. Every year we get new Girl Scouts joining our group. Our ages range from 5-18. Mrs. Peters warmly greets each new member and their parents and introduces the new member to the group. Despite the difference in our ages, we are all Girl Scouts and we love to sing! Mrs. Peters helped us to fulfill that need. Mrs. Peters encourages us to be considerate of other cultures and their flag. She gives us the history of the song so that we can understand the music. Our warm up for singing is fun and Mrs. Peters always has a big smile on her face and warmly greets us. She never yells at us but she firmly tells us when we are talking too much! The Dotted Half Notes is open to all registered Girl Scouts. Throughout the years, Mary has mentored girls from all areas including Long Island and Upstate New York. All the girls are treated with love and kindness regardless of whether they are local girls she has known forever or girls she has never met. It is a testament to Mary’s gifts that parents will come from all over NY to satisfy their daughters’ desire to perform in a safe all-girl environment.

Page 20: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Patricia Zollinger-DeForest - Honest, Reliable, Team Player, Educator Patty has been an active member of the DeForest Service Unit for 15 years. She is always willing to take on lead roles and supporting roles to further the mission of Girl Scouts. Patty is a dedicated leader and the word “no” is not in her vocabulary. She willingly accepted the added responsibility of leading our service unit. Patty is the ultimate Girl Scout because she is kind, caring and always willing to lend a hand never expecting anything in return. Patty is always willing to volunteer and readily shares her expertise with new leaders and girls. Patty has volunteered at Winter Whirl 1 and 2, Daisy Spring Spree, Harvest Festival Program for Junior Girl Scouts and core camping for many years. She is also involved with the Kamikaze Kanoe team. Through her dedication, countless numbers of girls have been exposed to the joys of Girl Scouting. Debbie Pritzker-DeForest - Advisor, Volunteer, Teacher, Girl Scout Debbie has been serving the DeForest Service Unit for 10 years. Debbie has served in several roles from Service Unit Manager to Delegate, to Cookie Chair and Treasurer. Debbie is always willing to mentor other leaders and share information about events or activities that girls have enjoyed in the past. Debbie introduced and encouraged troops to participate in Operation Cookie Drop and actively participates in both service unit and council sponsored events. Debbie is a dedicated Girl Scout who is committed to sharing the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with the entire council. Debbie understands the importance of providing leadership opportunities for older girls and to provide support for council programs. By trade Debbie is a Physicians’ Assistant and has been our First Aider at countless council wide events including multiple Camporees, and Winter Whirl 1 and 2. She also volunteered and had her troop work stations at Spring Spree and guided girls to progressively take more responsibility. She also takes on roles such as Cabin Mom and Fire Tender.

Page 21: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Chris Petty-New Oaks - Dedicated, Innovative, Calm, Creative Chris is a committed Girl Scout advocate who enthusiastically goes the extra mile to fulfill the mission “To build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.” Chris is dedicated to improving the experiences of girls through Girl Scouting. Chris works tirelessly to create and implement monthly and short series Girl Scout events involving girls not only from New Oaks but also Wappinger’s Falls, Spackenkill, Fishkill, East Fishkill, Arlington, Hyde Park, and Rondout Valley. Chris has been involved with planning and running Extending Girls’ Horizons, collaboration between the Girl Scouts and the Poughkeepsie Branch of the American Association of University Women since its inception in the spring of 2013. This series for older girls has consisted of two formats for offering more varied opportunities for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors throughout Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson. Themed events include weekend camping trips, hikes along the Appalachian Trail, field sports, math games, environmental activities, self-expression, relationships, dance, cooking, paper crafts, jewelry making, needle crafts including the “aMAZE” and “GIRLtopia” Journeys. Karen Lawless-New Windsor - Ambitious, Patient, Knowledgeable, Tireless Karen has been an asset to the New Windsor Service Unit. She has served 4 years as Service Unit Manager, 3 years as Delegate, 2 Years as Annual Giving Chair, 2 years as Cookie Chair, 3 years as chair of our Mother/Daughter Dinner and 2 years as the Memorial Day Parade Chair. Karen also takes great pride in Camp Wendy where she has supervised and supported many a cleanup session at Camp Wendy for all levels of girls and leaders. Girl’s plant flowers, trim bushes, straighten up campfire rings, clean Martin Lodge and the latrines! She is committed to keeping Camp Wendy accessible to all girls so they can continue to participate in outdoor program, learn outdoor skills and appreciate nature. She is truly a role model for young girls. Harriet Burke-Northern Dutchess - Kind, Giving, Intelligent, Helpful Harriet Burke is a wonderful candidate for the Honor Pin recognition. She has demonstrated exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Not only does she organize, advertise, and implement older girl opportunities in the Northern Dutchess area as a troop leader and Service Unit Team member, but she engages and shares this with neighboring service units in the Ulster County area. Harriet attends monthly meetings to help facilitate communication between Girl Scout leaders in both counties. Harriet has run older girl opportunities, including Journeys, to assist other troops in achieving their goals. She has provided campouts over multiple years to get girls back into the out of doors and taught girls basic skills including cooking, hiking and knife safety. She is a true inspiration to leaders everywhere!

Page 22: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Jennifer Couse-Sojouner Truth- Role Model, Dedication, Capable, Humble, Enthusiasm Jennifer has been an active Girl Scout for over twenty-five years, serving in nearly every position in the Sojourner Truth Service Unit Team during that time. She enjoys camping and ensures that all participants in the service unit camping experience have a challenging and safe opportunity. Jennifer has organized level specific opportunities that address Girl Scout Journeys, and provided support to leaders in transitioning to the new Girl Scout Leadership Experience program. She has been a Council Trainer and serves as a Gold and Silver Mentor for both Dutchess and Ulster counties, providing direction and guidance to these young women who are moving forward with the highest awards Girl Scouts offers. Jennifer lives the Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law in her everyday life and she instills them in her Girl Scouts, her fellow leaders and her family. Jennifer leads by example, encouraging girls to be in the forefront to organize and lead. She recognizes the talents of girls and adult volunteers, building on strengths and fostering growth in new, untried areas. As a result, she inspires not only girls, but adults within our service unit family and we are a stronger and more committed team because of her. Laura Cross-West Point- Organized, Caring, Reliable, Kind Laura has served as Treasurer for 4 years, Service Unit Trip Coordinator for 2 years and Camporee Support for the last year. Prior to joining West Point Girl Scouts she held positions as Co-Leader, Cookie mom, and Publicity Chairperson in Germany. Laura also organizes large service unit trips which includes girls from West Point, Cornwall and Highland Falls. The West Point Service Unit would not be able to operate without passing a financial and legal review every two years. As Treasurer, Laura compiled all financial paperwork for review. This review is a requirement, based on military regulations and Laura ensures all regulations are met.

Page 23: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Barbara Londa-Carmel - Worthy, Devoted, Dedicated, Committed As Carmel Service Unit Team members and Troop Leaders we have been fortunate to have known and worked in conjunction with Barb Londa in the Carmel Girl Scout Community. We can still remember 7 years ago walking into a recruitment social that she was hosting to register our own daughters in Girl Scouts. With her enthusiasm and encouraging words, we became troop leaders that night! Throughout our years in Carmel Girl Scouts, Barb has demonstrated not only knowledge and skill but also a supportive and encouraging approach to both leaders and parents within our community. Barb continues to mentor girls and adults alike. Her involvement and dedication is beyond the norm of a Service Unit Manager. We are in awe of her willingness and devotion to the success of Girl Scouts as a whole. Barb’s effort in Girl Scouting does not stop with our local community. She is also a familiar face throughout the council. She serves as a GSHH Council Trainer, training new leaders and is also a trainer for the Overnight Outdoor Training. She has run AWESOME workshops and served on the committee for two years and served on the 100th anniversary committee. She was GSHH’s Green Hats Alumni Camporee Workshop Coordinator and served on the Ulster Comporee Committee. Barb also served as Chair for “Together We Can Change the World” a WAGGGS event and for “Free Being Me”, an International Day of the Girl event, both events were open to all of Girl Scouts in GSHH. There are not words or accolades that represent who Barb is and what she has done for our community and the Girl Scout organization. We have been so fortunate to have has Barb there for us and more especially the girls. Without question we believe she is most deserving of this award. We truly thank her from the bottom of our hearts.

Page 24: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Lauren Shaw-Lakeland East – Dedication, Commitment, Enthusiastic, Sincere Lauren is an outstanding volunteer who continues to serve all areas of the council thru the Gold Award committee and the GSHH Museum; she provides program opportunities using “Juliette Low” ideas (knot tying, tatting, etc). She embodies the concept of serving all girls who want to be Girl Scouts. She is always well prepared for whatever activity she is leading, including tours of the museum, ceremonies and history related to crafts. At the Museum, Lauren helped the Museum Committee recognize and realize the need for the Museum to be accessible to physically handicapped Girl Scouts, girls and adults – the result: we have an ADA compliant ramp at the Museum, provided by and installed by Lauren and her family. Lauren is also responsible for the lovely gardens at the Museum. Lauren continues as a valuable member of the Lakeland East Service Unit Team where she has enabled and inspired girls and leaders with her excitement and knowledge of Girl Scouting. Her leadership has influenced girls to become courageous, compassionate, concerned and committed mature women. Gail Sullivan-Lakeland East - Supportive, Organized, True Mentor, Amazing Leadership Under Gail’s guidance, Lakeland East is a vibrant, flourishing community. Our community runs overnights, badge workshops, day trips and performs countless hours of community service with the help of Gail’s organizational skills, commitment to Girl Scouts and dedication. Gail works tirelessly and our Service Team members have witnessed the time and energy she puts in each year. Her daughters have graduated, and Gail continues to serve. She is readily available and is an extremely valuable member of Lakeland Girl Scouts; the number of people Gail has helped goes far beyond the Girl Scout community; we are extremely lucky to have her with us in Lakeland East. Theresa Smith–West Nyack – Commitment, Inspirational, Selfless, Teacher Theresa has been active in Girl Scouts for over sixteen years; she has grown from Leader to Recruiter/Organizer, Consultant, Event Chair, to teacher and mentor for new volunteers and volunteers with GSHH Program Department. She has helped guide leaders through the change to Journeys in the curriculum, and supports the Gold Award program for all of Rockland County. Theresa puts her whole heart into ensuring new volunteers and girls feel supported, welcomed and engaged in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Her dedication, selflessness and willingness to serve Girl Scouts is unparalleled. She coordinates programs with both the Congers and the Nanuet Girl Scout Service Units, and has served on the Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson’s Partnership Luncheon Committee.

Page 25: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Patricia Allen-Larchmont Mamaroneck – “Super Volunteer”, Sincere, Generosity Pat has worked diligently in the Larchmont Mamaroneck Service Unit to provide quality experiences to girls and to the community, and has led the way for the Girl Scout community ‘s involvement in many outside opportunities from the Sharing Shelf (for families and girls in need), the Community Action Program (a non-profit organized and dedicated to providing services and programs to at-risk members) and the Sheldrake Environmental Center (an organization that helps structure and support local area cleanups as well as providing badge workshops). She inspires everyone around her to make the world a better place – a true Girl Scout. Pat served for a number of years as a Council Trainer, providing the first step training necessary for starting a rewarding Girl Scout career for many volunteers in the southern Westchester area. She continues to guide volunteers through the new Volunteer Took Kit Leadership Experience by adopting and supporting the new technologies necessary to affordably bring program and training to girls and adults. Wynn Klosky-West Point - Generous, Humorous, Intelligent, Kind Girls from West Point and Cornwall have had the opportunity to learn from Wynn as she guided girls through a Journey making sure that the Journey was fun and mission-driven. The Journeys included overnight trips as well as simultaneously earning badges. She has also impacted girls with disabilities by including them in this journey process! Wynn serves as a Silver Mentor for many girls in this region. Always fun and energetic she is truly a great example for all girls. She ran a Silver Workshop at West Point to motivate all girls to want to complete a project. Wynn has guided girls to find meaningful projects, set goals and strive to complete the project. Her guidance and support at the Silver level has helped many girls go on to complete their Gold Award. Wynn has had a tremendous impact on Senior, Cadette and Ambassador Troops when she led a series of seminars to train girls to attend and compete in the West Point Camporee, again including Juliettes with disabilities from the Cornwall Service Unit. Wynn guides the girls through logistical planning and skills training to prepare the girls by providing a “mini camporee” overnight.

Page 26: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl

Cynthia Fildes–Northern Dutchess – Supportive, Kind, Sincere, Helpful, Trustworthy Cindy has served as Organizer/Recruiter for many years in Northern Dutchess, as Junior Consultant for a number of years, and as leader for her two daughters’ troops; once her ‘active’ leadership role ended, Cindy has continued to serve the larger Girl Scout community. Cindy goes out of her way to make everyone feel welcome and supported; she provides supportive, empowering mentorship for girls in Northern Dutchess Service Unit, Hyde Park Service Unit and for all Ulster County Service Units, by going ‘above and beyond’ in Silver and Gold Award support to girls, to leaders, and to service units seeking understanding of the highest awards for girls. Her efforts have enabled older girls in both counties to demonstrate what can be achieved and to set an example for younger Girl Scouts. She is knowledgeable and heartfelt in her dealings with Girl Scouts and with leaders and is appreciated by girls and leaders alike, in both counties.

Page 27: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl
Page 28: Awards & Recognition Journal - 2016 · 2016-12-01 · Emily has served as co-leader of Troop 40079 since 2008. She has been an effective leader, shaping our girls from Daisy Girl