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Page 1: Avoid those mistakes in body language

Avoid those Mistakes in Body


Page 2: Avoid those mistakes in body language
Page 3: Avoid those mistakes in body language

Try to avoid the below mistakes, especially when the client is furious or upset:Negative facial expressions:Be always aware of your facial expressions while you’re communicating with customers, Especially if he was upset of something related to our products or the service provided , Where a monetary amount has been paid in return.For instance: The silly smile for no reason, Looking around while the customer speaking to you or showing a serious face that might impress that you can’t rather bear him or stand for his complain anymore.Your expressions shall appear to be calm, sincere, courtesy and concerned with every single detail the customer saying.Always avoid smiling or laughing while the customer is complaining to you. Unless you’re no doubt going to increase his anger & in the end you are the real looser.

Page 4: Avoid those mistakes in body language

Avoid the sharp speaking tone:It’s necessary to know that the impact of the way of speaking is much more impressive than the words its self ,If your voice expresses boredom , Anger ,Coolness, All those get the customer upset and sometimes turns the case to a debate instead of discussing the point, the purpose of which the client came for, On the other hand, If your voice appeared to be confident , He’ll indeed believe in your words and consider them really meant .which consequently would enable you to solve his problem and calm him down.If you raised your voice in the end of each sentence , It’ll seem as if you are asking a sarcastic Question, so pay attention.If you raised your voice in the end of each sentence , It’ll seem as if you are asking a sarcastic Question, so pay attention.Record your voice and observe quite well your speaking tone, in order to improve it, till you reach a balanced tone at the end of your speech , This would boost your confidence and self esteem while speaking to the customer.

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Wrapping your arms in a defensive way to end the talk :Showing no interest to listen, The exaggeration in defending , The inflexible mentality , All what previously mentioned is expressed out through the wrapped arm s crossing the chest, Always let your hands beside and opened ,that shows that you’re listening carefully and with an open mind.

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The body position:The body position gives a signal that is interpreted by the person you’re facing in front of you.Straighten the way you’re sitting or standing ,that shows courtesy and respect for both the client and yourself.Don’t get so close to the client , this might give an impression of attacking or getting in challenge ,As a result , this would get him more angry and often offensive .Avoid sitting in a relaxed way , Stretching your body backward , This definitely will be taken as showing no care.Communicating through Touching hands :Totally avoid this, Since doing it frequently would probably increase his anger, Causing some people to go through an aggressive revolution .For some people, it’s just a kind of an unconscious action that they do even in their daily talks . They shall get rid of this habit , since it triggers anger of most people,

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• finally you’re not allowed to touch the client’s hands even in shaking hands unless he initiated.

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Insulting and swearing a lot for no reason:Some people get used to swearing or insulting , even for trivial reasons. Dealing decently while controlling your anger is an evidence for a strength not a weakness as some people believe.

Control yourself when you deal with such kind of people and make it obvious having a calm facial expression .

Remember that you’re a professional who is representing his organization and you have no excuse to behave the same, in case you did, actually you’re going to portray a vulgar manner that never suits a respectful organization.

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Eating and chewing:when you’re dealing with a client face to face or through the phone, you’re not allowed to chew a gum or food, Those emitted sounds would definitely make him angry, So what about a client who ‘s already angry!!Such sounds are irritating and ridiculous ,So avoid being in such case.Acting slowly and lazy:The angry customer had ran out of patience and expects a quick positive action be taken toward his problem, he won’t bear anymore laziness or slowness.Be in a hurry and make sure you’re showing enough care to every detail ,so as not to get the situation wore and worse.

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Last Words:Position of your body will reflect your situation in the client’s eyes Pay attention , The same thing will be required in case you’re the client Always remember that you’re the professional who offers help to others , solving their problems and portraying a positive image of your organization.If you’re not capable of doing this , Apply in another job.

If you are an owner of a project, so make sure that you’re picking out the right person .

Created By

Mohamed Eid

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• Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information about body language .

[email protected]