Download - Autonomous vehicles infographic - Munich Re · autonomous vehicle Drivers 65+ find ridesharing services and autonomous vehicles unappealing but embrace auto technology when it comes

Page 1: Autonomous vehicles infographic - Munich Re · autonomous vehicle Drivers 65+ find ridesharing services and autonomous vehicles unappealing but embrace auto technology when it comes

57% own a car without safety technology features

Older Drivers Resist Autonomous Vehicles and Ridesharing Services

53% are not interested in ridesharing services because they prefer driving themselves

51% of drivers are willing to pay more for blind spot detectors, back up cameras (43%) and automated braking (31%)

63% will shop for their next car with active safety technologies

49% would be uncomforatable riding in a fully autonomous vehicle

Drivers 65+ find ridesharing services and autonomous vehicles unappealing but embrace auto technology when it comes to safe driving.

Survey included 1,000 US respondents age 65 or older conducted by Munich Reinsurance America, Inc. 2-2017