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  • 8/4/2019 Autism an Esoteric Perspective



    Through Esoteric Psychology, Numerology & Astrology(Issue 2)

    Leoni Mckinnon Hodgson April 2009

    PMAFA, MSE Esoteric Psychology, PhD Philosophy in Esotericism

    Autism is on the increase, but as yet, the worlds medical experts are unable to conclusively

    point to any particular factor as being the cause. They are baffled. In order to try to

    understand what is going on, I have referred to Esoteric Psychology specifically the writings of

    esotericist Alice A. Bailey1. Esoteric Psychology is the Science of the Soul (the higher love and

    wisdom aspect of mans nature). The Soul initiates each new incarnation, building its vehicles

    of expression - the physical, emotional and mental bodies. Then through the ages it strives to

    develop and integrate them, and raise consciousness from the emotional level to the mental, so

    that it has an intelligent and disciplined channel (man or woman), to work through. This

    creates stress and crises in a persons life, and as a consequence, psychological problems

    appear. It is from this perspective that I approach this article.

    1. The Nature of Autism

    There are many levels to the disorder and severity of impairment, which is why the condition is now being

    called the Autism Spectrum disorder. But all are characterized by delays in the development of multiple

    basic functions including socialization and communication. The Spectrum list is:

    a. Conditions which do not quite fit the following groups, of which Atypical Autism is the most

    common (symptoms occur later than early childhood, etc).

    b. Autism, the best-known;

    c. Asperger syndrome;

    d. Rett syndrome; and

    e. Childhood disintegrative disorder(CDD).

    This is what medical experts know about autism.

    a. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder, an impairment of the growth and development of the brain

    and ofbrain function which affects emotion, learning ability,memory.Wikipedia

    There are differences in the way the brain processes information.

    No activity in a key part of the brain's mirror neuron system (which) fires when a person observes

    others performing an action and when he or she carries out the same action.

    The parts of the brain that bring things together are far less active.. the autistic brain is out of synch

    (disordered connectivity).

    b. Symptoms appear within the first three years after birth, these are generally: Delays in social interaction

    Delays in language as used in social communication

    Delayed development of symbolic or imaginative play.

    In summary, progress which appeared to be developing normally in small children physical,

    emotional and mental, slows down, comes to a halt, and then goes into reverse. This may happen

    rapidly or slowly. Social skills such as language, eye contact, and interaction with others, is impaired.

    It is apparent that the desire to relate with the outer world has closed down, and in extreme cases

    just enough contact is maintained for physical survival purposes. Autistic sufferers seem content to

    live in their own world. Sometimes early diagnosis and appropriate intervention can stop the slide, so

    that partial mind function is restored (mild autism), or the slide stops of its own accord. There arealso reported cases of full recoveries. But in many cases the withdrawal seems irreversible, and the

    mind and its intelligent interaction with and through the brain is been severely affected. The
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    2. The root cause of Autism - the races tendency to Introversion

    Since Carl Jung first popularized the terms introversion and extraversion, the world has accepted and

    recognised these two personality types. Extroverts are outgoing, while introverts are always looking

    within, and each group produces it own set of diseases through either over-expression or inhibition. 2

    Autism is a disease whose root cause is found in this tendency towards introversion.

    Introversion as a pathology increased markedly in the early part of the 20 th century, because of the

    violence of the world wars. This traumatised man, causing many to search within for answers or to try to

    escape from the horror of war. This phenomenon is described by esoteric writer Alice Bailey in 1942.

    The present world problem, the fear and deep anxiety, and the suffering and pain which are so

    widespread, are producing a dual result.. the extraversion of the mass consciousness; and a

    pronounced introversion of the individual.. The effect of this "pull" in two directions is having a

    serious effect upon sensitive individuals. They are pulled.. outward by the pull of the massconsciousness, and the force of the political, economic and social life of the race; and inwards by the

    pull of the world of higher values. 3

    The momentum of this dual action one force pushing people outwards, and the other drawing them

    inwards, has intensified since the 1940s, and causes a psychological problem called cleavage 4, where

    people are torn in two directions. Most of us suffer from a cleavage-type condition at some stage of our

    life. This is normal and natural as we integrate our bodies and seek union with the Soul, and for most it is

    not a serious problem. But when in a cleavage tug-of-war one side wins, then we find that focus is either

    upon the physical plane to the detriment of inner growth, or upon the inner self and contact with the outer

    world is minimal. Both conditions are undesirable, but the latter is dangerous to mental health if taken to

    extremes, because then it creates the opportunity for a variety of psychiatric conditions to arise, such as for

    example schizophrenia (split mind) aka bi-polar, or autism. Devotional and sensitive types are thosewho are particularly susceptible to diseases arising from introversion. Bailey said:

    What is the real nature of a true mystic or introvert? He is one whose soul force, ray or quality is too

    strong for the personality to handle. The man then finds that the path to the inner worlds of desire-

    emotion, of mind and of spiritual vision are, for him, the line of least resistance, and the physical

    plane integration and expression suffer as a consequence. EP I p160

    Mystics of the middle-ages were particularly susceptible, and many died because their yearning for

    spiritual ascension was stronger than their desire to live in the physical world. Their bodies - deprived of

    energy nourishment, just wasted away. For spiritual seekers, it is important to establish the difference

    between being an introvert - and being spiritually balanced and living subjectively. Bailey explains:

    To be an introvert really means that you, as a thinking personality, are always looking in to your

    inner feeling and thought life. That is not living subjectively; it is living as an outer observer wholooks within. To live subjectively means that the focus of your consciousness is within and that from

    that point you look in two directions: outward at the personality upon the physical plane and inward at
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    In summary, we have two conflicting forces playing upon consciousness, disrupting the psychological

    integration of sensitive people; and of these, the inward-pulling force (created by the pull of the Soul

    and the increasing numbers of people who are responding) is increasing in potency. This makes it

    easy for those who do not want to participate in the world, or who are fearful, to retreat within

    psychologically. This is a background factor to be considered, in the study of autism.

    3. Autism fits a description given by Patanjali, as Passivity or Sleep

    Patanjali was an Indian sage who lived in pre-Christian times, and wrote a spiritual development guide

    focusing particularly upon the development of the mind, and its enlightenment in the Raja Yoga Sutras6. He

    describes a dangerous condition which occurs in the mind because of an incorrect meditation technique. I

    believe there is a close parallel to be drawn with this pathological sleep condition as it affects adults, and

    with that which occurs in autism in children.

    Book 1-10: Passivity (sleep) is based upon the quiescent state of the vrittis (or upon the non-

    perception of the senses).

    Vrittis Defined: The vrittis are those activities of the mind which eventuate in the conscious relationbetween the sense employed and that which is sensed, 7those mental perceptions which have relation

    to the five senses,8

    they correlate man with his environment, through the medium of the senses andthe mind9.

    If we replace the word vrittis with electrical impulses, the definition could come straight from a moderntextbook on mind activity, such as below:

    Our senses depend on the nervous system's use of electrical signalling to convey to the brain what

    we are seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and tasting.

    The sutra warns meditators, to avoid making the mind blank, or to endlessly rote-chant one thought or

    phrase such as a mantram, because this activity will stun the mind rhythms and its circulations (of thoughts,

    imagination, memory) into inaction, a very serious condition. Some important quotes are below.

    Some people, by their sheer strength of will.. directly inhibit the processes of the lower mind... (they

    try) to quiet the mental body by inhibiting or suppressing all movement.. stopping circulation.. This

    inhibition has a direct effect upon the physical brain.10

    When the mind is stunned into inaction by inhibition or persistent repetitions (of the same thoughts)..

    by making the mind blank, is dangerous. 11

    By withdrawing himself from active sense perception, by no longer utilising the "outward-going"

    consciousness, and by abstracting that consciousness from the periphery to the centre, he can bring on

    a condition of passivity,a lack of awareness.. which is a form of trance. This self-imposed quieting

    (can be) excessively dangerous.. with the sense relations cut off or atrophied.. a man is open to

    hallucination, to delusion, to wrong impressions and to obsessions. 12

    In short, inhibiting the processes of the mind, mutes the electrical nerve impulses which relay

    information from the senses to the brain and mind, effectively cutting off its owner from any

    meaningful interaction with the outer world, and laying the person open to serious delusional or

    obsessional states (if taken to extremes). This could be a description for autism.This mental disorder is not new it has been around for thousands of years. But we have yet to

    discover why this condition is affecting a rapidly increasing, number of babies and small children. Is

    there a parallel to be drawn between the adult who holds the mind blank or endlessly and mindlessly

    chants mantrams, and that which goes on in the mind of a child at the onset of autism? There does

    seem to be an uncanny similarity. We can understand now, why early diagnosis of autism and

    intervention is crucial. Untreated, mind and brain activity will atrophy.

    4. Oversensitivity is another cause (Numerology)

    God geometrises, said Pythagoras. Numbers are symbols of living energies, the outer forms of creative

    inner forces, which mould and shape all that is found within the universe. There are seven major creative

    forces the Seven Rays, represented by numbers 1 to 7. 13Of these, the Second Ray, and the number 2, have assumed major importance recently, due to

    mans transition into a new millennium which has 2 as its base number Instead of year numbering

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    5. The Incoming Seventh Ray and its Effect

    As the Piscean Age withdraws and along with it the 6 th Ray, the 7th Ray of Ceremony, Order and Magic is

    streaming into manifestation, and bringing with it, a fleet of Ray Seven Souls and personalities 19. We are

    told that this Seventh force dominated that ancient civilisation Atlantis for a very long period of time 20.

    Spiritualism was the religion of Atlantis, and trance mediumship and lower forms of magic were widely

    practised. These have become established again on earth as souls from that period come back intoincarnation. Esotericists such as Helena Blavatsky and Bailey, have long advised against lower forms of

    mediumship, because the trance condition separates the medium from his soul and exposes him to the

    control of lower forces21 - the solar plexus web is ruptured by the practise, and the door to the Astral Plane

    is wide open. This enables the medium to easily pass out of the body, go into a trance and function on the

    Astral Plane.22 When such a doorway has been opened, then it can become a route by which to escape

    from the harshness of real life. Bailey describes this as follows:

    When the doorway out into the other worlds is discovered and becomes, not a door for rightful and

    proper use, but a way of escape from the difficulties of life and a short cut out of conscious physical

    experience.. the connection between the mystic and his physical vehicle becomes less and less firmly

    established and the link gets looser and looser until the man spends most of his time out of his body in

    a condition of semi-trance or a deep sleep condition. EP2 610These practises were wide-spread in Atlantis. Ray Seven types are streaming in now, and many of them

    will be old magicians and trance mediums from that ancient place, bringing with them the tendency to

    escape through a wide-open solar plexus.

    Ray Seven types love order and peace, and find it difficult and confusing when surrounded by

    chaos. They are arriving to find a world in rapid change and conflict. Perhaps the spiralling numbers of

    autistic children also has something to do with this. They spiral in, find it not to their liking, and find it

    easy to spiral out again onto the Astral Plane. It is another factor to be seriously considered.

    6. In summary

    I believe that the appearance of new mental diseases which are associated with mans tendency

    towards introversion such as the Autism Spectrum Disorders, is a consequence of evolutionaryprogress.

    Progress firstly, in that man is becoming increasingly mentally polarised - primarily a result of the wests

    drive for 100% education of children. This is a great success, but it is also bringing with it, a whole

    spectrum of new disorders associated both with introversion and extraversion.

    Secondly, progress in that it appears that a sizeable proportion of the race is now reaching inwards

    towards higher spiritual values, and towards the Soul nature, forcing the doorway to the inner worlds to

    open wide. Consequently, the inward flowing current is strong, making it easier for people/ children, to

    opt out of physical plane life inappropriately, if so inclined.

    As a consequence of the two previous points, Soul illumination is increasing, and the race is being

    subject to high vibrations which are disturbing normal earthly rhythms. Add this to the fact of the chaos

    caused by the problems which beset man, and it is not surprising that the incidence of anxiety baseddisorders is rising rapidly. Many are finding it difficult to cope.

    At the same time that chaos is increasing, the race is becoming more sensitive, and no more so than with

    our babies. The 2 and 6 make us supersensitive, and all babies being born now carry 2 in their

    birth date. These little souls are supersensitive, and they are coming into a world which is filled with

    chaos. Many are displaying symptoms of being shell-shocked.

    Additionally, Ray Seven types are streaming in now, and many will have practised astral travelling in

    Atlantis. This makes it very easy for them to escape and go into a trance like state, being content to

    live in their own world. This latter is one of the basic characteristics by which autism is identified.

    So this is the list of factors which is contributing to the problem of autism in my opinion. The race is

    more mental and also more spiritual - the momentum to go within is increasing in strength. The

    world is chaotic and conflict filled. Then, because babies born now are supersensitive, and manyknow unconsciously how to escape to the Astral Plane, when a trauma is experienced, they close

    down Consequently the brain and mind atrophy

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    7. A few suggestions for parents


    Endeavour as far as is possible to provide your child with a stress free birth, and provide a loving and

    nurturing environment. In case your child is a Ray Seven type, (as best you can) ensure family routines

    are ordered and well organised, and the atmosphere is calm, they thrive in such an atmosphere.23

    Fill the childs space with beautiful music.

    Educate yourself in the symptoms of autism. If you have doubts, see a professional who has skill in the

    area. Early diagnosis and treatment is vital. The opinion coming from experts now, is that autism is

    treatable if diagnosed and treated early enough.

    Contact a good astrologer, and ask if there are indications of severe communication difficulties, and the

    periods in the first three years in which trauma might be experienced. Then surround the child with love

    and protection during those periods. If your child is at risk, remove television from the house. Small

    children cannot differentiate between reality and what they see on screen. Seek out videos which are

    filled with funny, happy and beautiful images and scenes.

    Watch your child from an early stage to see if he or she has a tendency to hold in the breath. Introverts do

    this when they are anxious, and it slows down energy flow and activity in the mind. Regularly take the

    child outside into the sun and do fun play, breathing strongly in and out, mirroring this for the child to see

    and copy. Endeavour to generally evoke the imagination and fun play. Try to interest the child in hide and

    seek games - searching and delving stimulates the brain cells. Evoke interest if you can in a variety of

    (pleasant) smells because this sense is related to mental discrimination.

    If autism is diagnosed:

    Join a support group, and find out where resources and information can be found. Put your child into the

    care of the best trained professionals you can find. Select only those people you like, to work with your

    precious child trust your intuition. Contact all surrounding schools, and find out which is best equipped

    and has the resources to help your child, then do all you can to get your child into that school or centre.

    Contact the Monroe Institute in Virginia - website / Hemi-Sync for childrenand young people with autism and Deep Development Syndrome. New Reports. They have excellent case

    studies presented online, and show the effectiveness of the Hemi-Sync technology. Having been a

    member of their professional division of the Monroe Institute, for a number of years, I would highly

    recommend their services as an effective treatment of Autism. Robert R. Spaulding, D.C., PhD

    [email protected]

    If the child permits it, give regular very gentle massages, on the top, back and sides of the skull, paying

    attention to the base of the skull. Align with Soul/ God and send love through the fingertips.

    Dress the child in beautiful shades of yellow which is Mercurys colour. Colour therapists may try

    playing yellow light upon a child for a few minutes each day.

    Meditate regularly and send love to your child. Imagine love is restoring healthy mind and brain function,

    is stimulating the electrical impulses, visualise thoughtforms moving healthily in the mental ovoid. If youcan organise a spiritual or esoteric healing group, to do this so much the better. See your child as a child

    of God, a vital and healthy Soul for this is true in fact, even if the condition exists. Continually send

    Gods/ Christs/ Jesus/ Allahs/ Buddhas (whoever is spiritually inspiring) blessings to your child.

    Imagine the child sitting in this sacred persons lap, being gently held. Be creative.

    Sit quietly, and talk to your child non-verbally, by visualising and sending to him or her, beautiful but

    simple images such as mother kissing the child. Hold the image for a period. Be creative. When your

    child is asleep, sit quietly beside him / her and non-verbally tell the little one how much he/ she is loved.

    Search the web for a list of vitamins which will build up the immune system and which will help autism.

    If in spite of your best efforts, the condition does not reverse itself, console yourself with the fact that you

    tried. Try to accept that the experience is part of the life-plan of your Soul, the life-plan of your childsSoul, and a learning experience for all affected - perhaps to demonstrate care and compassion. We are

    told than often in cases where consciousness is severely impaired, the situation is related far more to the[email protected]://[email protected]
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    karma of the parents or of carers, than to the patient. 24In your childs next life, another opportunity will

    be offered for a healthy life. In the life of the Soul, no time is wasted, and everything unfolds as it should.

    8. Finally, following Autism through Astrology

    I start this section by stating that - we are what we have been before. By this I mean that, physical death

    does not stop the evolutionary growth of the Soul. It streams from life to life - picking up vehicles,moulding them, using them to learn through, dropping them off, then repeating the cycle over and over as

    it progresses back towards the Source. But nothing is lost. Generally speaking, life is picked up again at the

    level of growth achieved in the previous life. If the emotional nature used to dominate before, it will again

    in the new life. If mental brilliance had been achieved this is inherited again as a rightful gain. If there has

    been a pattern of morbid introversion in a previous life, then the seed of that will be transferred to the

    current life. Or if talent in art or music was achieved for example, this will come over as an innate talent.

    Sometimes however, the Soul will inhibit certain gains from the past for rounding out purposes in the new

    incarnation. This all is based on the Law of Rebirth, and of Karma the Law of Cause and Effect.

    The psychology of a person, incorporating the gains of the past, and indicating the

    potential for growth in the current life and beyond, is revealed in the astrological chart.

    a. The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Saturn

    Mercury - God of the mental processes.

    All human beings who experience communication difficulties will have this condition clearly shown in the

    natal astrology chart, and in all cases, Mercury is the primary indicator. The affliction to Mercury may be

    obvious or subtle, but it will be there - by sign, by ray, by aspect or lack of, by house, by degrees, by

    parallel or counter-parallel. This condition is then triggered into action by eclipses, transits or progressions.

    Mercurys primary role is to develop the lower concrete mind, and carry messages in the form of

    electrical light currents, between the Soul, the mind and the brain. It represents Mind on all levels - the

    intuitive mind of an initiate; the wise and intelligent mind of the disciple; the full functioning and versatile

    concrete mind most prevalent in the west; a mind which is undeveloped and ignorant of the inner life; plus

    all grades in between. The level at which it operates, is identified by studying the way the mind is used inthe outer world. The chart shows potential, life demonstration reveals what man makes of the opportunity.

    Another very important point to take into consideration, is that a person who has an afflicted Mercury,

    but who is a somewhat more advanced Soul, will approach communication difficulties in a more positive

    and successful manner. This is because the mind is more highly developed, alignment with the Soul is

    stronger, and therefore the inner fortitude required to push through obstacles, is in place.

    The Sun the conscious self or personality

    In human psychology, the Sun represents the conscious self, and personality integration or lack of. A strong

    Sun will strengthen a childs ability to fight off the pull of the unconscious and stay grounded in the

    present. The activities of the house in which the Sun and Mercury are located should be actively

    encouraged and promoted in a child, in order to counterbalance the pull of the Moon (the unconscious).

    The Moon the Mother of all Forms25

    The moon is the primary symbol of matter, the mother of form who unfolds form life and definitely rules

    the physical body26 (along with Mars and his connection with the 1st house).

    In psychology it represents the unconscious mind or unconscious state, the prison of the Soul, the

    particular unconscious habits and patterns brought over from past lives which greatly impede the Souls

    progress - these are the negative patterns of the Moon Sign. The Moons house and its aspects will give

    further detail. An afflicted Moon would increase its morbid effects.

    Saturn and the Brain

    The only planet rulership which is given to the brain in Esoteric Astrology, is Saturn. 27 Mercury-mind

    builds a thoughtform of an idea, then passes it to Saturn-brain who structures it and clothes it with denser

    energy so it can be expressed to others on the physical plane. The sign Saturn is in gives the clue to theflexibility or otherwise of the brain. Thought transmission will be faster if Mercury and Saturn are in the

    same element and slower if the two elements are incompatible as with air and earth The 1st house is

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    related to brain substance and development, and the Moon is traditionally associated with the brain. The

    Soul is the Thinker28, the mind is the instrument of thought and creates thought, and these the brain

    receives and expresses.

    b. Look for Trauma as a Cause of Autism

    I believe, that in most cases (if not all), autism is caused by a trauma which challenges the child beyond itscapacity to cope. The seed of a trouble inherited from a past life repeated introverted lives, astral

    travelling, a weakness in the psyche - brought to life by a transit or eclipse. The cause of the trauma may

    be obvious, or it could be so subtle that parents remain baffled as to the cause. For example, the birth

    process itself; or the child is super-sensitive and finds living in the noise, stress and demands of life too

    much to bear; the pain of a vaccination injection or something repellent in the serum; very subtle anger or

    abuse directed to the child or to others - these children are supersensitive and can read the ethers. More

    obvious causes of trauma would be overt abuse or major disruption and disharmony in the family life.

    c. A Case study - Female child X born in 2000 diagnosed with mild autism.

    Inoculation: The baby was

    not vaccinatedbecause motherspecifically wished to avoid the

    possibility of the baby contracting


    Background of events: Progress wasnormal until about 12 months old. At

    that time the parents went through a

    conflict ridden separation - the dreaded

    trauma! Then the symptoms began to

    appear, a period of regression (one year

    perhaps) which levelled out into the

    symptoms of mild autism. This lasted

    for two or three years. Diagnosis of

    autism had still not been made at this

    point, and one reason was that the child

    was discovered to have a middle-ear

    infection, affecting hearing, and this

    was thought for a period to be the cause

    of her slow progress.

    This stage lasted until around 5

    years, when the child went to a private

    normal school with few students and

    caring teachers but who were not

    professionally trained to deal withautism. Then the diagnosis was finally

    made. For the next few years there were

    small but gradual improvements until at

    age 8 she was using small sentences,

    and could finally make occasional eye

    contact. [A major factor in this

    improvement I believe is the loving

    concern and protection given to X by

    her parents.] But emotionally and socially she was definitely behind in development compared with other

    girls her own age.

    One thing I will add is that, although physical and verbal coordination, and social interaction was

    slow, there was always a light of intelligence in Xs eyes, and a knowingness, which indicated that she wasaware of events transpiring around her. This gave hope of a recovery.

    24 24











    49' 49'








































    Compliments of:-CaseStudyNatal Chart29 Oct 20004:30 am -10:00brisbane, austl27S28' 153E02'GeocentricTropicalPlacidusTrue Node

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    Let us examine the chart.

    It is easy to find a medical condition in the chart after it has arisen, rather than predict one before it occurs.

    Most times serious afflictions are offset, especially if the Sun, Mars or Jupiter are well placed. I will be

    looking for the most obvious negative aspects, and later looking for the positive.

    Examine the Sun is the personality strong?

    The personality is given strength because the Sun rises in the 1 st house Aries house, the sign in which the

    Sun is exalted. This is the best possible place for the Sun in this situation, and this should help

    consciousness with its struggle to emerge into the light (in time). It is also in Scorpio which is the sign of

    the warrior. The spirit of this child will not give up without a fight.

    Conversely it is weakened by the square to Neptune, which indicates super-sensitivity, and a

    morbid tendency to dream and withdraw, triggered by unstable and confusing conditions in the home.

    Ordinarily, when the Sun is combust Mercury, the latter is consumed by the solar fire. But in this

    case, the pull to introversion was too strong, and retrograde Mercury (the inward looking mind) assumed

    an unnatural dominance probably as a consequence of Neptunes debilitating effect.

    Examine the Moon for morbid past life patterns.

    The actual power of the unconscious and its patterns is strengthened by the Moons aspects toSaturn and Uranus, and by the fact that it is also in the 1st house. At the beginning of the life, it is

    actually stronger than the Sun, indicating that the unconscious aspects of mind - living the life by

    habit and routine, clinging to the past, plus the points made below, these will all fight the conscious

    self for control of the life.

    It was very fortunate that Xs slide did not withdraw to too deep a level, and that there were small

    gains, because this enabled consciousness (the Sun) to rally. It needed to draw on the power of Mars

    (representing Soul force as esoteric ruler of Scorpio) and Pluto (co-rulers of the Sun, which are reasonably

    well aspected). This integration would be vital to help her move forward, and this is currently happening.

    The Moon falls in Scorpio: potential conflict with the environment and problems with the current

    form - especially the brain. (The Moon is in the 1st house which is related to brain development, and isopposed to Saturn, primary ruler of the brain structure itself.)

    The Scorpio prison of the Soul: introversion has been carried over (Moon opposite Saturn);powerful desires which distort reality; and the use of magical practise (Moon in Scorpio [the occult])

    square Uranus which carries the 7th Ray. This is a Seventh Ray type child.

    Saturn indicates the potential for brain function atrophy. However, keep in mind, that Moon

    Saturn challenges in the chart represent opportunities to overcome challenges and adversity, and the great

    majority of people born with such a pattern will not develop a serious mental problem. But they may be

    morose and at some time develop depression, a condition rampant in the race of man. Most succumb at one

    time or another. The positive potential outcome of this aspect is a strong sense of structure, time, and

    responsibility; a form which is grounded in reality and on the earth plane (Saturn is in Taurus though

    weakened by being retrograde), hard work will bring success (Moon trines MC).

    These two planets Moon and Saturn, represent the parents opposing each other in battle, and it was

    this which triggered the trauma leading to the withdrawal.

    Does Mercurys situation indicate communication difficulties?

    Yes it does. Mercury is retrograde, a phenomenon generally interpreted as the soul's need to go over

    a lesson which was not learnt in the previous incarnation. This leads to introversion and is a major

    indicator of communication difficulties. Mercury is in Scorpio giving a tendency to withdraw and hide

    psychologically. It is also at a critical degree (9o Scorpio), which renders it potent and prominent in the

    psyche. Mercury also squares Neptune, loosening the minds grasp on reality, the withdrawal tendencies.

    Does the chart indicate trauma in the early years?

    Yes it does. The periods in which a child could experience trauma, are shown by impacts of transits,

    progressions and eclipses, upon sensitive or conflicted points in the chart (psyche). In Xs case, the

    following astrological events occurred to her chart, mirroring traumatic events in her outer life. It started

    when she was 4 5 months (m) of age.

    4-5m (PMexactly bS) A sense of hopelessness confirmed.

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    7m (Lunar eclipse IC -14J) triggering unconscious, past life stuff.

    4-13m (TT exactly dM) Shock, trauma.

    4-13m (TV aW)Deep wounds (from a past life?) being rooted up, tremendous suffering.

    12m (Solar eclipse 3rdH dQ12H - 23I) Triggering a desire to withdraw

    By 12 months of age the damage had been done, and when Neptune exactly squared her Mercury at 1 years

    of age, the slide inwards started. Interestingly, it probably halted, and the condition steadied, when the

    Neptune transit ended at age 2.

    12-24m (TUexactly dOH)

    Additionally, X was bombarded with twelve hard eclipses from birth, until 2007. Only when this cycle

    ended were important signs of improvement evident. (See endnote for list of eclipses). 29

    What is the Purpose of the Soul?

    This is symbolised by the Libran Ascendant and esoteric ruler, Uranus. The higher goal for X in this life is

    to walk the middle path, to develop balance in the nature and to practise moderation in all things. The

    Soul is trying to stabilise consciousness, and this will be achieved if it can teach X to live in the real world

    and stop the old astral practises. [The Sabian symbol for the 25 th degree of Libra is, a falling golden leaf

    (the Soul) teaches life to rebellious schoolboy (X).] The challenge from the Soul to the personality isclearly made in Uranus square to the Moon. The Soul intends to shatter the ancient patterns binding it in

    time and space. There is more to be interpreted from the chart, but this is the essential goal for this life.

    What is the good news?

    i. Mars and Pluto are mitigating factors in the outcome, because they dominate the Sun Moon-Mercury

    aspects of the psyche (planets in Scorpio), and they are reasonably well placed

    ii. Mars is the esoteric ruler of Scorpio and is therefore is being used as a primary point of influence by

    the Soul. Mars in Virgo holds promise, because when it is in this sign the spiritual life can be

    quickened.30 Xs parents are both evolved souls, so this is a real possibility. If she is actually near the

    Path of Spiritual Development or upon it, then it could bring about a full recovery, although she will

    likely always remain introverted.

    Mars is in the 12th house, which can be a psychological prison, but it is very well aspected. Being one

    point of a grand trine in earth (along with Saturn and Neptune), it provides a pathway out of the 12H

    isolation back into earth-plane life (providing that the ancient practises are stopped). Trained and

    sensitive professionals (Saturn and Neptune), and loving and compassionate parents (Neptune in the

    4th), will provide the needed strength, direction, and enticement, to lure her out. However, she needs

    peace and isolation on her own terms, her own place to escape to where she can get in touch with

    herself, centre her energies, and feel safe and secure. In these early years, her bedroom has been her

    haven, perhaps minimising the need to escape through morbid mental withdrawal.

    iii. Mars is also sextile the Moon, giving X the courage, power and strength to fight to overcome her fears

    and negative tendencies, to fight her way forward and out of her prison, to make strengths out of her

    weaknesses. Moon promises the potential for spiritual purification.

    iv. Pluto is quite well aspected, and taps into the grand trine energy through the easy opposition to Jupiter

    Uranus is the third point in the 5th house of creative expression.

    v. Another most fortunate aspect is the fact that the primary indicator of autism in Xs case, is

    natal Mercury retrograde, and it always turns direct (by secondary progression) within the first

    twenty odd years, indicating a reprieve. This will occur in 2011. I advised her mother that she

    should begin to 'emerge' around 2008-9, and by 2011 may see a transformation.

    The really good news is that this is happening. In August of 2008, there was an eclipse on solar-arc

    Uranus in Aquarius in the 5H. Uranus is the esoteric ruler of the chart, and it is obvious from the

    results, that there was an effective infusion of Soul force, which helped this struggling little girl.

    Both the eclipse and Uranus were trine her Libran ascendant (Soul purpose) - stimulating her

    mentally, awakening her creative play, spurring her to move forward. At the beginning of 2009, X

    moved schools and was put with a teacher who was empathetic and sensitive, and who had some

    experience in handling autism. Given permission to leave class at any time and go into a small

    dj i i b ht th i h t d i t ithd d t h i l l l X did t h t

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    withdraw psychologically to feel safe. Initially most time was spent alone, but after one third of the

    school year, she now spends most time in class. She is maturing and inter-acting with others with

    greater ease, makes eye contact more easily, and has friends. This latter occurred as Jupiter ruler

    of Xs house of education transited over Neptune and Uranus. Throughout 2010 Pluto will be trine

    the natal. The future looks bright and shiny!


    For research purposes, the author welcome accurate birth data (date, accurate time, town or city of

    birth) of children suffering from Autism Spectrum disorder, accompanied by the diagnosis, symptoms

    and background events surrounding the onset of the disorder.

  • 8/4/2019 Autism an Esoteric Perspective


    1 Alice A. Bailey, writer and lecturer on esotericism, in England (June,1880 - December,1949).2 Esoteric Healing p66. Alice Bailey

    3 Esoteric Psychology, vol.2, p516-7 first printed 1942, Alice Bailey4 Esoteric Psychology, vol 2 p517, Alice Bailey5 Esoteric Psychology, vol I p264, Alice Bailey6 Modern versions - Light of the Soul, Alice Bailey; Raja Yoga, Vivekananda.7

    Light of the Soul p21, Alice Bailey8 Light of the Soul p22, Alice Bailey9 Light of the Soul p22, Alice Bailey10 Letters on Occult Meditation p95, Alice Bailey11 From Intellect to Intuition p109, Alice Bailey12 Light of the Soul p21-2, Alice Bailey13 Readers are referred to my previous article Esoteric Numerology Based on the Seven Rays.14 Rays and Initiation p80, Alice Bailey15 Esoteric Psychology, vol 1 p167, Alice Bailey16 Esoteric Psychology, vol I p170-1, Alice Bailey17 Soul seed groups: at the beginning of each new cycle concerning the human race, the group of souls

    incarnating at the very beginning of that cycle, carry the base note and tone, of the great Life which is instituting the

    cycle. In this case the Lord of Love and Wisdom. LH18 The circle is a well known symbol of infinitude and of the Divine which once again draws consciousness in

    and up, rendering this group of souls super-sensitive. LH19 Destiny of the Nations, p30, Alice Bailey20 Destiny of the Nations, p43, Alice Bailey21 Destiny of the Nations, p45, Alice Bailey22 Treatise on White Magic, p501 Alice Bailey23 Working with the etheric, regularly trace a (white) cross within a circle [ u], over the solar plexus region,

    front and back - or visualise the same. This is a technique which can help close an open solar plexus centre.24 Esoteric Psychology, vol 2, p459, Alice Bailey25 Esoteric Astrology p 321, Alice Bailey26 Esoteric Astrology p 264, Alice Bailey

    27 Esoteric Astrology p 299, Alice Bailey28 The soul through the medium of the brain, causes revelation. It throws its light into the brain, and thus the

    way of the human being becomes increasingly illumined. The brain is like the eye of the soul, looking out into the

    physical world. Esoteric Psychology vol 2, p132, Alice Bailey29 Solar eclipse (S) 3H square Mars 12H Dec 2001 23 sagittarius

    (S) 8H conj Saturn Nov 2002 28 taurus

    (S) opposite Pluto/ Venus Dec 2002 12 sagittarius

    Lunar eclipse (L) conj Moon. May 2003 25 scorpio

    (S) con Jupiter opp. Venus/ Pluto May 2003 9 sagittarius

    (S) conjunct Asc Oct 2004 21 libra

    (L) opposite Mercury/ Sun Oct 2004 5 taurus

    (L) conj Sun Apr 2005 4 scorpio

    (L) opposite Asc Oct 2005 24 aries(L) 12H conj Mars Mar 2006 24 virgo

    (L) 12H conj Mars Sep 2006 29 virgo

    (S) 6H opposite Mars Mar 2007 28 pisces

    30 Esoteric Astrology p 250, Alice Bailey