Download - Authors: Jordi Gómez Marc Guerrero Date: 15/02/08 Course: 2n Batxillerat.


Authors: Jordi Gómez

Marc Guerrero

Date: 15/02/08

Course: 2n Batxillerat

Two brothers, Samuel and Rose Sayer, are English missionary.They work in the German colony of Central Africa. For the last ten years, they had lived here. They are trying to persuade the African people to accept the Christianity.Now the Germany preparing to flight England.

The African queen

My brother is very sick. His face is very white.

Hello Rose.

Samuel stays in her house. Then, her sister arrives. Rose look worries at her brother.

The African queen

On the other hand German’s soldiers take away all the villagers.

The African queen

The German’s soldiers take all the villagers and also they destroy their houses.

Rose and Samuel try to avoid it, but they don’t obtain the liberation of the natives.

I’m feel alone.What will happen to me now?

Samuel died the last night because the German took all the natives away and they broke his heart. Her sister is very sad and angry whit the Germans.

Rose thinks about the last words that say his brother “German broke my heart”.

The African queen

The African queen

In the evening, arrives Allnutt (African queen’s captain). He appears very worried.

What Happen in the village?

The German's soldiers arrives. Where is your


My brother is dead.

Ok, I need go out the village.

Don’t cry, Miss. Come down to the boat. Let’s get away from here.

Allnutt and Rose climb in to the African queen.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt go downstream to try escape the German’s soldiers.

Allnutt explains Rose that the river Ulanga is very dangerous because it haves a lot of rapids.

It is an ugly old steamboat.

How do you feel?

I’m feel very good.

On the other hand, Rose proposes Allnut help their homeland.

The African queen

Can you prepare a torpedo?

Allnutt and Rose discuss about the war.

Rose thinks that they must help their homeland. Allnutt thinks the same, however he thinks that is dangerous go down by the river Ulanga.


Mmm….Yes I can.

Finally they decides go down by the river Ulanga and prepare the torpedo.

The African queen

The water is perfect.

Allnutt please, don’t look here.

Allnutt and Rose take a break.

They bathe in the river Ulanga.

The next day they will descend the rapids.

Then, Rose drinks tea and Allnutt drinks gin.

This is exciting.

We do something


The African queen

They arrive to the rapids.

Allnutt doesn't like the idea but they can’t turn round.

The African queen

Allnutt drinks a lot of gin and become drunkard.

He insults Rose and say bad words. Rose feels disappointed and unhappy.

Would you like a some drink?

No, thanks.

You are an old stupid woman.In addition I don’t want descend the river.

He lies me !!!!!

Then Allnutt goes to sleep.

The African queen

Rose is angry and so she empty all the gin bottles over the side of the boat.

Then, Allnutt woke with the worst headache he had ever had. The light hurt his eyes, and he could only sit there.

Please, doesn't empty all the gin bottles.

Consequently, Allnutt and Rose discuss. Allnutt apologize but she don’t accept his apologize.

The African queen

Allnutt tries to talk with Rose, but she doesn’t pay attention to him.

Ain’t you going to answer me, Miss?I’m sorry about last night. It was bad to drink so much.

I’ve learnt my lesson.Please say something.

Finally, Rose accept his apologize but Allnutt must descends the river.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt descend the river when the Germans soldiers are shooting them. Rose and Allnutt feel very sad because their friends (the natives) are shooting them.

Shoot them !!!Ok, my colonel.

Miraculously, Rose and Allnutt come through to the assault.

The African queen

When they pass the assault, they find the terrible rapids, so they are very scared.

Mr Allnutt look at the rapids!!!

We will dead

Rose ride the rapids like a queen of the sea meanwhile Allnutt look after the shipmen.

Surprisingly the African queen doesn't sink in the rapids.

The African queen

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt celebrate that they are safe. They embrace each other.

Oh !! Mr Allnutt, you are my hero.

Miss Rose, you ride very good the African queen.

Whit the emotion, Rose kiss Allnutt. Rose and Allnutt fall in love but they have shame. For this reason they come back to work.

After this day Rose and Allnutt will be more joined.

The African queen

The African queen

Allnutt tell Rose about his live. Rose listen him very attentive.

What’s your first name?

My first name is Charlie.

Charlie is a beautiful name, I like it.

Oh my Charlie. I love you.

Then Allnutt and Rose continues their way.

The African queen

Allnutt and Rose descends the river when they find the last rapids. This rapid surprise them and the African queen suffers damage.

Then Allnutt verifies the state of the African queen.

The African queen

Allnutt and Rose plunge in the river for pull back the helix.

Is impossible pull back the helix.

Finally, they manage to pull back the helix.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt repair the helix. Rose intensify the fire with a bellows and Allnutt straighten it.

Can you repair the helix?

Yes I can, but is to difficult.

The African queen

Allnutt and Rose get lost on the river. Allnutt pull to the African queen but it is heavy.

Finally Rose and Allnutt desist, so they go to rest.

Uuufff !! I am very tired.

The African queen

Allnutt and Rose are very tired. They are worried because they think that they will not survive.

Oh my Charlie don’t worry.

We will not survive, the river is a labyrinth.

The African queen

Miraculously start to rain and the river increase his water level. Consequently the African queen go out of the mud.

Finally the African queen arrives to the river mouth, while Rose and Allnutt are sleeping.

The African queen

When Rose and Allnutt get up they discover that they stay in the finally of river.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt discover the königin Luise (the German’s boat).

Hurry up Rosie !!! The Königin Luise is a gunboat and can destroy us.

Ok !! Charlie.

Then, Rose and Allnutt go to hide the African Queen in the marsh.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt hide to the Königin Luise.

Fortunately, the ship doesn’t look them.

Be quiet Rosie.

We must start preparing the torpedoes.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt prepare the torpedoes. They use the materials of the African queen.

Do you think that it can exploit?

Yes, it must exploit.

Then they cut holes in the side of the boat, to put the torpedoes in.

The African queen

When they see the Königin Luise, they start the attack. But the water enter inside the African queen, so our boat overturn.

The African queen is overturning. Rosie put the lifebelt.

After the overturn the Germans catch them.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt explain the plan to German’s soldiers. For this reason Germans condemn them.

Hang them.

Ok my captain.

We will dead.

Please you hang us in the same time.

The African queen

Rose and Allnutt are ready to died. However Allnutt ask something to the captain.

Captain I have a last desire. Please captain merry us.

Oh Charlie it’s a beautiful idea.

Then Rose and Allnutt married.

The African queen

The British commander appear and shoot to Königin Luise.

Charlie the British are helping us.

Oh it’s a miracle.

Oh no, the British are here, come on shoot them.

The African queen

The Königin Luise fall into British hands. Fortunately Rose and Allnutt survive to the British attack.

We are the winners.

Come on Charlie, we go our homeland.