Download - auea~1on Sprviees) Kajuro D!st. 3


~ ~&auea~1on and social3 lR~creation)

Sprviees) Kajuro D!st .

Natives hav"! taken a gr "!a t Inter'!st in baseball , basketball and tennh . A 11Jllit~

supply of athlfl!tic gear is availablfl! to th "'!ft for use . Outly ing at olls need recrpationalmateri al tor the s tudents . Thfl! Educat.Lon off icer who al s o 15 the Welfar e and Recreatdcnofficer , i s in charge of native recreation. Natlv~s attend movies at N.A. ' . Majuro(Ullga Island) and th'3 U. S. Coast Quard station , Ronguron bland , lib.jura Atoll . Whenpracticable th~tj fo'es on out lying a t ol l s ar-e shown moyi es by Ship ' s COlirm y rer-acnnek ,They enjoy Amer lea.n rU1Il! very -nueb , During the first few days or the new year therewere f requent native dances and celebrati ons which are boing encouraged by MilitaryGovernment .

Kajuro Dist.1 Karch 1947E (Educatio n end ace ial Servi ces)3 (Recreation)

Regular schedules of basketball and baseball gemes are now being playedbetween members of the Teacher 's School teams and the Labor Camp teams.The Marehalleee are very fond of these sports .

g (Education an~ Social Serv i ces )3 (Recreation)

1 April 1947 Majuro Dist .

(a )The r ecreati on program "as s t.ecced up 'tu r -Ing the mont h Wi t h t h"! airl or thea.s9i~tmt education of f i cer . Baseball and softball game s are 1"llayed each Saturdaybetwe en the s ch ool and labor eMt'P t eams on ),tajuro. The school now has l\ volleybal lcourt and a basketball practice fiel d next to the school buildi ng. A.pprov~l hasbeen r~ce ived but wor k has not started on clearing a baseball field adjacent to thes ch ool . This will E' limjnat e a truck ride f or each pr aet .L - e period. Better facilitieswill also b. provi led.

p"''-~( Educ . & Soc . Ser-v , ]3 (Rec r-ee t non I

1 July 1947- - - - - - "}'.a juro S ~ .

Li mi t e d amoun t s of a th l e tic equfpmen b , nly softball g ear , hav ebeen d str l bu t ed to all t he sc hool s i n t he area and i t is r entl yappr e ~l ated . Sof tbal l ha s a defini t e value In t eachi ng the use of Eng­lish and I n dec ons t r a t l ng t he pr i n c iple s of sportsmanship . As the f inepo i nts of t h e gane are be1n gr a dua l ly explained t o t he , such a sbunting a nd steal ing ba ses , the ~ar shall es e beam a l l over wi t h theirnew f ound skill s . I n ~any a school yar d or Villa ge squar e a gam e Isoften s een In ~lc h a gro~p gather n a c i rc l e and pa s s a pandanus ball

back an d for t h I n the air by wel l plac~d boot s us ing t he s de of thef oot, a l l done to a rhy t hmical hand c lap ping and chan t .

Here at Mi l i t ary Gover~ent h eadquar t ers an all base softballl eague , including mo }er-ahe Lj.cae t ean e , ha s been i n full s wfng for thepa s t six weeks , each tea~ play ing the other t hree t . Last wintera ba sk e tbal l l eague was o rgan i zed with i ns truc tions gi en t o the nat i ves .'lliough a new gar.e to the Kar-eha Lj.eae , they are looki ng r or-eer-d t o en t er ­ing soree te~s of th eir OT~ in our corning fall pr ogra-n .

An ex t en s i v e progra~ i s pl anned f or t ho Four th of July a t Ka j ur oVillage . The celebration wil l inc l ud e trac k and fi eld even ts , coconu ttr ee cli~bing c ontes t s , spe e~ hes , de~ons tra t cns y the e le~en tary

Bchoo l ch i l dr en and the 10=81 na tive dances and songs . Alr eady pl an sare being f ormulated for an n t er - At ol l cel ebr a t i on be t we en Y.a j ur o andArno Atolls for Labor Day . Bes i des compet inG i n track even t s and nati ved~~c e s , the f i ne s t ou tr lg er a of each atol l ar e to vie for l ocal honor si n a r ev i val o f t h e ol d t oe sport or canoe rac i ng .

The natives lov e celebrat "ons and pl an weeks ahe ad on the ne ws ongs they will sing or the new dance s they wi l l put on . SinGi ng perhaps ,is the chief r ecreationa l activ i t y of t he people . I t is indul ged i nby young and old on the l ea s t provocation and for~s a l erge par t ofe ' ery aiebration program. Singin is grea t l y enjoyed by t h e childrenin their school work . Native danc es are al so a popular recreation andheve been a f eature o f nxtst o f tre r eeting and fare wel l parties f or

officer s and their fa~ilies .

All of these act i viti es are ac t ivel y encouraged bJ' r llitaryGovernr.en t . os t of the i r r ecreat i onal functions are per f orrr.ed 1ngr oups . I th the in-r oduction o f Areeri can garr.e s and s ports so~e ofthe a ttention has shi f t ed to indi vidual s as i n t rack or sparkl ingpl ay s on a sof tbal l di amond. Th i s sh i f t ha s he lped the people toacquire a cer tai n i ndividual se l f ~e ll ance that has been s o l acki ngi n the i r cul tur e unde r ror~ er gover ni ng agencies .

• 1 Oc tober 1947 Majur o Dht.

Re cre~ tl on• . Pae t lt t ! " . , develo~~ nt ?Togr am • • - A ·shitt 1n the baae r ecreation Dr ogrrumw•• made dur l~ the qua r ter !'rom 80ftbUl to ha r dball . Pae t i cipa t i ng 1n the a port we r etwo Ma r ahRI I " e" t atuu , one 4"r (l!l th'" teac h. Tr . Sehed a nd one f r oa the Labor Cam p_ Un­for tunately (acorew18e) . for the baa" ~r8onn,, 1 this ehi~t moved into a f i el d of aport.i n whi ch toh" Uar 8h",1l .u & are e cre t han ad e pt. It t.ook t lY- ba a" t.eac. !'1ve g;IU!lIU befor ethey finally ekfltd ou t. victory OYer the ehcock by a eccr-e of 9~. The l lmc" are aUwell a~tend"d and greatly enj oyed qy the nati ve s . Ap?TOprtat.e ceremoni es and celebra­tions weT held on al l at ol l . In c~~orfttion o ~ the 4th o~ July. A par t i cular l y im­pre . al ve ceremon y was hftl d on Majuro with elv Ad partlcioat lng In t he ~l.g ~re.en­

tatton aervices Rnd the s peeches that ~ol l owed . A ;rograa or r aces, track eventa , and .bal l gam e WBe scheduled clo sing wi th BCIlle exce l lent native danc e B and aone. . Includedi n the list of dances wo e an . ncie nt number called the ·Jeb••-, a BOne and dance done .itt.nllttv., ••er-da , It i 8 a n old fol t tale - the wor ds of .hi ch Bre no I Cln&er eur r ent in thepreBent day t0 r¥tue . Thil!l .,... the "i r et public ore _enta tion in a l ong time of' the Jeb••and i . only kn own to a ~e. on t he highly akilled dan cerB. It i • • f . Bci na t i ng dance and '••• gr ea t l y ~njoyed by nIl . An exten s i ve inter At ol l field meet . a . he l d on 8 Sept .between Arno and Majur o Atolle . The f' ol lo.i~ ne wa arti cl e 18 quot ed f r cm the •... j ur oNew. · , or 9 Se ?t cove r ing t he event .

'Commftnci~~ l ast Pr i da y, one co~l d look toward ~~ hor i aon jU8t . ny way that hemigh t chooee a~ 8ftft t~ Bail. oP the UarBhAlleae o ltriggera heading towar d Majur o Civ .Ad . Headqu. r t er a . Theee boats wer e brl ~ ing t he people to Ma jur o f or an event that willlhe "'or t'1any dRy. t o C Olllf\' in thl!lr ee e c r -L ee , AIUta a week late, Labor Day • • a celebr ated1n colorl'ul style. Drt lay due to o po"ra U on. involvi ng r e ce ntly com?leted fi eld t rip

among. t othe r thint:B su ch aa arrival 0 " eeve r-a I . hi ps, IMtft ria l in. pet i on , etc. Approx.

1 Oct ober 1947 Uaj u r o Dia t .


celebra ti on ofTime pr e ?&r ot i onNotice Por 2nd~eY .

CAll P


Partl c i oating

26 • )SCR!IlJLE for event.e of ehalles e Field Mee t ing on Sept . 8th, 1947 inLoborlloy-Order T1tae ~

- 1- 0600~4 P'oot r a ce 100 Yards (M)

600 nea pl e i ncluding eni loTs , o~fiOAr8 . de ~ndent•• WATaha l l e s8 and a marine, wi tnes sedthis cay a~~al r which eomcAnced bri ght ann early MondAy morning and W88 halted by r ai na round 1 p.a. and lAter con?leted t he ~ollowing . day . There wer e races of every kind andde scri ption with thA winner s and ~ir8~ t wo runn~ r8-Up ~ ea ch r a Ce r ecei ving ~r8onal

prize. fo r t h"" l r f'lS6 t.rlf'! 8 S . A count c" poi nt s Wfl8 a scerta ined a nd i t wu found that ArnoAtoll eac!") OHt on top ~, 1rl.n!11ng +~he majority of' the r -ec e e a-id a baeeba H game . Arno WIl8

clossly ~ollo.~d by the lmrshAl ls88 Tea cher ' s Tr. School Rnd t he Labor CR3p. UajuroVi ll a !'!; 8 wee 11\81.. Majur o Village weae n wer " outstanding and C8J'lIft thnl wi th flying color • •Leaa 8 0lJl " o!' us f orge t , the I nsul ar .Cona tA. bul ary put Q1 a ve ry good ahow for the s pec ta t orby dri l l ing ~Qr thee just pr i or to t~ basebal l gaDe. Thi s i 8 the ~rst fie ld meeting ev&hel d on Ma ju r o AS far 8B CRn be delerDi ned a nd it is anti cipated that each y~ar wl11 r i nd~ore and mor~ ~eting a of this Bart which wil l bring thft peopl e togeth~r to e n joy some­thing they nevp. r r ealizftd b~fore.

Millny moons beve ,..sBed since Y.ajur o ha s seen 80 many pol i ce badg" 8, King8, Chi efs ,and he l'l.dmftn at a gn.the r i ng . Monday :lite t he ~!B.rBhnllese entertain~ a t t hlt ol d theatre.i~~ dances and s i nging•. The ·SKI ?PF.R· re por ts t ha t j U8t ~r ior to day l i ght Monday morn.he waB ••akened by about 100 Uarshalle se boys and gir l s s i nging near his houee • . Pre­eumAtay a Marshall ee8 eer enade the the Ato l l Commander . -

Also a t tached ~reto is t he ?r ogr ao 88 8chedu l ed ~or the days eve ntl ; {mnr ke4 PS&8

E-~ 1 October 1941'





CAIIPAtoll • •







20• .

Order ~ T1me Event--r.- ooor-oa11 Foot rae. 100 Yard. (Fl

, . 081~ C1s:arette. race ( N4... 0824-0830 Baakst 'lfe.vl~ race (p5. 08~ Flrs maklnr, ecnt,•• t ( II)6. 0846-0852 Gl rl ' . t&& roe. (F)7. 0856-Q91~ Co,ra 9u.k1ng rae. (K)8 . 0917-0922 Sack ee ee (K)9. . 0926-09~1 Three la~ged r a ce (K)

10 .. 09'5~40 Ob. tach race (M)11. 0944-Q9!lO J uggling r a ce ( F)12.. 0954-1014 !Ullay r a ce (K '" F)

16 UinuteB takf' reet .10,0-1200 a.ll Gftrne1,00 Lunch i.,~ryone

1400- 1405 P'oot Race 200 Yard. ( Il) ARHO, MJJURO, SCHOOL,1408-141' Koras Race ( M) A.~'ID . MAJURO, ,SCH OOL,1416-1421 ?gg raee (r) A~j'O, MAJURO1424-1454 'l'u& of war (U) ARNO, WAJURO , SCHOOL,1500-1700 aall GftlD8 Bet.eaR Ltt.bor Cnmp and .1n.~er titan £'rca17oo- 18O:J Outriggers race, between AFlHe,. and IlAJURO.1900 Lunch Everyone• .200-2400 War.halha" 8'1oW• •

1}• .

14.15• .

Blue Colora --- Labor Cam? ~te ColoraAtoll Yellow Colora --- Majuro Atol l .

-- Teacher 1'r" . School R"d Colon -- Arno

1 : October 1947 Jtajur 0 Di at.

Lim it.ed eOlm t . c " ftthle ti c aquipw Mil be en made avail . t o the .chools in the outlyil1& areaa. Softball .-r ticularly hils beeoee • po pular s port. A . h i r:ae nt of surplusro pe W88 reee 1tly received, · rom whi ch i t 1s planned to make u p ski ppi ng ro~e••••lng.and tug o~ war r ODeS ~or each e lementary s ehool .

E(Education &Soc tal Serv i ces )3 (Recr ea ti on Facilities, Devel opment

1 J an 48PrOfTs llI)

[Rep, 7) Maj uro Dis t r i ct

The s chool recreat i on prorram continues as in the pas t hut due to the tea chersnut t i ng extra t ime on the Of fi cer s Club proj e ct and to ch8n~e5 I n B8s e Per~onnel, t hescoreboard in har ebel l has been less 8dv6nta~eous to t he teacrers, T~e sortball 58a80nis rere but .~th the depArture of t he advanced class, games with t he base . 111 be withnew teama for a time .

~ shinment of softball f ee r has arr ived and is bei np sent out t o t he ElementarySehoo's . A class In s pllc!nr has nr oduced a num~er of skiunlnc r opes from the r opereDOrted AS received last qu~rter . but much of t~e rooe is t oo far Fane even f or t hatuse. They are fl l ann l np' t o pet one r-ood r ooe fo r t ug of war, a MpHy r-eeneet.ed Mar­sral l eee s DOrt, for eecr sct ae] i n t he neBr future,

Thpnksyivi nr and Crristma~ par t i es with sinp1ny and danc i nr were hel d i n t heTeachers Seronl . Si nce t rere tA S been qui t e a bi t of r ourh weat~er, no inter atolleeer -te ,l'sU"er i n,r or ce'lebr-e t.tons l-ave been l-eId , Thanhfiv ~ nf and Chris ttr!ap were 'bothcelebrated i n tre at olls with church Rervices sn d community patherinr s f or sonrs anddl'lnces .

,1 !l51~ucation ,&, Social Serviee)3 Recreation}

go September 1948- ~ uro Dist.

Volleyball , s oftball, baseball and dancing furnish the par-t of supervised recreat i on.lfucb interest has been shown in the baseball contests sponsored by ClvAd K1IlUalein.Kajuro teachers have pa r-tdcapated in these contests on A.I I Star tea"", and have formed ateam to play practice games with the All Star aggregations .

Squar e dancing , r ound danc ing , tap dancing and Marshallese are being taughtIn the District School . New re cords, a gift by the Advis ory COl!ll!llttee on Education f arthe Trus t Territory, ha ve been recently received and put into const ant use . Especiallyappreciated were the cowboy r-eco r-da , which are being used Cor squ, dancing, and Hawaltanrecords .

Several parties were given during the last quarter by the menber-a of the reecnerTraining School . On one occasion the student body 1Ient by LeU: to vis it the KaJuroElementary School . .4 big celebration ?laS held with programs by the Teacher Trainees andelementary school being gi ven. A big pg.rly was given by the school in honor or thedeparture of Dwight Heine for the Univers ity of Hawai i . Anothe r in the 1'.ajuro District.wasgiven in honor of the v1si'ting magistrates a nd scribes . 'lbe greatest celebr at i onof the quarter occurred on Labor Day when teams from ArhO, Majuro am Rita met unde rCi vAd auspices to have a real Ifarshallese celebration complete with food and Marshallesecontests. '!'let evening everyone met at the school for a program of ltarshallese !longs anddances.

A ta rty was held for the visiting Ed. Aan. . and teachers at each smool visited onthe last field t r ip. "hen the ship remained for two nights off Mille a Party was heldashore the first night and the s eccnd night MUle adults and s chool children were invitedaboard the ship to see a movie and to give a program of s ongs for the crew.

50 September 1948 IIajuro Dlst .

lIany samples of the hanriicraft program in the elementary schools were given as presentsto the Ed . Adm. and visiting teachers . Health education was IIjxed i n W" the oar-tdea,At each party a tooth brush and tooth J:8st"! {dcnat.ed by the Red Cross) was given toeach s t ude nt acccaoanfed b v a lecture on care of the teeth and oral hygiene by theEd . Adm. Apor ox i.'I'At el y 1 ,2OC) children and armlts heard. this Lec tur-e in the courseof thp. field trip. Sevflral children 's games and songs wer-e also taught at each schoolvi si t ed. Ga~es , dances , and ~sic are vP-ry helpful 1n providing amUSeMent that 1snaturally badly needed on isolated islan ds. The schools a re trying hard to fi l l afan of this need .

Considerable quantities of haniicraft were forwarded to the Junior Red Cross inHonolulu during the past QUarter and a large amount is now here awaiting shipnent .But even though considerable quantities have been ahfpped their monetary valn.. i~

cQlrletely overs hadowed by the many articles sent to the lIarshallesp. by the JuniorRed Cross , and the Red Cross , and by f riends or the )la~hallese 'Peool... :such a rticles as tooth brushes and tooth paste , used tfmnls balls . used termis shoes(excellent for reef fbhing) , magazines , )ilonograph records , etc. These gilts , whichtend toward making life in the islarrls more livable ar-e most wekcce-e ,

_ , __~UA~~On andSoclal Services)3 \ReCreation)

~acilltles, DeTeloument proaram: -

1 Jan 1949

This quarter saw the formation of a base softball le~ue and theentry of a scheol team coneietiD2 of etudents of the Intermediate smooland an administration team with the Education AdminiBtrator, Educationofficer, ons medical officer and members of the Intermediate school asn)ayers. At the present time the Administration team 1s number one andthe school team number tvo in the le~e. Much interest is 8ho~ Inthe ~ameB and there is a rootl~ aection or non-pl~er8 and girls ateach game nl8¥ed by the school teams.

Conslberable athletic gear was supplied to the elementary Bchoolsincluding many used tennis balls sent by the .runler Red CroBS at Honolulu.Two other shipments of magazines, harmonicas, tennis ~al18, toothpaste,tooth brushes and other assorted items also arrived. A large box ofhandicraft was sent to the Honolulu chapter.

A veIl attended prORram ofChrIstmas music vas given by the Interme­diate school on Thursday night, December 23. The group was directed byMrs. Molly Cops, a music maJor in college and the wife of one of the bassMedical officers. Rehearsals were held for thres weeks preoedi~ theprogram. An excellent choral group resulted.

The local elementary school gave a Drogram of religious music thepreceeding night. Most of the elementary schools ~ave pro~rams employintEnglish songs taken from Arny and Navy hymnals given t o the school fordistribution by Chaplain BuckiD2ham of Kw,lalsin.