Download - Audience Research: Survey Analysis

  1. 1. The majority of the people who answered this survey were all in the age range of 15-20 . However, 3 of them were 21- 30 which would give different opinions throughout the survey which would give a range of answers. This is important so that I am able to think about ideas that would appeal to different age groups.
  2. 2. I have a fairly balanced amount of male and females who took the survey which would show a contrast in opinions and answers on the questions I have created. However 1 more female took my survey This is important so that the answers given would reflect the ideas that would be considered when it comes to planning my trailer.
  3. 3. With the responses that I received from this question, the answers varied. However most of the people who took my survey have said that they go to the cinema 3-4 times a year. However, only one person said they go to the cinema once or twice a year which shows that the majority of my target audience do go to the cinema to watch new movies which is helpful and useful information.
  4. 4. For this question, I required qualitative data responses from what people expected from the plots of supernatural horror films. My results all roughly lean towards a similar direction. I believe this type of data is more helpful as it gives more detailed opinions from my target audience which helps me get a greater understanding of their ideas which I so greatly value. They mainly expected possessed characters, bloody violent scenes and aggressive antagonists, vulnerable victims, revenge, death and the use of super natural powers. Regarding the repertoire of elements for super natural horror films, it appears that the people who took my survey know an awful lot about conventional horror movie features and elements. Other answers said having blood and grime, scary scenes and lots of stuff which means this genre has a lot of iconography and ideological themes involved. I honestly found these responses extremely helpful and would try my best to incorporate most of these points into the planning of my trailer.
  5. 5. Many people said that they would be surprised with no survivors as there is usually a survivor but some people said that it would be a good plot twist which shows it would draw people into watching the movie form just watching the trailer. However, some people said they would not be surprised and wouldnt mind as it would be pointless or that it would be interesting to see change which shows it would attract them to watch the trailer/film.
  6. 6. From this question it is evident that most people are more in favour of horror movies being released on Friday the 13th as opposed to Halloween. However both are quite stereotypical dates to release new horror movies. However almost half of the people selected whenever meaning that maybe the releases of horror movies isnt that important to my target group. This information will definitely be used when deciding on a release date for my trailer in planning stages as I would like to release my trailer at a suitable time.
  7. 7. In 2015 at the height of the technology age with the wide almost inevitable use of the internet (web 2.0) and user generated social media sites, especially in the western world. I had expected to see most of the ways my target audience would find out about new films to be technology based outlets such as adverts (either online or on TV), word of mouth, social media and trailers (on TV or online) all reaching over 50% of the responses. Because my target audience are quite young and have a greater understanding of technology and engage in a variety of social media platforms, marketing my products through adverts online (YouTube) and on television would be an effective marketing strategy for better circulation of my film as 100% of the survey takers related to that strategy. Social media can be used as an extremely effective promotional platform such as Twitter, YouTube and Instagram so when Im thinking about marketing strategies I shall bare in mind these popular ways to promote my products. Posters seemed to only have 2 responses and newspapers had 0 responses. This may be due to the decline in the purchases and use of newspapers by the younger generous as the years progress. When thinking about other possible promotional strategies for my trailer in the future I wont be considering promoting my film in a newspaper as it wouldnt be effective or aimed at my target group.
  8. 8. There is a clear cut that some people have the same favourite supernatural horror film as these were the most recent films that came out in 2014 The Conjuring which appears to be one of their favourites. There are other answers that shows some people like older supernatural horror movies. One person said they do not know and another said Casper the friendly ghost which I found quite comical due the film not being a super natural horror. That particular person was probably was not really sure of the genre or how to distinguish it. This could also show the persons lack of interest in horror movies as maybe they havent really watched any.
  9. 9. Two people said that The Conjuring was an effective trailer as it does not give away the plot and that it was attention grabbing. This may be a considerable narrative feature for my trailer during the planning stages. Two other said Annabelle as it used a doll to possess and that it gave a good image for the film but the film was not as good as the trailer. This shows the trailer was effective to make the person watch it, however the consistency wasnt achieved, it did not get the result they were hoping. Others mentioned Carrie 2013 and Insidious as the film began to build up and that the whole plot was not given away. I have taken all of this feedback and will consider this in my planning and production stages.