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Audience research survey

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• Here I have created a music magazine questionnaire in order to create a successful music magazine and have given it to random people , both male and female between the ages, to get a resolved background knowledge on what people would like to see in my magazine , so it would appeal to them. Here on this PowerPoint I will be analysing the results of the questionnaire and then use the information collected to create a plan on my music magazine.

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I used this question to determine the age group of my Hip-hop music magazine

so I used this question to decide which target audience I would do my magazine for. I decided that my target audience would be between 16-21 years old. I had the result from people aged

between 16-21. This is the age bracket and I know this age group would like to read my

music magazine

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For this question, ask people their gender. From the result we can see I asked more males than females. Since my magazine is aimed to males and include features that they will enjoy reading.

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I asked this question because I wanted to gain This is because having a catchy title could contribute the person in buying it. I gave 6 title options with the intention of having the title for a hip-hop magazine as this was the music genre I probably knew most about and also it was the preferred genre of most of my participants also. The results of the preferred title shows that RAW is most popular connote to hip hop culture how hard and strong the culture is.

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Q4 This was a question that asked people what colour scheme they would like to see a hip hop music magazine. I used this question as first impressions are the last and so the visual look of a magazine would attract my target audience of buying it, therefore I wanted peoples opinion on some colour schemes and if they think it would look good together on a hip-hop music magazine. Many teenagers said they like the combination of red, black and white as they are bold and youthful and related to the urban theme I will be trying to portray , and where most common colours associated with the hip hop genre ,compared to green, yellow with black and white , which people suggested that these bright colours illustrated more of a “pop” genre or rock genre .

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Q5I used this question to determine the price of my Hip-hop music magazine, because young unemployed teenagers who are still in full-time education are not going to pay £5on a magazine , I wanted to understand what was the current “affordable price” people where willing to pay , also price is a major issue when it comes to buying because I wanted people to believe they are receiving a good value for money ,so I used this question to decide which price I would do my magazine that will be reasonably priced and worth every penny. Most people went for the £2.00 to £3.00 option , as it is mid priced and so you will not have to try to pinch the pennies enabling the buying to pay with 2 or 3 coins and be out the shop in no time. Fewer people are likely to pay “£4+” because they would only read it a few times and throw it in the bin, therefore my magazine would be reasonably priced at “£2.50”

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In my last set of results I have shown what audiences of my magazine and audiences who read magazines want to see more of in the magazine they read and what they want to see in my magazine, after doing the questionnaire and carrying out all other data. I established that audiences who are going to being reading my magazine would like to see more upcoming artist and interviews as one of the features which should be included in magazines being bought by them.

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I used this question to ask how should I present a Rap/Hip Hop artist on a magazine. Most people choose causal since its better rather the artist having a lot of jewellery on . That all attention is focused on the artist ,wearing a plain clothing so that it doesn’t detract from other accessories and their face.

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I used this question to ask which camera angles people preferred to see in a music magazine ,many people chose the “mid-shot” option because they said is was nice to see a picture of a person from the waist up ,so you can see they are wearing and some people also liked close-ups because it shows the actions and feelings of the person’s face. Many people chose high key lighting rather then low-key because it shows a more positive vibe and looks as if the artist wanted their picture to be taken and appear happier compared to a picture taken in the gloomy shadows of darkness.

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From these results I can see history about the artist interest my audience most with artist’s comeback coming second.

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I used this question to ask which names should I call my artist people preferred to see in a music magazine ,many people chose the Major because Major is a military rank above Captain and below Colonel connotes greater , strong, and power and some people also liked YG because connotes hard, violent ,tough and a thug.

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Overall, the questionnaires help me to know what people wanted and look out in buying in a magazine. To the type of things they read in the magazine to the colours and layout of the magazine. I wanted to design a magazine, which is suited and aimed at a particular audience, which are interested in music, upcoming artists, interviews and more, to cater for a wider audience so they feel like they only need to purchase my magazine, as it will have everything they want in one. I will interpret the most popular ideas that have been chosen in order to produce an attractive and popular magazine, which will compete with the existing music magazines.