Download - Audience research A2 media


As a part of the audience research we have carried out surveys using three different platforms (social networking, online survey, public questionnaire). Each member of our group chose a method to complete the survey where I have chosen to do public questionnaire and I will be analysing the results of it.

First of all, I have asked 20 people from my local community several questions to find out their opinion about films in general. To make the sample representative and reliable, I have asked 10 males and 10 females. This has assured me that I am not discriminating against any gender but also taking into consideration opinions of both.

Secondly, I have looked at the ages of my responders. Overall, I have interviewed equal number of 16-19 and 20-26. While thinking about the genre of the film we have decided that it must appeal to age group which we are also included too. Therefore 16-26 seemed the most appropriate and as we are included in this age group we will have similar points and views as our target audience.

The following question asked about the number of films that the audience watch over a month. The most of the people I have interviewed said that they watch between 11-16 films per month. That’s tells us that the audience do select movies before they watch it and that they only watch the interesting and well promoted ones. Therefore, we must go for couple of ways in which we could advertise our film and make sure it appeals to the audience. The story line also must be interesting and raise enigmas to create contact with the audience.

The next question asked about the interest of the audience in different types of genre. As we can see on the graph the mostly lied genres are horror and comedy whereas romance, action or adventure are not that demanded nowadays. This question gave us an idea of the audience characteristics (what they like and enjoy watching), and showed us that we could concentrate on the two following genres and produce film based on one of those.

The following question asked bout the favourite genre. The audience told us that it was horror. This will affect our decision when deciding upon the genre because it shows what our audience like and want. This also shows that any other genres are not very liked by the audience and if we decide to produce an adventure trailer for example it would not attract the audience and would not be successful .

After the film is produced it must be promoted and well advertised so that the audience are attracted and decide to watch it. Therefore I have asked my audience how they normally get to know about newly released film. Most of them have said that social networks such as Facebook or Twitter inform them that there is a new film. Many of them have said that posters are also a great way of advertising and that they do attract the audience to the film.

Very interesting to me was that most of people does actually go to cinema and watch the movie instead of watching it online on the internet. Nevertheless, many also does wait until they are released in the TV. Very few actually buys the DVD maybe because they do not want to watch one film several times and find spending money on DVD pointless.