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Young & Rubicam’s ‘4Cs’ #3

Audience Classification

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Maslow’s: ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ (1943)

One humanist psychologist who is

constantly referred to in the study of

Communication is Abraham Maslow

He believed that human actions and emotional

behaviours are governed by ‘motivation’.

This involves fulfilling our needs.

Maslow believed that you have to satisfy basic needs before you can be aware of

and fulfil higher ones

Decide which

needs are most basic,

which are the

highest, Justify your answers and give examples.

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Physiological / Survival Needs

Safety Needs

Maslow’s: ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ (1943)

Social Needs

Love and Belonging

Esteem Needs

Self Actualisation

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Maslow’s: ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ (1943)

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Physiological / Survival Needs

Safety Needs

Maslow’s: ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ (1943)

Social Needs Love and Belonging

Esteem Needs

Self Actualisation


Where do you think you are positioned?

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Young and Rubicam Young and Rubicam are a

world leading marketing company that divided the

entire consumer basis of the planet into seven segments,

this is known as the 4Cs.

Complete Y&R’s questionnaire to find out what motivation is most important in your life:

Y&R's Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation

(4Cs for short) is a consumer segmentation that 'characterises'

people into recognisable stereotypes that reflect the

operation of each of a set of well-known human motivations.

Young and Rubicam base these within Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of needs’.


Enlightenment Control


Security Survival



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Maslow compared with 4Cs

Physiological / Survival Needs

Safety Needs

Social Needs Love and Belonging

Esteem Needs

Self Actualisation



Control Status





From others

The Resigned

The Reformer

The Explorer

The Succeeder

The Aspirer

The Mainstream

The Struggler

Character Type:

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Applying the 4Cs Model


The Mighty Boosh is a British situation comedy (sitcom) that would appeal to the Explorer audience category. Whilst there are

many elements of traditional sitcoms, The Mighty Boosh is experimental in its use of a humour through strange &

unconventional characters and unrealistic settings. It also uses a combination of live action and occasional animated scenes, and added

to the unusual mix are musical numbers which makes for a bizarre hybrid show that offers a new experience and challenges an

audiences expectations of the traditional sitcom

Toy Story 3 is a computer animated film from Disney/Pixar that would appeal to the Mainstream audience category. Not only is Disney a well trusted and household brand name, but the Toy Story series of films is also very well known as two of the most popular animated films of recent years. The audience would be aware that this film has ‘something for everyone’, the subject matter & story for children and potentially some humour appealing to parents. It would also provide an opportunity to enjoy something as a group. The Mainstream audience could be secure in the knowledge that their expectations would be met.