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U ndergraduate Stud ies e-


Rebecca L. ClarkPsychology BA, 2011

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Personal Statem ent

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Resum e

 M y Resum e


Argosy U niversity BA Psychology


Fam iliar with basic com puter skills in

M icrosoft Areas

Volunteer Work

Ascension Lutheran Church


Two other degrees

( For com plete resum e see in L inked In)

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I have learned several things over the past short two years I have attended Argosy

U niversity. One of them has been navigating the use of the on-line class room .

This has exposed m e to m any new experiences dealing with the internet and

com puters in general. This also provided m e with the opportunity to learn

about power-point and further extend ing m y knowledge of M icrosoft word . I

had the chance to do som e self reflection assignm ents, one was in a conflict

resolution class and I learned better how to facilitate the resolving of conflicts.

The second was reflecting on how to be a good therapist starting out, but also

addressed som e fears and what to do to help this. In general I was able to

expand m y knowledge of Psychology in m any ways and areas.

One of m y biggest strengths is m y creativity and thinking outside the box,

throughout m y college education I was able to use this to get ideas for papers

and other presentations. Som e of m y weaknesses are spelling, gram m ar, and

attention to the fine details of an assignm ent. I have learned to take a little

m ore tim e in read ing through things and figuring out what it m eans. M y

spelling and gram m ar have im proved som e with all the practice. I still have

trouble with som e finer areas of APA; especially properly citing references,

hopefully this will com e with practice.

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Table of Contents

Cognitive Abilities: Critical Thinking and

Inform ation L iteracy

Research Skills

Com m unication Skills: Oral and Written

Ethics and D iversity Awareness

Foundations of Psychology

Applied Psychology

Interpersonal Effectiveness

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Exam ples of M y Abilities Learned

Critical Thinking Skills

I used a paper that goes through the process of identifying a problem , using

research to help solve the problem , and lastly applying this to the situation.

Research Skills

I choose to use a survey that I created to go along with a paper about how

ind ividuals can be successful in life even if there academ ic career is questionable.

Com m unication Skills

For this area I used an im prom ptu interview between m y self and m y

husband about snack foods. It takes two people to com m unicate effectively. This

requires listening skills on both parts and understand ing the response given by both


Ethics and D iversity Awareness

To represent this category I used a created jury selection to dem onstrate m y

knowledge of the im portance of d iversity and how it works in ethical

situations such as uphold ing the law.

(For full docum ents go to in L inked In)

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Exam ples of M y Abilities Learned Continued

Foundations of Psychology

I choose to share a power point presentation dem onstrating m y

understand ing of how concepts, theories, and em pirical find ings relate to


Applied Psychology

For this particular subject I choose a paper on the draw backs to

m ed iated com m unication. H ow it is becom ing a social problem in som e areas

and people.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

One im portant aspect of com m unication is how an ind ividual tries to

com m unicate to the rest of society. This power point presentation illustrates

the im portance of being polite, but also dem onstrates how non verbal

com m unication can m ake us fell to. The background conveys happiness, and

just a general felling of goodness. These are im portant aspects to m e.

(For full docum ents go to in L inked In)

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M y Future in Learning

Learning is a lifelong process. H ow do you

envision your future as a lifelong learner?

I believe that a person never stops learning as long as they are wanting

to. Being willing to expose m yself to new situations and experiences is

one way to do this. For m e entering into the work force in the near

future will be a very exciting and educational experience. The other is

to further m y form al education by returning to college for m ore

degrees. I will be doing this in two ways, a BS in Crim inal Justice

starting this fall, second by earning a M A in Clinical Psychology

shortly afterwards.

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Contact M e

Thank you for viewing m y ePortfolio.

For further inform ation, please

contact m e at the e-m ail address

