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Attribute contributing to brand image development in children


This research about to identify the attributes of advertisement of a product to create a brand image or a develop the brand image in children segment. In this research we prepared a questionnaire which consists of different questions related to different brands which are daily purchased or advertise on T.V and Internet.

This research also identifies the children’s influence purchasing decision of parent’s about the brands product and how to brand empathies by the parent’s and their children.

Literature review:-

1. The development of self-brand connections in children and adolescents

Authors: - Lan Nguyen Chaplin, Deborah Roedder John

2. The meaning of brand names to children: A developmental investigation

Authors: - Deborah Roedder John, Gwen Bachmann Achenreiner

3. Kids as future market: the role of autobiographical memory in building brand loyalty

Authors: - Sonny Kurniawan, Jony Oktavian Haryanto

Objective: - 1) Gathered information about what general categories and brand categories (e.g., clothing, beverages, toy’s, FMCG, education products) children use to describe their self-concepts.

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1) No co-relation between brand recognition and consumption of brand.

2) Awareness is directly related to purchase of brand.

3) Parents’ brand awareness will be a significant predictor of children’s brand Awareness.

Research methodology: - Tested the prediction of brand awareness in children using a standard structured interview format.

Sampling Place: Sanpada (Navi Mumbai)

Sampling Size: 50

Sampling Method: Random Sampling

Data Collection Method: Survey (Questionnaire)

Analysis: -

Age Group?

5 to 10 10 to 15


Age Group

Out of 50 respondents, 18 children belong to age group of 5 to10 and 32 children in the age group of 10 to 15.

5 to 10 18

10 to 15 32

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female male




Female 20

Male 30

Out of 50 respondents, 20 are female and 30 are male respondents.

How many hours do you watch television daily?

1-2 hours 3-4 hours Any time Not fix




How many hours do you watch television daily?

Out of 50, 24 children watch Television any time,12 children watch Television 3-4 hours, 7 children watch Television 1-2 hour and 7 children does not have fix time.

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Can you recognise logo given below?

K.F.C.; 37

Coca-Cola ; 49

Cartoon Network; 47

Baballoo; 17

Britannia; 17

Vodafone; 36Fanta; 23

Parle-G; 49

Peopsi; 46

Amul; 46

Mc Donalds; 45

Airtel; 32

From above graph it show that out of 50 children,49 children recognise coco-cola and parle-G logo, 47 children recognise cartoon network , 17 recognise Baballoo and Britania, 36 recognise vodafone, 37 recognise KFC, 32 recognise Airtel, 45 recognise Mc Donalds, 46 recognise Amul and Pepsi.

Which is your most favourite brand? Give preferences from 1 to 4

(1 is most favourite 4 is less favourite)









Parle-G Pep


Mc Donald





Chart Title

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4

Brand Name


From above graph it shows that children’s most favourable brand is Maggi.

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Tick the brand which you purchase most frequently?










Mc Donalds




Pie chart shows that out of 50 children, 17% are gives preference to purchase brand Maggi, 7% Fanta, 12% Parle-G, 6% Pepsi,7% Amul,9% Mc-Donalds, 3% Kinderjoy, 14% Cadbury, 8% K.F.C., 7% coca-cola, 3% Kisan, and 7% Britania.

Match the logo with the brand?

idea11% Fanta








Cartoon Network


Mc Donalds12%

Pie chart shows that most of the children match the logo of Pepsi (13%), Cartoon network & McDonalds (12%), idea & KFC (11%), puma & nike (9%), zoo zoo & Fanta (8%) vodafone (7%).

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a) Are you aware about following brand?

b) Which are the main brands you currently purchase?

Cadbury Slice Kurkure Bingo Maggi Kinder-joy

Kellogg's Any other brand

Aware 49 37 46 36 47 28 34 6

Purchase 42 24 32 24 40 13 22 5





Graph show that out of 50 children most of the children aware about brand cadbury the and they purchase it.

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a) Do your parents influence you to purchase branded products?



Do your parents influency you to purchase branded products?

From above analysis it shows that out of 50 children, 66% children parent influencing them to purchase branded products ,

b) If yes, then which below categories of branded products your parents influence you to purchase?

Education Products



Sport ins-tument






Chart Title

Pie chart shows that out of 50 children parent, 26% parents are influencing them to purchase clothes.

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Hypothesis Analysis:-

Hypothesis 1

No co-relation between brand recognition and consumption of brand.

1. Can you recognise logo given below?

K.F.C.; 37

Coca-Cola ; 49

Cartoon Network; 47

Baballoo; 17

Britannia; 17

Vodafone; 36Fanta; 23

Parle-G; 49

Peopsi; 46

Amul; 46

Mc Donalds; 45

Airtel; 32

From above graph it show that out of 50 children,49 children recognise coco-cola and parle-G logo, 47 children recognise cartoon network , 17 recognise Baballoo and Britania, 36 recognise vodafone, 37 recognise KFC, 32 recognise Airtel, 45 recognise Mc Donalds, 46 recognise Amul and Pepsi.

2. Which is your most favourite brand? Give preferences from 1 to 4

(1 is most favourite 4 is less favourite)









Parle-G Pep


Mc Donald





Chart Title

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4

Brand Name


From above graph it shows that children’s most favourable brand is Maggi.

From above two chart its shows that brand recognition is more toward parle –G and coca-cola but consumption of Mc-Donalds is more, so it given hypothesis has been proved.

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Hypothesis 2

Awareness is directly related to purchase of brand.

3. Are you aware about following brand? Which are the main brands you currently purchase?

Cadbury Slice Kurkure Bingo Maggi Kinder-joy

Kellogg's Any other brand

Aware 49 37 46 36 47 28 34 6

Purchase 42 24 32 24 40 13 22 5





Graph show that out of 50 children most of the children aware about brand cadbury the and they purchase it.

For most of the brand there is gap between awarness and purchase, it’s shows awarness is not directly related to puchase of brand, so given hypothesis has been rejected.

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Hypothesis 3

Parents’ brand awareness will be a significant predictor of children’s brand Awareness.

4. Do your parents influence you to purchase branded products?



Do your parents influency you to purchase branded products?

From above analysis it shows that out of 50 children, 66% children parent influencing them to purchase branded products , so hypothesis second has been proved that Parents’ brand

awareness will be a significant predictor of children’s brand Awareness and Peer influence will be a significant predictor of children’s brand awareness and purchase respectively.

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Conclusion: -

Children are aware of many band which are highly advertise on T.V. And Internet.

Parents of children empathies on the branded product to be consume by their children.

Still it is identified that children are aware of the branded product but purchasing decision is up to their parents.

Attractive advertisement, jingles, logos are very effective to recall. Children also the influence the buying decision.

The research has added to the understanding of children and their relationships to brands and their use of brand symbolism. It enhances the knowledge of brands and children in higher economic groups and the way brands are discussed in social situations in the environment of school class.

It has some implications for the marketing of children’s products and services. Marketers should realize that children use brands and brands are important especially in social settings. However, respect of brands is not universal and some children are more interested in them than others. It should not be forgotten however that parents at this stage still have strong control over the brand preferences and consumption possibilities of children.

This should be taken into consideration by designing ethically sustainable products and services for children.

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To reach to children segment advertisement should be placed on the channels which mostly watch by the children like Cartoon Network.

From the studies it is identified that advertisement should only contain attractive advertisement, jingles, logos but also nutritious information .

Attractive packaging may affect the awareness and buying decision.

Advertisement should highlight order winner characteristics.


Literature review:-

1. The development of self-brand connections in children and adolescents

Authors: - Lan Nguyen Chaplin, Deborah Roedder John

2. The meaning of brand names to children: A developmental investigation

Authors: - Deborah Roedder John, Gwen Bachmann Achenreiner

3. Kids as future market: the role of autobiographical memory in building brand loyalty

Authors: - Sonny Kurniawan, Jony Oktavian Haryanto


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Attribute contributing to brand image   development   in children

Respondent’s profile.

Age: - 1) 5-10yr 2) 11-15yr

Gender: - 1) Male 2) Female

City: - _________________________________________________

Family annual income:-

1) Below 50,000 2) 50,001 - 1Lac

3)1Lac - 1.50 Lac 4) 1.50lac – 2 Lac

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1. Can you recognise logo given below? Write their names below the logo.

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2. Which is your most favourite brand? Give the preferences from 1 to 4

(1 is most favourite 4 is less favourite)

Brands 1 2 3 4


B Coca Cola

C Kissan

D Britannia

E Maggi

F Fanta

G Parle-G

H Pepsi

I Amul

J McDonalds

K Kinderjay

3. Tick the brand which you purchase most frequently?

1 KFC 2 Coca cola 3 Kissan

4 Britannia 5 Maggi 6 Fanta

7 Parle-G 8 Pepsi 9 Amul

10 McDonalds 11 Kinder jay 12 Cadbury

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4. Match the logo with the brand?

5. How many hours television do you Watch daily?

A) 1 – 2 hours B) 3 – 4 hour

C) Any time D) Not fix

6. Which advertise do you like most & why?

:- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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7. (a & b)

Are you aware about following brand? Which are the main brands you currently purchase?

7. (a) 7. (b)

Brand Aware PurchaseCadbury







Any other brand

8. (a & b)

a) Do your parents influence you to purchase branded products?

1) Yes 2) No

b) If yes, then which below categories of branded products your parents influence you to purchase?

1) Education products 2) Entertainment

3) Sport instrument 4) Clothes

5) FMCG 6) Electronics

7) Toy’s