Download - Atlantian Wisdom Template · The Search for Atlantis!! For many centuries, people have searched the world over looking for physical proof of the existence of Atlantis to no avail.

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Page 2: Atlantian Wisdom Template · The Search for Atlantis!! For many centuries, people have searched the world over looking for physical proof of the existence of Atlantis to no avail.



Atlantian Wisdom Reports provided to and site owner Mark S. Husson are the sole property of Jeryl S. Larson and may not be sold, or distributed outside of 12Reports without the written permission of the owner and author, Jeryl S. Larson. The illustrations are protected by copyright and the sole property of Jeryl S. Larson.

Page 3: Atlantian Wisdom Template · The Search for Atlantis!! For many centuries, people have searched the world over looking for physical proof of the existence of Atlantis to no avail.


The Atlantian WisdomAtlantian Wisdom  


Presented by Jeryl S. Larson, ATP ®  










As telepathically channeled by  

Atlantian High Priestess  

Lady Isis

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“In the beginning    

God created the Heavens and the Earth.” Upon the Earth He created Lemuria, the intergalactic name for all of the water covered surfaces of the planet; the oceans and the seas. Lemurians were highly attuned spiritual beings who thought, manifested, and created to Divine perfection. With time, the Lemurians entered the physical world beyond the seas, and Atlantis, the intergalactic name for all of the land masses on our planet, was born.  

To hold these etheric beings on Earth, anchor points were needed, and thus the Crystals of the earth became the anchor points for the now physical Atlantian beings. This beautiful story of creation is repeated every time a child leaves the womb and takes its first breath, its soul longing to join the spiritual with the physical to become the Light bearers of the Universe,  

the love, power, and wisdom of Source.

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This Atlantian Wisdom report was lovingly prepared for  


John Doe  

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The Search for Atlantis    

For many centuries, people have searched the world over looking for physical proof of the existence of Atlantis to no avail. Today, we are reclaiming our Atlantian ancestry by seeking to live a physical life whilst retaining the understanding of our spiritual heritage. Atlantis continues to exhist all around us at a different frequency. It is not just one island, continent, or place, it is all places, and the way to embrace her is through attunement of our spirit to its enlightened frequency.  

The Atlantian Way is the Earth’s and her inhabitant’s attempt to evolve and ascend. As we approach the Atlantian frequencies the portals to her ancient wisdom temples open wider and wider.  


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The Temples of Atlantis    

As we move forward on our spiritual journey, we physical beings seek fulfillment in the ultimate prize of atonement with the supreme creator; God, Spirit, the Universe, the great I Am presence. No one culture has come closer to recognizing God in the physical than the Civilization of Atlantis. At the heart of this aware existence was their knowledge of the earth and her minerals. And so the Crystal Temples of Atlantis were built as centers where these enlightened beings would learn a set of principles of life and spirituality.  

At the time of the fall of Atlantis, many of us were actively mastering a set of crystals, grounding our physical bodies with their wisdom. We have come back to earth to finish that role. By working with the earth’s crystals and the Devic Kingdom, you are helping the Earth to evolve into Light, anchoring the Atlantian frequency back within her and all of us.  

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Atlantian Priests and Priestesses    

Members of the High Priesthood of Atlantis were evolved beings that embraced the Three Fold Flame of God; the love, power, and wisdom which made them truly gods on earth. Each High Priest or High Priestess held the knowledge and power of the pathway to a particular gift of enlightenment. At the time of the fall of Atlantis, these Priests and Priestesses carried their wisdom to many parts of the planet, Egypt, Iran, Tibet, South America, India, Europe, Australia, Antarctica and the Arctic. The power and wisdom that the various Priests and Priestesses of Atlantis carried with them are the basis for the attributes of the many gods and goddesses associated with today’s many world cultures.  

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The Devic Kingdom  


The concept of Spirit is that everything is alive and has consciousness. Everything is one entity and all beings, things, feelings, and experiences are aspects or parts of that One. Just as Angels are non physical beings who oversee the evolution and communication of Humankind and their relationship with the Divine, Devas are non physical beings which oversee the evolution and communication of all other entities with the Divine.  

Crystal Devas are Nature Spirits or the consciousness of the crystals, the mind and soul of the stones. They carry and convey ancient records and wisdom of the crystal they are associated with. Communicating with a Deva is as simple as sitting, meditating, and tuning into a single physical stone. You may sense communication with them as energy, receive words or images, colors, music or just intuitive knowing.  


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A Message from Lady Isis    

To you I am known as the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, however before my migration to the Land of the Nile, I was a member of the High Council of Atlantis know as the High Priestess Isis. To this day, I represent the same area of society as I did in Atlantis, the area of feminine alchemy and magic in manifestation and healing. By choosing Egypt for the high Silica content of the land (the sand), overseeing the building of the geometric generators (the pyramids), and the linking of them to the Pleiades I have opened the star gates to spiritual growth for you.  

I am, Divine Mother, Lady Isis  



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Dear John,  


The approach of the ancient Atlantian frequencies again on Earth, means that we have come full circle. It is no coincidence that you have chosen to reincarnate here at this time. You are on Earth today to complete the spiritual mastery that was not finished when you were in Atlantis. By working with a specific set of crystals you can recreate the ancient pathways of Atlantis and embrace all that is. Not only will this bring to you a level of spiritual attainment, but it will also indicate the areas of mastery through which you can help others. Like so many of us, your desire to become or achieve something special, your soul purpose, will be revealed to you as you work with the Devic Kingdom.  


John, your soul purpose in this lifetime is to master the skills of the spiritual warrior. Warriors champion concepts and causes, and protect them with fierceness, strength, and conviction. By your nature, you can be forceful with your will, determined, and feel invincible. The shadow side of this trait is someone who uses his abilities to serve non-benevolent causes. Life today can be out of balance for the warrior because the purpose of the warrior has changed from that of the past. Historically, the warrior defended the family and the tribe, the King and his castle, the master and his land. Today, warriors of that nature are often seen as politically incorrect. A modern-day warrior is trained in the art of intelligent defense and the ability to regular violence and create peace.

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Warriors are physically fit and have athletic abilities. Safe ways for the warrior to express himself in the world today is through sports and physical activities such as mountain climbing, hiking, cross country skiing, and other such activities. The warrior has the innate ability to combat stress and develop vitality, strength, and stamina.  


“As a warrior of the Spirit of the Supreme Creator, embrace the strength and courage that is within you as the embodiment of Oneness with the all that is. Let go of all that you have wrongly embraced in this lifetime and forgive yourself for actions you have taken that have taken you away from alignment with your higher purpose. Align your present and future thoughts, action, and deeds with the principle of Light, and allow yourself to open doors to your life purpose that you have kept hidden by your own will. Walk forward fearlessly on your path with the confidence in your own inner light, in a world of your own creation. Take time to breathe and direct all that is within you and around you, for you alone hold the gift of freewill, and it is your birthright to direct it. Embrace your world, it is your creation.”  


You bring with you on this journey in this lifetime many gifts from your Atlantian ancestry. You have a truly creative imagination which allows you to stimulate the energies necessary for transition and change within your life and the lives of others. You possess the power of transformation and can be many things to many people almost simultaneously. You have the ability to bring order to stressful situations and you easily make sense of confusion. You are charming, and as such you can easily and effortlessly persuade others to follow your guidance and example. You have a child-like sense of wonder which makes each new situation an adventure. You are instinctively mystical with deep wisdom you have accumulated in your many lifetimes etherically and in the physical. You have the skills of a facilitator of change and others often look to you for direction within their life circumstances. Your gift to the world is that you are a revealer of Light and an anchor of the spiritual fires within others.  


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Along with all of the beautiful gifts that you bring with you to this lifetime, you also carry with you along your path traits that you are working to overcome as you evolve toward ascension. One of the factors that influence your movement upward upon the ladder of ascension is the large life lessons you have faced and learned from. In your quest to become a Warrior of the Spirit, some of the traits that I see you working on throughout your spiritual journey are anger, a fear of others, self-doubt, manipulation, bullying, timidity, hyperactivity, surrendering, power seeking, aggression and belligerence. John, face the circumstances that prepare you for these lessons with courage, integrity, and patience, and give gratitude for the growth that they bring as you move toward completion of self realization or Ascension as it is now called.  


Working with the Devic Kingdom, you can employ the love, power, and wisdom necessary to obtain the spiritual gifts that are available to you in this lifetime. The information provided to you in the Crystalline Way will bring about the attainment of the gifts of courage, strength, self-assuredness, confidence, energy for change, critical judgment or what we call discernment, learning how to deal with enemies, and overcoming discord. John, as you move closest to full attainment of your gifts of this lifetime, you will develop global interests in which you manifest visions of natural forces of peace and understand their uses for overcoming injustice, cruelty, and destruction.  


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The Crystalline Way  


Atlantian Crystalline Healing is used to master the wisdom collected within a set of crystals. Working in a rotating daily sequence with the crystals of a particular temple can activate the principles that empower your growth and facilitate your spiritual evolution. The crystals that have been chosen for you by the Devas, their simple properties, and a description of their spiritual aspects are:


Ruby Spiritual Warrior Ruby is one of the most dynamic red stones available. It can be used to aid issues at all the chakras, to which it brings stability, passion, courage and the ability to ground the spiritual. It is a powerful stone of courage. The passion that ruby awakens affects everything from sexuality to basic living. It enhances the intuitive side and may open the higher vision. While using ruby, contact with guides the opening of ancient teachings and the Akashic records are bring energy to the memory of important information for the betterment of humanity releasing it later where appropriate.      

Green Calcite Letting Go Green calcite brings calmness. It is a powerful grounding stone. It opens the awareness to what is loved in the world leading the user to joy.  


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Kyanite Alignment Kyanite builds a pathway that can allow the spirit to reside in the mind permanently. It is one of the best attunement stones linking strongly, especially within the higher pathways of communication such as telepathy and channeling. It can align and balance the chakra system simply by its presence. It fixes throat chakra issues. It stimulates communication of one’s truth and psychic awareness on all levels. Kyanite makes entry to altered states easy and allows memory of that which takes place.      

Zircon Life Changes Zircon is a stone of change. It allows us foresight into the results of actions it undertaken now, helping us move forward without fear. Zircon enhances intuition which leads to enlightenment and visions of the areas, spirit or physical, still unexplored in life so that the journey can continue. Zircon is an old world stone that is grounding, stabilizing and fusing, eventually allowing an understanding of oneness. Zircon interacts with more people than any other crystal in a single day on earth, as it is the mineral that is mined to form Silicon chips that are the foundations of computers.      

Black Tourmaline Protection Black Tourmaline is the most protective stone available to us here on earth, it has a shielding effect on negative, dense or heavy energies. The shielding effect of this stone occurs by way of the massive quantity of light within it. That same light allows black tourmaline to protect us even from our own negative outputs of awareness. It gives us a sense of safety and security as it shines light on and into the darkest places. It activates the base chakra, anchoring spirit there. It balances the inner and outer perceptions of the world.        

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Agate Botswana Breathe The stone of oxygen and oxygenation, it allows the looking forward to solution rather that the dwelling on the problem. Other advantages of Agate Boswana are the ability to choose action over reaction, empowerment, discipline, and increased awareness of personal power.  


Labradorite Freewill Labradorite prepares the body and soul for the

ascension process by giving clear access to one’s Akashic records via mediation which aid in the uncovering of the rue spiritual purpose. It calms an overactive, unfocused mind and empowers the imagination in raising new ideas who’s seed may be found in the spirit. This stone has strong Extraterrestrial influence able to facilitate intergalactic communication and anchor their evolved concepts onto earth.  













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Messages from the Devas

We are Ru-Bast-el, Kel-el-em, Hara-ma-ha-el-m, Zargunel, Anu-ka-el, Ramatel, and Tsidoel, but you know us as Ruby, Green Calcite, Kyanite, Zircon, Black Tourmaline, Agate Botswana, and Labradorite. To you we say, step into the light and fear not the darkness, for it is a shade of love. Let us aid you to the space of calm healing, soothing all that is in your path, for we are gentle, bringing safety and reassurance. Let us begin now by lowering the illusion of blind fate and karma, enabling you to see it as a reality that you create and that you can change. You through us will become a ray of light, filled with integrity and the power of spirit. The gathering of trust in the self will empower you to a space of self love that will then flow into all you create. Feel our calm breath flow through you bringing awareness of individuality in the oneness of God. As a being with free will to create any avenue you wish, it is our desire that you arise with true the purpose of your spirit.

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In Conclusion ...    

John, I am delighted that you have allowed me the pleasure of connecting you to the mission of your soul in this lifetime. As you climb the ladder of ascension, you will forever more be grounded in one with the Atlantian wisdom within that connects you with the Source of All That Is … the Supreme Creator.  

I invite you to call upon your Atlantian gifts, the Crystal Devas, and Lady Isis as you move forward along your sacred journey.  

I send you blessings of wisdom, power, and love,  


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About Jeryl

Jeryl Larson is an Angel Therapy Practioner® certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD, as well as a certified Past Life Healer and Regressionist. A sensitive, gifted intuitive she connects with the Angelic, Elemental, and Ascended Master Realms to lovingly guide and heal you.

Jeryl describes herself as a "Spiritual Personal Trainer" whose life purpose is to help one to see their value and worthiness and align one with their spiritual self. She firmly believes that the Lightworkers of today are here to raise the level of vibration of loving on the planet, creating the next shift in the evolution of human consciousness. To assist others in opening the line of energy that will propel them on their own Divine path, she assists the client in connecting with their own Divine guidance and intuition. As the founder of Divine Mystic Wisdom, Jeryl graciously shares her mystical and intuitive gifts with her clients by assisting them to connect with their own inner wisdom.

Jeryl is an Angel Advisor and Mystic at, the angel intuitive site founded by acclaimed Hayhouse author, Mark Hussen. She hosts Mystical Moments with Jeryl on where she connects with mystical minds, delves into mystical messages, and shares mystical moments with her guests.

Jeryl is presently completing her Ph.D. at the Unniversity of Metaphysical Science in Minnesota. For more information about Jeryl or Divine Mystic Wisdom visit her website or on facebook.

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Coming soon ….    



Reclaiming Atlantis … Wisdom From Beyond.    

A book of healing via channeling the collective energy of the Atlantian  

Temples, Priests and Priestesses.  


Please visit often for updates.