Download - Athlete Training Formula Phase 3 Realization1

Page 1: Athlete Training Formula Phase 3 Realization1

Athlete Training Formula Realization Phase

Week 7 Day 1 Core: BB Bench Press Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BHPush BB Bench Press 4 3 Varies 1 set eccentric, 1 set isometric, 2 sets normal tempo, RPE 91B Plyo Clock Explosive Push-Ups 3 12 2011C Mobility Wall Slides 3 52A UVPush DB Incline Bench Press 3 10 2012B BVPull Pull-Up 3 5 301 Overhand grip, Weighted if possible2C Core Push-Up Plank Series 3 10ea Arm lift, leg lift, rotation3A UVPush DB Standing Vertical Press 3 10 2013B UHPull DB Single Arm Row 3 5ea 5013C Shoulder Lateral Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Week 7 Day 2 Core: BB Hang Clean Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A Expl BB Hang Power Clean 4 31B Plyo Broad to Vertical Jumps 3 5 Consecutitve Reps1C Mobility Knee Drive Extension 3 10ea Consecutive Reps2A Expl DB Swing 3 122B BHD BB Straight Leg Dead Lift 3 5 301 Partial reps to the top of the knee2C Core Plank Series 3 10ea Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift

3A UKD DB Rear Elevated Split Squat 3 5ea 201

3B UHDDB Single Leg Straight Dead Lift (w/Knee Drive) 3 5ea 301

3C Mobility Half Kneeling Hip Flexor 3 10ea

Week 7 Day 3 Core: BB Push Jerk Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BVPush BB Push Jerk 3 5 201 RPE 81B Plyo Explosive Plate Push-Ups 3 51C Plyo Seated Arm Action 3 201D Mobility Prone Snow Angels 3 5

2A UHPushDB Dynamic Single-Arm Bench Press 3 12ea 201 50% load

2B BVPull Pull-Up 3 5 5secs Underhand grip, Weighted if possible2C Core Quadriped Series 3 10ea3A Expl DB Single Arm Snatch 3 5ea3A Expl DB Single Arm Split Jerk 3 5ea 201 Combo with DB Single Arm Snatch3B Shoulder Front Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Page 2: Athlete Training Formula Phase 3 Realization1

Athlete Training Formula Realization Phase

Week 7 Day 4 Core: BB Back Squat Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BKD BB Back Squat 4 3 Varies 1 set eccentric, 1 set isometric, 2 sets normal tempo, RPE 91B Expl DB Rotational Toss 3 5ea1C Plyo Split Jumps 3 5ea Consecutive Reps1D Mobility Wall Lean Knee Drive (3) 3 102A UKD DB Front Lateral Lunges 3 12 201

2B PlyoRotational Balance Drills (2 jumps) 3 5ea

2C Core Plank Series 3 30secs Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift3A UKD DB Walking Lunges 3 5ea 201

3A UHDElevated Single Leg Hip Extensions 3 12ea 201

3B Mobility Hip External Rotation 3 30secs

Page 3: Athlete Training Formula Phase 3 Realization1

Athlete Training Formula Realization Phase

Week 8 Day 1 Core: BB Bench Press Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BHPush BB Bench Press 4 3 201 Max Effort1B Plyo Clock Explosive Push-Ups 3 12 2011C Mobility Wall Slides 3 52A UVPush DB Incline Bench Press 3 10 2012B BVPull Pull-Up 3 5 301 Overhand grip, Weighted if possible2C Core Push-Up Plank Series 3 10ea Arm lift, leg lift, rotation3A UVPush DB Standing Vertical Press 3 10 2013B UHPull DB Single Arm Row 3 5ea 5013C Shoulder Lateral Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Week 8 Day 2 Core: BB Hang Clean Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A Expl BB Hang Power Clean 4 21B Plyo Broad to Vertical Jumps 3 5 Consecutitve Reps1C Mobility Knee Drive Extension 3 10ea Consecutive Reps2A Expl DB Swing 3 122B BHD BB Straight Leg Dead Lift 3 5 301 Partial reps to the top of the knee2C Core Plank Series 3 10ea Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift

3A UKD DB Rear Elevated Split Squat 3 5ea 201

3B UHDDB Single Leg Straight Dead Lift (w/Knee Drive) 3 5ea 301

3C Mobility Half Kneeling Hip Flexor 3 10ea

Week 8 Day 3 Core: BB Push Jerk Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BVPush BB Push Jerk 3 3 201 RPE 91B Plyo Explosive Plate Push-Ups 3 51C Plyo Seated Arm Action 3 201D Mobility Prone Snow Angels 3 5

2A UHPushDB Dynamic Single-Arm Bench Press 3 12ea 201 50% load

2B BVPull Pull-Up 3 5 5secs Underhand grip, Weighted if possible2C Core Quadriped Series 3 10ea3A Expl DB Single Arm Snatch 3 5ea3A Expl DB Single Arm Split Jerk 3 5ea 201 Combo with DB Single Arm Snatch3B Shoulder Front Raises 3 12 301Optional Biceps/Triceps

Page 4: Athlete Training Formula Phase 3 Realization1

Athlete Training Formula Realization Phase

Week 8 Day 4 Core: BB Back Squat Sets Reps Tempo Weight NotesWarm-up Strength Training Warm-Up1A BKD BB Back Squat 4 3 201 Max Effort1B Expl DB Rotational Toss 3 5ea1C Plyo Split Jumps 3 5ea Consecutive Reps1D Mobility Wall Lean Knee Drive (3) 3 102A UKD DB Front Lateral Lunges 3 12 201

2B PlyoRotational Balance Drills (2 jumps) 3 5ea

2C Core Plank Series 3 30secs Arm lift, leg lift, hip lift3A UKD DB Walking Lunges 3 5ea 201

3A UHDElevated Single Leg Hip Extensions 3 12ea 201