Download - Assure IT’s Quality, Assure IT’s Security, or Throw IT Out! Joshua Drummond, Security Architect

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Assure IT’s Quality, Assure IT’s Security, or Throw IT Out!

Joshua Drummond, Security Architect

Katya Sadovsky, Application Architect

Marina Arseniev, Associate Director of Enterprise Architecture

University of California, Irvine

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University of California, Irvine

• Located in Southern California• Year Founded:  1965• Enrollment: over 24K students• 1,400 Faculty (Academic Senate)• 8,300 Staff• 6,000 degrees awarded annually• Carnegie Classification:  Doctoral/Research – Extensive• Extramural Funding - 311M in 2005-2006• Undergoing significant enrollment growth

Page 3: Assure IT’s Quality, Assure IT’s Security, or Throw IT Out!  Joshua Drummond, Security Architect

Do you know?

• 75% of attacks today happen at the Application (Gartner). Desktop augmented by Network and then Web Application Security.

• Many “easy hacking recipes” published on web.

• 3 out of 4 vendor apps we tested had serious SQL Injection bugs!

• “The cost of correcting code in production increases up to 100 times as compared to in development...”

- (1) MSDN (November, 2005) “Leveraging the Role of Testing and Quality Across the Lifecycle to Cut Costs and Drive IT/Business Responsiveness “


• The cost and reputation savings of avoiding a security breach are “priceless”

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Do you know?

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Do you know?

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Higher-Ed Security Incidents

People Date Type 178,000 April 2004 Hacking 380,000 May 2004 Hacking 207,000 May 2004 Stolen laptop/Hack 600,000 Sept 2004 Hacking 98,400 March 2005 Stolen laptop 59,000 March 2005 Hacking 120,000 March 2005 Hacking 106,000 April 2005 Hacking 40,000 April 2005 Hacking 150,000 June 2005 Dishonest Insider 72,000 June 2005 Hacking 15,000 June 2005 Stolen laptop 27,000 July 2005 Hacking 42,000 July 2005 Hacking 270,000 July 2005 SQL Injection 31,077 July 2005 Hacking

People Date Type 36,000 August 2005 Hacking 61,709 August 2005 Hacking 100,000 August, 2005 Hacking 49,000 August 2005 Hacking 100,000 Sept 2005 Stolen computer 21,762 Sept 2005 Exposed Online 2,800 October 2005 Exposed Online 9,100 October 2005 Exposed Online 93,000 March 2006 Stolen laptop 38,941 April 2006 Exposed Online 197,000 April 2006 Exposed Online 300,000 April 2006 Exposed Online 41,000 March 2006 Hacking 60,000 May 2006 Hacking 180,000 June 2006 Exposed Online 14,500 Sept 2006 Hacking

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• Hacking 101

• 7 Steps to Assure Software Quality by Integrating Security into the SDLC

– Sample Checklists

• Useful URLs and Q&A

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What do Hackers do?

• A few examples of Web application hacks– File Query

– Browser caching

– Cookie and URL hacks

– SQL Injection

– Cross-site Scripting (# 1 threat today!)

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Web File Query

• Directory listing:• Truncation:

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Browser Page Caching

• Be aware of differences between browsers!• Pages with sensitive data should not be cached: page

content is easily accessed using browser’s history• Use the following tags to disable page caching:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT=“no-store, no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1">

- Do-not-cache tags do not apply to binary content

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Browser Page Caching

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Cookies and URLs

• Sensitive data in cookies and URLs?– Issues that arise are:

• Information is stored on a local computer (as files or in the browser’s history)• Unencrypted data can be intercepted on the network and/or logged into unprotected web log files

– To prevent unauthorized data access:• Do NOT store sensitive data of any kind in cookies or URLs• Use non-persistent cookies (that disappear once a browser is closed) instead of persistent ones.• Use HTTP POST instead of GET when submitting data

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SQL Injection Attacks

Web App


Uses SQL scriptinjection to

access data

“SQL injection is a security vulnerability that occurs in the database layer of an application. Its source is the incorrect escaping of dynamically-generated string literals embedded in SQL statements. “ (Wikipedia)

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SQL Injection Attacks

• Example of attack:– SQL Query in Web application code:

• “SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = ‘” + userName + “’ and password= ‘” + password + “’;”

– Hacker logs in as: ‘ or ‘’ = ‘’; -- • SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = ‘’ or ‘’ = ‘’; --'; and password=‘’;

– Hacker deletes the users table with: ‘ or ‘’ = ‘’; DROP TABLE users; --• SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = ‘’ or ‘’=‘’; DROP TABLE users; --'; and password=‘’;

• SQL Injection examples are outlined in:– –

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SQL Injection Attacks Demo

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SQL Injection Attacks Demo

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SQL Injection Attacks Demo

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

• Malicious code can secretly gather sensitive data from user while using authentic website (login, password, cookie)

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

• Modified URL– URL parameters are modified on the URL to

contain script code – Input is not validated and displayed as entered

on the resulting dynamic webpage

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Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

Web App


Injects scriptinto web site

CompromisedWeb App

Retrieves compromisedpage content

Unknowinglyexecutes script

End User

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XSS: Script Injection Demo

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XSS: Script Injection Demo

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Preventing SQL injection and XSS

• SCRUB Error handling– Error messages divulge information that

can be used by hacker…

• VALIDATE all user entered parameters– CHECK data types and lengths– DISALLOW unwanted data (e.g. HTML

tags, JavaScript)– ESCAPE questionable characters (ticks,

--,semi-colon, brackets, etc.)

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• Hacking 101

• 7 Steps to Integrate Security into SDLC– Sample Checklists

• Useful URLs and Q&A

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Integrating Security into SDLC Step 1: Training

• If users are not educated on security concerns, regulations, and laws, any system will fail.

– Email will be unintentionally used to transmit regulated or confidential information

– Private data will be entered into a text field

• Train Project Leaders, Programmers and Business units on data security and policy.

• Don’t assume technical staff and vendors are aware of all security issues.

– Assign appropriately trained staff, mentors/reviewers

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Integrating Security into SDLC Step 2: Requirements

• Acquisition or development– Identify Security requirements at requirements gathering

phase – Examples of questions to ask and put into formal

template?• Any personal or confidential data?• Compliance requirements – PCI, SB1386, FERPA, HIPAA?• If 24/7 uptime is required with clustering and load balancing, think

about logging requirements…– do logs need to be centralized? easily audited for forensics analysis?– Retention period? Tamper-proof?

• Risk assessment – normal or high risk application?

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Requirements Template

1.1     User Classes and Characteristics<Identify the various user classes that you anticipate will use this product (i.e. users doing updating vs. users with browse access only). User classes may be differentiated based on frequency of use, subset of product functions used, technical expertise, security or privilege levels, educational level, or experience...>

2.5     Design and Implementation Constraints<Describe any items or issues that will limit the options available to the developers. These might include: …corporate or regulatory policies; …interfaces to other applications; specific technologies, tools, and databases to be used; …communications protocols; security considerations.>

3.4     Communications Interfaces<Describe the requirements associated with any communications functions required by this product, including e-mail, web browser, network server communications protocols, electronic forms, and so on. Define any pertinent message formatting. Identify any communication standards that will be used, such as FTP or HTTP. Specify any communication security or encryption issues, data transfer rates, and synchronization mechanisms.>

5.3     Security Requirements<Specify any requirements regarding security or privacy issues surrounding use of the product or protection of the data used or created by the product. Define any user identity authentication requirements. Refer to any external policies or regulations containing security issues that affect the product. Define any security or privacy certifications that must be satisfied.>

Page 28: Assure IT’s Quality, Assure IT’s Security, or Throw IT Out!  Joshua Drummond, Security Architect

ASP Vendor Security Checklist

What certification or audits does the University have that the system will be managed per our guidelines and contract agreement?

How do you manage the system for detection of intrusion.

How often is the system patched, by whom and when?

How are we notified if system security is breached? Notification handling?

How is data purged from the vendor's hardware?

How are disks, tapes, or computers that might store sensitive data disposed of? Are the media erased before disposal or reuse?

Where is the hardware location? Is it inside or outside of the United States? Is it subject to our laws?

Are the personnel who administer and use the hardware located within the United States and subject to our laws?

Is data encrypted? If private data is transmitted, either via

Internet, on CD-ROM or file transfer, is it encrypted?

Is SSL enabled to the application so that traffic over the Internet, including authentication is secure and private?

Data loss, data backups: what are the guarantees? Are backups stored offsite? If backups have sensitive data, are the backups encrypted? Can we store the backup at UCI? How about disaster recovery planning?

How is the hardware or database distributed by the vendor among customers? Is one hardware used for all customers? Is a single database used for all customers or does each customer have a private database?

How are user accounts managed?

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Integrating Security into SDLC Step 3: Architecture and Design

• Dedicate a Security role in your organization • Security Architecture must

– address and support multiple layers of protection, including database, network level, operating system, and application level security

– be flexible to support the introduction and/or integration of new technologies

– provide a modular approach to authentication, authorization, and audit

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Security Architecture – Multi-layer

U serIden tity M anagem ent

A u then tica tionE duca tion

N etw ork /W ebA ccoun t A dm in

F irew a lls , E ncryp tionLogg ing/A ud iting

A p plicationA u tho riza tionLogg ing /A ud it

T est T oo ls

D ataA u tho riza tionLogg ing /A ud it

E ncryp tion ,Inven to ry

O p era tio nsB ackups ( inc l o ff-s ite)

Logg ing /A ud itD isaste r R ecove ry

P o licies , S tan d ard s , P ro ced ures , T ech n ica l R efe ren ce A rch itec tu reA pp roved T oo ls and L ifecyc le

E xcep tions by A pp rovalR egu la rly rev iew ed

Page 31: Assure IT’s Quality, Assure IT’s Security, or Throw IT Out!  Joshua Drummond, Security Architect

Security Architecture Lifecycle – focus on Standardization

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Security Architecture Design

• Consider security during initial system design• Delegate access control as appropriate • Centralize security policy, maintenance operation

and oversight functions• Assign security levels consistently and at the

lowest level of access required by the individual • Identify vulnerable points. Design and reuse

common and tested components • Consolidate storage of sensitive data – important!

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Storing sensitive data

• AVOID storing sensitive data if at all possible!• If you have to store sensitive data:

–Encrypt table records and/or files that contain: • password, SSN, home phone/address, credit card, bank

account, Driver's License, non-public student or employee data, or FERPA blocked student data

–Encrypt storage at database/file and application layer• Database encryption is not enough! Protects from lost/stolen

disk or backup, not from SQL-Injection hack attack • Multi-layer security protection - User account breach won’t

allow decryption

–Use encrypted transmission for data retrieval and modification

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Data modelling

• When designing database tables:–No confidential data elements should be used as keys in tables (e.g. SSN)

–Normalize to consolidate confidential data into a single table

• Audit ONE table, not many• Encrypt ONE table, not many• Mock intruder alert drills and prepare!• Review logs for forensics capability

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Integrating Security into SDLC Step 4: Implementation

Implementation/Acquisition – make security “routine”• Require code reviews of all security and database code • Require developers to build unit test harnesses

– Junit

• Require developers to reuse security components– Single-signon, authorization API, user identity objects

• Automate nightly code and application security scanning – Jtest, AppScan, WebInspect, Nessus, database security scanning

• Schedule network & configuration vulnerability scanning – Foundstone, Sophos virus scans, Tripwire

• De-identify confidential test data• Write and use manual security test procedures• Perform concurrency and stress testing

– Jmeter, OpenSTA (100s of concurrent virtual test user load)

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Sample Checklists

• Portal (SNAP) SDLC Documentation– SDLC Process

• Requirements – Sections of our template address specific security requirements.

• Project Plan includes review schedule.

– Development / Vendor Selection Guidelines – Database Review, SQL Server Setup Checklist– Code Review Checklist, Test Templates– Security Manual Test Procedure– Security Assessment and Checklists– Architecture Review

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Integrating Security into SDLC Step 5: Deployment

• Create secured test and production environment• Cross train Helpdesk, Sys Admin, support staff • “Market” Application security risks and policy

– Consider policy to disallow confidential data on laptops or other portable devices

• Professionally administered system and data backups?– backups identify compromised individuals– Off-site backups? Where? At home?

• Disaster recovery plans?

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Integrating Security into SDLC Step 6: Operations/Maintenance

• Catalogue and inventory use of personal data• Repeated “routine” reviews and scanning• Apply all security patches at all architectural layers

in a timely manner– OS, Firewall, Database, Platform

• Audit/log access to confidential data• Change control

– Weekly meeting for all developers and administrators– 2 week notice of all turnovers/change required and plans– Oracle Calendar used to publish schedule. Reduced collisions– Fewer “emergency” changes means fewer security vulnerabilities

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Integrating Security into SDLC Step 7: Decommissioning

Decommissioning of Application and Data• Data

– Retention/preservation compliance?

• Properly dispose hardware and software– Does data retention period collide with a software end-

of-life? Clipper/DOS 6.2?– Can OS and hardware run it today if necessary to restore

data? Is data warehousing required?– Sanitize media professionally, including backups

• Update catalogue of personal data!

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Agenda Summary

• Hacking 101

• 7 Steps to Assure Software Quality by Integrating Security into SDLC

– Sample Checklists

• Useful URLs and Q&A

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Useful Links• Campus security site: http://• AdCom's application security checklist: http://

• AdCom's Java code review checklist:

• Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP):