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El Camino: Course SLOs (BUS) - Paralegal Studies

SPRING / SUMMER 2016Assessment: Course Four Column

ECC: LAW 11:Introduction to Legal Research

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

SLO #1 Legal Memoranda and Forms- Draft pleadings/memorandaincluding court forms in a mannersufficient for submission to theapplicable court.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Fall 2014)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Essay/Written Assignment - Writtenassignment designed to assessstudents’ research and writingability.


To: ParalegalFrom: Henry R. James, PartnerOur client, Jason Nelson (“Nelson”),has been charged withmanslaughter. Nelson is mentally illand is currently confined in a mentalinstitution. Because of his mentalillness, Nelson cannot assist in hisdefense and thus is not competentto stand trial. The prosecutor in thiscase will make a motion asking thecourt to forcibly administerantipsychotic drugs to Nelson torender him able to stand trial.Medical experts have determinedthat Nelson has an approximatelytwenty percent (20%) chance ofbeing rendered competent if he

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Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

receives the medication the stateintends to administer. Nelson isvehemently opposed to receivingsuch drugs, primarily because he hassuffered significant and debilitatingside effects from the drugs when hehas taken them in the past. The sideeffects include drowsiness, lethargy,and confusion. Nelson has neverbeen a danger to himself or others.Please research this issue and findauthorities that both support ourpoint of view and what youanticipate the prosecutor will raise.We intend to vigorously oppose thismotion.Our state has no cases or statutesregarding this issue. Therefore, donot restrict your research to the lawof any one jurisdiction.Note: Your boss wants a four-page,typed, double-spaced memorandum.You are to observe proper citationformat as set forth in the mostcurrent edition of the Bluebook: AUniform System of Citation inpreparing this memorandum.Follow the format set forth in theLegal Memo Sample posted on theLaw 11 website.

SLO #2 Providing Direct Assistanceto Attorneys - Apply knowledge ofthe law in order to provide direct

Exam/Test/Quiz - Final exam whichassesses students’ knowledge andunderstanding of legal research

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Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

assistance to attorneys including legalresearch.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2015-16 (Spring 2016)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.


Sample Exam Question:True or False: When the 9th circuithands down a ruling, stare decisisdictates that all federal trial courtsmust follow that ruling.

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that 70% of students willscore of 75% or above on this SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: N. McGrueFaculty Contributing to Assessment: V. Pham

Action: Talk with advisory board todiscuss the types of assignments theindustry requires and ensure that ourassignments are in line with thoseneeded. (11/01/2016)Action Category: CurriculumChanges

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 25 students enrolled in Law 11 during Spring 2016participated in and completed the assessment. 18/25students or 72% of students received a 75% or better. A70% reflects an acceptable achievement level. This datasuggests that students were able to absorb the material,analyze fact patters properly, research the legal issues, andcommunicate their findings in a manner that would providedirect assistance to an attorney. Student success is basedon the fact that faculty is teaching to the course outline andthe proper course objectives are being stressed.(09/01/2016)

Essay/Written Assignment - Amemorandum that assesses astudent’s ability to apply the law to aset of facts and perform researchthat simulates directly assisting anattorney.

SLO #3 Legal Comprehension -Understand and apply theories andprinciples of law to interpret legaldocuments, perform legal researchand communicate those results.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2017-18 (Fall 2017)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Exam/Test/Quiz - Final exam whichassesses students’ knowledge andunderstanding of legal researchmethods.

Sample Exam Question:True or False: Legal professionalsshould give pinpoint citations todirect quotes and to any materialthat is paraphrased.

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Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that 70% of students willscore of 75% or above on this SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. McGrueFaculty Contributing to Assessment: V. Pham

Action: Talk with advisory board todiscuss the types of assignments theindustry requires and ensure that ourassignments are in line with thoseneeded. (11/01/2016)Action Category: CurriculumChanges

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard Met A total of 25 students enrolled in Law 11 during Spring2016 participated in and completed the assessment. 18/25students or 72% of students received a 75% or better. A70% reflects an acceptable achievement level. This datasuggests that students were able to absorb the material,analyze fact patters properly, research the legal issues,understand legal principles and theories, and communicatetheir findings in a manner that would provide directassistance to an attorney. Student success is based on thefact that faculty is teaching to the course outline and theproper course objectives are being stressed. (09/01/2016)

Essay/Written Assignment - Amemorandum that assesses astudent’s ability to apply legalprincipals and theories to a set offacts and then communicate theirfindings after conducting legalresearch.

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ECC: LAW 15:Civi and Criminal Evidence

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

SLO #1 Legal Memoranda and Forms- Draft pleadings/memorandaincluding court forms in a mannersufficient for submission to theapplicable court.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Spring 2015)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 02/13/2014Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO. Each exam is 25% of thetotal grade, the final is 50%. Gradingrubric is 90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60%D.

Multiple Assessments - Two writtenexams over the course of thesemester, and a written final. Anextra credit assignment in the natureof a research memo/case studyavailable to substitute for the lowerof the two exam grades.

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onall assignments, individually andcollectively. Grading rubric is 90% A,80% B, 70% C, 60% D.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. PhamFaculty Contributing to Assessment: D. Carnahan

Action: Continue to revise somepractical problems to enhancestudent learning in this subject.(01/15/2017)Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment ProcessAction: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the currentrequirements. (01/15/2017)

Follow-Up: Law 15 can continueto benefit from enhancedstrategies relating to theperformance of practicalproblems in the subject area ofCivil and Criminal Evidence. Thetesting methodologies employedup to this assessment period toaccurately reflect studentlearning in a theoretical sense,but student performance is

Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetIn the spring of 2016, 50% of students achieved 90 or higheron Exam #1, 31% 80, 6% 70 and 1% 60. Three studentsavailed themselves of the extra credit assignment, and thegrades were: C, C, C. All this data suggests that studentswere able to assimilate the course material effectively. Theaction plan for the most recent SLO for this course didrecommend devising a practicum, and that was done.Otherwise, student success is based on the fact that facultyis teaching to the syllabus, to course/session outlines, andmaking use of study guides. The proper course objectivesare being stressed. No adjustments to the SLO arenecessary at this time. There were sixteen students in thisclass. (05/23/2016)

Exam/Test/Quiz - A written examthat evaluated students’comprehension of the elements of asufficient pleading.

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enhanced, and is perhaps able tobe more accurately measured, bythe continued devising andrevision of some practicalassignments, relating to the lawof Evidence. Examples might be:motions in limine, evidence-basedpretrial motions (such as motionsfor summary judgment), further(beyond the extra credit) researchassignments involving evidentiaryprinciples, and the drafting ofproposed witness direct andcross-examinations to ferret outeither the elements of ordefenses to particular causes ofaction in litigated matters.See the above data with regard tothe initial practicum in the springsemester, 2016. One majordefect in the presentation andevaluation of the assignment hasto do with getting the studentsmotivated to show drafts to theinstructor, perhaps by includingthe presentation of drafts as partof the grade. (09/14/2016)

SLO #2 Providing Direct Assistance toAttorneys - Apply knowledge of therules of civil and criminal evidence inorder to provide direct assistance toattorneys including research, clientinterviews, problem resolution andthe examination of ethics in the legalworkplace.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2015-16 (Spring 2016)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO. Each exam is 25% of thetotal grade, the final is 50%. Grading

Multiple Assessments - Two writtenexams over the course of thesemester, and a written final. Anextra credit assignment in the natureof a research memo/case studyavailable to substitute for the lowerof the two exam grades.

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rubric is 90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60%D.

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onall assignments, individually andcollectively. Grading rubric is 90% A,80% B, 70% C, 60% D.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. PhamFaculty Contributing to Assessment: D. Carnahan

Action: Continue to revise somepractical problems to enhancestudent learning in this subject.(01/15/2017)

Follow-Up: Law 15 can continueto benefit from enhancedstrategies relating to theperformance of practicalproblems in the subject area ofCivil and Criminal Evidence. Thetesting methodologies employedup to this assessment period toaccurately reflect studentlearning in a theoretical sense,but student performance isenhanced, and is perhaps able tobe more accurately measured, bythe continued devising andrevision of some practicalassignments, relating to the lawof Evidence. Examples might be:motions in limine, evidence-basedpretrial motions (such as motionsfor summary judgment), further(beyond the extra credit) researchassignments involving evidentiaryprinciples, and the drafting ofproposed witness direct andcross-examinations to ferret outeither the elements of ordefenses to particular causes ofaction in litigated matters.See the above data with regard tothe initial practicum in the springsemester, 2016. One majordefect in the presentation and

Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetIn the spring of 2016, 33% of students achieved 90 or higheron Exam #2, 80 - 53%, 70 - 13%, 60 - 1%. All this datasuggests that students were able to assimilate the coursematerial effectively. The action plan for the most recentSLO for this course did recommend devising a practicum,and that was done. Otherwise, student success is based onthe fact that faculty is teaching to the syllabus, tocourse/session outlines, and making use of study guides.The proper course objectives are being stressed. Noadjustments to the SLO are necessary at this time. Therewere sixteen students in this class. (05/23/2016)

Exam/Test/Quiz - A written examover the course of the semester toevaluate the students’ knowledge ofthe rules of civil and criminalevidence.

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evaluation of the assignment hasto do with getting the studentsmotivated to show drafts to theinstructor, perhaps by includingthe presentation of drafts as partof the grade. (09/14/2016)

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the currentrequirements. (01/15/2017)

Follow-Up: Law 15 can continueto benefit from enhancedstrategies relating to theperformance of practicalproblems in the subject area ofCivil and Criminal Evidence. Thetesting methodologies employedup to this assessment period toaccurately reflect studentlearning in a theoretical sense,but student performance isenhanced, and is perhaps able tobe more accurately measured, bythe continued devising andrevision of some practicalassignments, relating to the lawof Evidence. Examples might be:motions in limine, evidence-basedpretrial motions (such as motionsfor summary judgment), further(beyond the extra credit) researchassignments involving evidentiaryprinciples, and the drafting ofproposed witness direct andcross-examinations to ferret outeither the elements of ordefenses to particular causes ofaction in litigated matters.

Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

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See the above data with regard tothe initial practicum in the springsemester, 2016. One majordefect in the presentation andevaluation of the assignment hasto do with getting the studentsmotivated to show drafts to theinstructor, perhaps by includingthe presentation of drafts as partof the grade. (09/14/2016)

SLO #3 Legal Comprehension -Understand and apply theories andprinciples of civil and criminalevidence to interpret, propound andrespond to legal documents.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2016-17 (Spring 2017)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO. Each exam is 25% of thetotal grade, the final is 50%. Gradingrubric is 90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60%D.

Multiple Assessments - Two writtenexams over the course of thesemester, and a written final. Anextra credit assignment in the natureof a research memo/case studyavailable to substitute for the lowerof the two exam grades.

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onall assignments, individually andcollectively. Each exam is 20% of thetotal grade, the final is 40%, thewritten assignment 20%. Gradingrubric is 90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60%

Action: Continue to revise somepractical problems to enhancestudent learning in this subject.(01/15/2017)

Follow-Up: Law 15 can continueto benefit from enhancedstrategies relating to theperformance of practicalproblems in the subject area ofCivil and Criminal Evidence. Thetesting methodologies employedup to this assessment period to

Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetIn the spring of 2016, 19% of students achieved 90 or higheron the written assignment, 80 - 63%, 70 - 19%. All this datasuggests that students were able to assimilate the coursematerial effectively, except perhaps for the writtenassignment (which is new to the course). (As to that, notethat the assignment is given out the first day of class andthe students are encouraged throughout the semester toproduce drafts and show them to the instructor; less thanhalf of the class did this, suggesting some need forimprovement in student motivation on this assignment.)The action plan for the most recent SLO for this course did

Essay/Written Assignment - Awritten assignment in the nature ofan evidentiary motion (motion inlimine) meant to restrict theadmissibility of a certain type ofevidence.

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Faculty Assessment Leader: V. PhamFaculty Contributing to Assessment: D. Carnahan

accurately reflect studentlearning in a theoretical sense,but student performance isenhanced, and is perhaps able tobe more accurately measured, bythe continued devising andrevision of some practicalassignments, relating to the lawof Evidence. Examples might be:motions in limine, evidence-basedpretrial motions (such as motionsfor summary judgment), further(beyond the extra credit) researchassignments involving evidentiaryprinciples, and the drafting ofproposed witness direct andcross-examinations to ferret outeither the elements of ordefenses to particular causes ofaction in litigated matters.See the above data with regard tothe initial practicum in the springsemester, 2016. One majordefect in the presentation andevaluation of the assignment hasto do with getting the studentsmotivated to show drafts to theinstructor, perhaps by includingthe presentation of drafts as partof the grade. (09/14/2016)

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the currentrequirements. (01/15/2017)

Follow-Up: Law 15 can continueto benefit from enhancedstrategies relating to theperformance of practical

Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

recommend devising a practicum, and that was done.Otherwise, student success is based on the fact that facultyis teaching to the syllabus, to course/session outlines, andmaking use of study guides. The proper course objectivesare being stressed. No adjustments to the SLO arenecessary at this time beyond as noted with regard to thewritten practicum assignment. There were sixteenstudents in this class. (05/23/2016)

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problems in the subject area ofCivil and Criminal Evidence. Thetesting methodologies employedup to this assessment period toaccurately reflect studentlearning in a theoretical sense,but student performance isenhanced, and is perhaps able tobe more accurately measured, bythe continued devising andrevision of some practicalassignments, relating to the lawof Evidence. Examples might be:motions in limine, evidence-basedpretrial motions (such as motionsfor summary judgment), further(beyond the extra credit) researchassignments involving evidentiaryprinciples, and the drafting ofproposed witness direct andcross-examinations to ferret outeither the elements of ordefenses to particular causes ofaction in litigated matters.See the above data with regard tothe initial practicum in the springsemester, 2016. One majordefect in the presentation andevaluation of the assignment hasto do with getting the studentsmotivated to show drafts to theinstructor, perhaps by includingthe presentation of drafts as partof the grade. (09/14/2016)

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ECC: LAW 16:Civil Procedure

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

SLO #1 Legal Memoranda and Forms- Draft pleadings/memorandaincluding court forms in a mannersufficient for submission to theapplicable court.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2013-14 (Spring 2014)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. PhamFaculty Contributing to Assessment: S. Alexander

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate curriculum to ensurestudents understand the currentrequirements of submittingpleadings. (02/16/2017)Action Category: TeachingStrategies

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 30 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law16 participated in and completed the assessment with85.3% average. 70% reflects acceptable achievement level.This data suggests that students were able to draftpleadings effectively, and understood core course concepts.Student success is based on the fact that faculty is teachingto the course outline and the proper course objectives arebeing stressed. (05/18/2016)

Essay/Written Assignment - Writtenassignment requiring students toprepare a Summons and Complaint.

SLO #2 Providing Direct Assistance toAttorneys - Apply knowledge of civilprocedure in order to provide directassistance to attorneys includingresearch, client interviews, problemresolution and the examination ofethics in the legal workplace.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Spring 2015)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. PhamFaculty Contributing to Assessment: S. Alexander

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate curriculum to ensurestudents understand the currentrequirements of the rules of civilprocedure. (02/16/2017)Action Category: TeachingStrategies

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 30 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law16 participated in and completed the assessment with87.9% average. 70% reflects acceptable achievement level.This data suggests that students were able to applyknowledge of the rules of civil procedure effectively, andunderstood core course concepts. Student success isbased on the fact that faculty is teaching to the courseoutline and the proper course objectives are being stressed.(05/18/2016)

Essay/Written Assignment - Writtenassignment requiring students toprepare a Summons and Complaint.

SLO #3 Legal Comprehension -Understand and apply theories andprinciples of civil procedure tointerpret legal documents.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2015-16 (Spring 2016)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate curriculum to ensurestudents understand the currentprinciples of civil procedure toadvance a party’s interest in litigationand dispute resolution. (02/16/2017)Action Category: TeachingStrategies

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 30 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law16 participated in and completed the assessment with 87%average. 70% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to understand andapply theories and principles of civil procedure effectively,and understood core course concepts. Student success is

Essay/Written Assignment - Writtenassignment requiring students toprepare a Summons and Complaint.

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Faculty Assessment Leader: V. PhamFaculty Contributing to Assessment: S. Alexander

based on the fact that faculty is teaching to the courseoutline and the proper course objectives are being stressed.(05/18/2016)

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ECC: LAW 18:Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

SLO #1 Legal Memoranda and Forms- Draft pleadings/memorandaincluding court forms in a mannersufficient for submission to theapplicable court.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2013-14 (Spring 2014)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 75% or above onthis SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. Pham

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the nature andconsequences of drafting language ina Will. (02/23/2017)Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 21 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law18 participated in and completed the assessment with 98%average. 75% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to comprehend thematerial and understand the components of a valid Will anddraft their own using appropriate legal language. Studentsuccess is based on the fact that faculty is teaching to thecourse outline and the proper course objectives are beingstressed. No adjustments to the SLO are necessary at thistime. However, given the high average on the assessment,the assessment itself will need to be re-evaluated to focusmore on students composing their own Will without the aidof a statutory Will template to ensure students understandthe nature and consequences of the drafting language.(04/25/2016)

Essay/Written Assignment - Writtenassignment for students to drafttheir own Will using the StatutoryWill template.

SLO #2 Providing Direct Assistance toAttorneys - Apply knowledge of thetheories of estate planning and theProbate Code in order to providedirect assistance to attorneysincluding research, client interviews,problem resolution and theexamination of ethics in the legalworkplace.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Spring 2015)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013Faculty Assessment Leader: V. Pham

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the theories ofestate planning. (02/23/2017)Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 21 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law18 participated in and completed the assessment with 77%average. 70% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to comprehend thematerial and understand the theories of estate planningand draft a professional business letter using appropriatelegal language. Student success is based on the fact thatfaculty is teaching to the course outline and the propercourse objectives are being stressed. No adjustments to theSLO are necessary at this time. (04/25/2016)

Essay/Written Assignment - Writtenassignment designed the evaluatestudents’ knowledge of the theoriesof estate planning.LAW 18 - LETTER DRAFTINGASSIGNMENT

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have called your(California) law office. They have noestate planning to date, and say theyare possibly interested in a Will orperhaps a Trust. They are uncertainif they need a Trust due to the size oftheir Estate. They have also heardabout “living wills,” and wonder ifthey should have one of those, too.They own a condominium, althoughthey currently have very little equity.

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Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Their total net worth isapproximately $450,000, and theysay they are concerned aboutinheritance taxes. They have threechildren, ages 3, 11, and 18.Your employer has asked you todraft a letter to the Smiths,addressing their concerns, and givingthem a brief description of thedocuments they asked about. Thisletter should includerecommendations on what, ifanything, they should do in the wayof estate planning, and why.It should be approximately one totwo pages, typed, double-spaced—as much or as little as youfeel is needed to cover the subject.Remember, your audience is theSmiths, so you want to be accurateand thorough, but also clear to theaverage reader.

SLO #3 Legal Comprehension -Understand and apply theories andprinciples of estate planning tointerpret and produce legaldocuments.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2015-16 (Spring 2016)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Essay/Written Assignment - Writtenassignment designed the evaluatestudents’ knowledge and applicationof the California Probate Code.LAW 18 – FAMILY TREE/INTESTACYASSIGNMENTDraw your family tree (usingMicrosoft Word or any othersoftware program) including linealancestors (through yourgrandparents) and collateralbloodline (through first cousins).Using the relevant sections of the

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Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

California Probate Code, indicatehow your estate (in portions, not byindividual assets) would bedistributed through intestatesuccession.How would a surviving spouseinherit? For community property?For separate property?How would surviving children andtheir issue inherit?

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. Pham

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the theories ofestate planning. (02/23/2017)Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 22 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law18 participated in and completed the assessment with 72%average. 70% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to comprehend thematerial and understand the theories of estate planning.Student success is based on the fact that faculty is teachingto the course outline and the proper course objectives arebeing stressed. No adjustments to the SLO are necessary atthis time. (05/02/2016)

Exam/Test/Quiz - Final examcomprised of multiple choice,true/false, and essay questiondesigned the evaluate students’knowledge and application of theCalifornia Probate Code.

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ECC: LAW 19:Law and Computers

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

SLO #1 Legal Memoranda and Forms- Draft pleadings/memorandaincluding court forms using legalspecific software.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Fall 2014)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Performance - Lab assignment whichassesses students’ knowledge andunderstanding of preparing courtforms using both standard officesoftware as well as specific legalsoftware.

SLO #2 Providing Direct Assistance toAttorneys - Apply knowledge of thelaw and related legal specificsoftware in order to provide directassistance to attorneys including casemanagement, time and billing anddocument management.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Spring 2015)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Performance - Lab assignment whichassesses students’ knowledge andunderstanding of preparing courtforms.

SLO #3 Legal Comprehension -Understand and apply theories andprinciples of the law to interpret andformulate legal documents using legalsoftware, word processing andspreadsheet software.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2015-16 (Spring 2016)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 70% or above onthis SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: N. McGrue

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate course material to ensurecurrency with prevailing legaltechnology that is available.(10/01/2016)Action Category: CurriculumChanges

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 18 students from the Spring 2016 section of Law19 participated in and completed the assessment with 81%average. 70% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to absorb thematerial, analyze the fact patterns and properly generatethe appropriate legal documents and client correspondenceusing legal software, word processing and spreadsheetsoftware. Student success is based on the fact that facultyis teaching to the course outline and the proper courseobjectives are being stressed. (09/01/2016)

Laboratory Project/Report - Labassignment which assesses students’knowledge and understanding ofpreparing court forms.

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ECC: LAW 20:Paralegal Seminar

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

SLO #1 Oral Presentations - Prepare amemorandum or an oral presentationfocused on ethics and/or law officemanagement.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2013-14 (Spring 2014)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 75% or above onthis SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. Pham

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the nature andconsequences of ethics in a legalenvironment. (02/16/2017)Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 12 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law20 participated in and completed the assessment with 92%average. 75% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to work together insmall groups, perform the relevant research and presenttheir results effectively. Student success is based on thefact that faculty is teaching to the course outline and theproper course objectives are being stressed. Noadjustments to the SLO are necessary at this time.(03/16/2016)

Presentation/Skill Demonstration -Ten minute group oral presentationthat required students to researchethical issues related to the legalfield and present their findings.

SLO #2 Providing Direct Assistance toAttorneys - Apply knowledge of thetheories of the law and legal servicesin order to provide direct assistanceto attorneys including research, clientinterviews, problem resolution andthe examination of ethics in the legalworkplace.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Spring 2015)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 75% or above onthis SLO.

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. Pham

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the nature andconsequences of ethics in a legalenvironment. (02/16/2017)Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 12 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law20 participated in and completed the assessment with 89%average. 75% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to research properbusiness letter formats, perform the relevant research anddraft professional business letters effectively. Studentsuccess is based on the fact that faculty is teaching to thecourse outline and the proper course objectives are beingstressed. No adjustments to the SLO are necessary at thistime. (03/23/2016)

Essay/Written Assignment -Students must draft a non-representational, representationalor close-out letter to a potential orformer client.

SLO #3 Legal Comprehension -Understand and apply theories andprinciples of the law to interpret legaldocuments.

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2015-16 (Spring 2016)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 11/08/2013

Standard and Target for Success: Itis expected that students willaverage scores of 75% or above onthis SLO.

Action: Law faculty need to re-evaluate assessment to ensurestudents understand the nature andconsequences of ethics in a legalenvironment. (02/16/2017)Action Category: SLO/PLOAssessment Process

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16(Spring 2016)Standard Met? : Standard MetA total of 12 students from the Spring 2016 course of Law20 participated in and completed the assessment with 86%average. 75% reflects acceptable achievement level. Thisdata suggests that students were able to apply their

Exam/Test/Quiz - Students took afinal exam which tested theirknowledge and application of legalethics in the workplace.

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Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

Faculty Assessment Leader: V. Pham

knowledge of legal ethics in the workplace effectively.Student success is based on the fact that faculty is teachingto the course outline and the proper course objectives arebeing stressed. No adjustments to the SLO are necessary atthis time. (05/04/2016)

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