Download - Asseln William Joan 1965 USA Indian

  • 8/13/2019 Asseln William Joan 1965 USA Indian


    r LN A G A O O O o JUNE 19 65Several times on our journey I have visited v/omen s groups and ansv/ered quest ion about

    o u r vrork a nd n e e d sGroups can do many th ings such as:

    making qui l t s and gather ing good used c lothing;gathering and v;rapping small a r t i c le s such as toys , small c lo th in g i tems,

    t o i l e t a r t i c l e s and Nev; Testaments fo r Chris tmas boxes;rais ing money for the annua l Thanksgiv ing dinners;gathering and sending canned and dried foods for grocery boxes;gathering a r t i c le s and mater ia ls su i tab le fo r handwork, such as sc i s sor sglue, col or ed paper , gl i t t e r pictures e tc

    Above a l l pray fo r us 1

    GOING HOMEAs I v;restle suitcases for the thousandth? time, I often think of when I can unpackour things and place xncm in our 6vyn Ibd ging.There are many things tugging homewardthe desire to again enjoy our temperate climate, the expected arrival of another Asseln, the most of al l , the desire to again be aboutthe Lord's business in the Puget Sound area.The Lord and His people have blessed us on our journey, and we are thankful, but weare looking forward to returning to Tacoma on June l6th, -Joan- ASSELN

    FOLLOV/ING THE V/EATHSRV/hile traveling we ate supper one evening a t Cherokee, lov/a and drove on. The nextday Cherokee v/as f looded,V/e spent several weeks in V/inona, Minnesota, on the Mississippi, Flood stage is 15feet, and the river reached almost 21 feet, but the people worked and erected dikes whichsaved- the city.17e vis ited relat ives in Minneapolis, Minnesota the day after tornadoes hit that area.One came v/ithin six blocks of my cousin's home,V/e have come through flood, drought and tornado and been in the midst of severe elect r ic storms, but . we praise God for our safety.

    A LITTLE SHORT _ _It has boen difficult to ansv/er questions concerning the results of our trip, becausemany congregations figure their budgets annually and may include our work in t he future.At tae present time v;e aro receiving 200 monthly, which only takes care of our personal expenses. Another ^p75 month is needed for housing, (Editor's Note: Since whenwould ?275 te a living vrage? For four people? Surely the churches can do better than thati )There are other expenses, such as materials and equipment for teaching, and correspondence. Please continue to pray for our needs. -Bill-ASSELN(Editor s Note: Asselns safely back to begin service June 15> after car throws rod in Illinois,BATSON'S BACK QOOOUhat is going to happen this summer? l-'any things are being looked fon-:ard t vrithgreat anticipation, ihere vrill be our regular Sunday morning and Thursday evening prayermeetings, ^meetings on Vashon Island, teaching tvro v:eeks in Daily Vacation Bible School,teaching in a week of Junior Girls camp, helping in a week of Family camp, these things andm a n y m o r eThis summer Asseln s, Donna Thompson, and myself vrill be trying to hold down the fortwhile the Augenstines are back east presenting the work of the Mission in various camps andhave a little time to visit v;ith relatives. I v;ould ask your prayers that we v/ill be-given the strength to carry on His work here and that the Augenstines may have an enjoyable,prosperous, and safe journey, Noralee- y ^ a t /\ /PUGST SOUl^ID CHRISTIAi\T H roiAI I MISSION D/1 I O Ly /V - PROFIT ORG1610 EAST URIGhTTACOMA, V/ASHIKGTO '] 984o4

    Nc-ncy Cor tel lBox 9^^Jol iot I l l inois

  • 8/13/2019 Asseln William Joan 1965 USA Indian





    TACOMA. WASHi 98404Juna 19^5

    njEEI^IGOURAGHOTTSkz we stopped to-pick up one of the famil ies this morning the mother came out to sayshe could not come as one of the sraaller children v;as i l l . She then asked if her daughter,(age 11 and a Christian just 6 months) could have some old S. S. materials. Each week thisyoung g i r l gathers in the children from the nei^jhborhood for Bible s t o r i e s choruses andmemory vrorkl

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    PHILOSOPHICAL ELMER SEZ: Shift less peopleseldom g e t i n t o high gear .

    To make 1 pound of honey.The bees v i s i t 62,000 clover blossomsThey make 2,700,000 t r i p sThey f l y 5*000,000 m i l e sThey beat t h e i r wings I90 t imes per

    s e c o n d

    And you say you're busy as a bee?Editor : Donald C, Augenstine

    V S O o o o

    I LOVE JESUS, HE LOVES MEBible Club is over for th e year Thirty-two children gathered on May 25th for the bigpicnic: potato salad, bc .::ed beans, sandvriches, ice cream, and cookiesl V/ith seconds andthirds for everyone- We thank God fo ; these young lives and pray the V/ord will increase intheir lives. Pray for them, that they migh^ feel i t in their hearts to go to their ownp e o p l e .

    WASHING, IRONING, MENDINGAnd I might add hitting the books These arc busy weeks as we prepare for a busy summer, preparing and making plans for the work vrhile \-ie are gone these next two months, V/eleave June 10th _fqx, the Midvrest where we v/ill be helping out in D.V.B.S, and camps. PrayI'or the v;ork and th e vmrkers here c-?nd a l s o for us as v/e t r a v e l .

    PRAISE HIMSome of you have known of the many ear infections our 11 year-old Joel has had thispast year. We finally got the last one cXoared up and then took him to an ear specialist.He advised an immediate ton&iloctomy so Joel got out of school early Surgery v/as this pastTuesday and we give thanks to the Great Physician for Joel's good health.MARRIED?No, i t was not Cheryl Augenstine who got married but a girl from one of the families inthe church. Our turn will surely come soon enovgh^ p/\J AUGENSTINEAs th e month goes by there are ten thousand things that pass through our minds that we v/antto share w ith you vrhen the paper comes out and then at t he deadl ine, . you guessed i t atotal blank. Some people have total recall and I have total forgetfullness. Beside our act ivi t ies with the Mission vm have been helping to get Pleasant Valley camp ready for i ts summer activities. I t s a rough it type of camp but our boys and girls enjoyed sharing thef a c i l i t i e s along v;ith the other churches of the area.V e are s t i l l in great need of your prayers in our building program. The Lord has openeddoors of opportunity but we need wisdom as to how to enter into them. [)0N AUGENSTINE

    S T .



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