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Assalamualaikum, hai and good morning. Today, I want to talk on what are the example activities can be done to foster the unity among undergraduates of diferent races and nationalities.As we all knows, our beloved country, Malaysia has always been well recognized globally for its multiracial society that lives happily and harmony.Actually, it is very important for us to strengthen unity in Malaysia to avoid a race riot that have been known happened in our country in 13 Mei 1969. So that, we dont not want this tragedy to happened again right?First of all, the most affective activity that can promotes the unity among races and nationality in our country is through the sports and games. In each game for instance, a Badminton Match in Piala Thomas that held every years, all the malysians in all different races sit in one stadium, support and cheers vigorously to our team, Malaysia. Its shows that the value of love to the country,respect and mostly unity can be create through the sports and games.Besides, the implemation of cultural value and heritage in daily life and also learn about langguages from another races is also one step in reaching the goals of unity.For instance, Indian student can wear Malay tradisional cloth such as baju kurung and Malay student can speak Chineese and chinese student can speak very well in Indian. its unique right? As we all known, flunce in multi language can open up a big job opportunity in international level and further strengthen the unity of the country.In a nutshell, its very important to maintain the love, respect and unity value not only among undergraduates but in all Malaysians heart. as a Malysians, we must respect the various different that exist in a multi racial society so that we can live in happly and harmony.