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Direct Response: Terms & References From Speakers

1. Managing a Website and its Content Speaker: Frank Heinz-

Terms:1) Site Branding- This is the process of setting the site apart from the Dallas News provided on other media. 2) User Generated Content (UGC) - Content uploaded by people who are members of the site. 3) Mood Ratings- Users are able to choose their mood when they read stories put on the site which is useful for the site managers to see how their user’s feelings are towards their choice of content.4) Mobile Applications- These applications make it possible for the site to send updates to user’s cell phones and to keep them informed about things they specifically care about. 5) Cache- When the media sees the first version of a story it sticks with them. 6) Matrix- The coding of each site. Is just a jumbled mess to someone who has no idea about coding.7) Data mining- Keeping data relevant to the site and getting rid of useless data in the code. 8) Trends- Reoccurring behaviors, feelings of users or potential users that give insight to site managers and designers about how to make the site better for these people. 9) Traffic- Amount of visitors that flow through the site.10) Metadata- Tag in the code of the web page.11) Unique Visitors- Sites main audience. Loyal, reoccurring users. 12) Page Views VS. Hits- When a user views the site just one time vs. when just click on and exit.13) “Above the fold”- The top of the site should include the most relevant eye catching information.14) Internet Sales- Ad space sold to make money for site.15) Content Code (CMS) - Content codeSites or Publications:1) Dallas News2) Dallas Business Journal3)

2. So You Want To Be a Blogger?Speaker: Tim MacMahon-

Terms:1) Driving Traffic- breaking news drives traffic2) Blogging- A continues feed of someone’s thoughts and informed opinions about issues of their choice. Can be daily or weekly posted full of true content and opinionated comments.

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3) Substance- Should be strong informed opinions to be successful, not just outrageous untrue statements. 4) Sports Blogging vs. Personal Blogging- Sports blogs are about a certain sport or sports team of a bloggers choice and should be written after games or big events in dealing with that team or its players. Personal blogging can be about any consistent topic of the bloggers choice. 5) Blogosphere- The community of bloggers where they can post their blogs and build their network.6) Beat Writer- Someone who creates a certain attitude through their writing and maintains it. For example Tim is a blunt, shockingly opinionated no matter what and very straight forward blogger. He doesn't mind pissing people off and is honest about the way he feels. 7) Sensational- Becoming popular and having loyal readers who care about what you’re saying. 8) Following- The amount of hits a blog gets. Hits, meaning amount of people who check it out. 9) Credentialing Bloggers- Being paid to blog by an organization10) Clips- articles, like a portfolio of writings to show potential employers. 11) Big Event Blogs- Like press releases without boundaries. Can be done instantly. Gets a press pass and to interview people apart of the game like players and then write his blog at and post asap.12) Steady Audience- Consistent readers of a certain blog. 13) Post- Usually three to five paragraphs long. 14) Chats- Interactive Journalism15) Interactive Journalism- He sits at practices or whatever event and chats with people on the internet about what is going on at the practice or whatever live. Very cool concept. Sites or Publications:1) Twitter2) deadspin.com3)

3. Email Campaigns & Lists Speaker: Laura McClendon-

Terms:1) Email Marketing- Informing consumer of products via email. Designing email to be most effective by putting most important information at the top.2) Creative Asset Development- Designing the email a certain way to be most effective and at a quality that will work on most computers.3) Email Broadcast System- Sending out emails in bulk to consumers.4) Can-SPAM- controlling the assault of no solicited porno and marketing act of 20035) Lists- are a list compiled of email addresses of certain consumers that can one compiled by the company from their consumers (best kind), purchased, or rented. 6) From/ Subject Line Ethics- these must be ethical and short yet effective. 7) Commercial Advertising- Advertising company that designs advertisements for companies.

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8) Opt-Out Mechanism- a link for people to click when they want to stop the emails from being sent to their inbox.9) Coding- makes it an html document.10) Text Backing-a simple document of your text11) Small File Size- 10kb or less12) Email Database List Types- Customer, Rented, Purchased, B2B, ect. 13) Tracking and Tracking Software- who clicked and how many times and software is used to track emails. Measures “unique opens” and total “opens” as well as “clicks.”14) Hard Bounce- the person will never receive your email15) Soft Bounce- something non-permanent went wrong like the mailbox was fullSites or Publications:1) Emailexperience.org2) the-dma.org3)

4. Databases & Direct Marketing and what a Direct Agency DoesSpeaker: Jodi Williamson- www.epsilon.comTerms: 1) Database- customer information compiled into one place for marketers to use for database marketing strategies and for building better direct campaigns. 2) Blue-Chip Brands-Big brands who have been successful with Social Media Marketing.3) Direct Marketing Services- Company that aids in building a campaign that provides effective direct communications to clients target audience. 4) Email Marketing- Emails that are sent to consumers who have in some way shown to be interested in the product being marketed to them with a goal of receiving a direct response of some type from the consumer. 5) Cost-Per-Dollar Raised- Fundraisers use this for direct mail Ex. “Life Time Value”6) Relationship Marketing (CRM) - Using data and knowledge about that target audience to create a sustained form of communication with clients.7) Customer Life Cycle- awareness-acquisition-growth-retention-loyalty. Understanding the relationship of your brand with the client.8) Cost Per Gain (CPG) - Amount of money it takes to make a profit. 9) Data-Driven Approach- Marketing technique that is developed through the insight gained through primary research done by analyzing consumer data. 10) Direct Marketing Value- When you effectively communicate your message with the consumer through direct marketing you have more response from consumers and save money since you are not sending message to people who are uninterested. 11) Communication Map- Who gets what message and when. A visual of the different ways you can communicate your message with a person throughout a given day depending on the consumer. Ex) Map of different channels available to a student… billboards on the way to school, backpacks, T-shirts ect. 12) Analytics- Analyzing your target audience from the data you have. Who are they what are their behaviors, can you segment them, and how will you measure success or track reports? Important for your database to function and for management.

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13) Measure- Develop a test design of database and explain how you will use it with primary research. Shows where clients money is being put to use. Insights and recommendations can be given to make improvements. “Good ROI” depends on client.14) Data Hygiene- Cleaning the data in the database by merging, purging, and duplicate information elimination. Updating data regularly and address standardization is important. The more correct information is the more resourceful the database is. Very important. 15) Scans- Devices that make it easier to store information. Ex. Tickets at football game.Sites or Publications:1) Netprospects.com2) alliancedata.com3) – Very useful website with lots of content that is helpful for project. 4)

5. Web Design, Development, Analytics, SEO, and Pay-Per-Click Social MediaSpeakers: Jason Burgess and Anthony Zapata- www.yellow7.comTerms:1) Online Marketing- Marketing techniques done through online channels such as; social media, SEO, Consumer generated, email, and direct interactive ect. 2) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Making your information the most relevant site with best content. 3) Pull VS. Push Marketing- Pull: You are already interested. Push: Traditional media4) IP Address- domain age and by what your searching for5) Google Keywords Campaign- It is important to know what key words will attract our target audience to visit our site and stay6) Organic Ads- unpaid, un-manupulated content7) Unpaid vs. Paid Ads- Paid are at the very top and on the left 8) Web Host and Host Providers- Make it so your website will be seen 24/7 no matter what.9) Click Fraud- When competitors of a company click on their paid ads repeatedly to drive up their ad costs. Not common now because Google monitors this.10) Ad Variations- Different types of your ad. Online ads are easy to adjust vs. print ads. Key is to drive qualified traffic. 11) Direct Traffic- anyone specifically going to your URL.12) Content Network- If you’re in one you have an agreement with Google to let them advertise you on any site. 13) Pay-Per-Click campaign- advertiser gets paid based on the amount of people that click on the advertisement.14) Geo-targeted- Targeting people in a certain geographic area. 15) Conversion Rate- Anything from a .5 to an 8.0 is good. It shows the progress your “pay per click” campaign is making on Google. Sites or Publications:1) Wordpress.com2) networksolutions.com3)

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6. Combining Database Research Marketing, Direct Mail, Print on Demand and Online Service into One Business VentureSpeakers: Ken Murphy and Art the Programmer- www.arkentechnology.comTerms:1) Postage Rating- Controlled by the US post offices 2) Print-on-Demand- a machine that prints things when you need them. Saves money with printing costs.3) Laser Printer- Printer that uses a laser instead of a roller to print items 4) Cost of Product Selling- Amount of money for material, design, etc.5) Direct Mail Packages- postcards, envelopes, high color, larger the size the easier to get6) PURLs- Personalized URLs It is on post cards7) Response percentage VS. Percent of Response- Not everyone looks at mail pieces8) Programmer- supports marketing campaigns, builds databases, analyses marketing data9) Pre-Sorting- you do the post office’s job for them and they won’t charge as much10) N.C.O.A- National Change of Address Association11) New Mover Program- mail that reaches new movers12) Touch points- how many times your message was delivered to your target13) Multimedia Portal- one of their problems is marketing themselves because they are a very different company14) Co-Op- Group of companies that combine money and interests into one marketing campaign15) “Cash Flow the Product”- The way Arken collects the money to cover their costs.Sites or Publications:1) Satarisoftware.com2) USPS.org3)

7. The Latest in Online MarketingSpeaker: Mike Heronime- Terms:1) Social Networking- Facebook, MySpace, twitter, etc2) Digital Media- social networks, web based media. The future of advertising.3) Consumer generated Market- Products are now controlled by consumer opinion. Today consumers of products are the number one advertisers and marketers of them.4) Widgets- Interactive marketing apps on your screen.5) Socialnomics- The economics of social media marketing and digital media success.6) Internet Audience- anyone with internet access7) Online Video Channels- and online TV channel for a brand8) Search Marketing- SEO Marketing. Depends on site content. 9) iphone aps- interact with iphone users10) Augmented Reality- works with video cameras on your computer11) Interaction Marketing- Levi website “go forth”, trivial pursuit: guys vs. girls

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12) Permission based Marketing- brands involved are successful13) Interactive Media- Example is the program that allows you to interact with products using a piece of paper and the software on your computer with a video camera.14) Internet TV- Online TV channel for a brand. Example is BMW where you can get on their site and watch TV as long as you want about that specific brand or you can watch commercials professional or consumer created. 15) Consumer created content- Content about the product that consumers created and put on the web. Example is Skittles site shows all consumers created content from each social media outlet. Sites or Publications:1) Media Post2) Slideshare.net3) Interactive Media