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    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning

    Implementation and User's Guide Supplement

    Release 12.1

    Part No. E26758-01

    December 2011

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    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement, Release 12.1

    Part No. E26758-01

    Copyright 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    Primary Author: Tom Myers

    Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of

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    Send Us Your Comments


    1 Asset Intensive Planning

    Integration with Oracle Enterprise Asset Management...........................................................1-1

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    Send Us Your Comments

    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement, Release12.1

    Part No. E26758-01

    Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document.

    Your feedback is important, and helps us to best meet your needs as a user of our products. For example:

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    Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that you have the latest version of the

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    Intended Audience

    Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementationand User's Guide Supplement.

    Casual User and Implementer

    See Related Information Sources on page viifor more Oracle E-Business Suite product


    Documentation Accessibility

    For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle

    Accessibility Program website at

    Access to Oracle Support

    Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For

    information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

    Structure1 Asset Intensive Planning

    Related Information Sources

    This book is included on the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library, which is

    supplied in the Release 12.1 Media Pack. You can download soft-copy documentation

    as PDF files from the Oracle Technology Network at

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    viii The Oracle E-Business Suite

    Release 12.1 Documentation Library contains the latest information, including any

    documents that have changed significantly between releases. If substantial changes to

    this book are necessary, a revised version will be made available on the "virtual"

    documentation library on My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink).

    If this guide refers you to other Oracle E-Business Suite documentation, use only thelatest Release 12.1 versions of those guides.

    Integration Repository

    The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service

    endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a

    complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets

    users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for

    integration with any system, application, or business partner.

    The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your

    instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriatefor the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

    You can navigate to the Oracle Integration Repository through Oracle E-Business Suite

    Integrated SOA Gateway.

    Online Documentation

    All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).

    Online Help- Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.

    PDF Documentation- See the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library forcurrent PDF documentation for your product with each release. The Oracle

    E-Business Suite Documentation Library is also available on My Oracle Support and

    is updated frequently.

    Release Notes- For information about changes in this release, including new

    features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant

    product, available on My Oracle Support.

    Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manual -The Oracle Electronic Technical

    Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of

    database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle E-Business Suite

    product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applicationsand integrate Oracle E-Business Suite data with non-Oracle applications, and write

    custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available

    on My Oracle Support.

  • 8/10/2019 Ascpug Supp



    Oracle Daily Business Intelligence Online Help

    This guide is provided as online help only from the BIS application and includes

    information about intelligence reports, Discoverer workbooks, and the Performance

    Management Framework. It describes a reporting framework that senior managers and

    executives can use to see a daily summary of their businesses. Supply chainprofessionals use Oracle Supply Chain Intelligence to monitor supply chain

    performance in the areas of manufacturing and distribution operations (product gross

    margin, annualized inventory turns, inventory value), fulfillment (lines shipped, lines

    shipped late, value shipped, book-to-ship days, current past due value), shipping (lines

    shipped, lines shipped late, value shipped, change in lines shipped, change in lines

    shipped late, change in value shipped), and order management (product bookings,

    current backlog, book to fulfill ratio, average line value, average discount, return rate).

    Related Guides

    You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirementsof your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.

    Integrating Oracle Transportation Management with Oracle E-Business Suite

    This guide describes how to integrate Oracle Transportation Management with the

    Oracle e-Business Suite

    Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center User's Guide

    This guide describes Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center. It unifies all the

    Advanced Planning applications, such as Demand Management, Real-Time Sales andOperations Planning, Strategic Network Optimization, Advanced Supply Chain

    Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning, and Inventory Optimization. It provides

    a unified user interface and a single repository for all data. Its flexibility allows users to

    access data from external supply chain planning applications and make it available for

    reporting and analysis within a unified user interface based on Oracle Business

    Intelligence - Enterprise Edition (OBI-EE).

    Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

    This guide describes how to create various bills of materials to maximize efficiency,

    improve quality and lower cost for the most sophisticated manufacturing

    environments. By detailing integrated product structures and processes, flexible

    product and process definition, and configuration management, this guide enables you

    to manage product details within and across multiple manufacturing sites.

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    Oracle Business Intelligence System Implementation Guide

    This guide provides information about implementing Oracle Business Intelligence (BIS)

    in your environment.

    Oracle Collaborative Planning Implementation and User's Guide

    This guide describes the information that you need to understand and use Oracle

    Collaborative Planning to communicate, plan, and optimize supply and demand

    information for trading partners across the supply chain.

    Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul User's Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle Complex

    Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul.

    Oracle Configurator Developer User Guide

    This guide contains product documentation for the Oracle Configurator Developer user,

    including an appendix of information about Oracle Configurator runtime user interface

    behavior. It describes how to build a configuration model by adding Model structure,

    defining rules, and creating a UI.

    Oracle Configurator Modeling Guide

    This guide contains important suggestions and best practices for designing a Model for

    optimal performance in a runtime Oracle Configurator.

    Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle Cost


    Oracle Demand Planning User's Guide

    This guide describes how to use Oracle Demand Planning, an Internet-based solution

    for creating and managing forecasts.

    Oracle Demand Signal Repository User's Guide

    Oracle Demand Signal Repository is used by manufacturers to collect detailed retailer

    point-of-sale and other demand data, and to analyze the data to identify issues and

    opportunities. Typical retail data sources include daily point-of-sale, on-hand

    inventory, store orders and receipts, distribution center withdrawals, returns, store

    promotions, and sales forecasts.

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    Oracle Demantra Demand Management User's Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle Demantra

    Demand Management.

    Oracle Demantra Implementation Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to implement Oracle Demantra


    Oracle Demantra Sales and Operations Planning User's Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle Demantra

    Sales and Operations Planning.

    Oracle Demantra User's GuideThis guide describes the foundation information you need to understand and use

    Oracle Demantra products.

    Oracle Enterprise Asset Management User's Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle Enterprise

    Asset Management to plan, schedule, and track the costs of asset maintenance.

    Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide

    This guide describes how to use Oracle's Flow Manufacturing functionality to supportthe processes of flow manufacturing. It describes design features of demand

    management, line design and balancing, and Kanban planning. It also describes

    production features of line scheduling, production, and running Kanban.

    Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User's Guide

    This guide describes how to use Oracle Global Order Promising for sophisticated, fast,

    accurate, and flexible order promising.

    Oracle Inventory Optimization User's Guide

    This guide describes the comprehensive Internet-based inventory planning solution that

    enables you to determine when and where to hold your inventories across the supply

    chain to achieve the desired customer service levels.

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    Oracle Inventory User's Guide

    This guide describes how to define items and item information, perform receiving and

    inventory transactions, maintain cost control, plan items, perform cycle counting and

    physical inventories, and set up Oracle Inventory.

    Oracle iSupplier Portal User's Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle iSupplier


    Oracle Manufacturing APIs and Open Interfaces Manual

    This manual contains up-to-date information about integrating with other Oracle

    Manufacturing applications and with your other systems. This documentation includes

    APIs and open interfaces found in Oracle Manufacturing.

    Oracle Manufacturing Operations Center Implementation Guide

    Oracle Manufacturing Operations Center enables planners to monitor and improve

    plant performance by analyzing plant floor data. It uses manufacturing operations data

    to generate reports and monitor production performance in real time.

    Oracle Order Management Suite APIs and Open Interfaces Manual

    This manual contains up-to-date information about integrating with other Oracle

    Manufacturing applications and with your other systems. This documentation includes

    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and open interfaces found in the OracleOrder Management Suite.

    Oracle Order Management User's Guide

    This guide describes the necessary information that you need to use and comprehend

    Oracle Order Management.

    Oracle Process Manufacturing Implementation Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle Process


    Oracle Process Manufacturing Planning User's Guide

    This guide describes the information you need to understand and use to integrate

    Oracle Process Manufacturing with the Oracle Advanced Planning suite.

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    Oracle Production Scheduling Implementation Guide

    This guide describes how to use Production Scheduling to create detailed finite capacity

    and materially constrained optimized production schedules to drive shop floor

    operations and material planning.

    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

    This guide describes the unique set of features that Oracle Project Manufacturing

    provides for a project-based manufacturing environment. Oracle Project Manufacturing

    can be tightly integrated with Oracle Projects. However, in addition to Oracle Projects

    functionality, Oracle Project Manufacturing provides a comprehensive set of new

    features to support project sales management, project manufacturing costing, project

    manufacturing planning, project manufacturing performance, and project quality


    Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Manual

    This manual describes the setup steps and implementation for Oracle Project


    Oracle Projects Fundamentals

    This guide describes the foundation information you need to understand and use

    Oracle Projects.

    Oracle Purchasing User's GuideThis guide describes the information that you need to understand and use OraclePurchasing.

    Oracle Service Parts Planning Implementation and User Guide

    Oracle Service Parts Planning is used by repair service operations to ensure that the

    right parts are available at the right locations and at the right times, in usable condition.

    It allows planners to forecast and manage the distribution of individual parts in the

    most efficient manner possible.

    Oracle Shipping Execution User's GuideThis guide describes the information you need to understand and use Oracle Shipping


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    Oracle Strategic Network Optimization Implementation Guide

    This guide describes how to use Strategic Network Optimization to model and optimize

    your supply chain network, from obtaining raw materials through delivering end


    Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

    This guide describes how Oracle Work in Process provides a complete production

    management system. Specifically, this guide describes how discrete, repetitive,

    assemble-to-order, project, flow, and mixed manufacturing environments are


    Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

    This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize

    existing Oracle E-Business Suite-embedded workflow processes. It also describes howto define and customize business events and event subscriptions.

    Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

    Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data

    Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data

    unless otherwise instructed.

    Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and

    maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as

    SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity ofyour data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.

    Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an

    Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify

    Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you

    may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.

    If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous

    information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.

    When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite

    automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps

    track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using

    database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track whohas changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a

    record of changes.

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    Asset Intensive Planning 1-1

    1Asset Intensive Planning

    Integration with Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

    The purpose of this functionality is to plan asset intensive maintenance.

    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning considers the preventative maintenance

    activities managed in Oracle Enterprise Asset Management and generates the supply

    chain plan for both rebuildable and consumable items. The Oracle Enterprise Asset

    Management Maintenance Scheduler considers factors to the maintenance effort that

    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning does not consider, for example, usage, meter

    readings, and calendar days.

    Process Overview

    Rebuildable items (rebuildables) are assets that you install, remove, overhaul, and

    reinstall, for example, engines, control boxes, and computer boards. Other components

    that you remove, discard, and replace are consumables.

    Maintenance activities, for example, inspection, overhaul, lubrication, repair, servicing,

    and cleaning, are the templates of work orders. The activities have an activity structure

    the material requirements (maintenance bill of material) and operations and resource

    requirements (activity routing) that you need to perform the maintenance.

    You associate activities with assets.

    The preventative maintenance scheduler uses asset and rebuildable utilization meters

    and associated activities to forecast maintenance work orders (budget forecast

    template). The maintenance work orders forecast the material, resource, and budgetary

    requirements to maintain the assets for the budget horizon.

    You can also create routine work orders and easy work orders manually. Oracle Quality

    and Oracle Service create work orders as well.

    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning:

    Collects the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management maintenance work orders

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    1-2 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement

    Plans repair work orders for rebuildable items and purchase requisitions for

    consumable items

    When you release repair work orders:

    The material and labor associated with the activity becomes part of the work orders.

    They pass to Oracle Production Scheduling for execution.

    Collect Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Rebuildable Activity Structures

    Assets have Asset Type of Rebuildable Inventory.

    Rebuildable items have:

    Item attribute Inventory Item selected

    User Item Type of Asset Activity

    The activity is the type of maintenance activity you are performing.

    The collections process collects items from Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

    with asset-activity type.

    The planning process plans the asset items, and you specify the activities associated

    with an asset in item attribute Rebuild Activity.

    You define values for activities on the source in Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

    and in the destination in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. Oracle recommends

    the values be the same in both places.

    The activity structure from Oracle Enterprise Asset Management becomes the OracleAdvanced Supply Chain Planning repair structure.

    Collect Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Production Work Orders

    The process uses net change collections.

    The process collects into order types:

    Maintenance Work Order

    Maintenance Work Order Demand

    The work orders item in Oracle Enterprise Asset Management is the activity item. In

    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning, the work order item becomes the related

    inventory item of:

    For assets, Asset Group

    For rebuildables, Rebuildable Item

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    Asset Intensive Planning 1-3

    The process collects work order with these statuses:



    On Hold

    Pending Scheduling


    The process collects these Oracle Enterprise Asset Management work order attributes:

    Rebuild or Asset Activity: The maintenance activity being executed.

    Produces to Stock: Asset work orders do not make supply, rebuildable work orders

    make supply.

    Class Code: The expense accounts for the work.

    Maintenance Plan: The forecast name of the budget forecast that this work order

    belongs to

    Activity Type: The type of maintenance activity performed


    Project: Project and task

    Collect Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Forecasted Work Orders

    Oracle Enterprise Asset Management forecasted work orders occur:

    In forecast sets

    When the maintenance planner assigns preventative maintenance schedules to

    assets/activities and rebuildables/activities. From these come projected material,

    resource and budget requirements.

    The process collects them in to the same order types and collects the same work order

    attributes as the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management production work orders.

    You can control this collection with these parameters

    EAM Forecast: To collect them, select Yes

    Start Date

    End Date

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    1-4 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement

    Oracle recommends that you collect forecasted orders at least up to the Oracle

    Advanced Supply Chain Planning planning horizon.

    Make Resource Unavailable

    The collections process determines shut down times of the production resources thatcorrespond to the assets.

    Asset and Production Resource Link

    Equipment items are resources. You can link an asset to an equipment item.

    You identify an equipment item by:

    In Oracle Enterprise Asset Management, Asset Number,. You do not identify it by

    Equipment Item nor Serial Number

    In Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning, Resource Code

    Shutdown Type

    The process knows if it needs to make a resource unavailable to the production

    scheduling engine by looking at attribute Shutdown Type.

    If it is:

    Required, the resource is not available

    Not required, the resource is available

    You can enter Shutdown Type against work orders and operations:

    If you enter Required for a work order, the process ignores operation Shutdown

    Type and makes all resources available or unavailable for the time of the workorder

    If you enter Not Required for a work order, the process ignores work order

    Shutdown Type and makes each resource available or unavailable according to

    operation Shutdown Type for the time of its operation

    The shutdown duration is from Scheduled Start Date to Scheduled Completion Date. If

    the work order has started, the resource unavailability starts on Actual Start Date.

    To load the production resource corresponding to the asset that you are maintaining,

    the process creates dummy maintenance work orders:

    Their work order numbers end with R

    They are firm

    They have no components

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    Asset Intensive Planning 1-5

    They can span the time of more than one Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

    work orders, for example, one for battery change and one for daily maintenance

    Specify Subinventory Part Condition

    To store rebuildables:

    Use a nettable subinventory with a name that identifies defective material.

    Set the subinventory Default Status Locator

    Mark Condition Type in Oracle Service Parts Planning as Defective

    Use one of these as subinventory Default Status Locator


    Unserviceable: Not Available for Netting, ATP and Reservations

    MRB Review

    QC Hold


    Derive Removals from Work Orders

    Oracle Enterprise Asset Management has maintenance work orders and Oracle

    Advanced Supply Chain Planning creates planned repair work orders for rebuildable


    Any of their components that are repairable might be defective.

    Since you need to remove defective parts, the component requirements are also the

    removal forecast.

    To mark a component as repairable, set destination-only item attribute Repair Module

    to either EAM or CMRO. The value specifies which module manages the item's


    To instruct Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning to derive the removal forecast, set

    plan option Derive Returns Forecast from Work Order to Yes.

    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning explodes the maintenance bill of material toget the components of the maintenance work orders.

    It includes scrap and yield rates, see Generating Planned Repair Orders.

    The removal forecast is grouped by item, organization, and date.

    Inter-org Transfers of Removals

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    1-6 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement

    For Transfer to sourcing rules, make a sourcing rule for defective parts and a different

    one for usable parts. These rules mean the condition of the removal after you complete

    the operation. Specify the condition that the sourcing rule applies to in assignment set


    This routes the defective part to a different repair location than the usable parts.

    Forecast Preventative Maintenance Plans

    Each Oracle Enterprise Asset Management work order has attribute Maintenance Plan

    with values:

    Production for the production work orders

    for the budget forecast work orders

    for Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul

    simulation sets

    In Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning, to select the work orders for the planning

    process to use, select them in plan option Maintenance Work Orders.

    Model Repair Operations

    The Repair at sourcing rule is to repair defective items at that organization.

    You make this rule at the destination organization.

    In the assignment set, assign the rule to either:



    The item comes from the repair as useable; set Condition to Usable.

    To repair them somewhere else, use Transfer to sourcing rule at the source



    The planning process uses items in:

    Usable subinventories as sources for good items

    Defective subinventories as sources of defective items to repair into usable items

    Make at orders have demands for usable components.

    Repair orders have demands for usable and defective components.

    Plan Types

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    Asset Intensive Planning 1-7

    You can plan repair orders only in constrained plans

    The repair may be constrained by part availability and repair capacity..

    Set profile option MSC: Enable Advanced Constrain to Yes.

    In Plan Option > Constraints tab, select constrain mode Constrained (Without Detailed


    You cannot use batch plan or online replan planning modes.

    Order Types

    The planning process uses these order types for repair orders:

    Planned Repair Work Orders: Repair recommendations generated by Oracle

    Advanced Supply Chain Planning. They generate supply.

    Maintenance Work Orders: The work orders collected from Oracle Enterprise Asset

    Management for maintenance work orders. They generate supply if Activity Type

    is Rebuild.

    Maintenance Work Order Demand: The work order demand collected from Oracle

    Enterprise Asset Management for maintenance work orders. Component demand

    for usable components

    Defective Part Demand: A component requirement for a defective of the item on the

    repair work order.

    Returns Forecast: The planning process computes these if you instruct it to in the

    plan options. Otherwise, feed it to the plan as a supply schedule. It nets against

    Defective Part Demand.

    Defective On-Hand: The on-hand of available material in defective subinventories.

    It nets against Defective Part Demand.

    Defectives In-Transit: Defective parts that have been shipped but not received. It

    nets against Defective Part Demand.

    Projected Available Balance (Defective): The defective parts available at the end of

    each period. Defective parts available at the start of the period - Demands within

    the period + Returns within the period.

    Generate Planned Repair OrdersRepair orders are similar to make orders except:

    Their sourcing is Repair at

    The defective item is a component

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    1-8 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement

    The usable item is the assembly

    The repair structure dos not have the defective component in it; the planning process

    creates it when it sees a Repair at sourcing rule.

    If there is no repair structure, the planning process creates a repair work order without


    The process calculates the lead time from the routing.. If there is no routing, it uses the

    value in item attribute Repair Lead Time. You can enter lead time in a simulation set as


    Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning plans the due date of components according

    to their offset percents. It loads the defective component to the first operation.

    It plans resources by their offset percents.

    The process plans for substitute components and alternate bills of material and


    If you mark an asset as an outsourced assembly and a buy item, the planning engineplans a buy order against your manufacturing partner.

    If you transfer your defective parts to other organizations for repair, the planning

    process plans the transfers.

    Repair / Purchase Decision

    You can assign sourcing rules to model your repair/purchase business model. For


    Give Repair at a higher sourcing priority than Buy from

    If the plan cannot meet demands on time by repair, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain

    Planning creates a planned purchase requisition.

    Repair Scrap and Yield

    If you scrap some of the repairable components before putting them into subinventory,

    enter the rate in destination-only item-org attribute Scrap Rate.

    If you ruin some of the repairable components during the repair process, enter the rate

    in item attribute Repair Yield or in a simulation set.

    The quantity of the repairable component is [Work order quantity * (1 Scrap Rate) *

    Repair Yield].

    These do not apply to the consumable components; they use the make component scrap

    and yield item attributes.

    Project Manufacturing Integration

    The planning process links the maintenance work order to a project and task.

    Buy orders that the process associatse with the work order have the same project and

    task reference.

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    Asset Intensive Planning 1-9

    The project cost collector process passes these costs to the work order's project work in

    process accounts, rather than the accounts associated with the asset or organization.

    Use Planner Workbench

    In Planner Workbench, the repair order types display similarly to the make order types.There are fields unique to repair orders.

    Supply, Demand, Supply/Demand, On Hand

    In these context windows, you can see these attributes and filter on them:

    Part Condition

    Produce to Stock

    Rebuild or Asset Activity

    Class Code

    Maintenance Plan

    Activity Type


    You can see planned repair work orders, look upstream and downstream, and see

    demand and supply pegging.

    A repair work order for a rebuildable item pegs:

    Up to a repair work order for the asset

    Down to demands (material requirements) for its defective state as well as its


    If one of its components is repairable as well, to a demand and planned work order

    against the repairable component

    Down to demands (material requirements) for the repairable component's defective

    state as well as its consumables

    In Properties you can see Class Code and Asset Group

    Horizontal PlanYou can see these order types:

    Planned Repair Work Orders

    Maintenance Work Orders

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    1-10 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement

    Defective Part Demand

    Returns Forecast

    Defective On-Hand

    Defectives In-Transit

    Projected Available Balance (Defective)

    You can select them in the preferences as well.

    Horizontal Resource Plan

    You can see resources used in these order types:

    Planned Repair Work Orders

    Maintenance Work Orders

    You can select them in the preferences as well.

    Vertical Plan

    You can see these order types:

    Planned Repair Work Orders

    Maintenance Work Orders

    Defective Part Demand

    Returns Forecast

    Defective On-Hand

    Defectives In-Transit

    Projected Available Balance (Defective)

    Process Exception Messages

    You see the Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning exception messages against repair

    orders and some exception messages unique to repair orders as well.

    The planning engine treats these orders as firm and does not reschedule them due to

    resource overload or late demand replenishment.

    Exception Details

    You can see Part Condition.

    Non-Rebuild Activity Types

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    Asset Intensive Planning 1-11

    Since these repair orders have neither repair structure nor nettable supply, you see

    exception messages only for Material and Resource Capacity Exception Group.

    Repair Work Order Exception Messages

    Exception messages unique to repair orders are:

    Late replenishment to maintenance work order demand

    Maintenance work order resource overload

    Late replenishment to maintenance work order demand Exception Message

    The planning process issues this exception message in a constrained plan when the

    supplies for a maintenance work order demand (Demand Satisfied Date) are due later

    than the maintenance work order demand date (Schedule Date). The demand satisfied

    date is the latest due date of the supplies pegged directly to the demand.

    The information displayed for this exception message is:


    End Item


    Work Order Number


    Due Date: For the supply order

    Demand Date

    Days Late: Due date - Demand date

    Maintenance work order resource overload Exception Message

    The planning process issues this exception message when both of these occur in a

    planning time bucket:

    The required capacity is more than the available capacity

    The load ratio is more than the exception set over-utilization. Load ration is

    (Required capacity / Available capacity) * 100.

    The information displayed for this exception message is:

    Work Order Number


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    1-12 Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement



    Start Constraint Date: The start date of the planning time bucket in which the

    resource is overloaded, not the start date of the activity.

    End Constraint Date: The start date of the last planning time bucket in which the

    resource is overloaded, not the end date of the activity. While the overload remains

    the same, the planning engine uses the same exception message

    Overload: Required capacity - Available capacity

    Release Planned Repair Orders

    When you release Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning planned repair work orders

    for items with item attribute Repair Module set to EAM:

    They become unreleased maintenance orders in Oracle Enterprise Asset

    Management against the organization where you create maintenance work orders

    The maintenance planner assigns a rebuildable item instance to them and releases


    You release them in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning the same way that you

    release Make at work orders.

    You can update these attributes as well:

    Rebuild Activity

    Repair Module, if you specified an item simulation set in the plan options.

    Transfer to orders create an internal sales order / internal requisition pair.

    The planner can specify substitute components and alternate bills of material and


    If you mark an asset as an outsourced assembly and a buy item, the process raises a

    purchase requisition against your manufacturing partner.

    Buy orders that you create and associate with a work order have the same project and

    task reference as the work order.

    Set Up Production Scheduling Plan Options

    If you schedule the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management maintenance work orders, set

    up the Oracle Production Scheduling plan options.

    Attend to these plan options related to Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

    maintenance work orders.

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    Asset Intensive Planning 1-13

    These are in the Scope tab:

    Consider EAM Schedule: Select to import Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

    work orders. Not applicable to Oracle Process Manufacturing and Oracle Shop

    Floor Management.

    Include Past Due EAM Work Orders: The number of days to import past due workorders.

    Include Past Due Supplies: Enter the same value as Include Past Due EAM Work


    In the Schedule Parameters tab, select Enable Supply Tolerance Offset.

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