Download - As 400 Question Bank


Question Bank


Cognizant Academy

C2 - Protected

103167: To be filled out by CC

Question Framing Guidelines


Target Audience

About Bloom's Taxonomy

What are these Categories ?

observation and recall of information

knowledge of dates, events, places

knowledge of major ideas

mastery of subject matter

Question Cues:

understanding information

grasp meaning

translate knowledge into new context

interpret facts, compare, contrast

order, group, infer causespredict consequences

Question Cues:

use information

use methods, concepts, theories in new situations

solve problems using required skills or knowledge

Questions Cues:

Cognizant Academy would be using the Blooms Taxonomy for categorizing and building Question banks to assess the skill level of associates.The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. There are six major categories, which are listed in order below, starting from the simplest behavior to the most complex. The categories can be thought of as degrees of difficulties. That is, the first one must be mastered before the next one can take place.

Any associate who has taken up the responsibility to contribute his/her learning for the benefit of a wider audience in Cognizant by means of Question bank creation ( the means to measure and benckmark the skill levels of our associates.

Benjamin Bloom created this taxonomy for categorizing level of abstraction of questions that commonly occur in educational settings. The taxonomy provides a useful structure in which to categorize test questions, based on which one can plan the skill assessment strategies.

Knowledge : Recall of data.

list, define, tell, describe, identify, show, label, collect, examine, tabulate, quote, name, who, when, where, knows, labels, lists, matches, names, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states. etc.

Comprehension: Understand the meaning, translation, interpolation, and interpretation of instructions and problems. State a problem in one's own words. Examples: Rewrites the principles of test writing. Explain in one’s own words the steps for performing a complex

task. Translates an equation into a computer spreadsheet.

summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate, differentiate, discuss, extend ,comprehends, converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends, generalizes, gives examples, infers, interprets, paraphrases, predicts, rewrites, summarizes, translates.

Application: Use a concept in a new situation or unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies what was learned in the classroom.

Examples: Using a manual to calculate or Apply laws of statistics to evaluate .

seeing patterns

organization of parts

recognition of hidden meanings

identification of components

Question Cues:

use old ideas to create new ones

generalize from given facts

relate knowledge from several areas

predict, draw conclusions

Question Cues:

compare and discriminate between ideas

assess value of theories, presentations

make choices based on reasoned argument

verify value of evidence

recognize subjectivity

Question Cues

* Adapted from: Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives

What are the difficulty levels ?

Application: Use a concept in a new situation or unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies what was learned in the classroom.

apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, show, solve, examine, modify, relate, change, classify, experiment, discover

Analysis :Separates material or concepts into component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. Distinguishes between facts and inferences.

Examples: Troubleshoot a piece of equipment by using logical deduction. Recognize logical fallacies in reasoning. Gathers information from a department and selects the required tasks for training.

analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select, explain, infer, breaks down, contrasts, diagrams, deconstructs, differentiates, discriminates, distinguishes, identifies, illustrates, infers, outlines, relates, selects, separates.

Synthesis: Builds a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure.

Examples: Write a operations or process manual. Design a solution to perform a specific task. Integrates training from several sources to solve a problem. Revises and process to improve the outcome.

combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, what if?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite, categorizes, combines, compiles, composes, creates, devises, designs, explains, generates, modifies, organizes, plans, rearranges, reconstructs, relates, reorganizes, revises, rewrites, summarizes, tells, writes.

Evaluation : Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials.

Examples: Select the most effective solution. Explain and justify a new idea/design.assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, discriminate, support, conclude, compare, summarize,appraises, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes, critiques, defends, describes, discriminates, evaluates, explains, interprets, justifies, relates, summarizes, supports.

The degree of complexity of each question is identified using three identifiers namely, Easy, Average and Difficult


Target Audience

About Bloom's Taxonomy

What are these Categories ?

observation and recall of information

knowledge of dates, events, places

knowledge of major ideas

mastery of subject matter

Question Cues:

understanding information

grasp meaning

translate knowledge into new context

interpret facts, compare, contrast

order, group, infer causespredict consequences

Question Cues:

use information

use methods, concepts, theories in new situations

solve problems using required skills or knowledge

Questions Cues:

Cognizant Academy would be using the Blooms Taxonomy for categorizing and building Question banks to assess the skill level of associates.The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills. There are six major categories, which are listed in order below, starting from the simplest behavior to the most complex. The categories can be thought of as degrees of difficulties. That is, the first one

Any associate who has taken up the responsibility to contribute his/her learning for the benefit of a wider audience in Cognizant by means of Question bank creation ( the means to measure and benckmark the skill levels of our associates.

Benjamin Bloom created this taxonomy for categorizing level of abstraction of questions that commonly occur in educational settings. The taxonomy provides a useful structure in which to categorize test questions, based on which one can plan the skill assessment strategies.

list, define, tell, describe, identify, show, label, collect, examine, tabulate, quote, name, who, when, where, knows, labels, lists, matches, names, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states.

Examples: Rewrites the principles of test writing. Explain in one’s own words the steps for performing a complex

summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate, differentiate, discuss, extend ,comprehends, converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends, generalizes, gives examples, infers, interprets, paraphrases, predicts, rewrites, summarizes, translates.

Examples: Using a manual to calculate or Apply laws of statistics to evaluate .

seeing patterns

organization of parts

recognition of hidden meanings

identification of components

Question Cues:

use old ideas to create new ones

generalize from given facts

relate knowledge from several areas

predict, draw conclusions

Question Cues:

compare and discriminate between ideas

assess value of theories, presentations

make choices based on reasoned argument

verify value of evidence

recognize subjectivity

Question Cues

* Adapted from: Bloom, B.S. (Ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of educational objectives

What are the difficulty levels ?

apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, show, solve, examine, modify, relate, change, classify,

Examples: Troubleshoot a piece of equipment by using logical deduction. Recognize logical fallacies in reasoning. Gathers information from a department and selects the required tasks for training.

analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select, explain, infer, breaks down, contrasts, diagrams, deconstructs, differentiates, discriminates, distinguishes, identifies, illustrates, infers, outlines,

Examples: Write a operations or process manual. Design a solution to perform a specific task. Integrates training from several sources to solve a problem. Revises and process to improve the outcome.

combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, what if?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite, categorizes, combines, compiles, composes, creates, devises, designs, explains, generates, modifies, organizes, plans, rearranges, reconstructs, relates, reorganizes, revises, rewrites, summarizes, tells,

Examples: Select the most effective solution. Explain and justify a new idea/design.assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, discriminate, support, conclude, compare, summarize,appraises, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes, critiques, defends, describes, discriminates, evaluates, explains, interprets, justifies, relates, summarizes, supports.

Easy, Average and Difficult

Couse Name AS400 (Level-0)Test Type CCP

Sl No Module Name LO. No.




2 Subfiles





3 Core RPG












4 Advanced RPG techniques


Externally described files in programs

103167: This sheet needs to be filled in by CC

4 Advanced RPG techniques

















6 RPG data handling








RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

RPG problem solving/problem determination










RPG problem solving/problem determination

Learning ObjectivesUse printer files and "O" specs to define output in a program. Use database file I/O operations in a program. Use display file I/O operations in a program. Use externally described database files in a program. Use externally-described printer files in a program. Use externally-described display files in a program.

Code and use subfiles.

Determine performance issues dealing with loading subfiles. Interpret the use of SFLNXTCHG.

Code and use job date and system date.

Code and use *INZSR. Code and use RPG IV built-in functions. Use the H-spec keywords.

Use the D-spec keywords.

Use EXTFILE. EXTMBR and OPEN/CLOSE file operations in a program.

Create and maintain subfiles and programs that use those subfiles (DDS and RPG).


Recognize appropriate use of RPG creation commands (e.g., CRTxxxPGM, CRTxxxMOD, CRTPGM, CRTBNDxxx).

Define basic arrays (e.g., compile time, pre-run time, run time) using D specs.

Use basic array handling (e.g., *IN, LOOKUP, SORTA, MOVE and MOVEA, indexing).

Code and use figurative constants (e.g., *LOVAL, *HIVAL, *ALL, *BLANKS, *ZEROS, *ON, *OFF).

Code and use structured operation codes (e.g., DO DOUxx, DOWxx, IF/ELSE/ELSEIF, SELECT/WHEN, CASxx/EXSR).

Code and use structured operation codes with expressions (+, -, * ,/, **, <, >, =, (), and, or, not).

Code and use date data types and arithmetic operations, including date operations in expressions.

Use RPG IV OpCodes (e.g., Arithmetic, Date, Message, Array, Declarative, File, Branching, Indicator setting, String handling, Structured programming, compare, initialization, subroutine, data area).

Given an example of a complex logical expression, determine its results.

Use Data Structure arrays.

Use modern techniques to handle numbered indicators. Determine appropriate use of system APIs. Code subprocedures. Declare and use subprocedures. Use externally-described data structures.

Write logic (including I/O operations) without numbered indicators.

Code and use /Free format Calc specifications.

Use qualified Data Structures. Use pointer data types. Prototype program Calls.

Prototype System APIs and C functions.

Diagnose and correct application errors.

Code and use INFDS, INFSR, SDS, and *PSSR. Code and use Monitor operation code blocks.

Utilize embedded SQL in an RPG program.

Code and use I/O directly to/from Data Structures. Code and use nested Data Structures. Determine appropriate use of LIKEREC keyword.

Code a trigger program using RPG.

Given an example of deeply-nested logic within a sample of RPG code, determine the results of running the code.

Code complex D-specs (e.g., OVERLAY, coding fields without attributes, etc.).

Translate operation codes not supported in /Free form (e.g., MOVE, CALL, etc. into /Free form).

Determine appropriate use of passing parameters by value versus by reference.

Enumerate advantages of Prototypes compared with PARM and PLIST.

Determine appropriate use for prototype keywords, such as CONST, VALUE, and OPTIONS (*NOPASS, *OMIT, *VARSIZE).

Diagnose and eliminate errors for date data types and arithmetic overflow.

Differentiate between different options for communicating between application processes (e.g., data queues, data areas, parameters, user spaces).

Code multiple ways to use partial keys, including KLISTS, key Data Structures, and direct specification of key fields on I/O operations.

Demonstrate how to convert character and numeric data fields containing date values into Date data types and vice versa.

Diagnose and eliminate level checks.

Create and use Binding Directories. Differentiate bound procedure calls from dynamic program calls. Differentiate "bind by copy" from "bind by reference." Determine appropriate use of activation groups. Create and use Service Programs. Create and use multi-module programs.

Diagnose and eliminate errors resulting from numerical operations (e.g. divide by zero, decimal data errors, arithmetic overflow).

Determine the impact and appropriate use of the DFTACTGRP (Default Activation Group) parameter on the CRTBNDRPG (Create Bound RPG) command.

Determine causes of and ways to avoid Signature Violation errors when using Service Programs.

Determine appropriate use of the RCLACTGRP (Reclaim Activation Group) command.

Determine the appropriate use of the scoping parameters for Override commands and Open commands, such as OPNDBF and OPNQRYF.

C-2 Protected

Disclaimer: This is a C2 - Protected document. This document should not be shared with anyone in any form. The questions with answer options provided are original and not copied from any external source.

Category : Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, EvaluationDifficulty Level : Easy, Average, Difficult

Q. Chapter Name

1 Externally described files in programs

2 Externally described files in programs

3 Externally described files in programs

4 Externally described files in programs

5 Externally described files in programs

6 Externally described files in programs

7 Externally described files in programs

8 Externally described files in programs

9 Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Externally described files in programs

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles### Subfiles

### Subfiles### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Subfiles

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Core RPG

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques

### Advanced RPG techniques### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG Performance and Exception/Error handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG data handling

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### RPG problem solving/problem determination

### ILE

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### ILE

Disclaimer: This is a C2 - Protected document. This document should not be shared with anyone in any form. The questions with answer options provided are original and not copied from any external source.

Category Difficulty Level

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge EasyKnowledge Easy

Knowledge EasyKnowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Comprehension Easy

Comprehension Easy

Comprehension Easy

Comprehension Easy

Analysis AverageAnalysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge EasyKnowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Analysis Easy

Analysis Easy

Analysis Easy

Analysis Easy

Analysis Easy

Analysis Easy

Analysis Easy

Analysis Easy

Knowledge EasyKnowledge Easy

Knowledge EasyKnowledge EasyEvaluation Average

Evaluation Average

Evaluation Average

Evaluation Average

Comprehension Difficult

Comprehension Difficult

Comprehension Difficult

Comprehension Difficult

Synthesis Difficult

Synthesis Difficult

Synthesis Difficult

Synthesis Difficult

Application Average

Application AverageApplication Average

Application AverageAnalysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Knowledge AverageKnowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Knowledge EasyKnowledge EasyKnowledge EasyKnowledge Easy

Synthesis Easy

Synthesis Easy

Synthesis EasySynthesis Easy

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge AverageKnowledge AverageKnowledge AverageKnowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge DifficultKnowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge DifficultKnowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge DifficultEvaluation Easy

Evaluation Easy

Evaluation Easy

Evaluation Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Application Easy

Knowledge EasyKnowledge EasyKnowledge EasyKnowledge Easy

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Comprehension Easy

Comprehension Easy

Comprehension Easy

Comprehension Easy

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Comprehension Average

Comprehension AverageComprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Comprehension Average

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Analysis Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Application Average

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Analysis Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Evaluation Difficult

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge DifficultKnowledge Difficult

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge AverageKnowledge AverageKnowledge DifficultKnowledge DifficultKnowledge Difficult

Knowledge DifficultKnowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Difficult

Knowledge Average

Knowledge AverageKnowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Average

Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy





Knowledge Easy




Knowledge Easy




Knowledge Easy

Knowledge Easy








Multiple Choice Questions

Disclaimer: This is a C2 - Protected document. This document should not be shared with anyone in any form. The questions with answer options provided are original and not copied from any external source.


Given the following code excerpt:


What is the error in the above File specification description?

Given the following code excerpt:


In the above example,which exception records are written when an EXCEPT operation with no entry in factor 2 is processed?


What will be the result for the following Code?


If spacing and skipping are specified for the same line in a printer file, in what sequence the spacing and skipping operations are processed?

The CHAIN operation is equivalent to which of the following?

When is the NR indicator (position 71-72) for the SETLL operation set on?

If the last record of a file has been read, and the next operation on that file is a READ operation, what will be the values of the input fields for that file?

Consider the followin scenario:

Program A calls program B and program C. Program B has files under commitment control, and program C does not.

Will a ROLBK operation in program C affect the files changed by program B?

Given the following RPG IV code excerpt:


The file FILEA is read and subsequently a WRITE is performed as shown below, where RECA is the record format of FILEA.


What is the error in the above code?

Which of the following statements regarding the READPE opcode is true?

(i) A READPE, with the search-arg operand specified, that immediately follows an OPEN operation or a Beginning of File condition, returns Beginning of File.

(ii) A READPE, with no search-arg specified, that immediately follows an OPEN operation or a Begining of File condition,results in an error condition.

(iii) A READPE, with the search-arg operand specified, that immediately follows an OPEN operation or a Beginning of File condition, results in an error condition.

(iv) A READPE, with no search-arg specified, that immediately follows an OPEN operation or a Beginning of File condition, returns Beginning of File.

Which of the following I/O operations make up the EXFMT operation?

Given the following RPG IV code excerpt:

C FieldA READPE RecA 8899

When will the indicators 88 and 99 be set on?

(i) Indicator 88 is set on if the operation is not completed successfully.(ii) Indicator 88 is set on if the record key does not match FieldA.(iii) Indicator 99 is set on if the operation is not completed successfully.(iv) Indicator 99 is set on if the record key does not match FieldA.

Consider the following scenerio:

A valid input operation with lock (READ, READC, READE, READP, READPE or CHAIN) is successfully issued to a particular record format.Then an intervening unsuccessful input operation is issued to the same record format before issuing an UPDATE.

Will the UPDATE be successful?

Given the following RPG IV code excerpt:


What will be the values of the following fields on the screen?

(i) input field INPFLD(ii) output field OUTFLD

In the DDS for a display-device file, if a function key is described as a command function key (CF), then which of the following is returned to the program?

Which of the following are valid record types for a display file?


Given a full procedural, externally-described input file named ORDER with a record length of 41 bytes, which of the following is a valid format for the File specification for the ORDER file?

SKIPA can be performed at which of the following levels?

Given the following RPG IV code excerpt:

FFilename++IPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.KeywordsFORDERS IF E K DISK USROPN

Which of the following options describes the result of using the USROPN keyword

In an RPG program, where is the information available to determine which member of a multiple-member physical file is currently being processed?

Which of the following is the result of using PREFIX(XX:2) on a File Definition specification line for a file FILE01 that has one field named FIELD1 ?

What is the maximum number of record formats in a printer file and maximum number of fields in any one record format in a printer file?

An RPG program uses an externally described printer file and and an input file that it will read.If the printer file uses the same field names that are used in the input file,then which of the following statements is true?

(i) The field names should have the same length and type in both definitions.(ii) The most recently assigned value will be used for all occurrences of the field. (iii) Error occurs since RPG cannot handle two or more fields having the same name.(iv) The values in the fields defined in the printer file will override the values of all other fields having the same name.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the EDTCDE(Edit code) keyword in printer files used to edit output-capable numeric fields?

Given the following RPG IV code excerpt:


Which of the following regarding the variable mbrname is NOT true?

Given the following code excerpt:

FDBEMP IF F 10 DISK extfile(flname)

Also given that, the following commands are in effect.



If the variable flname has the value MYLIB/FILE1 at runtime and the current library is MYLIB, then which file will RPG open at runtime?

Given the following RPG IV code excerpt:

FFilename++IPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.KeywordsFFILEX IF E DISK C OPEN FILEX

Since an OPEN operation is specified for a file that is already open, an error occurs.

How can this error be avoided?

A. By specifying the USROPN keyword on the file description specification.

B. By explicitly closing the file using CLOSE opcode before opening it.

If you specify a file name without a library name as a parameter for the EXTFILE keyword, then which library name will be used?

Which of the following methods can be used to load the subfile?

What is the major user issue in using Single Page subfile?

Which of the following is not a valid operation for a subfile record format?(i) CHAIN(ii) UPDATE(iii) READ(iv) READC

Consider the two statements: (i) Subfile footer is a part of Subfile record formats.(ii) The data written in to Subfile must come from either a physical file or a logical file

Consider the two statements: (i) Every record in the subfile is identified with a unique key value (RRN). (ii) An RRN variable in an RPG program should be declared as a Zoned Decimal Field. Packed format is not allowed.

Consider the following statements:

(i) A subfile is a group of records that have the same record format and are read from and written to a display station in one operation. (ii) The scope of the subfile records will exist only during the execution of the job

A subfile is going to be used consistently with more than 10000 Records and a frequent "Position to" will be done on the subfile, Which type of subfile is best suitable for the requirement?Consider the two statements:(i) Both Load All and Self Extending files have a record limit of 9999 records.(ii) The Page up and Page down functionality is predefined for both type of subfiles.

What does the keyword "SFLNXTCHG" do?

Which is the keyword that is mutually exclusive with SFLNXTCHG?At which level the SFLNXTCHG keyword should be given?

How many parameters does the SFLNXTCHG have?What is the function of RTNCSRLOC?

What does the DDS keyword "SFLRCDNBR" represent?

What does the DDS Keyword "SFLEND" do?

What do the key words "SFLDSP" & "SFLDSPCTL" do?

Which is the correct statement about the SFLDLT keyword?

Which statement is true about the *MORE parameter of the SFLEND keyword?

Which of the following keywords are required with SFLCTL?

i) SFLDSPii) SFLPAGiii) SFLCLRiv) SFLSIZIF a SFLDROP or SFLFOLD keyword is not specified on the subfile control record, the value of SLFMODE is

Which of the following statements about CRTBNDRPG is true?

i) Compiles the RPG source codeii) Binds the RPG source code to create an ILE program objectiii) The command can be executed in Interactive modeiv) This command can be executed in Batch modeThe requirements for compiling and running programs through the use of keywords and appropriate values is provided by :

Which of the following commands is used to create *PGM object?A. CRTPGMB. CRTSRVPGMC. CRTBNDRPG

What is the usage of the parameter "Generation severity level" in CRTRPGMOD command?

Following is the decleration of which type of array:


In which of the following examples would the use of a "compile-time" array be appropriate? The following piece of code is an example of :

DIndex S 2 0 DTotSales S 10 2 DSALES S 8 2 DIM(12) CTDATA PERRCD(3) C For Index = 1 to 12 C Eval TotSales = TotSales + SALES(Index) C EndFor C Eval *Inlr = *On * CTDATA SALES 1233422 3543334 2344356 2324334 1812323 1234334 2234334 2343333 1233232 6729903 5322323 4232278

Which of the following statements is used to declare an array with 20 elements, each element 10 characters long?

Which of the following sums a set of numeric data stored in an array:Consider the following statements about the MOVEA statement:(i) *ALL is allowed in Result operand but not in Factor2 operand.(ii) Decimal point alignment of source and result operands are automatically handled.

Consider the following piece of code:

DData S 2 DIM(5) ** C Clear Data C MoveA 'ABCDEFG' Data C Eval *Inlr = *On

DATA Array before data is loaded:

DATA(1) = ' ' DATA(2) = ' ' DATA(3) = ' ' DATA(4) = ' ' DATA(5) = ' ' What will be the result after MOVEA operation?

D custInfo DSD cust DIM(100)D name 30A OVERLAY(cust : *NEXT)D id_number 10I 0 OVERLAY(cust : *NEXT)D amount 15P 3 OVERLAY(cust : *NEXT)Dcus_name 30A Di 3P 0

Which of the following statement will fetch customer information using the customer name?

Which of the following statements about *IN is not true?

i) it is an array of 99 one-position character elementsii) the elements can contain only 0 - 9 or a - b.iii)*IN cannot be specified as a subfield in a data structureiv) *IN cannot be specified in a SORTA command


The values in the array are aa41cc24bb12dd33

what will be the values of the array after the execution of the following statement?C SORTA ARRO


**CTDATA ARR11234567890

What value will be contained in ARR2 after the MOVEA Operation?


What will be the value of ARR2 at the end of the MOVE Operation? DVAR S 5a C MOVE *ALL'ABC' VAR

What will be the value of VAR?DVAR S 3a C EVAL VAR=*ONC VAR DSPLY

What will be the output of the code snippet?

What will be the value assinged to a date field when it is set to *LOVAL?

What will happen when *BLANKS is moved to numeric field?

The operation TEST checks for which of the following:

What is the parameter in the SBMJOB command to set the job date for a job?

Which of the following date formats does the DATFMT keyword in an H specification allow you to specify? I. *USA II. *MDYC III. *YDM IV. *JUL V. *ILE VI. *ISO VII. *STD

How will you retrive the current system date in RPG program?

What is the value of FldA after the following code is executed?

DName+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc.Keywords+++++++++++++ D FldA S 2 0 INZ(0)

CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode&ExtFactor2+++++++Result++++++++Len++D+HiLoEq C DO 2 C SELECT C WHEN FldA = 0 C ADD 1 FldA C WHEN FldA = 1 C ADD 2 FldA C WHEN FldA = 2 C ADD 3 FldA C ENDSL C ENDDO C EVAL *INLR=*ON

Consider the following piece of code:

D Count S 2 0 ** C Eval Count = 1 C DoW Count < 2 C 'Hi' Dsply C Eval Count = Count + 1 C EndDo ** C Eval Count = 2 C DoU Count > 2 C 'Hi' Dsply C Eval Count = Count + 1 C EndDo ** C Eval *Inlr = *On

di s 2s 0 c exsr sub c 'main cont.' dsply c eval *inlr=*on c sub begsr c 1 do 10 c i dsply c i ifeq 3 c leavesr c endif c 1 add i i c enddo c 'end of sub' dsply c endsr

How many times the loop within the subroutine will be executed?

dvar s 1u 0 ...... c var caseq 1 sub1 c var casle 1 sub2 c cas sub3 c endcs c eval *inlr=*on c sub1 begsr c 'sub1' dsply c endsr c sub2 begsr c 'sub2' dsply c endsr c sub3 begsr c 'sub3' dsply c endsr

What should be the value of VAR for printing 'sub2'?

Given the following code, what is the value of RESULT?

DName+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc.Keywords+++++++++++++ D RESULT S 5 0

CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode&ExtExtended-factor2+++++++++++++++++ C EVAL RESULT = (2 + 3 * 2) ** 2 / 2

What is the result of the following:

D Result3 S 5P 2 C Eval(H) Result3 = 10 * 123.466

What is the result of the following piece of code:

Dnum3 S 3P 0 Inz(-123) DChar6 S 6A Inz('ABCDEF') ** C MOVEL num3 char6 c eval *inlr=*on What is the result of the following piece of code:

DChar3 S 3A Inz('NOP') DNum5 S 5P 0 Inz(12345) ** C MOVEL Char3 Num5

Which of the following lines correctly initializes a date variable when the default date format of the program is *ISO?

Which of the following is the correct calculation for adding 23 days to date field CURDATE?

Which of the following is the correct calculation for subtracting 6 months from date field CURDATE ?

What will be the output of the program?

ddate s d inz(d'2007-08-16') dmonth s 3s 0 dminutes s 3s 0 c eval month=%subdt(date:*MONTHS) c month dsply c eval minutes=%subdt(date:*M) c minutes dsply c eval *inlr=*on

On what condition the *INZSR subroutine will not be invoked automatically when the execution of the program starts?

How many *INZSR subroutines a program with a single module can contain?

What is the purpose of the %ELEM built in function?

Which of the following statements are true about *INZSR?

i) It is used for initializing variablesii) *INZSR can be called from other subroutinesii) *INZSR cannot call other subroutinesiv) RESET cannot be used within the *INZSR

Rearrange the following initialization processes

i)execution of *INZSRii) Files are openediii) External indicators are retrivediv)Tables are loadedMatch the following:

1. %CHAR a. Matches search argument against character string2. %REPLACE b. Replaces all or part of character string3. %SCAN c. Extracts substring from a character string4. %SUBST d. Convert to Character

What is the result of following piece of code:

DLength S 3P 0 Inz DString S 25A Inz('Learning Services') C Eval Length = %Size(String) ** Which of the following BIF can be used to capture a record lock condition during a CHAIN operation, so that the program does not end abruptly.

What is the result of the following piece of code:Dstrsub S 5A Inz DString S 25A Inz('HELLOWORLD') ** C Eval Strsub = %Subst(String:4:3) **

. What is the result of the following piece of code: DP S 2P 0 Inz DString S 25A Inz('ABCDABCD') ** C Eval P = %Scan('CD':String) **

Which of the following statements will trim off the leading blanks from a character field CUSTOMER and place the results in NEWCUST?

i) Eval newcust = %trim(customer)ii) Eval newcust = %triml(customer)iii) MOVEL customer newcustiv) MOVE(P) customer newcust

What is the result of the following piece of code:

DS1 S 6A Inz(' One ') DS2 S 8A Inz(' Two ') Dln s 10p 0 ** C Eval ln = %len(%TRIML(S1+%trimr(S2)))What is the result of following piece of code:

DLength S 3P 0 Inz DString S 25A d Inz('Learning Services ')** C Eval Length = %Len(%len(String)) c eval *inlr=*on

What is the result of the following RPG program:

Dlnddate s 10a inz('21/04/2007') Dduedate s d c eval duedate = %date(lnddate) + %days(15)C duedate dsply c eval *inlr=*on

What will be value in the Field NAME after statement number 0005.00 gets executed in the code shown below?

0001.00 DNAME S 20 INZ('The Egyptian Pyramid') 0002.00 DA S 26 INZ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')0003.00 DB S 26 INZ('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')0004.00 /Free 0005.00 NAME = %XLATE(NAME:A:B); 0006.00 *INLR = *ON; 0007.00 /End-Free

What is the result of the following piece of code:

DAvlprice S 9P 2 Inz(234567.89) DEditAmount S 30A DEditwrd C ' , , *&Dollars& &Cents' ** C Eval EditAmount = %Editw(Avlprice:Editwrd)

Ø - denotes blank space

Which of the following items can not be described in the H, Header Specification line?

The following is a piece of code of which spec? *.. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8Keywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALTSEQ(*EXT) CURSYM(’$’) DATEDIT(*MDY) DATFMT(*MDY/) DEBUG(*YES) DECEDIT(’.’) FORMSALIGN(*YES) FTRANS(*SRC) DFTNAME(name) TIMFMT(*ISO)


What will be the value of NEWDATE after the execution of the above code?

Dnumfmt c const('$øø,øøø.øø') Dinpnum s 6s 0 inz(123456) Dnew s 15a c EVAL new = %EDITW(inpnum : numfmt)c new dsply c eval *inlr=*on ø - denotes blank space

Which of the following is the operation code extender for not locking a record on a READ or CHAIN?

DChar S 7A Inz('Program') Dsubchr S 3a dnum s 4f inz(1) ** C 3 subst(e) char:num subchr C c subchr dsply c eval *inlr=*on

What is the output of the following program?

What will be value in the Field Val after statement number 0003.00 gets executed?

0001.00 D Val S 2 1 INZ(-1.6)0002.00 /Free 0003.00 Val = %ABS(Val); 0004.00 *INLR = *ON; 0005.00 /End-Free

In the code segment below, what would be the value of field Y after the second statement has executed?

Darr S 1s 0 dim(7) perrcd(7) CTDATA Dx S 1s 0 inz(7) Dy S 1s 0 ** C Z-ADD 1 y C eval y = %lookup(x:arr) c y dsply C Eval *inlr=*on **ctdata arr 5374269

When a numeric data is used in the result operand,what are the valid operation extender for the TEST command?

Which of the following is not a function of Operation Extender 'E'? 1) sets the %ERROR and %STATUS built-in functions to return zero before the operation begins. 2) The Optional File information data structure is updated with exception/error information 3) If an error occurs when a statement is processed, passes the control to the appropriate ON-ERROR group.

Which of the following are valid result field types for EVALR operation?

i) Characterii) Zoned Decimaliii) Graphiciv)Packed Decimal

C ALLOC (E) 12345678 Ptr2

What will happen when the memory is insuffiecient to allocate the above pointer?

DFLDA S 5S 2 INZ(100.00) DFLDB S 5S 2 INZ(105.00) DFLDC S 5S 2 INZ(100.00) DFLDD S 3 INZ('ABC') DFLDE S 5 INZ('ABCDE')


What are the indicators that will be set to ON during the execution of the above code?



What are the indicators that will be set to OFF during the execution of the above code?

In a Character to Numeric move zone operation, which of the following moves are possible?

i) MHHZOii) MLLZOiii) MLHZOiv) MHLZOWhich of the following is the operation code extender for using the TEST opcode to test a Timestamp ?Which of the following are valid Data area formats?

i) *CHARii) *DECiii) *DATEiv) *LGLv) *TIME

The D spec allows the definition of:

In the following declarations, what will be internal data type of FLDA and FLDB?

D DS DFLDA 5S 2C *Like Define FldA FldB


How the variable ACCTNUMB will be reffered in the program?What will be the output of the following program?

DChar1 S 5 DNum1 S 5P 0 C If %Len(Char1) = %Len(Num1)C 'Same' Dsply C Else C 'Different' Dsply C Endif C Eval *Inlr = *On

What will be the output of the following program?

DNum1 S 5P 1 Inz(21.1) DNum2 S 5P 2 Inz(200.23) C If %Len(Num1) = %Len(Num2)C 'Same' Dsply C Else C 'Different' Dsply C Endif C Eval *Inlr = *On

What will be the output of the following program?

DNum1 S 5S 0 DNum2 S 5P 0 C If %Len(Num1) = %Len(Num2)C 'Same' Dsply C Else C 'Different' Dsply C Endif C Eval *Inlr = *On

What will be the output of the following program?

DNum1 S 5S 2 Inz(1) C If %Len(Num1) = %Size(Num1)C 'Same' Dsply C Else C 'Different' Dsply C Endif C Eval *Inlr = *On

What will be the output of the following program?

D Check S 2 0 Inz C If Check = Check + 1 C 'One' Dsply C Else C Select C When Check = 0 C 'Two' Dsply C When Check = 1 C 'Three' Dsply C Other C 'Four' Dsply C End C End C Eval *Inlr = *On

What will be the output of the following program?

D Check S 2 0 Inz C If Check = Check C 'One' Dsply C Elseif Check = Check C 'Two' Dsply C Endif C Eval *Inlr = *On

Which of the following can be correctly said about an Array Data structure?

Is DIM keyword allowed for an array defined as QUALIFIED?Which of the following keyword is valid with a data structure array definition?

In the following code, How many times the 'Hi' message will get displayed?

D I S 1 0 Inz C For I BY 1 TO 5 C 'Hi' Dsply C EndFor C Eval *Inlr = *On

What will the output of the following program?

D I S 1 0 Inz(2) /Free If (I = 1) or (I = 2); Dsply 'One'; If (I = 2) or (I = 1); Dsply 'Two'; Else; Dsply 'Three'; Endif; Else; Dsply 'Four'; Endif; *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

DIM keyword can be specified to which of the following?A. A Data structureB. Subfield in a Data structure

Suppose, DSNAME is the name of an Array datastructure of Dimension 10. SUBF is a subfield of DSNAME data structure. Which of the following is the correct way to access SUBF belonging to DSNAME Data sructure array of index 5?

Which of the following keywords is mandatory to declare a datastructure as an array datastructure?A. DIMB. QUALIFIED

For the following array datastructure, which one of the following is the correct way to access the subfiled Fld1 of index 2, belonging to Myds of index 3 ?


For the code shown below, which of the following options is correct?


What will be the value contained in ARR array in the code shown below?

DOVR DS D Fld1 2 Inz('AB') D Fld2 2 Inz('CD') D Fld3 2 OVERLAY(Fld1:1) INZ D ARR 1 DIM(4) OVERLAY(OVR:1) /Free *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

What will be the value contained in Emp_Info data structure array fields Emp_Name and Emp_Salary after statement number 0007.00 SortA Emp_Salary; gets executed?

0001.00 D DS 0002.00 D Emp_Info 15 CTDATA PERRCD(1) 0003.00 D DIM(3) ASCEND 0004.00 D Emp_Name 10 Overlay(Emp_Info:1) 0005.00 D Emp_Salary 5S 2 Overlay(Emp_Info:11) 0006.00 /Free 0007.00 SortA Emp_Salary; 0008.00 *Inlr = *On; 0009.00 /End-Free 0010.00 **CTDATA Emp_Info 0011.00 Billy 50044 0012.00 Clara 40055 0013.00 James 20032

What will be the output that will be displayed for the following code?

D DS D Emp_Info D Emp_Name 10 Overlay(Emp_Info) D Emp_Salary 5P 2 Overlay(Emp_Info:*Next) /Free Dsply %Len(Emp_Info); *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

What will be the output of the following program?

D DS D Emp_Info D Emp_Name 10 Overlay(Emp_Info:*Next)D Emp_FName 5 Overlay(Emp_Name:*Next) /Free Emp_FName = 'Fullname'; Dsply Emp_Name; *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

Which of the following will not substitute Ind01 as a named indicator field for *In01 indicator?

The DDS for the display file Dsp1 looks like this:


What will be the displayed output for the following program when F1 key is pressed as soon as Screen1 is shown?

FDsp1 CF E WORKSTN Indds(Dspind) D Dspind DS D F1 1 1N /Free Exfmt Screen1; Dsply *In01; Dsply F1; *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

What will be the value of indicator *IN53, after statement number 0006.00 gets executed?

0001.00 D Ptr S * Inz(%Addr(*IN)) 0002.00 D IndDS DS Based(Ptr) 0003.00 D IndArr 1 Overlay(IndDS:1) DIM(99)0004.00 /Free 0005.00 *In53 = '0'; 0006.00 %Subarr(IndArr:50:5) = '11111'; 0007.00 *Inlr = *On; 0008.00 /End-Free

What will be the output of the following program?

D Ptr S * Inz(%Addr(*IN)) D IndDS DS Based(Ptr) D SecondInd N Overlay(IndDS:2) /Free If %Addr(SecondInd) = %Addr(*IN) + 1; Dsply 'Match'; Else; Dsply 'No Match'; Endif; *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

Which of the following is not a Data queue related System API?

What is the object type for QSNDDTAQ system API?Which of the following is not true regarding Static variables?

Which of the Following is not a function of the CONST keyword with respect to Procedure parameters?

Which of the following describes a Program Entry Procedure?

What is wrong with the following program (compiled using CRTBNDRPG command with DFTACTGRP(*YES)) ?

DQcmdexc PR EXTPGM('QCMDEXC')D PrCmdstr 10 CONST D PrCmdlen 15P 5 CONST D Cmdstr S 10 D Cmdlen S 2P 0 /Free Cmdstr = 'DSPLIBL'; Cmdlen = %Len(Cmdstr); Qcmdexc(Cmdstr:Cmdlen); *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

What will be the output of the following program?

D Cmdstr S 6 D Cmdlen S 15P 5 Inz(%Len(Cmdstr)) C Eval Cmdstr = 'DSPLIBL' C Call 'QCMDEXC' C Parm Cmdstr C Parm Cmdlen C Eval *Inlr = *On

Consider the code shown below. What will be the value of Fld1 and Fld2 that will be displayed?

DFld1 S 1A Inz('A') DFld2 S 1A Inz('B') * D Subproc PR * C Callp Subproc C Eval *Inlr = *On * P Subproc B D Fld2 S 1A Inz('C') * C Fld1 Dsply C Fld2 Dsply P Subproc E

Which one of the following statements is true regarding Subprocedure?

Which one of the following statements is true regarding Subprocedure?

Consider the Code shown below. At statement number 0022.00, what value of Fld1 and Fld2 will be used by List1 for doing SETLL operation?

0001.00 FFile IF E K DISK 0002.00 DFld1 S 1A Inz('A') 0003.00 DFld2 S 1A Inz('B') 0004.00 * 0005.00 D Subproc PR 0006.00 * 0007.00 C List1 KLIST 0008.00 C KFLD Fld1 0009.00 C KFLD Fld2 0010.00 * 0011.00 C Callp Subproc 0012.00 C Eval *Inlr = *On 0013.00 * 0014.00 P Subproc B 0015.00 D Fld2 S 1A Inz('C') 0016.00 * 0017.00 C List2 KLIST 0018.00 C KFLD Fld1 0019.00 C KFLD Fld2 0020.00 * 0021.00 C List1 SETLL File 0022.00 C List2 SETLL File 0023.00 P Subproc E

Which of the following is not correct regarding subprocedures?

Which of the following statements is not true regarding Procedure Interface definition?

Which of the following is not true regarding the NOMAIN keyword?

Consider the Code shown below. At statement number 0021.00, what value of Fld1 and Fld2 will be used by List1 for doing SETLL operation?

0001.00 FFile IF E K DISK 0002.00 DFld1 S 1A Inz('A') 0003.00 DFld2 S 1A Inz('B') 0004.00 * 0005.00 D Subproc PR 0006.00 * 0007.00 C List1 KLIST 0008.00 C KFLD Fld1 0009.00 C KFLD Fld2 0010.00 * 0011.00 C Callp Subproc 0012.00 C Eval *Inlr = *On 0013.00 * 0014.00 P Subproc B 0015.00 D Fld2 S 1A Inz('C') 0016.00 * 0017.00 C List2 KLIST 0018.00 C KFLD Fld1 0019.00 C KFLD Fld2 0020.00 * 0021.00 C List1 SETLL File 0022.00 C List2 SETLL File 0023.00 P Subproc E

Which of the following calls can be used for calling a subprocedure that returns a value?A. Expressiion (Example: Output = Proc1(val1:val2); Proc1 is the name of the sub procedure)B. CALLP (Example: Callp Proc1(val1:val2);

For the following question, Choose option 'All of the Above', if rest of the answers are correct. Else, choose the correct answer choice:

A subprocedure can return, at most, one value. If you need to return morethan one value, you can choose which of the following options?

An error occurs when the following sub-procedure AFUNCTION is called from another program entry procedure module that is bound to the module that contains this procedure. What could be the possible cause for the error?

H NOMAIN D AFUNCTION PR 10P 0 D Packed 5P 0 D Packed 5P 0 P AFUNCTION BD AFUNCTION PI 10P 0 D Packed1 5P 0 D Packed2 5P 0 /Free Return (Packed1 + Packed2); /End-Free P AFUNCTION E

The following code is compiled using CRTBNDRPG with QILE specified in ACTGRP parameter. What could possibily go wrong when this program is called?

D Val1 S 5A Inz('Hello') D Val2 S 2A Inz('Hi') D* D Proc1 PR D Val1 5A D Val2 2A Options(*Omit) D* /Free Callp Proc1(Val1:*OMIT); *Inlr = *On; /End-Free P Proc1 B D Proc1 PI D Val1 5A D Val2 2A Options(*Omit) /Free /Free Dsply Val1; /End-Free P Proc1 E

The following code resulted in compilation error when tried to compile using CRTBNDRPG with ACTGRP(QILE). What could be a possible solution for eliminating the error?

D Val1 S 5A Inz('Hello') D Val2 S 2A Inz('Hi') D Val3 S 3A Inz('Bye') D* D Proc1 PR D Val1 5A D Val2 2A Options(*Nopass)D Val3 3A Options(*Omit) D* /Free Callp Proc1(Val1:Val2:*OMIT); *Inlr = *On; /End-Free P Proc1 B D Proc1 PI D Val1 5A D Val2 2A Options(*Nopass) D Val3 3A Options(*Omit) /Free Dsply Val1; /End-Free P Proc1 E

If EMPMASTER file has no records and ITEMMST file has atleast one record, what will be the output of the following program?


Which of the following calls is not allowed in Free format Calculations?Which of the following opcodes is not allowed with Free format Calculations?The /FREE.. /END-FREE compiler directives denote which one of the following specifications?

Can Fixed format Calculations and Free format Calculations exist in the same program?

ITEMMST file has only record which has been locked by another Job. Which of the following programs is likely to result in run time error due to record lock?

Which of the following Built in functions can possibily replace the functionality of Indicator 42, in the code below:


Which of the following Operations set the %FOUND condition?A. CHAINB. DELETEC. SETLLD. LOOKUPE. SCAN

For the following question, Choose option 'All of the Above', if rest of the answers are correct. Else, choose the correct answer choice:

Which of the following is supported by FREE format Calculations?

Following are two variables Var1 and Var2 defined as follows:DVar1 S 3 Inz('ABC')DVar2 S 6 Inz('------')

Which one of the following Free format codes does not give the same result in Var2, as compared to the following fixed format Move operation?Move Var1 Var2

FREE5 is an External Program that accepts no parameters. All the following RPGLE codes have been compiled with DFTACTGRP(*YES). Which of these codes will result in either compilation or run-time error?

Which of the following programs is not likely to produce the same result in ARR1 array at the end of program execution, when compared to the rest?

With a prototyped call, you cannot call:

Which is the default keyword option for a prototype definition?Which of the following is not an ILE RPG method of passing and receiving prototyped parameters?Which of the following is the OPTIONS keyword on a Definition specification used to specify?

Which of the following calls do not require that parameters be passed by reference?Which of the following statements is true regarding parameter passing by reference?

Which of the following statements is not true regarding Procedure pointer calls?

Which of the following calls do not allow parameters to be passed by reference?

Identify the correct statement with respect to prototypes

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding OPTIONS(*NOPASS) for parameter passing?

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding OPTIONS(*OMIT) for parameter passing?

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) for parameter passing?

For which of the following keywords on a prototype definition, an external program call is used?A. EXTPGMB. EXTPROC

Which of the following ways can be used to define the call interface of a main procedure?A. Using a prototype and procedure interfaceB. Using an *ENTRY PLIST without a prototype

For the following question, Choose option 'All of the Above', if rest of the answers are correct. Else, choose the correct answer choice:

Passing by Value allows you to:

Which of the following two calls allow parameters to be passed by Value?A. CALLP with EXTPGM (External Program Call)B. CALLP with EXTPROC (Bound Procedure Call)

For the following question, Choose option 'All of the Above', if rest of the answers are correct. Else, choose the correct answer choice:

Which of the following is/are a characteristic of Prototype?

Which of the following statements is correct?A. *ENTRY PLIST can be replaced using a Prototype and Procedure interface combinationB. The procedure-interface definition is optional if the subprocedure does notreturn a value and does not have any parameters passed to it

Which of the following does a 'PR' in the Definition Type column of a Definition Specification line indicate?

Which of the following OPTIONS parameter can be used with CALLB?A. *VARSIZEB. *OMITC. *NOPASS

Which of the following OPTIONS option allows a character value to be passed as Null terminated string?

In debugging mode, which function key is used to inspect the value of a variable?

Which of the following values is a valid option for the OPTIONS keyword? A. *VARSIZEB. *STRING

Which of the following calls can have OPTIONS(*NOPASS) specified for parameter passing?A. CALLB. CALLBC. CALLP

Which of the following OPTIONS option can be used when Parameters passed are not mandatory?A. *OMITB. *NOPASS

What is the significance of GENLVL (Generation Severity Level) parameter of CRTBNDRPG command?

What may be step 2 in the following debugging method: Step 1: Add this line to the beginning of your program:     H OPTION(*NODEBUGIO) Step 2: Step 3: Start the debugger with the command:     STRDBG pgmname (Update Production files *YES) Step 4: Put cursor on the first line that you want to see and hit F6. Exit with F3.

Which of the following are examples of File Exception/Errors? 1) Undefined record type 2) I/O Operation to a Closed file 3) Division by Zero 4) A Device ErrordVar1 s 4s 2 dVar2 s 4s 1 C eval var1=23.31 C eval(h) Var2 = Var1

What will be the value of var2 after the execution of half adjusted eval?

Dvar1 s 3i 0Dvar2 s 3u 0C eval var1=-10C eval var2=var1C var2 dsply

What will be the Output?

What is the minimum length of a File information data structure? Which is not a valid option that cannot be used in INFDS?Under which condition INFSR cannot be specified on a file?

How a Program status data structure can be defined?

What is the starting position and length of the program name field in an SDS?

What will be the output of the following piece of code?

DDate1 S D DATFMT(*ISO) Inz(*Hival) * C Adddur 1:*D Date1 C Date1 Dsply C Eval *Inlr = *On DcField S 30 INZ('1110476894001;anglin;err;’) DnScan S 3 0 C EVAL nScan = %SCAN(';':cField) C DOW nScan <> 0 C nscan Disply ‘position’C EVAL nScan = %SCAN(';':cField:(nScan + 1))C ENDDO

What will be the output of the above code?

Consider the two statements: (i) The file information data structure must be unique for each file. (ii) The same INFDS of a file is used by all procedures using the file. Consider the statements:(i) A file error subroutine can handle errors in more than one file. (ii) Each *PSSR is local to the sub-procedure in which it is coded.A file error subroutine (INFSR) receives control if the exception occurs on

Given below are two statements. (a). Branching operations are not allowed within a MONITOR block. (b). Branching operations are not allowed within an ON-ERROR block.

If all the statements in the MONITOR block are processed without errors, control passes to which statement? Following ON-ERROR block statement exists in a MONITOR group. Which of the following options is true?

C ON-ERROR 00100 : 00121

Can a data Queue contain a Key?Which is the correct order of the parameters for QSNDDTAQ?

Which of the following can be used to communicate between programs?

Which of the following statements are true about ENDMON?

i) Resulting indicators are not allowed.Ii) Conditional indicators are allowediii) Specifies the End of a Monitor blockiv) The ENDMON operation carries no operands in factor1, factor2 and result fields.


What is the SQL equivalent of the above OPNQRY?select * from (((client left join brochure on client.cid = brochure.cid)left join translation on = )left join version on translation.tid = version.tid)left join language on language.lid = translation.lidorder by client.cid,, translation.tid, version.vid;

if all the tables has 2 columns(including the primary key used) and one row each with the same primary key value, how many number of rows and columns will be retrived by the above query?For Which of the following commands SQLDA will be used?

i) EXECUTEii) SELECTiii) FETCHiv) CREATEWhich of the following are not the parameters of an SQL UDF?

i) internalii) Called On Null Inputiii) Deterministiciv) Language RPGLEWhich of the following is not a function of data queue?

i) to represent a method that is used to pass informationii) for synchronous or asynchronous processingiii) to develop host applicationsiv) gives a name to a list of KFLDs

Which of the following statements about LIKEREC is true?

Which is the default value for second parameter for LIKEREC?

Ddtastrut dsD subfld 5 DIM(10)

Which of the followings statement about the above code is true?Dvar dsDvar1 7 inz('Chennai')Dvar2 6 inz('600001')Dvar3 ds likeds(var)

C eval var3='Mumbai-400001'

complete the code to print the value 400001.

dthisisabigname... d thatimadeup s 10a dname s like(thisisabignamethatimadeup)c eval name='kumar' c name dsply

What is the error in the above code?Daccount dsDaccno 10aDbrnch 3a overlay(accno:1)Dtype 2a overlay(accno:4)Dseqno 5a overlay(accno:6)Dname 20a .....

C eval accno='101SB23765'C dsply type

What will be output of the following code?

Which is not a valid parameter value for LIKEREC's field inclusion condition parameter?

Drec1 ds likerec(filerec:*output)

What will happen after the execution of the above code?


What will happen after the execution of the above code excerpt?

Femppf uf e disk Dpkey ds likerec(emprec:*key) /free empname = 'kumar' eval pkey = '144000' update %KDS(pkey) emppf /end-free;

What will be output of the code excerpt?


A file that has 3 key fields namely NAME(15A), ID_NO(6A), DOB(L)), should be keyed on the first two key fields. which of the following statements will satisfy the requirement?

A. CHAIN klist2 FILE; B. CHAIN %KDS(KEYS : 2) FILE; C. CHAIN (name : %char(id_no)) FILE;


If there is no matching record for the specified key, where the file pointer will be after the reade?

%date can be used with which of the following data? i) Numeric ii) Character iii) Timestamp iv) Date

C eval date1=%date

What will be the value of date1?D str s 10a inz('06/03/2007')D Date1 s dC eval date1=%date(str:*USA)C dsply date1

what will be output of the code excerpt?d myDate s d inz(d'07/03/2007')

The above variable definition throws an RNF0305 error. How do you avoid the error without changing the data.ADDPFTRG FILE(EMP) TRGTIME(*BEFORE) TRGEVENT(*UPDATE) PGM(LIB2/UPDTRG) TRGUPDCND(*CHANGE)


Which of the following would be the result of the above two trigger creation commands when executed One by one in the same order? Which of the following is mandatory to add a trigger to a Physical file?1. Name of Trigger File2. Trigger Time (*BEFORE or *AFTER)3. Trigger Event (*INSERT, *DELETE, *UPDATE or *READ)4. Name of the Trigger programADDPFTRG FILE(EMP) TRGTIME(*AFTER) TRGEVENT(*INSERT) PGM(LIB2/INSTRG) ADDPFTRG FILE(EMP) TRGTIME(*AFTER) TRGEVENT(*UPDATE) PGM(LIB2/INSTRG)

What will the above commands do?

If there are more than one trigger added to a physical file then, which of the following statements is true?

1 dvar1 s 5s 2 2 dvar2 s 3s 2 3 c eval var1=23.234 c var1 dsply 5 c eval var2=var1 6 c var2 dsply 7 c eval *inlr=*on

What will happen after the execution of above program?

1 dvar1 s 5s 0 2 dvar2 s 5s 0 3 dvar3 s 5s 0 4 c eval var1=80000 5 c eval var2=80000 6 c eval var3=var2+var1 7 c var3 dsply 8 c eval *inlr=*on

What will happen after the execution of above program?

dstr s 10a dchr1 s 1a dstrt s 1s 0 doffst s 1s 0 dpds sds dsts 11 15 dmsg 91 170 c eval str='iSeries' c eval strt=0 c eval offst=1 c offst subst(e) str:strt chr1 c if sts = '00100' c msg dsply c else C if chr1='i' c 'AS400' dsply c else c 'Mainframes' dsply c endif c endif c eval *inlr=*on

What is the code that is required to eliminate the error which returns 00100 as status in the above program?

dnum s 3s 0 dsq s 2s 0 dpssr sds DSTATUS *STATUS DROUTINE *ROUTINE DPARMS *PARMS c eval num=-169 c sqrt num sq c sq dsply c eval *inlr=*on c *pssr begsr c status dsply c routine dsply c parms dsply c endsr

What happens when the above RPG program is executed?

(i) Control gets transferred to *PSSR routine.(ii)Compile time error saying 'Types of the right and left hand sides do not match in the EVAL operation.'(iii) Runtime error saying 'Attempt to calculate a fractional root of a negative number' occurs.


dnum s 3s 0 dsq s 1s 0 c eval num=144 c sqrt num sq c sq dsply c eval *inlr=*on

What will be the value of the variable sq?

dnum s 3s 0 dim(5) c eval num=1 c xfoot num num(3)c num(3) dsply c xfoot num num(3)c num(3) dsply c eval *inlr=*on

What will be the output of the above program?

1 dstr s 15a inz('IBM iSeries')2 dchr s 1a 3 dvar1 s 2s 0 4 di s 2s 0 5 c eval var1=%len(str) 6 c for i = 1 to var1 7 c eval chr=%subst(str:i:1) 8 c chr dsply 9 c endfor 10 c eval *inlr=*on

The output of the program is I, B, M, <B>, i, S, e, r, i, e, s, <B>, <B>, <B>, <B>

What modification in the above code will not print the trailing four blanks(<B>)?

Which of the following two statements are correct? A. ILE programs can call OPM programs B. OPM programs can call ILE programs

A Binding directory can be specified under which of the following compiling options?A. CRTBNDRPGB. CRTRPGMOD

When BNDDIR is specified on both the control specification and on the command, the BNDDIR on the control specification overrides the BNDDIR on the command. Is this statement True or False?

When DFTACTGRP(*YES) is specified when creating a program, BNDDIR command parameter cannot be used. Is this statement true or false?

Which of the Following is not true with respect to ILE

Which of the following operation extenders are valid for CALLB?

Which of the following is not true with respect to Module?

Which of the following statements is correct regarding 'Binding by Reference'?

Which of the following statements is true regarding 'Binding by Copy'?Which of the following statements does not involve 'Bind by Reference'?Which of the following statements is true?Which of the Following Commands do not include an ACTGRP (Activation Group) parameter?Which of the Following is true with respect to the Activation Group of type *NEW

Which Activation group type is more suitable for Recursive program call?

Which of the following statements is false?

Which of the following calls are Dynamic calls?A. CALLB. CALLBC. CALLP using EXTPGM keywordD. CALLP using EXTPROC keyword

Which of the Following Calls can be used in Fixed format coding?A. CALLB. CALLBC. CALLP

There are two Default Activation groups- Default Activation group 1 and Default Activation group 2. In which activation group does system programs get executed?

Which of the following are most likely included in an Activation group?A. Static VariablesB. Automatic VariablesC. Open data PathsD. Dynamically allocated storage (using ALLOC operation in RPGIV program)E. Error Handling Routines

Which of the following is true with respect to Service programs?

Which of the following activation group types, is default for CRTSRVPGM?

Which of the following statements is false regarding EXPORT keyword?

Which of the following is not true with respect to EXPORT keyword?

Which of the following is correct regarding UPDSRVPGM command?

Which of the following choices is not correct regarding Service programs?

Which of the following statements is true regarding Binder Language Source?Which of the following statements is correct regarding Default Activation group?Which of the following statements is Correct for a program that is created with DFTACTGRP(*YES)?

Which of the following is contained in Binding Directories?

Which of the following statements correct identifies a Signature?

Which is the default source file for Binder language source?

Which of the following types of activation groups is automaticallydeleted when the last program in the call stack ends? A. QILEB. *CALLERC. *NEWD. Named

For the following question, Choose option 'All of the Above', if rest of the answers are correct. Else, choose the correct answer choice:

Which of the following options are true regarding Binding Directories?

DFTACTGRP keyword is valid for which of the following two commands?A. CRTBNDRPGB. CRTPGM

An ILE program will run in the OPM default activation group under which of the following conditions?A. The program was created with DFTACTGRP(*YES) on the CRTBNDRPG commandB. The program was created with ACTGRP(*CALLER) at the time of program creation and the caller of the program runs in the default activation group

Whenever a service program is activated by the program, a check ismade if the signature matches the one that is stored in the program since the lastbinding. What happens when this check fails?

Is the following statement correct?Named Activation group can be deleted using RCLACTGRP command

Which of the following two commands is effective to free resourcesfor ILE programs with a named activation group?A. RCLRSCB. RCLACTGRP

Can RCLACTGRP command be used to delete a named activation group that is in use?Which of the following is a valid command for reclaiming Activation group?

The OVRDBF command has a parameter by name OPNSCOPE. Which of the following correctly specifies the use of OPNSCOPE parameter?

Which of the following Scoping parameters is valid for OVRSCOPE parameter of OVRDBF command?A. *ACTGRPDFNB. *CALLLVLC. *JOB

Which of the following Scoping parameters is valid for OPNSCOPE parameter of OVRDBF command?A. *ACTGRPDFNB. *CALLLVLC. *JOB

Which of the following Scoping parameters is valid for OPNSCOPE parameter of OPNDBF command?A. *ACTGRPDFNB. *CALLLVLC. *JOB

Disclaimer: This is a C2 - Protected document. This document should not be shared with anyone in any form. The questions with answer options provided are original and not copied from any external source.

Option 1

USROPN cannot be specified for an output file

Since no factor 2 entry has been specified for EXCEPT, all exception records are printed.

The string 'Output' will be printed twice

1.Space before2. Skip before3. Print a line 4. Skip after 5. Space after



when the search argument is greater than the highest key or relative record number in the file.

(i) and (ii) are true.

They will be blank and/or zero.

The result column should be blank for a WRITE operation, since the file to be written into is an externally described file.

The UPDATE will be unsuccessful for both disk files and subfiles.

READ followed by a WRITE

1 and blanks

Only the response indicator

(I) and (iv)

(i) and (iii) are true

FFilename++IPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.KeywordsFORDER IF E DISK

This file will be opened immediately when this program is called.

in the initialization subroutine

file FILE01 is renamed to XXLE01

2048 and 31,628 respectively

(i) and (ii).

You cannot specify EDTCDE and EDTWRD for the same field.

The variable mbrname can be set by using the INZ on the D specification.

Record level only.


A only


Only (iii)

Only (i) is true.

Only (i) is true.

Only (i) is true.

Only (i) is true.

Limit of 9999 records.

Retrieve data from one or more data files and write that data to the subfile record format using the RPG WRITE operation.

Single-page subfile

Changes the record next to a given record.

SLFCLRField Level

No parametersReturns the cursor to its Previous position.

It returns the number of records of a particular subfile.

It displays a '+' when not the end of a subfile.

I & iv


ii only

O spec

"SFLDSP" = Subfile-Display, Subfile is displayed when conditiong indicator is off. "SFLDSPCTL" = Subfile-Display-Control- format. The subfile control format is displayed when conditioning indicator is off.

A subfile can be deleted, when SFLDLT is set to on and an output operation is done on the subfile record format.

When *MORE is set to Y and SFLEND is on, "Bottom" will be displayed at the right bottom corner of the subfile

Only A

Compile time

Prerun time array

D Items S 20 DIM(10)

one or two digit numeric value, where a program stops only when the severity level occurred is not equal to given value.

a database file contains the array data

Z-ADDOnly (i) is true.

c cus_name LOOKUP cust(i) 10

i ,ii & iv

DATA(1) = 'AB'DATA(2) = 'CD'DATA(3) = 'EF'DATA(4) = 'G 'DATA(5) = ' '







junk values will be moved to numeric field

valid timeI, IV & VI


%date with no parameters


Both loops are executed once.




Result3 = 1234.66

Char6 = 123-EF

Num5 = 45645

D Date_Fld S D DATFMT(*USA) INZ('D'19970712)



When *off is moved to LR in the previous invoke.


I, iii & iv


I, iii, iv & ii


Error, %size can be performed only on numeric variables


to return the number of value assigned elements in an array

Substr = ‘LLOW’

Position = 4

iii & iv


Length = 25 characters



EditAmount = ‘**234,567 Dollars 89 CentsØØØØ’

DATFMT (Specifying the default internal format for date fields with in the program)

F spec


Error, Not enoung replaceable characters for the editw function





E, D, T, Z

Only 1

I, ii & iv

The availbale memory is allocated

12, 15, 18, 21

11, 15, 17, 20 & 22

I, ii, iii & iv


I, iii, & v



'Same' will be displayed

'Same' will be displayed

FLDA - ZonedFLDB - Zoned

'Same' will be displayed

'Same' will be displayed

'One' will be displayed

One' will be displayed


One' Will be displayed

An ″Array Data Structure″ is an array defined with keyword OCCURSOnly A


Only A


Myds is a data structure array containing field definitions taken from EMPMASTER file and at run time, the first five records contained in EMPMASTER file will be populated in this array

A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'


In the following order:Emp_Name would be 'Billy', 'Clara', 'James'Emp_Salary would be '500.44', '400.55', '200.32'

Compile time error will occur as Emp_Fname is a field of size 5, but we are trying to assign a value bigger than the field size

0, 1


No Match' will be displayed

D Ptr S * Inz(%Addr(*IN)) D IndDS DS Based(Ptr) D Ind01 1

Nothing is wrong. The program will execute properly displaying the library list.

QMHQRDQDExecutes the 'display library' command to show the contents of *LIBL

*DTAQThe variables defined in main procedure are Static variables

A' and 'C' respectively

When calling a procedure that expects a parameter of Numeric data type, CONST keyword can be used to pass a field of Numeric data type of different length

The compiler-generated code that is the entrypoint for an ILE program on a dynamic program call

A' and 'C' respectively

subprocedures cannot use the RPG cycle only whenthey are part of a module where the main source section is not usingthe RPG cycle

Neither Global variables nor Files that are required in the main procedure or in thesubprocedures can be defined in the main section of the code.

A' and 'C' respectively

Subprocedures provide parameter checking.Only A

Return a data structure

It means that the module in which it is coded cannot be an entry module

A procedure interface is compulsory if the procedure returns a value, orif it has any parameters. Otherwise, it is optional

NOMAIN keyword should not be specified as it is reserved for Service programs only

The program will result in a run time error as the subprocedure Proc1 expects two parameters, whereas only one is passed from the main procedure

The Options(*NOPASS) for a parameter should be followed by OPTIONS(*NOPASS) for the succeeding parameters also. Hence OPTIONS(*OMIT) for Val3 can be replaced by OPTIONS(*NOPASS) in the prototype and procedure interface definition and CALLP be modified accordingly

The program will result in compilation error since Record format name should be specified for READ operations instead of File name


A, B, C, D and E

CALLBCHAINDefinition SpecificationDefining field names

%Subst(Var2:(%Len(Var2)-%Len(Var1)):%Len(Var1)) = Var1;

Possible only if the program runs in Default activation group


C Call 'FREE5'C Eval *Inlr = *On


Programs that are on the system at run time

Only A

Only A

EXTPGMBy ReferenceParameter Passing OptionsPass literals and expressions as parameters

Only A

Program Calls

CALLIt contains the information of whether a the call is bound(procedure) or dynamic(program)

Only A is correct


Unused prototypes result in performance penalty

A & B only

OPTIONS(*NOPASS) is specified in definition specification

*OMIT is allowed for CONST parameters

OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is valid for parameters passed by reference that have a character data type

the compiler only passes a (hidden) pointer tothe data value, rather than passing the actual value

Any procedure that can be called by usinga static procedure call can also be called through a procedure pointer

Only A

A, B and C

Only A


1 & 2


a. 10-

The program object is created if all errors encountered during compilation have a severity level greater than or equal to the generation severity level specified

Call your program:    CALL pgmname


Displays the value 9999-12-31


1*FILEif NOMAIN is specified on the Control SpecificationOnly (i) is true.

Only (i) is true.

Only by giving ESDS in position 22 - 25.

10 characters starting from the first position.

(a) is true, (b) is false

The statement immediately before MONITOR block

This block handles errors of status code 00100 and 00121

an explicit file operation that does not have an indicator specified in positions 73 & 74

ii, iii, & iv


0 rows & 10 cols

I & iv

ii & iv


Yes, when the *KEYED option is selected while creating the data queue.

Data Queue & Data Area

Queue_nameLibrary name,Message size,Message

Dtastrut is a data structure with a single sub field of length 5

c dsply var3

Variable name is too long


LIKEREC can be used to define a data structure and data structure subfield



rec will be created from all fields of filerec

The file pointer will be moved to the corresponding record with the key value

Error, %KDS cannot be specified on an externally described file

A & B

A record containing a key valule greater than the given key will be read


Current System date


use '-' instead of '/'

1 & 4 Only. 2 & 3 assumes default Values

The name of the trigger program to be called should be the same for each trigger

Since both triggers are added to the same file, with the same trigger time and trigger event, the trigger program NEWPGM replaces the trigger program UPDTRG.

First a trigger will be added with Trigger time *AFTER and Even as *INSERT. Then the first trigger will be replaced by the the new trigger with Trigger time as *AFTER and TEvent as *Update.

var1=23.23 and var2=23.23

Increase the size of the variable chr1

Run time error will occur at line no 6, saying "The target for a numeric operation is too small to hold the result"

(i) and (iii)

Runtime error saying 'Attempt to divide by zero' occurs.



Both A and B

Only A



The line 5 can be replaced as c eval len=%size(str)

A & C only

Only 'D'Only A

It is the basic building block for ILE runnable objects.

Bind by Reference is accomplished by copying two or more modules into a program.

Binding by Copy is a method of Static BindingA Program is created by binding a module and a Service programA Job owns an Activation GroupCRTPGMThis activation group exists during all the life of the active job. It is ended along with the job end

Recursion is not possible in RPGDefault Activation group 1

A, C, D & E

Default Activation group is the activation group where original program model (OPM) programs run

It is possible to create a single runnable program that consists of modules written separately in RPG, COBOL, C and CL

A & B

A Service program cannot be replaced without affecting the ILE programs or Service programs that use them


Only one module may define the data item as exported

NOMAIN control specification keyword must be specified mandatorily in modules to create service program

The Binder language source has to be compiled to create a *BND object before it can be usedILE programs always run in Default Activation GroupILE Static binding is not available

Both A and B

Only Anames of RPGLE programs that are linked together

A Signature is a System created data area entry, that records the date and time at which a program gets called

An Error message occursQBNDSRC


Only A

The specification of the EXPORT keyword allows a globally defined data structure to be used by another module in the program

This command can be used to replace modules of an Integrated Language Environment (ILE) bound service program with other modules on the system, without requiring you to change or recompile the bound service program.

A binding directory canreduce program size because modules or service programs listed in a bindingdirectory are used only if they are needed.

Yes. It can be used to delete the activation groupRCLRSC

It tells the system where in the call stack the override will be valid, after the file is open

A, B and C

A, B and C

A, B and C

Disclaimer: This is a C2 - Protected document. This document should not be shared with anyone in any form. The questions with answer options provided are original and not copied from any external source.

Option 2

The OFLIND keyword is not a file level keyword.

Only CONT will be printed

The string 'Output' will be printed Once

1.Space before2. Skip before3. Print a line 4. Space after5. Skip after



(iii) and (iv) are true.

They will be null.

when a record is present whose key or relative record number is equal to the search argument.

The factor 2 operand should be the file name and not record name since the file to be written into is an externally described file.

(i) and (iv) are true

READ followed by an UPDATE

blanks and 12.

Only the data record.

(i) and (ii)

The UPDATE will be successful for subfiles but will update the locked record retrieved from the first input operation.The UPDATE will fail for disk files.

FFilename++IPEASFRlen+LKlen+AIDevice+.KeywordsFORDER IPE F 41 DISK

This file must be opened with an explicit OPEN operation prior to accessing this file.

in the program status subroutine

field FIELD1 is renamed to XXELD1

512 record formats and any number of fileds.

File level and record level.

(iii) only

The variable mbrname can be set by passing the value in as an entry parameter.

Edit codes 1 through 4 represent user defined edit codes.


B only


(ii) and (iii)

Only (ii) is true.

Only (ii) is true.

Only (ii) is true.

Load all subfile

Only (ii) is true.

Brief delay whenever the Page up key or the Page down key is pressed

Initialize the subfile first, using the SFLINZ keyword, to display the subfile with its default values to the screen, and to allow the user to type data into the subfile from the screen.

Changes all the records in that page.

SFLENDFile Level

1Returns the cursor to its initial position.

It returns the relative record number of the subfile where the cursor is currently positioned

ii & iv


i, ii & iii Only

I spec

if spelled out as SFLEND(*MORE) it puts "more . . ." at the bottom, till eof is reached.

"SFLDSP" = Subfile-Display, the subfile is displayed on the screen, when the conditioning indicator is on."SFLDSPCTL" = Subfile-Display-Control-format, the subfile-control format is displayed, when the conditioning indicator is on.

A file level keyword which indicates that the subfile record formats in that display file can be deleted when active.

When *MORE is set to Y and SFLEND is off, "Bottom" will be displayed at the right bottom corner of the subfile

Only A & C

Run time

Compile time array

D Items S 20A DIM(10)

one or two digit numeric value, where a program stops when the severity level occurred is equal or lesser than the given value.

the array data is created during program execution

ADD Only (ii) is true

ii only

DATA(1) = 'AB'DATA(2) = 'CD'DATA(3) = 'EF'DATA(4) = 'GA'DATA(5) = 'BC '

C cus_name LOOKUP cust(i) 10


1234567890 HH


Error, fugurative constants cannot be moved to variables



0 will be moved to numeric field only when moved using MOVE

valid dateI, V & VI




First loop is executed once while second loop twice.


1 or 0


Result3 = 1234 ( truncated )

Char6 = 12LDEF

Error, Character data cannot be moved to packed numeric format.

D Date_Fld S D DATFMT(*USA) INZ(D'1997-07-12')




When the program was abended in the middle of *INZSR in the previous invoke

I, ii & iv

iii, ii, iv & i


Length = 17 bytes


to return the value of the current array index

any number of *INZSR subroutines can be coded withn a program with a single module

Substr = ‘ORL’

Position = 7

I & ii


Length = 10 characters



EditAmount = ‘234,567 Dollars 89 CentsØØØØØØØ ’

DATEEDIT (Specifying the format of numeric fields when using the Y edit code)

H spec




Compile time error, A float value is not allowed for the SUBST operation



Z only

2 & 3

I & ii

Half of the required memory will be allocated

12, 15, 17, 21

11, 14, 18, 22

I & iv


I, ii,iii & v

Standalone fields


'Different' will be displayed

'Different' will be displayed

FLDA - ZonedFLDB - Packed

'Different' will be displayed

'Different' will be displayed

'Two' will be displayed

Two' will be displayed


One' will be displayed followed by 'Two'

An ″Array Data Structure″ is a data structure defined with keyword OCCURSOnly B


Only B


This definition is not correct. Cannot use an external data strucutre definition for a qualified data structure.

An error will occur as Array cannot be overlayed to a Data structure


Fulln' will be displayed

In the following order:Emp_Name would be 'James', 'Clara', 'Billy'Emp_Salary would be '200.32', '400.55', '500.44'

0, 0


Match' will be displayed

D Ptr S * Inz(%Addr(*IN))D IndDS DS Based(Ptr) D Ind01 1 Inz

QCRTDTAQExecutes the 'display library list' command to show the Library list of the job

*MODULEStatic variables can come from external sources such as DDS or SQL specifications

Indicate that a parameter passed by reference is read-only

A' and 'B' respectively

QCMDEXC is a system API. So it has to be referred using EXTPROC keyword instead of EXTPGM

Written by a programmer. Is the target of the dynamicprogram call

A' and 'B' respectively

subprocedures cannot use the RPG cycle whilerunning, even if they are part of a module where the main source section is usingthe RPG cycle

Only Global variables that are required in the main procedure or in thesubprocedures must be defined in the main section of the code. Files can be declared inside subprocedures

A' and 'B' respectively

Subprocedures can be used as a user defined function.Only B

Return a pointer to a data structure

It is used to define the entry parameters and the returnvalue for the subprocedure.

the NOMAIN keyword indicates that the module in which it is specified is a part of a service program

The program will execute without any problem and displays 'Hello'.

The prototype definition is having same field names for two different fields (Packed). The system will not able to identify the correct field that is being passed to this procedure

CallP Proc1(Val1:Val2:*OMIT) must be changed to CallP Proc1(Val1:*NOPASS:*OMIT)

The program will give unpredictable result. That is, Either 'End of File' message or 'Not Eof' message can be displayed


A, C & D

CALLP (External program call)MOVECalculation SpecificationResulting indicators

%Subst(Var2:4:3) = Var1;

Not possible at all


DFREE5 PR Extpgm('FREE5') D Val1 3 0 Options(*Nopass) /Free FREE5(); *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

D ARR1 S 1 DIM(5) /FREE %SUBARR(ARR1:1) = '1'; %SUBARR(ARR1:2) = '2'; %SUBARR(ARR1:3) = '3'; *INLR = *ON; /END-FREE

Both A & B

Both A & B

EXTPROCBy Conditional reference (keyword RESTRICT on the parameter definition)Compilation Options

Only B

System API Calls

Procedure pointer calls provide a way to call a procedure dynamically

CALLBIt contains information on the number and nature of parameters

Both A & B are correct


B only

Exported procedures in other modules or service programs that are bound in the same program or service program

Pass parameters that do not match exactly the type and length that areexpected

the compiler passes the actualdata to the called procedure

Compiler does parameter checking when a procedure calls another exported subprocedure in a different module

When OPTIONS(*NOPASS) is specified, the parameter does not have to be passed on the call

When OPTIONS(*OMIT) is specified, then the value *OMIT is allowed for that parameter

When OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is specified, the passed parameter may be shorter in length than is defined in the prototype.

Both A & B

B & C only

Only B


Use F10 to step through the program. Use F11 to see values

1, 2 & 3


b. 10

The program object is created if all errors encountered during compilation have a severity level less than or equal to the generation severity level specified


Displays the value 0000-12-31


160*ALLWhen the file is a program described file.Only (ii) is true.

Only (ii) is true.

By giving UDS in position 23 - 25

5 characters starting from the eleventh position

(b) is true, (a) is false

The statement immediately after ENDMON

an explicit file operation that does not have an (E) extender.

This block handles error of status codes between 00100 and 00121 including those status codes

I, iii & iv

5 rows & 10 cols

I & iii

i & ii

I & iii

No, Data Queue can only store *FIFO or *LIFO format

Data Queue & User Space


Queue name,Library name,Message,Message size

DIM keyword creates an array of 10 elements for the subfld

c dsply var3.var2

Variable name cannot contain special characters




The subfields of the data structure will not be identical to the fields in the source record

rec1 will be created with all filerec fields converted to output fields

The record with 14400 as key will updated

B & C

The pointer will be moved to the corresponding record and the record will be read

A record containing a key valule lesser than the given key will be read

III & iv



use DATFMT(*USA) in H spec

All the four are mandatory

Since both triggers are added to the same file, with the same trigger time and trigger event,the creation of the second trigger fails.

Two Seperate Triggers will be crearted on the same File since the events are different.

The name of the trigger program to be called should be different for each trigger.

var1=23.23 and var2=3.23

No error in the program

Compile time error will occur at line no 6, saying "The target for a numeric operation is too small to hold the result"

only (i)

Since HDEBUG(*YES) is specified,division by zero results in invocation of STRDBG command.



Only A

Only B



The line 5 can be replaced as c eval len=%len(%trim(str))

The dynamic or external program call is faster than static or bound procedure call

C & D only

Only 'E'A & B

Binding by Copy is a method of Dynamic BindingA Program is created by binding two modules and two service programsAn Activation Group owns a JobCRTSRVPGM

*CALLERDefault Activation group 2

B, C, D & E

It is not possible to directly access the procedures or data items in one module from another ILE object

Whenever you call one program from another using CALL operation, you are binding those programs by Reference

This activation group is completely deleted when the program ends abnormally or when it returns to its caller

Specifying *YES in the DFTACTGRP keyword in Control specification, lets the ILE RPG program behave like OPM RPG programs in the areas of file sharing, file scoping, RCLRSC and handling of unmonitored exceptions

Only C


It does not contain a program entry procedure

OPM programs always run in Default Activation GroupILE Static binding is available

Only A

Only Bnames of modules and service programs

The service program gets activated and continues to runQSRVSRC


Only B

A Service program is a special program object that can be called using a Dynamic program call

The EXPORT keyword on the definition specification is used to export data items and cannot be used to export procedure names when specified in definition specification

You cannot export a field that is specified in the Result-Field entry of a PARM in the *ENTRY PLIST

This command can be used to replace modules of an Integrated Language Environment (ILE) bound program with other service programs on the system, without requiring you to change or recompile the bound program.

You can create a binding directory to contain the names of modules and serviceprograms that your program or service program may need.

it contains a list ofexported subprocedure names that the serviceprogram actually makes available

A Signature is otherwise known as Level Check and it is used to identify the version of files

Yes, but only if the named activation group is QILE.RECACTGRP

A & B only

A & B only

A & B only

It tells the system where in the call stack the override will be valid, before the file is open

Disclaimer: This is a C2 - Protected document. This document should not be shared with anyone in any form. The questions with answer options provided are original and not copied from any external source.

Option 3

The program ends without printing anything

The parameter *INOA for th overflow indicator OFLIND is not valid for externally described files.

If indicator 10 is off,TITLE and AUTH would be printed. CONT will also be printed.

1. Skip before 2. Space before 3. Print a line 4. Skip after 5. Space after


When the SETLL operation results in an error.

The result column should always be blank for a WRITE operation.

Only (i) is true

They will equal the values of the first record in the file.

(ii) and (iv) are true

READC followed by an UPDATE

1 and 12

The response indicator and the data record (with any modifications entered on the screen)

(i),(iii) and (iv)

The UPDATE will be successful for disk files but will update the locked record retrieved from the first input operation.The UPDATE will fail for subfiles.

FFilename++IPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.KeywordsFORDER IF E 41 DISK

This file must be opened with the CL command OPNDBF prior to the call to this program .

in the program status data structure

field FIELD1 is renamed to XXFIELD1

Only one record format and any number of fields.

Field level and record level

(iv) only

The DFT keyword cannot be specified with the EDTCDE keyword.

The variable mbrname can be set by using a program-global variable that is set by another module.


Using Either A or B

System Value QUSRLIBL

(i) and (iii)

Both are true.

Both (i) and (ii) are true.

Both of the above

Both are true.

Self-extending subfile

Both (i) and (ii) are true.

Most complicated code.

It is used to change the first record of the next subfile.


2Returns the location of the cursor to an application program.

It is used to display the page of the subfile containing the record whose relative record number is in this field

Both the functions

I, ii, iv


ii, iii & iv Only

H spec

"SFLDSP" = Subfile-Display, Displays the subfile when overflow indicator is on. "SFLDSPCTL" = Subfile-Display-Control-format, displays the subfile record format when overflow indicator is on.

A rcord level keyword in the SFL control record, when set, clears all the records in the associated subfile.

When *MORE is set to blanks and SFLEND is on, "Bottom" will be displayed at the right bottom corner of the subfile

Only A & B

Prerun time

the array data changes frequently

Run time array

D Items S 10A DIM(20)

one or two digit numeric value, where a program stops only when the severity level occurred is equal to given value.

MVR Both (i) and (ii) are true.

C cus_name LOOKUP custinfo(i) 10

iii only

DATA(1) = ' 'DATA(2) = ' A'DATA(3) = 'BC'DATA(4) = 'DE'DATA(5) = 'FG'







0 will be moved only when moved using EVAL

valid timestamp format in numeric fieldII, IV & VII


%sysdate with no parameters


First loop is executed twice while second loop once




Result3 = 1235 ( rounded off )

Char6 = 12ABCD

Num5 = 12NOP

D Date_Fld S D DATFMT(*USA) INZ(D'07/12/1997')



When all the variables are initialized using INZ keyword

8Run time error, No time specified in the date

I & ii

only one *INZSR subroutine can be coded in a program with a single module

ii, I, iii & iv


Error, %size can be performed only on arrays


to return the number of elements in an array

Substr = ‘LOW’

Position = 3

ii & iii


Length = 3 charaters

Error, The date format is not compatible with the %date function


EditAmount = ‘ 234,567 Dollars 89 Cents’

ACTGRP (Specifying the Activation group the program is associated with, when called)

D spec







D, T, Z only

1 & 3

I & iii

No memory will be allocated.

11, 14, 18, 22

11 & 13, 14, 17, 21 & 22

ii & iii


I, ii & iv

Both ( A ) and ( B )


The program will result in compilation error

The program will result in compilation error

FLDA - ZonedFLDB - Floating point

The program will result in compilation error

The program will result in compilation error

'Three' will be displayed

Will result in Compilation Error


One' will be displayed followed by 'Two' followed by 'Four'

An ″Array Data Structure″ is a data structure defined with keyword DIMBoth A & B

Allowed only if the dimension is greater than 1PERRCDSUBF.DSNAME(5)

Both A & B


Myds is a data structure array containing field definitions alone, taken from EMPMASTER file and at run time, this array will be initialized to default values of the data type of fields

' ,' ' ,'C' and 'D'


In the following order:Emp_Name would be 'Billy', 'Clara', 'James'Emp_Salary would be '200.32', '400.55', '500.44'

Run time error will occur as *NEXT cannot be specified for the OVERLAY keyword in Emp_Name field

1, 1

Error will occur as %SUBARR is not valid for Indicator arrays

Compile error will occur as %Addr(*IN) + 1 is not valid

D Ptr S * Inz(%Addr(*IN)) D IndDS DS Based(Ptr) D Ind01 N Overlay(IndDS)

QRCVDTAQEnds with compilation error

*PGMStatic variables can be local variables in subprocedures declared with the STATIC keyword

The procedure that has been exported using EXPORT keyword

A' and ' ' respectively

The length of the parameters passed to QCMDEXC differs from the prototype definition. This is not allowed.

When calling a procedure that expects a parameter of DATE data type in a particular format, CONST keyword can be used to pass a DATE field which is in a different format

A' and ' ' respectively

subprocedures can use the RPG cycle whilerunning, even if they are not a part of a module where the main source section is usingthe RPG cycle

Only files that are required in the main procedure or in thesubprocedures must be defined in the main section of the code. Global variables can be declared inside subprocedures

A' and ' ' respectively

Subprocedures can be called only from with in the same moduleBoth A & B

Modify the content of parameters passed, if the parameters are passed by reference

it indicates that there is no main procedure in this module

The procedure-interface definition must be specified immediately following the Procedure Begin (P Spec)

The fields declared in prototype do not match with the field names in procedure interface

The program will result in run time error as the main procedure cannot identify the Sub procedure Proc1, as it is not Exported using the EXPORT keyword

The code must be compiled with ACTGRP(*NEW) specified

End of File' Message will be displayed


A, C, D & E

CALLP (Bound Procedure call)EXSRFile Specificationbuilt-in function

Var2 = %Replace(Var1:Var2:4);

It is possible


DFREE5 PR Extpgm('FREE5') /Free Callp FREE5(); *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

D ARR1 S 1 DIM(5) /FREE %SUBARR(ARR1:1:1) = '1'; %SUBARR(ARR1:2:1) = '2'; %SUBARR(ARR1:3:1) = '3'; *INLR = *ON; /END-FREE

Subprocedures in the same module

Only B

Only B

EXTCALLBy Read only reference (keyword CONST on the parameter definition)Program Initialization OptionsPass a variable that, from the caller's perspective, will not be modified

Both A & B

Procedure Calls


Only B is correct

Procedure Interface

Compiler does parameter checking for prototyped calls only with in the same module

B & C only

Any parameters following OPTIONS(*NOPASS) specification must also have (*NOPASS) specified

*OMIT is allowed for parameters which are passed by reference

OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is valid for parameters passed by reference that have a numeric data type

it is important that you know that the parameter would notbe changed during the call

One disadvantage of Procedure call is that, You cannot manipulate arrays of procedure names or addresses to dynamicallyroute a procedure call to different procedures

It contains information on the parameters that must be passed, and which parameters are optionally used

Only B

A & B only

Both A & B


2 & 4


c. 010

The program object is created if all errors encountered during compilation have a severity level less than the generation severity level specified

If you wish, set additional breakpoints and use F12 to run until the next breakpoint.



126*OPCODEWhen the file is a logical fileBoth are true.

Both are true.

By giving ESDS in position 22 - 25 or By giving SDS in position 23-25

15 characters starting from the first position

Both (a) & (b) are true

The final ON-ERROR block

Error, A calculation with a Date, Time or Timestamp data type resulted in overflow

an explicit file operation that is not in the monitor block of a MONITOR group that can handle the error.

This block handles error of status codes between 00100 and 00121 excluding those status codes

iii & iv


5 rows & 5 cols

ii & iv

i & iii


Parameters , Data area & user space

Library name,Queue name,Message,Message size

dtastrut has a sub field with minimum length 5 and maximum length 10

400001 cannot be printed seperately

No error since the maximum variable name length is 4096


The LIKEREC has two optional parameters



rec1 will be created with all filerec fields excluding output fields

Error, since ALWNULL(*USRCTL) is not specified

Error, %KDS cannot be used with update operation

A & C

An EOF condition will occur

I, ii, & iii

Error, %date requires parameters


use DATFMT(*ISO) in H spec

Only 1. Other Options assume default system values and programs

Cannot Create two triggers using same program.

UPDTRG is called if the UPDATE operation changes value in EMP file. NEWPGM is called if the UPDATE operation is issued without changing any value in EMP file.

The trigger program to be called can be the same for each trigger or it can be a different program for each trigger.

Value 16000 will be printed.

Move 1 to strt instead of 0.

Run time error will occur at line no 5, saying "The target for a numeric operation is too small to hold the result"


Divide by zero exception is caused and the control is transferred to *pssr routine

Error,"The target for a numeric operation is too small to hold the result"

Error, Array element cannot be used as Result oprand for XFOOT

Only B

Both A and B

The line 5 can be replaced as c eval len=%size(%trim(str))

A only

'D' and 'E'A, B & C

It can export and import procedure and data item names

Binding by Copy is a method of Mixed BindingA Program is created by binding two modulesThere's no relation between an Activation Group and JobCRTBNDRPGTo end this activation group it is mandatory to either Sign off or execute RCLACTGRP command

*NEWThere is always only one default activation group. So the statement is false

A, B, C, D & E

An ILE compiler does not produce a program that can be run. Rather, it produces a module object (*MODULE) that can be combined with other modules to from a single runnable unit, that is, a program object (*PGM)

Service programs cannot be directly called. Hence they need to be bound to a program. This kind of binding is called 'bind by reference'

ILE Static and Dynamic binding are available when *YES is specified in DFTACTGRP keyword in Control specification

B & C

Main procedures of modules comprising the service program are exported automatically

Named Activation group

IMPORT and EXPORT cannot both be specified for the same data item

Both ILE and OPM programs always run in Default Activation GroupILE Dynamic binding is not available

Only B

Both A and Bnames of procedures

A Signature is an identification embedded with in an RPG program, to identify the author of the code


Both A and B

Specifying EXPORT keyword on the procedure specification, exports both the data items as well as procedure names

This command cannot be used to specify new Signatures identifying the sequence of exports in the Service program that gets created

A list of binding directoriescan be specified when you create a program on the CRTBNDRPG,CRTSRVPGM, and CRTPGM commands.

A service program is bound into a program or other service programs usingbinding by reference

The exports of a Service program that is not specified in Binder language Source can be accessed by external users

The system does a search on the library list to find the service program that has matching signature and prompts the user if a match is found

No. It can only be used to delete a named activation group that is not in use.RCLACTGRP

It specifies where in the call stack the first close operation on the file will be valid

B & C only

B & C only

B & C only

Option 4

There is no error.

The program cannot be compiled as LR is not a valid indicator for Header Lines

If indicator 10 is on,TITLE and AUTH would be printed. CONT will also be printed.

1. Skip before 2. Space before 3. Print a line 4. Space after5. Skip after


When a BOF condition occurs.

No error in the code

Only (iii) is true.

They will equal the values of the last record read.

(ii) and (iii) are true

WRITE followed by a READ

both fields will be blanks.

The response indicator and the data record (without any modifications entered on the screen)

(i), (ii) ,(iii) and (iv)

The UPDATE will be successful for both disk files and subfiles and will update the locked record retrieved from the first input operation.

FFilename++IPEASFRlen+LKlen+AIDevice+.KeywordsFORDER IF F DISK

in the file information data structure

field FIELD1 is renamed to FXXIELD1

1024 and 32,767 respectively

Record level, file level and field level.

(i) and (iv)

The variable mbrname can be set by using the EXTFLD keyword.

This file will be opened when the program reaches a C specification that issues a READ or CHAIN to this file.

Option indicators are not valid for this keyword.


Using Both A and B.

Error occurs, since library name is mandatory.

Only (iv)

Both are false.

Both are false.

None of the above

Both are false.

Both (i) and (ii) are false.

User has to wait until entire file is loaded.

all of the above

Marks a subfile record as changed even when the user does not change the record.

SFLPAGCan be used at any level

3None of the above

It is used to display only the particular subfile record whose relative record number is in this field

None of them

I, ii, iii & iv

garbage value

i, ii, iii & iv

F spec

"SFLDSP" = Subfile-Display, Displays the subfile when overflow indicator is off. "SFLDSPCTL" = Subfile-Display-Control-format, displays the subfile record format when the Overflow indicator is off.

A subfile can be deleted, when SFLDLT is set to on and an output operation is done on the subfile control record format.

When *MORE is set to blanks and SFLEND is off, "Bottom" will be displayed at the right bottom corner of the subfile

A, B & C

Both run time and compile time.

None of the above

D Items C 10A DIM(20)

one or two digit numeric value, where a program stops when the severity level occurred is equal or greater than the given value.

the array data does not change frequently

XFOOT Both (i) and (ii) are false.

C cust(i) LOOKUP cus_name 10

i & ii

DATA(1) = 'AB'DATA(2) = 'AB'DATA(3) = 'AB'DATA(4) = 'AB'DATA(5) = 'AB'







blanks will be moved to the numeric field

all of the aboveIII, VI & VII




None of the above.




Result3 is too small to hold calculated result - overflow condition.

Char6 = ABCD3-

Num5 = 56745



Compile time error.

D Date_Fld S D DATFMT(*USA) INZ('D'071297)

When the program abends while processing main procedure during the prevoius invoke

I, ii & iii

I, iv, iii & ii

Length = 25 bytes


to return the number of uninitialized elements in an array

The number of *INZSR definitions in a single module program is machine dependant


Substr = ‘OWO’

Position = 8

I, ii, iii & iv


Length = 17 characters



EditAmount = ‘***234,567 Dollars 89 CentsØØØ‘

JOBTYPE(Specifying the mode, either Interactive or Batch, for the program to run)

O spec

Compilation error, no characters for replacement by %editw.



blanks will be moved subchr



E only

Only 3

ii & iv

13, 15 ,18, 21

12, 14, 17, 20 & 22

ii & iv


I, iii, iv & v

%ERROR will return '1', the status is set to 00426, and %STATUS will return 00426.

The program will result in run time error

The program will result in run time error

Neither ( A ) nor ( B )

FLDA - PackedFLDB - Packed

PREFIX can be used only with subfields of externally described data structures.

The program will result in run time error

The program will result in run time error

'Four' will be displayed

Will result in Run-time Error


Two' will be displayed

An ″Array Data Structure″ is an array defined with keyword EXTNAMENone of the other choices

Not allowed if the dimension is greater than 1QUALIFIEDSUBF(5).DSNAME

None of the other choices


Myds is a data structure array containing field definitions taken from EMPMASTER file and at run time, the default values for the fields specified in EMPMASTER file (using DFT keyword) will be moved to Myds datastructure fields

A compile time error will occur as Emp_salary cannot be a valid argument for SortA


Compile time error will occur as the length of Emp_Info has not been specified

Array can be overlayed to a data structure, but in this case, an error will occur as the Size of the array element does not match with the size of the data structure

1, 0

Error will occur as %SUBARR cannot be on the left hand side of the assignment operation

Run time error will occur as %Addr(*IN) cannot be incremented by 1

D Ptr S * Inz(%Addr(*IN)) D IndDS DS Based(Ptr) D Ind01 Overlay(IndDS:1) Like(*In01)

QSNDDTAQEnds with run time error

*SYSOBJStatic variables are local variables defined in subprocedures that are called using Static call

The procedure that has been imported from another module

' and 'B' respectively

The prototype definition of QCMDEXC API do not match with the actual parameters expected by the API. This is not allowed.

When calling a procedure that expects a parameter of Character data type, CONST keyword can be used to pass a field of Numeric data type of similar length

' and 'B' respectively

subprocedures can use the RPG cycle whilerunning, if they are a part of a module where the main source section is not usingthe RPG cycle

Any files and global variables that are required in the main procedure or in thesubprocedures must be defined in the main section of the code

List1 cannot be used as it is declared outside the subprocedure

Subprocedures support recursion.None of the other choices

all of the above

if NOMAIN is specified, then you cannot use the CRTBNDRPG command to create a program

The compiler uses this information to ensure that theinternal definition of the procedure is consistent with the external definition (theprototype)

The procedure AFUNCTION is not recognized as it is not exported using EXPORT keyword

The program will result in run time error as the sub procedure will not be able to recognize *OMIT that is passed from the main procedure

Not Eof' Message will be displayed

CallP Proc1(Val1:Val2:*OMIT) must be changed to CallP Proc1(Val1) since in the Proc1 sub procedure, only Val1 is used


A, B, D & E

None of the above calls are allowed in Free formatUPDATEInput Specificationall of the above

%Subst(Var2:4:%Size(Var1)) = Var1;

It is not possible if the source code is of type RPGLE


DFREE5 PR Extpgm('FREE5') /Free FREE5; *Inlr = *On; /End-Free

D VAR1 DS D FIVE 5 INZ('123 ') D ARR1 1 5 DIM(5) /FREE *INLR = *ON; /END-FREE

Subprocedures in other modules that are not exported, but are bound in the same program

None of the other choices

None of the other choices

EXTNAMEBy Value (keyword VALUE on the parameter definition)all of the aboveall of the above

None of the other choices

all of the above

All the above three calls allow parameters to be passed by referenceAll of the Above

Both A & B are incorrect

Bound Program

All parameter checks are done for prototyped calls only during run time

A, B & C

Any parameters following OPTIONS(*NOPASS) specification can have (*NOPASS) or (*OMIT) specified

*OMIT is allowed for parameters which are passed by value

the compiler may copy theparameter to a temporary field and pass the address of the temporary field

If the called procedure is in thesame activation group, the speed of a procedure pointer call is almost identical tothat of a static procedure call

When OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is specified, the passed parameter may be longer in length than is defined in the prototype.

None of the other choices

C Only

None of the other choices


Compile the program with Debug View set to *LIST

1, 2 & 4

error since decimal places in var2 is not equal to that of var1

d. Error - The target for a numeric operation is too small to hold the result

The program object is created if all errors encountered during compilation have a severity level greater than the generation severity level specified


None of the above.

Error in the dsisplay statement.

80*STATUSAll of the aboveBoth (i) & (ii) are false

Both are false.

All of the above.

Only by providing SDS in position 23-25

10 characters starting from the eighty first position

Both (a) & (b) are false

None of the above.

This block handles all errors of status codes other than 00100 and 00121

I & iii


1 row & 10 cols

ii, iii & iv

i only

I, ii, iv

Need not to preserve the order

all of the above

A Data structure cannot be an array when a sub field is already an array

Only way to print 400001 is to use string manipulation

No Size mentioned in variable declaration


LIKEREC cannot be used to create data structures from file records.



rec1 will be created with all output fields from filerec

Error will be thrown since factor2 of kfld should contains indicators

Error, Record name required for update

A, B & C

The file pointer wont be moved from the current record.

I, ii, iii & iv

Null value


use *USA as a parameter for the inz keyword

1,3 and 4 Only. *BEFORE is default for option 2

When an update event occurs on the file EMP,first the program UPDTRG is executed.Upon its successful execution,the program NEWPGM is executed.

Creation of second trigger fails since only one trigger can be created on a file at a time.

None of the above.

var1 = 23.23 and var2 = 2.32

Value 60000 will be printed.

change the order of the parameters for the built in function %subst as %subst(str:offst:strt)

(i) and (ii)

Compile time error occurs since no error indicator is specified for EVAL opcode and *PSSR is used.


4, 8

Both Option 2 and Option 3 are correct.

None of the other choices

None of the other choices

In ILE programs, both dynamic program calls as well as static procedure calls can be used

A, C & D

D', 'E' and 'P'Only C

It is not a runnable object.

Binding by Reference implies combining more than one program object to create a single program object

Binding by Reference is otherwise known as Binding by CopyA program is created by binding two modules and one service programNone of the other choicesCRTRPGMODThis activation group cannot be ended at all

Named Activation GroupSystem programs do not run in activation groups. So the statement is false

A, B, C & D

The DFTACTGRP keyword is valid only if the CRTBNDRPG command is used

A, B, C & D

CRTSRVPGM command is used to bind a service program to a program object


Unnamed data structures cannot be exported whereas BASED data items can be exported

This command cannot be used to change the Activation group name associated with Service program

All of the Above

Both ILE and OPM programs always run in Named Activation GroupBoth ILE Static and ILE Dynamic binding are available

Not valid for Both A and B

Neither A nor Bnames of prototypes

A Signature is a code that expresses a version of Exports

The system identifies a security violation and immediately ends the jobQILESRC

Neither A nor B

The specification of the EXPORT keyword allows a standalone field defined with in a module to be used by another module in the program

Service programs are typically used for common functions that are frequently calledwithin an application and across applications

It is required to specify a binder language source, when EXPORT(*ALL) is specified in CRTSRVPGM command

It may or may not be possible. The decision is made by OS400 at randomRECRSC

A & C only

A & C only

A & C only

It specifies where in the call stack the first open operation on the file will be valid for subsequent (shared) open operations on the same file


3 OK


2 OK

3 OK

For questions that need any correction, include your comments here, else write 'OK' to indicate

the technical correctness of the questionTechnical Technical

OK. Test this code if not tested.

4 OK


4 OK

1 OK

2 OK

1 OK

Confusion here. Program B can use FILE1 even if program A uses FILE1.

Only thing is if program A locks a record, the same record cannot be read in update mode in program B. But if the SHARE ODP is *YES for that file, even this scenario is not valid.

Replace this question with another

Question is OK, but answer is Option 4. Verify

OK, but Mention HI indicator or position 71-72 in braces instead of

specifying as NR indicator alone.

OK, But mention that RECA is the record

format name for FILEA or use RENAME keyword in file declaration to convey this message implicitly

OK, but put comma at the right places for the

answers. Also, BOF is not a keyword in RPG.

Specify Beginning of file indicator or Beginning of

file condition, instead.

2 OK


4 OK

2 OK

3 OK

4 OK

1 OK

READ is not a valid operation for Subfiles.

Please verify this question.

Still verify Option2. Is there a locking

mechanism in Subfile?


OK, But change option3. Odd man out.

OK .But this is not easy :-) . Its ok. Let it be.

OK .But file declaration is not at correct position

compared to the Format specification given

above, for all the options.


4 OK

2 OK

4 OK

4 OK

1 OK

2 OK

4 OK

OK . But same problem as the above question. F

specification - file declaration mismatch at


Have changed the source code alone to Courier New size 10. Now OK.




Information given in question not enough. Suppose the current

library is MYLIB, when you run the overrides, then Option 3 will be correct. Suppose the

current library is anything other than MYLIB when you run the overrides, then Option 2 will be correct. Test these

scenarios. Also, is there any particular reason why

DBEMP file has been declared as program


OK. Have you tested this question? If not, do it

once to confirm.

OK, but FILEX declaration is not correct. File type (Input, or output

or update etc) is not specified.

OK. Have changed the font for the source code to Courier New size 10

Option 2 is correct, but a confusion here is, when the file exists in current

library, then Option 3 also will be correct. (Since

current lib is also a part of the library list and it is given preference over

user library lists)

Option 3 is still confusing. The file can reside in

more than one libraries.. Change Option3 as

follows: "System Value QUSRLIBL". OK Now.






3 (ii) is not clear.

1 OK

1 OK



Answer is wrong. Also,In the present format, difficulty is easy. You can have a question as follows: Which of the following is not a valid operation for a subfile? Options can be READC, READ, CHAIN, READE

Question Changed to increase

Complexity. OK

Answer is wrong but Question also

needs to be modified.

Standards is generic, unless referred to some

standards institute like


(ii) has been changed since not sure whether Footer must be of type


Option number (ii) needs more eloboration. Not clear what 'Any value' means

Option (ii) has been changed. OK

Why option 1 is false? How come something exist without occupying memory?

Data refers to what? Not clear

Why option 2 is false? Both can handle page up and page down

4 OK

3 OK3 OK

1 OK3 OK


Option 4 answer is not quite clear. Don’t understand 'When a record is moved in to a

subfile causes the subfile'.

Answer is wrong. SFLNXTCHG can be specified even without input capable field. Only thing is, there would be no use. (Saw the same answer in the following link also It is misguiding)

Option 1 also is correct (the

keyword can also return the row and

column of the cursor)

Answer is wrong. It displays the page of the subfile containing the record whose RRN number is in this field. Option 3 appears to be correct, but needs more eloboration.

All options have been changed. Earlier ones

seemed too easy. OK

3 OK

2 OK


3 OK

1 OK

1 OK

4 OK

3 OK

Answer is not correct

SFLENTER is used to page through a subfile. It means, it does the same operation as a Page down key. The information given in IBM's manual is misleading. (How come these people make such big mistakes). May be they meant Roll up instead of Page up. Roll up means Page down. Better to change this question.

Option 4 is not correct. Option 3 seems correct, check it out. Also, Option 1 and Option 2 can

be more confusing. Option 2 doesn’t make much sense.. How can a record format be

deleted? Instead specify that

'Subfile Records cannot be

deleted' (By default we know that records can be deleted).

OK. But Mode value is not

clear. Change it to SFLMODE.

OK. But severity is too easy.


4 OK

1 OK

4 OK

2 OK

3 OK

Question needs more

clarification. Confusion is,

Binding directories also refer to modules. it is possible to specify Binding directory with Option 2 as well

as 3. But I guess, only

Option 1 allows the specification

of Binding directory, as well as Modules that are not included in Binding

Directory. Verify this and change the question to be more clear.

Question Changed. OK

4 OK4 OK

1 OK (Good one)

2 OK

2 OK

*ALL for which Opcode? Also, don’t understand the meaning of 'decimal alignment'. Eloborate.

Variable i is not defined anywhere. Must be X. Test this code and verify the answer.

1 OK. Good one.

2 OK

2 OK. Good one.

2 OK

3 OK. Good one.

Ok. Better if you change one of the incorrect options as 5656565656. I have modified the question to be more specific.


2 OK

4 OK1 OK

2 OK

Option 3 and Option 1 clashes. The record with the lowest value will be first record in normal scenario. There's another case where Option1 is totally wrong - if DESCEND keyword is specified for a key in the data file, this operation will set the record pointer after last record. Also, answers need eloboration, 'record with low values' means what?

Review1 comments still open.



2 OK. Good one.


Answer is not correct. %DATE is a conversion function. *DATE or UDATE gives the Job date and not the system date. Both are different. TIME keyword has to be used to get the current system date.

Review1 comments still open

OK. But Change option 3 :-) 'First loop' is repeated.

142107: The answer is correct. I have made a small modifaction to the answer to make it more clear. the above link has the explanation and the code has been tested.

1 OK

4 OK

3 OK

4 OK

2 OK. Good one.


2 OK

3 OK


1 OK

1 OK. Good one.

Ok. But other options are very easy to neglect. Complicate the incorrect answer


Have changed option 1. OK.

Answer is not correct. Option 2 is correct. Test it. Also change option 1 as SUBDR instead of SUBDDUR. Change option 4 as: CURDATE = CURDATE - %MONTH(6). Coz, in free format, %MONTHS is the correct BIF that can be used.

Option 1 is correct too. I guess you meant to change the operation code SUBDDUR to SUBDR

as given in REVIEW1?


Too Easy. Complicate the question.

2 OK

3 OK

2 OK

2 OK

4 OK


3 OK

Answer is wrong. If the program is a multi module program (ILE), each module can contain a *INZSR that gets executed when main modules are called.

Successful in what sense?

Record found? Or without Error? In

anycase, the Answer is wrong.

Question Changed. OK

3 OK

3 OK

2 OK

1 OK

2 OK

Complexity is too easy. Modify the question/answer. Can frame the question by comparing MOVE(P), MOVE, MOVEL(P) %TRIM, %TRIML, %TRIMR etc, asking which option gives a result different from the rest, for a given scenario.

Complexity is too easy. Modify the question/answer

Too easy again. Test the code with One Eval operation of Eval Length = %Len(%Len(String)). It returns value 10. Test it and put the code here.

1 OK




Too easy. And enaf of %TRIM stuff.. Frame a new question with another unused BIF. Like %CHECK, %SUBDT, %XLATE

Edit codes need not be remembered. This question has to be replaced. Pick up another BIF as suggested for question 98.

Question Changed. OK

When this code appears in webpage, it will be difficult to find out how many spaces are present in Edit word. There is a special character like the letter b which is cross striked, to denote blanks. If you find it, put it in the question and mention that it denotes blanks. If not, question has to be changed.

What is 'Number of lines per page'? Also not sure what Size to compile means. Check the question and change it if unclear.

Question Changed. OK

2 OK

4 OK

3 OK

2 OK

2 OK

Test this code. I think that the result may vary depending upon the NEWDATE declaration.

Again, when this question goes to webpage, cannot determine the number of spaces in NUMFMT. So, introduce the special character as mentioned in one of the previous questions. Also, test this code for different declarations of NEWNUM variable. I guess the answer may vary.

Confused what the question and answer is about? No idea.


2 OK




Test this code. Doesn’t seem to work.

Question Changed. OK

Answer not correct. Z can also be an operation code extender for TEST opcode. Make an exhaustive check.

Answer is Option 1 and not Option

3. Check it again.


Answer is wrong. Check the following link:

Check this once again. Review 1 comments still



Too easy to answer. Change Option 4 to increase difficulty

Check the answers once again.

Doesn’t seem to be correct. If you have doubt, replace the question


4 OK

1 OK

3 OK

4 OK

4 OK


Correct the spelling and grammar mistakes in the question. Option 2 also has spelling mistake. Rest is OK.

Repeat of the above question. with slight twist :-) Modify the question with different values for fields.

Too easy. Need to be changed.

Same question repeated in ILE module. Change this question with D spec keyword not

related to ILE.


2 OK


4 OK



Too easy. Replace this question as follows: In the following declarations, what will be internal data type of FLDA and FLDB?

D DS DFLDA 5S 2C *Like Define FldA FldB

The answer is, FLDA is Zoned and FLDB is packed.

You have changed the question, but have not changed the answer in

answer sheet :-) Change the answer as Option 2 in answer sheet.
































































22 OK

4 OK

2 OK

4 OK

3 OK

4 OK



4 OK2 OK1 OK3 OK

3 OK

4 OK


1 OK

1 OK

2 OK

2 OK

Options other than answer seem to be irreleavant. Change those.

OK. Make sure the code is tested.

OK. But Change option4 as SDS only in position 23-25.


2 Review

4 OK

2 OK

3 OK

3 OK

1 OK1 OK

4 OK

OK, But in Option4, what is the increment value that we are talking about? It is not an iterative loop. Change the option to relate to ENDMON



3 OK

1 OK


4 OK


4 OK

Option 4 needs to be changed

OK. Likeds itself will default to a qualified data structure. So

QUALIFIED keyword is not required. This question is


OK. But options are a bit

difficult. Your can have three

incorrect and one correct answer in

Four answer options instead of of A,B,C and


OK. But answer in answer sheet is wrong. Option 2 is the correct





3 OK

For this question, give the complete tested code

including F spec declaration and *Inlr included. Also mention the

fields, its datatype and length in the file named 'file'.

Option 1 and Option 4 must be changed to say that an Error

will occur since the question is 'What will be the output'. Option 1 also seems to be correct, update

cannot be performed if

there is no prior read.

The data type and length of name

and id_no, k1, k2 and the fields in rec file is not known. This can cause confusion.

3 OK

1 Ok

2 OK

2 OK

1 OK


2 OK

3 OK

Difficulty is too easy. Change this


Change this question. Options are too easy.

It was too difficult now. So question has been



1 OK


There are two displays (var1 and var2). So change the options

accordingly. Give one of the

options as Var1 = 23.23 and Var2 = 23.23. Run time

error will actually happen at line number 5 and not at line number 6. Change the Option 3

answer accordingly

Option 4 also changed. OK



Status Codes cannot and need not be memorized.

Change this question.

OK. Is this question tested?

Options seem to be irrelevant. Ex. There's no

ROLLBACK operation and no

stroage management…DUMP itself is in

PSSR, so option 4 also is

irreleavant. Change the

options and test this code.

OK. But is this code tested?

2 OK

1 OK

2 OK





Suggest you to give the value 144 instead of

100. Give options as 1, 2, 0 and

Error,"The target for numeric….". Good question.

OK. But remove the extra unused variable sum. Also, you can

replace five eval statements for each array

element with one eval: Eval num = 1, in this case, to reduce the lines of code.

Test it after the changes.

OK, but the variable name 'len' seems to

give some hint to the answer. Change it to another name. Since the level is Difficult, you can also have an option saying

that both Option2 and Option3 are correct. (Option

4 can be replaced)




























Question Bank Creation - Blooms Taxonomy Matrix

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Total

Easy 10 12 12 10 10 6 60Intermediate 16 20 20 14 10 10 90Difficult 16 12 10 6 4 2 50Total 42 44 42 30 24 18 200

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Total

Chapter 1 0Chapter 2 0Chapter 3 0Chapter 4 0Chapter 5 0Chapter 6 0Chapter 7 0Chapter 8 0Chapter 9 0Chapter 10 0Chapter 11 0Chapter 12 0Chapter 13 0Chapter 14 0Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Client Interview Assessment Questions**

Q.No Question



** Usually the questions asked to our associates during client interview are not captured for future use by all, we would request you to share such questions based on your past experience related to this subject


** Usually the questions asked to our associates during client interview are not captured for future use by all, we would request you to share such questions based on your past experience related to this