Download - arXiv:1709.02230v2 [physics.soc-ph] 27 Mar 2018 · Remote optimization of an ultra-cold atoms experiment by experts and citizen scientists Robert Heck, 1Oana Vuculescu, Jens Jakob


Remote optimization of an ultra-cold atoms experiment by experts and citizenscientists

Robert Heck,1 Oana Vuculescu,1 Jens Jakob Sørensen,1 Jonathan Zoller,2 Morten G. Andreasen,1

Mark G. Bason,3 Poul Ejlertsen,1 Otto Elıasson,1 Pinja Haikka,1 Jens S. Laustsen,1 Lærke L.

Nielsen,1 Andrew Mao,1 Romain Muller,1 Mario Napolitano,1 Mads K. Pedersen,1 Aske R. Thorsen,1

Carsten Bergenholtz,1 Tommaso Calarco,2 Simone Montangero,2, 4, 5 and Jacob F. Sherson1, ∗

1ScienceAtHome, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark2IQST, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany

3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom4Theoretische Physik, Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken, Germany

5Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy(Dated: March 28, 2018)

We introduce a novel remote interface to control and optimize the experimental production ofBose-Einstein condensates (BECs) and find improved solutions using two distinct implementations.First, a team of theoreticians employed a Remote version of their dCRAB optimization algorithm(RedCRAB), and second a gamified interface allowed 600 citizen scientists from around the world toparticipate in real-time optimization. Quantitative studies of player search behavior demonstratedthat they collectively engage in a combination of local and global search. This form of adaptive searchprevents premature convergence by the explorative behavior of low-performing players while high-performing players locally refine their solutions. In addition, many successful citizen science gameshave relied on a problem representation that directly engaged the visual or experiential intuitionof the players. Here we demonstrate that citizen scientists can also be successful in an entirelyabstract problem visualization. This gives encouragement that a much wider range of challengescould potentially be open to gamification in the future.

Keywords: citizen science | optimal control | quantum physics | ultra-cold atoms | closed-loop optimization| human problem solving | collective problem solving

In modern scientific research, high-tech applications,such as quantum computation [1], require exquisite levelsof control while taking into account increasingly complexenvironmental interactions [2]. This necessitates con-tinual development of optimization methodologies. Thefitness landscape [3], spanned by the possible controlsand their corresponding solution quality, forms a uni-fying mathematical framework for search problems inboth natural [4–9] and social science [10, 11]. Generally,search in the landscape can be approached with local orglobal optimization methods. Local solvers are analo-gous to greedy hill climbers and global methods attemptto investigate the entire landscape using stochastic steps.Achieving the proper balance between these is often re-ferred to as the exploration/exploitation trade-off in bothmachine learning (ML) [12] and social sciences [13].

Much effort in computer science is therefore focused ondeveloping algorithms that exploit the topology of thelandscape to adapt search strategies and make better-informed jumps [6, 14]. ML algorithms have achievedsuccess across numerous domains. However, among re-searchers pursuing truly domain-general artificial intel-ligence, there is a growing call to rely on insights fromhuman behavior and psychology [15, 16]. Thus, emphasisis currently shifting towards the development of human-machine hybrid intelligence [17, 18].

∗ Electronic address: [email protected]

At the same time quantum technology is starting tostep out of university labs into the corporate world. Forthe realization of real-world applications, not only musthardware be improved but also proper interfaces and soft-ware need to be developed. Examples of such interfacesare the IBM quantum experience [19] and Quantum inthe Cloud [20], which give access to their quantum com-puting facilities and have ushered in an era in which the-oreticians can experimentally test and develop their er-ror correction models and new algorithms directly [21].The optimal development of such interfaces, allowing thesmooth transformation of human intuition or experience-based insights (heuristics) into algorithmic advances, ne-cessitates understanding and explicitly formulating thesearch strategies introduced by the human expert.

The emerging field of citizen science provides a promis-ing way to investigate and harness the unique problem-solving abilities humans possess [22]. In recent years, thecreativity and intuition of non-experts using gamified in-terfaces have enabled scientific contributions across dif-ferent fields such as quantum physics [8], astrophysics [23]and computational biology [24–26]. Here, citizen scien-tists often seem to jump across very rugged landscapesand solve non-convex optimization problems efficientlyusing search methodologies that are difficult to quantifyand encode in a computer algorithm.

The central purpose of this paper is to combine re-mote experimentation and citizen science with the aimof studying quantitatively how humans search while nav-









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Figure 1. a) Real-time remote scheme for RedCRAB and theAlice Challenge. The respective remote clients send exper-imental parameters through an online cloud interface whichare turned into experimental sequences and executed by theAlice control program. The number of atoms in the Bose-Einstein condensate (NBEC) serves as a fitness value and isextracted from images of the atom cloud taken at the end ofeach sequence. The Alice control program closes the loop bysending the resulting NBEC back to the remote clients throughthe same cloud interface. b) Screenshots of the Alice Chal-lenge [27]. The left panel schematically shows the experi-mental setup. Players can control the magnetic field gradientdepicted by the yellow shaded coils and the two dipole beamsin red and blue. The control happens in the game client (rightpanel) and features a spline editor for shaping the ramps forwhich the same color coding was used.

igating the complex control landscape of Bose-Einsteincondensate (BECs) production (figure 1a). Before pre-senting the results of this Alice Challenge [27] we firstcharacterize the landscape using a non-trivial heuristicthat we derive from novel analysis of our previous citizenscience work [8].

Initial landscape investigations

On, our online citizen sci-ence platform, more than 250,000 people have so farcontributed to the search for novel solutions to fast, 1Dsingle atom transport in the computer game QuantumMoves [8]. Surprisingly, clustering analysis of player so-lutions were found to bunch into distinct groups withclear underlying physical interpretations. We refer tosuch a group of related solutions as a strategy in thefitness landscape: a function J(~u) ∈ R given by thecontrol variables ~u ∈ S, where S is the set of possiblesolutions [28]. Here, we introduce the heuristics to ex-

plore the space between the identified strategies along thehigh-dimensional vector connecting the two as the strat-egy connecting heuristic (SCH). Perhaps surprisingly, weidentify a narrow path of monotonously increasing high-fidelity solutions between the two strategies, which wedenote a bridge (see SI, A for details). This demonstratesthat for this problem a continuum of solutions with noclear physical interpretation can be traced out if all hun-dreds of control variables are changed synchronously inthe appropriate way.

This leads us to ask whether established strategies inphysics are truly distinct, or if they are simply labelswe attach to different points in a continuum of possiblesolutions due to our inability to probe the entire solu-tion space. In the latter case, coupled with the humandesire to create identifiable patterns, this might cause usto terminate our search before discovering the true globaloptimum. This premature termination of search nicely il-lustrates the stopping problem [29, 30] considered in bothcomputer algorithms and social science: determining cri-teria to stop searching when the best solution so far isdeemed “good enough”.

We now apply this methodology to the high-dimensional problem of experimental BEC produc-tion [31]. In our case, increased BEC atom number willprovide significantly improved initial conditions for sub-sequent quantum simulation experiments using opticallattices [32]. Although extensive optimization has beenapplied to the BEC creation problem over the past decadeby employing global closed-loop optimization strategiesusing genetic algorithms [33–36], little effort has beendevoted to the characterization of the underlying land-scape topology and thereby the fundamental difficultylevel of the optimization problem. In the global land-scape spanned by all possible controls, it is thus unknownif there is a convex optimization landscape with a singleoptimal strategy for BEC creation, individual distinct lo-cally optimal strategies of varying quality (as illustratedin figure 2a), or a plethora of (possibly) connected solu-tions (figure 2b). Recent experiments [37] indicate thatthe underlying landscape is trap-free, however, this studydid not explicitly optimize NBEC and operated within aseverely restricted subspace.

In our experiment [38], we capture 87Rb atoms ina trap made of two orthogonal, focused 1064 nm laserbeams and a superimposed quadrupolar magnetic fieldwhich creates a magnetic field gradient at the positionof the atoms and thereby forms a magnetic trap (see fig-ure 1b for an illustration). We evaporatively cool theatoms past the phase transition to a BEC by loweringthe intensity of the laser beams as well as the magneticfield gradient. Then, the traps are turned off, and theatoms are imaged with resonant light. Image analysisyields the total and condensed atom numbers Ntot andNBEC.

This setting allows for evaporative cooling in twowidely used trap configurations. First, making use ofonly the laser beams, a purely optical trap can be created,


commonly known as a crossed dipole trap (CDT) [39].Second, a single laser beam can be combined with a weakmagnetic gradient to form a hybrid trap [40]. In bothcases, the traps are initially loaded from a pure tight mag-netic trap (see SI, B). Conventionally, two types of geo-metrically differing loading schemes are pursued: loadinginto a large volume trap, which exhibits a nearly spatiallymode-matched type of loading from the magnetic trapinto the final trap configuration [31], or a small volumetrap with only a small spatial overlap. The latter leadsto a “dimple” type loading [41] in which a smaller butcolder atom cloud is produced. We can directly controlthe effective volume of the trap by translating the focusposition of one of the dipole trap beams. This inspiredus to identify four initial “conventional” trap configura-tions (BEC creation strategies): a small volume, narrowcrossed dipole trap (NCDT), a large volume, wide, coun-terpart (WCDT) and similarly a hybrid (HT) and widehybrid trap (WHT).

We first optimize the system by applying typical re-searcher heuristics: starting from the set of control vari-ables (see SI, B for details) associated with a knownstrategy, we iteratively perform 1D scans of single vari-ables until a specified level of convergence is reached.The 1D scans yield four distinct solutions with the HTas the best performing strategy (see SI, B). This hintsat the landscape topology sketched in figure 2a. Furthersystematic studies would then proceed to scans of twoor more parameters simultaneously. However, allowingfor scans of combined parameters enables prohibitivelymany different 2D parameter scans. Therefore, we pro-ceed by applying the SCH derived from the QuantumMoves investigations.

Both the low-yield NCDT configuration and theWCDT are types of crossed dipole traps but with dif-ferent effective volumes and thus represent ideal candi-dates for first exploration. However, a simple linear in-terpolation of all the available parameters between theNCDT and the WCDT fails to locate a bridge. Treatingthe effective trap volume as an independent second pa-rameter realizes an extended 2D-interpolation and leadsto the emergence of a bridge (see SI, B). In this case,the change of the trap depth induced by changing thetrap volume has to be counterbalanced by a quadraticincrease of the laser intensities involved. Thus, chang-ing to a different representation (i. e. a particular com-bination of parameters) efficiently encapsulating the un-derlying physics yields a bridge and disproves the localcharacter of the solution strategies involved. To illustratethis data, we created a dimensionality-reduced visualiza-tion [42] of the parameters scans (see figure 2c). The fourinitial strategies, investigated and optimized through the1D scans, are represented by the four clusters in the cor-ners. The data points forming the bridge between NCDTand WCDT lie in the diamond shape at the bottom. Afew other 1D and 2D interpolations between other pairsof strategies are shown, but none is forming a bridge. Inan attempt of locating a bridge between NCDT and HT

extended 3D scans are performed (see SI, B, not shownin figure 2c). They identify a novel optimum away fromthe four initially defined experience-based trap configu-rations. This demonstrates that our initial candidate fora global optimum, the HT, is not a local optimum eitherwhen appropriate parameter sets are investigated. One istherefore inclined to view the topology of the landscapeas closer to what is depicted in figure 2b, where the fourconventional strategies are now connected with bridgesand another (or many) higher-yield solutions exist in thefull landscape.

Having established that the global optimum must befound outside the conventional strategies, we switch tothe main topic of the paper: a remotely controlled strat-egy employing closed-loop optimization performed by ex-perts and citizen scientists. As detailed below, our partic-ular implementation allows for a quantitative assessmentof the citizen scientist search behavior, but only a qual-itative assessment of their absolute performance. As aresult, the search behavior of the two parties can only becompared qualitatively.

RedCRAB optimization

As mentioned above, closed-loop optimization has beenexplored extensively for BEC creation using random,global methods [33–37] and is also routinely used totailor radio-frequency fields to control nuclear spins orshape ultra-short laser pulses to influence molecular dy-namics (see [44] and references therein). In our remote-expert collaboration, we employ the dCRAB [45] algo-rithm which is a basis-adaptive variant of the CRAB al-gorithm [46]. The main idea of both algorithms is toperform local landscape explorations, using control fieldsconsisting of a truncated expansion in a suitable randombasis. This approach makes optimization tractable bylimiting the number of optimization parameters and has,at the same time, the advantage of obtaining informationof the underlying landscape topology. It has been shownthat the unconstrained dCRAB algorithm converges tothe global maximum of an underlying trap-free landscapewith probability one [45]. That is, despite working in atruncated space, iterative random function basis changesallow the exploration of enough different directions in thefunctional space to escape traps induced by the reducedexplored dimensionality [47, 48]. CRAB was introducedfor the theoretical optimization of complex systems inwhich traditional optimal control theory could not beapplied [49]. In closed-loop, CRAB was applied to op-timize the superfluid to Mott insulator transition [50].Very recently dCRAB [45] was employed to realize au-tonomous calibration of single spin qubits [51] and tooptimize atomic beam splitter sequences [52].

Unlike closed-loop optimization performed in the paston other experiments, in which the optimization librarieswere installed directly in the lab control software, we im-plemented the dCRAB remotely via the Alice remote in-







Figure 2. (a) Illustration of the apparent global landscape topology of distinct local optima after performing 1D parameterscans. However, as (b) illustrates, connecting bridges were found both between some of the conventional strategies and to novelhigh-yield solutions in the high-dimensional search space. (c) 2D tSNE [42] representation of the landscape showing the varietyof different trap configurations that are accessible in our experiment [43]. The plot contains the four main configurations whichwere scanned and optimized by 1D and 2D parameter scans. For more details, see text.

terface RedCRAB (see figure 1a). This gives the opti-mization experts direct feedback on the performance ofthe algorithm allowing them to apply real-time adapta-tions based on their previous experience as well as con-tinually implementing algorithmic improvements to thecontrol suite for future experiments. As in the case of theIBM Quantum Experience, we believe that this will en-hance the efficiency of experimentation as well as lowerthe barrier for even wider adoption of automated opti-mization in different quantum science and technologiesaspects, from fundamental science experiments to tech-nological and industrial developments.

Here, the RedCRAB controls the intensity ramps ofthe two dipole trap beams, their duration Tramp as wellas a single parameter that represents the value of themagnetic field gradient during evaporation (see SI, C).As illustrated in figure 3a, we achieve a new maximalsolution in about one hundred iterations, exceeding theresult of the HT by more than 20 %.

The solution is novel in the sense that it can be seenas a type of a CDT which is combined with the magneticfield gradient of the HT. The beam intensities are ad-justed to lead to relatively similar trap depths as in theHT. However, especially in the beginning of the evapo-ration process, the trap is relaxed much faster leading toan overall shorter ramp. By applying SCH, a bridge con-necting the HT to this novel solution could be identified( SI, C). This illustrates that the RedCRAB algorithm ishighly effective both at locating novel, non-trivial opti-mal solutions as well as providing topological informationof the underlying landscape. It substantiates the appear-ance of a complex but much more connected landscape

than initially anticipated.

Citizen science optimization

In our second approach to remote optimization, we in-volve citizen scientists by employing a gamified remoteuser interface. We face the challenge of turning the ad-justment of laser and magnetic field ramps into an inter-active, engaging game. Therefore, we developed a clientusing the cross-platform engine Unity and promoted itthrough our online community depicted in figure 1b, the ramps are represented bythree colored spline curves and are modified by adjustablecontrol points. The total ramp duration, Tramp, is fixedto 4 s. After manipulating the splines, the player sub-mits the solution which is then executed on the exper-iment in the lab (see figure 1a). The obtained NBEC

provides performance feedback to the players and is usedto rank players in a high score list. Players can manipu-late each of the splines as well as decide to see, copy andadapt everyone’s previous solutions. This setup gener-ates a collective search setting, where players emulate amulti-agent genetic search algorithm.

Citizen scientists have shown that they can solve highlycomplex natural science challenges [8, 24–26]. However,data from previous projects suffer from the fact thatthey merely showed that humans solve the challenges,but didn’t answer how a collective is able to balance lo-cal vs. global search while solving these complex prob-lems. Social science studies in controlled lab settingshave shown that individuals adapt their search based on


Figure 3. (a) Optimization with RedCRAB. NBEC is plotted as a function of optimization algorithm iteration step. The bluedata points indicate effective single evaluations of NBEC (see also SI, C). The red solid line denotes the current best NBEC.Comparing to the level of the HT (black dashed line), NBEC was improved by 20 %. (b) Investigation of relative score changescompared to the current best solution for the RedCRAB optimization. (c) Round-based best performance in the ATC. Eachline shows the result for a team with three or more active players. Although human players had only a very limited numberof tries (13 rounds), they still achieve relatively good optimization scores. Overall, all teams but one achieve scores above1 · 106. (d) Investigation of relative score changes relative to the current best solution for the ATC. The red bar summarizesall solutions which showed a relative score change > 0.9. (e) All submissions in the ATC: How much do players edit their ownsolution compared with the relative team performance in the previous round. A linear regression with a 95 % confidence boundis shown in red and yields a correlation of −0.37(4). The distance measure is relative to players own previous solution. Boththe distance and score measures are ranked within each round with the team-best score as a reference point. (f) Histogramfor the achieved number of condensed atoms, NBEC, for all submitted solutions in the ASC. More than 73 % of the submittedsolutions were successful and yielded a BEC.

performance feedback [53]. Specifically, if performanceis improving, humans tend to make smaller changes (i. e.local search), while if performance is worsening humanstend to make larger changes (i. e. search with a globalcomponent). Therefore, experimental evidence suggeststhat human search strategies are neither purely local norglobal [53, 54]. Furthermore, studies have also estab-lished the importance of social learning and how humanstend to copy the best or most frequent solutions [55–57], which facilitates an improved collective search per-formance. However, these laboratory-based studies havebeen constrained by the low dimensionality and artificialnature of the tasks to be solved. This raises concernswith respect to the external validity of the results: arethese general human problem-solving patterns or are theymerely behaviors elicited by the artificial task environ-ment? Finally, previous citizen science results were basedon intuitive game interfaces such as the close resemblanceto sloshing water in Quantum Moves. In contrast, the Al-ice Challenge is not based on any obvious intuition. Thequestion now is if and how citizen scientists would be able

to efficiently balance local and global search when facinga real-world, rugged, non-intuitive landscape?

In order to address this question, we created a con-trolled setting, the Alice Team Challenge (ATC). Unfor-tunately, due to the structure of the remote participationsufficient data could not be gathered to quantitativelystudy both the initial search behavior and the conver-gence properties of the human players (see SI, D). Ourprevious work [8] demonstrated that the human contri-bution lay in roughly exploring the landscape and pro-viding promising seeds for the subsequent, highly efficientnumerical optimization. We therefore chose a design fo-cusing on the initial explorative search of the playersknowing that this would preclude any firm statementsof the absolute performance of the players in terms of fi-nal atom number. Concretely, teams of five players eachwere formed, with every team member being allowed onesubmission in each of the thirteen rounds. After the fivesolutions from the active team were collected, they wererun on the experiment and results provided to the play-ers. Each round lasted about 180 seconds, thus a 13


round game lasted approximately one hour in total.

As illustrated in figure 3c players showcase substantial,initial improvements across all game setups, which is evi-dence that humans can indeed effectively search complex,non-intuitive solution spaces (see also figure S7). In orderto make sense of how citizen scientists do this, we askedsome of the top players how they perceived their owngameplay. One of them explained how he tried to drawon his previous experience as a microwave engineer whenapplying a black-box optimization approach. Because heapparently did not need a detailed understanding of theunderlying principles of the search space, this suggeststhat humans might have domain generic search heuris-tics they rely on, when solving such high dimensionalproblems.

The player setup as well as differences in the accessi-ble controls precludes a direct comparison of the absoluteperformance of the RedCRAB and the citizen scientists.However, figures 3b and 3d demonstrating the distribu-tion of the relative score changes clearly reveal how fun-damentally different the respective search behaviors are.The local nature of the RedCRAB algorithm leads toincremental changes, either in positive or negative di-rections. 80 % of the guesses differ by only 20 % or lesscompared to the current best NBEC. In contrast, humansengage in many search attempts that lead to poor scores.Here, 60 % of the solutions yield NBEC which differs bymore than 20 % compared to the current best.

To investigate this quantitatively, we further analyzedobservations from 110 players in the ATC. Supportingprevious lab studies [53, 54], results show how playersengaged in adaptive search; i. e. if one had identified agood solution, compared to the solutions visible to theplayer, the player tended to make small adjustments inthe next attempt. In contrast, if the player relativelyspeaking was far behind the best solution, the playertended to engage in more substantial adjustments to thecurrent solution (see figure 3e and SI, I). Advancing pre-vious studies, we were also able to isolate how playersengaged in collective, adaptive search, i. e. when theycopied a solution from someone else in the team andsubsequently manipulated it, before submitting the so-lution ( SI, I). The nature of adaptive search leads to aheterogeneous human search ‘algorithm’ that combineslocal search with a global component. This search is pre-vented from stopping too early, since poorly performingindividuals search more distantly, breaking free from ex-ploitation boundaries, while individuals that are near thetop perform exploitative, local search. This out-of-the-lab quantitative characterization of citizen science searchbehavior represents the main result of this paper.

Finally, in order to qualitatively explore the absoluteperformance of the citizen scientists, we created an openswarm version of the game, the Alice Swarm Challenge(ASC). The client was free to download for anyone andthe number of submitted solutions was unrestricted. Par-ticipants could copy and modify other solutions freely. Asthis setting was uncontrolled, general statements about

the search behavior are not possible. In the ASC, we hadroughly 500 citizen scientists spanning many countriesand levels of education. The submitted solutions werequeued, and an estimated process time was displayed. Inthis way, players could join, submit one or a set of solu-tions and come back at a later time to review the results.The game was open for participation for one week, 24hours per day, with brief interruptions to resolve exper-imental problems. As an additional challenge, the gamewas restarted two to three times per day while changingTramp as well as the suggested start solutions. In the total19 sessions, we covered a range from 1.75 s to 8 s. Dis-counting four failed sessions, 7577 solutions were submit-ted. Without the restriction of game rounds, players wereable to further improve the solutions. Figure 3f shows thedistribution of the attained NBEC across all sessions. Forshort ramp durations it became increasingly difficult toproduce BECs with high NBEC (see SI, F). Nonethelessthe players could adapt to these changing conditions andproduce optimized solutions.

The largest BEC was found for Tramp = 4 s and con-tained about 2.8 · 106 atoms, which set a new record inour experiment. The solutions found by the players werequalitatively different from those found by numerical op-timization. Where the RedCRAB algorithm was limitedby only having control over the evaporation process andbeing able to apply only a single specific value for themagnetic field gradient, the players had full control overall ramps throughout the whole sequence of loading andevaporation. This was utilized to create a smoother tran-sition from loading to evaporation. The magnetic fieldgradient during evaporation was initially kept at a con-stant value but relaxed towards the end ( SI, F).

In conclusion, we have introduced a novel interface thatallowed for the first remote closed-loop optimization of aBEC experiment, both with citizen scientists interactingthrough a gamified remote client and by connecting tonumerical optimization experts. Both yielded solutionswith improved performance compared to the previousbest strategies. The obtained solutions were qualitativelydifferent from well-known strategies conventionally pur-sued in the field. This hints at a possible continuum of ef-ficient strategies for condensation. Although quantitativestudies of player optimization performance was precludedby the design, it is striking that the players seemed to beable to compete on overall performance with the Red-CRAB algorithm and also exhibited the ability to adaptto changes in the constraints (duration) and conditions(experimental drifts). The controlled design of the ATCyielded quantitative insight into the collective adaptivesearch performed by the players. This points toward afuture in which the massive amounts of data on humanproblem solving from online citizen science games couldbe used as a resource for investigations of many ambitiousquestions in social science.



We thank J. Arlt for comments on the manuscript andvaluable experimental input. SM gratefully acknowledgesthe support of the DFG via a Heisenberg fellowship and

the TWITTER grant. The Aarhus team thanks the Dan-ish Quantum Innovation Center, ERC, and the Carls-berg, John Templeton, and Lundbeck Foundations forfinancial support and National Instruments for develop-ment and testing support.

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Supporting Information

SI,A. Theoretical optimization of single particletransport

In the following we briefly review the theoretical frame-work for gamified investigation of single atom transportin a controllable potential at the quantum speed limit(QSL) [S1]. The framework is the citizen science gameQuantum Moves [S2] and in particular the specific levelBring Home Water (BHW). Here a graphically illus-trated wavefunction of an atom in one dimension (|ψ〉)must be collected from a static Gaussian shaped poten-tial well (optical tweezer) and subsequently transportedinto the ground state within a designated target area. Torealize this, the player dynamically adjusts the depth andposition of a transport tweezer. The fraction of the statein the target state (the motional groundstate, |ψT〉) isgiven by the fidelity 0 ≤ F ≤ 1 defined as F = |〈ψT|ψ〉|2.The player must also reach this state as quickly as pos-sible (promoted by the introduction of a time penaltyin the game). Due to constraints in available resources,computer-based optimization at the QSL exhibits expo-nentially growing complexity [S1, S3]. Solutions to thisparticular challenge are valuable, for example for the re-alization of a large scale quantum computer based onultracold atoms in optical lattices [S4] and optical tweez-ers [S5–S7].

The focus in quantum optimal control has been pri-marily on developing tailored local optimization algo-rithms like Krotov, GRAPE and CRAB [S8–S11]. Theformer two methods are very efficient, since they exploitthe structure of the Schrdinger equation, whereas CRABis universally applicable since it can use a gradient-freemethod to reach the optimum, and furthermore it hasthe attractive feature of operating in a reduced sized ba-sis. Recently, gradient-based optimization in a reducedbasis has also been exploited in the GOAT and GROUPalgorithms [S12, S13]. All these local methods are typ-ically turned into global optimizers by restarting overa wide range of initial seeds until they give sufficientlygood results. In alternative efforts, global search meth-ods such as Differential Evolution, CMA-ES, and rein-forcement learning have been applied directly to quan-tum control [S3, S14, S15] and very recently the localand global methods have been combined [S13].

In Ref. [S1] it was shown that the optimization ofplayer solutions from the BHW challenge outperformssuch purely numerical approaches for transport durationsclose to the QSL. The best results were found by opti-mizing the player solutions using the Krotov algorithmin a hybrid Computer-Human Optimization (CHOP). Inorder to compare the different solutions obtained withCHOP, a distance measure was introduced. A clusteringanalysis revealed that solutions fall into two distinct clus-ters denoted as “clans”. The solutions forming a clan allfollow a similar strategy, to which one can assign a phys-

ical interpretation. One of the clans exploits dynamicsreminiscent of quantum tunneling, while the members ofthe other clan use a classically inspired shoveling strat-egy [S1].

Here, we ask if these clans really represent physicallydistinct strategies in the sense that no mixed-strategy,high-yield solutions exist. Proving that a given solu-tion is locally optimal and thus truly distinct involvesextensive numerical work in either random sampling com-bined with methods like principal component analysis orsystematic reconstruction of the full Hessian in the sur-rounding high-dimensional space [S16]. Given the highdimensionality of the problem, an exhaustive explorationof the whole space is impossible to realize with a reason-able amount of time and resources. Instead, we inves-tigated the topology of the landscape spanned by linearinterpolation between the individual controls of represen-tatives of the two clans. Given the interpolation param-eter α ∈ [0, 1], the interpolated control is defined as

~uint(α) = α~u1 + (1− α) ~u2, (S1)

where ~u1 and ~u2 are the controls of the two solutionsinterpolated between. Figure S1a depicts a 2D visualiza-tion of the landscape corresponding to the interpolatedsolutions and local random perturbations to these usingthe t-SNE algorithm [S17] as applied in Ref. [S1]. Therapid decline in fidelity of the interpolated points and themultitude of points yielding zero fidelity suggests that theclans can be seen as distinct regions of good, nearly opti-mal solutions in the underlying optimization landscape.

According to this interpretation, one would expectlocal optimization of these solutions to drag them to-wards either the shoveling or the tunneling solutions andthereby yield a region of attraction for each clan. Instead,local optimization using the Krotov algorithm results inthe high fidelity bridge shown in figure S1b.

In Ref. [S1], we introduce a distance map Dij for twosolutions i and j, which compares the overlap betweentwo corresponding wavefunctions |ψi(x, t)〉 and |ψj(x, t)〉at each time step t for a given total transport time T :

Dij =1


∫ T


〈fij |fij〉dt, (S2)

where |fij(x, t)〉 = |ψi(x, t)〉 − |ψj(x, t)〉 is the differencebetween the wave functions at each position x.

In terms of this distance metric, the displacement ofeach numerically optimized solution from the initial seedis relatively small: the optimization of the points in fig-ure S1a leads to nearly vertical lines in the visualizedlandscape. This implies that as long as the right regionof the landscape is explored, very close to the non-perfecttrial solution lies a better solution. Additionally, eachinitial seed converged to a different optimum, i. e., new,distinct solutions have been found as illustrated by theyellow points of figure S1b. Thus, the landscape is locallyvery rugged, but rich in optima.

Given the density of locally optimal points, we nowdefine the superlandscape as the approximately smooth







Tunnel Shovel Interpolated







Tunnel Shovel Interpolated

10 -3

10 -2Infidelity

10 -1


10 -2.5

10 -2

10 -1.5

10 -1

10 -0.5

10 0



(b) (d)


Figure S1. Visualization of the construction of a bridge between the two clans of solutions of the BHW game. The process timewas set to T = 0.19 (for a definition of units see [S1]), which is below the estimated QSL for both tunneling and shoveling clans(T = 0.25 and T = 0.20 respectively). The colors in (a) and (b) denote the type of each solution. Note that for representation,the dimensionality has been reduced to two. Therefore, distances on the two horizontal axes should not be seen absoluteand axes labeling was omitted. (a) The result of using convex combinations of solutions and local perturbations of them toestablish a connection between the two clans is shown. (b) Local Krotov optimization was applied to the yellow marked pointsin (a) and close-to-optimal solutions are attained. (c) Infidelity of resulting optimized solutions. Starting from the establishedbridge from (a), individual points were optimized using the GOLSS scheme (black lines). (d) Illustration of the concept of thesuperlandscape. Whereas the underlying optimization landscape consists of densely lying local optima, the superlandscape isdefined as the smooth envelope function spanned on top of them. The two orange paths visualize the optimization with theGOLSS scheme by moving along the local optima of the underlying landscape towards an extremum in the superlandscape.

envelope function spanned by the optimal points. If Ois a local optimization algorithm then this landscape isthe composition J = J [O[~u(t)]]. Figure S1d illustratesa simple, generic superlandscape. The underlying land-scape consists of a dense collection of individual peakswith smoothly varying heights.

Physically, we interpret the sharpness of the peaks andthe density of optima in terms of the population along thedifferent instantaneous eigenvalues of the problem: Dueto the time-energy uncertainty relation, rapid transfer inthe vicinity of the QSL can only be achieved by signifi-cant excitations, which ensure rapid relative phase evo-lution of the individual wave function components [S18].Towards the end of the process, the population needs tobe refocused into the ground state. Any minor pertur-bation to a path at some instant will in general lead toa decreased fidelity. However, it can (nearly) be com-pensated with another carefully chosen perturbation atanother time, leading to many closely spaced locally op-

timal solutions.If the superlandscape can be evaluated with

sufficient speed (using efficient local optimization),then we propose to perform completely determinis-tic global optimization using a method that we callGradient-Optimization and Local Superlandscape Search(GOLSS). Such a hybrid local-local optimization schemehas been recently proposed in the context of trap-freelandscapes in the presence of noise [S19]. In contrast,GOLSS entirely eliminates the random steps normallypresent in global optimization and could therefore po-tentially offer significant speedup compared to existingmethods. (See figure S1d for an illustration.)

Here, we use a Nelder-Mead type search [S20] com-bined with Krotov optimization to implement GOLSS.We start this optimization of J at a number of interpo-lated solutions along the identified bridge. This results insignificantly improved solutions as shown in figure S1c.These solutions are found at a duration of T = 0.19.


The best optimized solutions from this combined searchreached F = 0.998 in fidelity, which is an improvementof nearly two orders of magnitude in terms of infidelityover the best player optimized solution (CHOP) yield-ing F = 0.929. It also represents an improvement of thepreviously obtained numerical estimates of the QSL forboth the tunneling and shoveling clans, which were atT=0.25 and T=0.20 respectively. When we inspect theactual solution it is clearly seen to be a combination ofthe tunneling and shoveling strategies, since it places thetransport tweezer on top of the atom rather than to theleft or right of it.

The fact that a single 1D-line scan identifies a bridgeis an illustration of a deeper underlying principle in nu-merical optimization: whereas nearly all of the manypossible search directions yield poor behavior (illustratedby the blue and red points in figure S1a), once a goodheuristic encapsulating the essence of the problem is de-termined, low dimensional search is sufficient [S21]. Pre-viously, in Ref. [S1], we constructed these search spacesexplicitly using parametrizations that emerged from dataanalysis of large amounts of numerical solutions. Re-cently, a similar approach was applied to extract low-dimensional search spaces for spin-chain dynamics usingML-generated data [S3]. The search along convex lin-ear combinations of existing solutions introduced heremay provide a computationally inexpensive methodol-ogy to identify promising search directions in the multi-dimensional landscape. In addition, we believe that theconcept of superlandscape and local search within it willbe a useful metaheuristic for finding high-quality solu-tions for quantum optimal control problems.

SI, B. Experimental details – Parameter scans

Each trap configuration that is presented in the maintext is loaded from a pre-cooled 87Rb atom cloud pre-pared in the |F = 2,mF = 2〉 state and trapped in a mag-netic quadrupole trap. At this stage, we typically have5 · 108 atoms at a temperature of ≈ 30 K. The experi-ments of the Alice Challenge start from this point. TheCDT consists of two perpendicular beams which overlapin the horizontal plane. They have 1/e2 waists of 45 m(beam A) and 85 m (beam B), respectively. The longi-tudinal focus position xfocus of beam A can be adjusted,thereby changing its effective waist at the crossing pointof the beams. This beam is used to realize HT and WHT.The beams are placed with a vertical offset of around90 m below the centre of the magnetic trap. An offsetmagnetic field Boff in that direction can be used to tunethis distance.

In our experiment, the control of the time-dependentlight and magnetic fields during the loading and evap-oration is initially limited to eight parameters. Later,for the remote-controlled experiments we will relax thisrestricted representation to allow for the full high dimen-sional quasi-continuous control only restricted by hard-

ware limitationsFor the parameter scans, the intensity ramps I(t) of the

dipole trap beams are described by a function inspired bya simple model of evaporative cooling based on scalinglaws [S22]



(1 +



)−β. (S3)

Here, Ii is the initial intensity, whereas τ and β influencethe shape of the ramp. The duration of the ramp is fixedby defining the ratio of initial and final intensity Ii/Iffor a given τ and β. For simplicity, the intensity ratio,as well as τ and β are chosen to be the same for the twobeams. Ii, however, is an independent parameter.

For the loading process from the magnetic trap intothe final trap configuration, the dipole trap beams areregulated to their individual Ii and the magnetic fieldgradient is lowered in three linear ramps from 130 G/cminitially to a final value B′f , which is retained throughoutthe evaporation. In total, this leads to eight individualoptimization parameters.

The result of 1D parameter scans is shown exemplaryin figure S2a for the case of the HT. The scans clearlyreveal a peak-like structure with a set of 1D-optimal solu-tions. For the conventional trap configurations (NCDT,WCDT, HT, WHT) we obtain the 1D-optimized valuesNBEC = (0.53(9), 1.07(5), 1.8(2), 1.1(4)) · 106 [S23].The resulting duration Tramp of the whole evaporation(counting from the beginning of the loading process)differed for the individual traps and reached Tramp =(2.66, 2.97, 5.56, 6.60)s, respectively.

To investigate the topology of the landscape we searchfor interconnecting bridges by simultaneously scanningseveral parameters. Both the low-yield NCDT configu-ration and the WCDT are types of crossed dipole trapsbut with different effective volumes dictated by xfocus. Asimple linear interpolation of all the available parametersbetween the NCDT and the WCDT (cf. equation S1) failsto locate a bridge as illustrated in the inset of figure S2b.This is consistent with the BHW case treated above inwhich the bridge did not appear until local optimizationwas performed on the interpolated seeds. Since local op-timization is very time consuming in the experimentalcase, we instead try to extend the search space slightlybeyond the simple 1D case.

Treating xfocus independently and introducing a sec-ond interpolation parameter realizes an extended 2D-interpolation, which leads to the emergence of a bridgeas shown in figure S2b. The necessity of a 2D scancan be interpreted in terms of the distinction Simon andNewell [S21] make between problem space (the subjectivesearch space) and the objective task environment (phys-ical subprocesses): the chosen parametrization in termsof different laser beam and magnetic field settings ver-sus the time dependent trap depths and shapes duringthe loading and evaporation processes. In this case, thechange of the trap depth induced by changing the trapvolume has to be counterbalanced by a quadratic increase






NBEC(×106 )











6 )

Figure S2. (a) 1D parameter scans used to find locally op-timized parameters displayed in a 2D tSNE representationexemplarily shown for the hybrid trap. In this case, thereis no indication for a connection to any of the other “con-ventional” trap configurations. (b) 2D-interpolation betweenNCDT and WCDT showing a connecting bridge between thetwo. Along the first dimension, the interpolation parameterαfocus is varied influencing xfocus. The remaining parametersare scanned synchronously along the second dimension de-scribed by the interpolation parameter αrest. The solid redline is a simple theoretical estimate of where to find the bridgewithin the given parameter space. The inset shows a diago-nal cut through the landscape and illustrates, a simple linearinterpolation with all parameters fails to find a bridge.

of the laser intensities involved. The solid red line in fig-ure S2b marks the position, which yields the same trapdepth at the beginning of the evaporation stage.

Thus, changing to a different representation (i. e. a cer-tain combination of parameters) efficiently encapsulatingthe underlying physics yields a bridge and disproves thelocal character of the solution strategies involved. Westress that although the bridge was located in a seem-ingly simple 2D scan, the heuristics introduced for theBHW case of identifying the multi-dimensional searchdirection between established strategies was crucial.

Comparing all other pairs of conventional strategies,the choice of parameter combinations for extended in-terpolation is much harder to motivate physically andsimple 1D- and 2D-interpolation fail to locate bridges.

As described in the main text, parameter scans werenot only performed in 1D or 2D. In figure S3 the ex-

tension of the scan space in the third dimension is pre-sented for parameter sets linearly interpolated betweenthe NCDT and HT. An optimum that moves from frameto frame is revealed and a parameter set is found yield-ing a slightly higher NBEC than in the HT is found. Thescan disproves the local character of the HT which wasimplied by the 1D parameter scans.

SI, C. Experimental details – Remote optimization

For this investigation the search space is restricted tothe domain between HT and NCDT by fixing the ef-fective volume of our CDT. Likewise, the vertical off-set magnetic field is fixed to a value compensating theresidual background magnetic fields and is not changedduring optimization. For both the remote optimizationwith RedCRAB and the Alice Challenge, non-optimizedconfigurations were chosen as starting points of the op-timization runs. The RedCRAB starting point was closeto the HT configuration. In the Alice Challenge at eachstart of a new round, the high score list was emptiedand filled with low quality solutions yielding typicallyNBEC ≈ (1− 2) · 105 atoms.

In contrast to the previous parametrization of theshape of the laser ramps, RedCRAB (based on thedCRAB algorithm [S24]) focuses on a finite set of rel-evant basis functions that make up a sufficiently goodramp. Here, each of the ramps is composed of a Fourierbasis up to the 5th harmonics in units of 2π/Tramp, whereTramp is the total ramp duration. Tramp itself as well asB′f during evaporation are chosen to be subject to opti-mization. The loading procedure of a certain trap con-figuration is the same predefined sequence described forthe parameter scans above. To overcome shot-to-shotfluctuations and thus resulting in an optimization drivenand influenced by noise, an adaptive averaging schemeis applied with a stepwise increasing number of averagesfor higher yields in NBEC. Outliers to high NBEC are inthis way re-evaluated. However, we still keep the num-ber of time-consuming evaluations low at early stages ofthe optimization which decreases the overall convergencetime.

The adaptive averaging scheme is implemented thefollowing way: The current best NBEC is denotedby Nrec. Based on this value, a set of thresholdvalues (thv) are defined via {thv1,thv2,thv3,thv4} ={0.9Nrec,0.96Nrec,0.99Nrec,1.01Nrec}. Say the experi-mental apparatus will return the value Ntrial for a newlyevaluated set of pulses. This value will have to go throughthe cascade of threshold values {thv1,thv2,thv3,thv4} be-fore being chosen as the new current record Nrec. Atfirst, Ntrial is compared to thv1. Only if it exceeds thv1,the same pulse will be re-evaluated yielding Ntrial =0.5(N i−1

trail +N itrial). As a second step, Ntrial is compared

to thv2. Again, only if it exceeds thv2, the very samepulse is re-evaluated for a third time. This procedure isrepeated as long as Ntrial succeeds to jump over the re-









α3 = 0














α3 = 0.25













α3 = 0.75





New best NBEC









α3 = 1






hybrid trap


Figure S3. Parameter scan in three dimensions from the NCDT to the HT. The normalized interpolation parameters aredenoted α1,2,3 Each frame represents a scan point in the third dimension (α3). In frame α3 = 0.75, a trap configuration withNBEC larger than for the HT is found. This shows that the HT is not a local optimum which is in contrast to the initialindications (see main text).

spective thvn value until eventually Nrec will be updatedto Ntrial after 5 successful re-evaluations.

The optimized solution that was found with RedCRABis a mixture between NCDT and HT. B′f resembles

closely the one of HT, however 25 % less intensity is usedin beam A. This is partially compensated by adding beamB. This results in a trap depth which is about 15 % lowercompared to the HT at the beginning of the evaporation.The lowering rate of the trap is comparable in the firstpart of the evaporation and drops at the end below theone of the HT. At the same time the calculated geomet-ric mean of the trap frequencies (ω) is higher. In bothcases, the evaporation ends at a similar trap depth andsimilar ω. The total ramp duration is with Tramp = 4.92 sshorter than the one of HT.

In the process of reaching this solution, RedCRABidentified of the order of 10 intermediate improved so-lutions (see steps of the current best NBEC depicted asred solid line in main text figure 3a). If the underlyinglandscape is sufficiently smooth, one might expect to beable to locate a bridge between the standard strategiesand the novel optimum by a linear or possibly non-linearcombination of these intermediate solutions. As illus-trated in figure S4a, in which step-wise linear interpola-tion between these intermediate solutions is performed,this is nearly but not exactly the case. There are smallintervals of decreasing yield. However, a direct linearinterpolation between the HT and the novel optimumyields a monotonically increasing bridge (see figure S4b).Thus, the non-monotonicity of the stepwise interpolationis not likely to be caused by ruggedness of the underly-ing landscape. Rather, a more natural explanation wouldbe that since the local simplex-optimization componentof dCRAB is not purely gradient-based it does not nec-essarily have its axes oriented along the maximal slopeand will have a tendency to find a slightly wiggly pathtowards the optimum. This increases the chance thatexperimental noise will occasionally cause the algorithmto find false search directions from which it is slowly re-covering in the following iterations. Figure S4c gives a

graphical visualization of this phenomenon.

SI,D. Design considerations of the Alice Challenge

Around the same time as the development of the re-mote interface for establishing a connection with Red-CRAB, a simplified remote client with a graphical userinterface was developed. It allows one to control thedipole beam intensities and the magnetic field gradientof the experiment via piecewise defined functions. Testswith an undergraduate student and a collaborator situ-ated in the UK were successful. Both were allowed tooptimize evaporation sequences via this client indepen-dently. Improved solutions were found which lead to theidea of gamifying the task of optimizing the evaporationprocess and give “non-experts” real-time access to ourexperiment.

The development of the Alice Challenge began. In thedesign phase, it was very unclear if large groups of citizenscientists could be recruited given the non-intuitive andrelatively low level of gamificiation compared to previ-ous games. To make recruitment more plausible we de-cided to run the challenge in a well-defined and relativelyshort time interval to ensure that we would have a fairlyhigh number of simultaneous users at all times. A proto-type version of the game was developed and presented atthe National Instruments NIWeek 2016 in Austin, Texas.The event was used for a test-run of the game interfaceand to acquire a broad potential user base for the actualAlice Challenge.

Given the cycle time of the experiment, the relativelyshort duration of the Alice Challenge put severe restric-tions on the total amount of data that could be collected.Due to the restricted amount of data available, we had tomake two crucial choices. First, we had to decide betweenthe controlled setting of teams optimizing in parallel orthe full uncontrolled free access of every player to all pre-vious optimization results. The former would allow forsystematic investigation of the initial search behavior atthe cost of obtaining little or no information about the


(a) (b) (c)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 11.8






2.4 106

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 11.8






2.4 106

DataOptimization step

Figure S4. (a) Stepwise, linear interpolation from the HT (first vertical dashed line) through the starting point of RedCRABoptimization (second vertical dashed line) to its optimum (last vertical dashed line). That is, the ramps between each opti-mization step (remaining vertical dashed lines) are interpolated. α′ is a generalized parameter incorporating the individualinterpolations. (b) Direct linear interpolation between the ramps for the HT and the found optimum of RedCRAB optimization(figure 3a in main text). α is the interpolation parameter. The error bars represent the standard error for five repetitions. (c) Apossible way to explain the different results of (a) and (b) on an exemplified optimization landscape spanned by parametersα1 and α2. In the presence of noise, an optimizer like the RedCRAB algorithm could follow the non-ideal route towardsthe optimum marked by the orange triangles with error bars. However, following that trace by piece-wise interpolation (bluetriangles, corresponding to data in (a)), renders the topology of the landscape visible and results in a non-monotonic trace.Direct linear interpolation (red circles, corresponding to data in (b)), in this case, exhibits continually increasing yields.

convergence properties of the amateur players becauseeach team would not have enough iterations to converge.

Since participants in the ATC are not confined to a labsetting nor paid, dropouts can create a major obstacle forsuch team-based experiments. In abstract terms, thereis a (1−E)N probability that all team members will fin-ish all rounds, where E is the dropout probability andN is the number of people in the team. The bigger theN and the more rounds, the bigger the dropout. Fewerand larger teams would also lead to fewer independentoptimization runs and would therefore severely limit thestatistical power of the quantitative characterization ofplayer search behavior. This led us to settle on teams offive. Likewise, we settled on a relatively short amount of13 rounds. Every team member was allowed one submis-sion in each of the 13 rounds via the remote interface (seefigure 1b in the main text). We explicitly instructed par-ticipants that they would be working together in a team,but that collaboration was possible only through the vis-ibility of team members solutions and scores. After thefive solutions from the active team were collected, theywere run on the experiment and results provided to theplayers. Each round lasted about 180 seconds. Therefore,a 13 round game lasted approximately one hour in total.This prioritization is in line with the findings from ourprevious citizen science work: the strength of the algo-rithms is to optimize a given seed systematically, whereasthe contribution of the players was to provide good seedsby a more global rough search of the landscape.

To further increase engagement of the participants, weemphasized the importance of finishing the game as wellas increasing the resilience of the team experience byreplacing dropouts with bots. Following a recruitmentcampaign based on snow-balling, 142 participants from

around the world committed to taking part in the exper-iment. Participants selected up to 10 one-hour slots dur-ing the week of the challenge. Once the recruitment cam-paign was over, they were randomly assigned to teams,while maximizing the number of complete teams. In in-complete teams, the slots of the missing players weretaken by computational agents who would simply reshuf-fle existing solutions. One game session had to be ex-cluded from the dataset, because the experiment setuphad drifted significantly and thus the evaluation functionhad been corrupted. Overall, due to no-shows, dropouts,as well as the corrupted session, we analyzed observationsfrom 110 players out of the original 142. All participantsgave explicit consent to participate in the study, whichwas approved by an IRB at Aarhus University.

We are aware that, whereas this design optimizes sta-tistical power to investigate the initial explorative behav-ior of the players, it unfortunately did not leave muchroom for investigating how well the players performedin absolute terms. To slightly compensate for this, wealso inserted a short, uncontrolled “Swarm Challenge”in which players could copy and optimize freely. We donot have the statistical basis to make general statementsabout these results and we therefore do not want to placetoo high emphasis on the obtained total atom numbersor the relative merit on the final convergence propertiesof players versus experts.

SI, E. Experimental details – The Alice Challenge

As described in the main text, the players controlthe loading sequence as well as the evaporation process


through the game interface. In order to account for thehigh initial and low final parameter values of laser beamintensities and magnetic field gradients, the displayedramps are represented on a logarithmic and normalizedscale. In the Alice Swarm Challenge submitted solutionsare placed in a waiting queue. Depending on the length ofthe queue, an estimated process time is displayed. Thisallows players to join, submit a single or multiple solu-tions and come back at a later time to review the achievedscore. All results are placed on a high score list and theplayers have the possibility to investigate and copy cor-responding solutions completely or in parts. This facili-tates reproducing working solutions and encourages theplayers to improve them further.

SI, F. Analysis of solutions – The Alice SwarmChallenge

Due to the problem representation, player solu-tions feature, in general, a much smoother transitionfrom loading to evaporation than the RedCRAB solu-tions or the parameter scans with a fixed loading se-quence. Knowing the levitation gradient of 87Rb in|F = 2,mF = 2〉, one can estimate when the loading ofa given trap configuration is finished. In these terms,the loading in the case of the best performing player so-lutions happens within about 1 s. This is about twiceas fast compared to the standard loading sequence de-scribed above. Afterwards, the magnetic field gradientis lowered only very slowly and remains nearly constantjust below the levitation gradient. This value is about70 % higher compared to the HT or best performing Red-CRAB solution. Only in the last second of the sequenceis it relaxed to a value similar as in the HT. The inten-sities of the dipole beams are lowered after 1 s which isanother indicator for the transition from loading to evap-oration. Compared to the HT, extremely low intensitiesare reached at the end of the sequence and it seems thatcurrent experimental conditions, such as beam overlapand alignment, are optimally employed.

As explained in the main text, the Alice SwarmChallenge was restarted multiple times, thereby varyingTramp. Investigating the quality of solutions as a func-tion of pre-set Tramp, we found that for ramps below 3 s,NBEC decreases drastically and no solutions were foundfor Tramp < 1.75 s. The shape of the ramps for long andshort durations are considerably different. For instance,the initial beam intensities are much higher for the short-duration player solution. This leads to a stronger confin-ing trap accommodating the shorter ramp duration.

As a concrete example of the difference between ob-tained solutions, we compare the duration-robustness ofthe RedCRAB solution and player solutions obtained atshort and long durations (Tramp = 1.75 s and 4 s, respec-tively) by stretching and compressing the solutions intime. Figure S5 demonstrates that solutions obtained atdifferent durations exhibit different behavior. The fea-

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ramp duration (s)












dCRAB optimum

Alice game optimum

Short ramp optimum

Figure S5. Sweep of the ramp duration, Tramp, for differentoptimum solutions. The ramp shapes yielded through theRedCRAB optimization and from two Alice Swarm Challengesessions were scanned as a function of total ramp duration andNBEC measured. As Alice Swarm Challenge solutions, theramps resulting in the largest NBEC and the solution for theshortest set ramp duration were chosen. The data points areobtained by averaging over five repetitions, where the errorbars represent the standard deviation. The big squared marksdenote Tramp during optimization. Note, that the RedCRABalgorithm’s control was restricted compared to the one of theplayers. For details, see text.

tures that are optimal for short ramps seem to be sub-optimal for longer durations. Additionally, the scan re-veals that the long-duration player solution is more ro-bust than the RedCRAB solution against reductions induration. We stress that since it was not a part of theoptimization criteria, this behavior is not a reflection ofthe relative merit of the two methods of optimization.Rather, it highlights the strength of identifying a diver-sity of solution strategies. This not only gives informa-tion about the optimization landscape, but is also poten-tially an experimental advantage if retrospectively oneneeds to consider a more complex fitness function suchas constraints on ramp duration or laser intensity.

SI,G. Individual and collective problem-solving –The Alice Team Challenge

The fact that natural science challenges [S1, S25–S29]can be solved efficiently by the general public is of inter-est to cognitive and social scientists as a source of insightinto the general process of human problem-solving. How-ever, data from these projects suffer from the fact thatthey were not gathered with particular social and cogni-tive science research questions in mind. Here, we set outa new kind of social science approach, where we investi-gate how a collective of citizens is able to balance localvs. global search in a real-world setting. Such insight isimportant for future designs of large-scale citizen scienceinvestigations of natural science problems and advancegeneral understanding of the process of individual andcollective problem-solving.

On an individual level, experiments in the lab haveshown that individuals adapt their search based on per-


formance feedback [S30] and their search strategies arethus not merely local, nor global [S30, S31]. Specifi-cally, if performance is improving, humans tend to makesmaller changes (i.e. local search), while if performanceis worsening humans tend to make larger changes ( with a global component). Studies in the field ofcultural evolution have established that some of the mostefficient social learning strategies are to copy the best ormost frequent solutions and copy when the situation isuncertain [S32–S34]. Due to these social learning strate-gies, collective search is acknowledged to be effective atboosting the efficiency of a search process [S35].

However, potentially constrained by the low dimen-sionality of the tasks to be solved, with few exceptions[S36] prior studies on human problem solving have pri-marily focused on simplified situations where individu-als have the option to either copy another solution ornot [S37]. As argued in [S38], research should not onlystudy option selection, but option generation where par-ticipants are not constrained by relatively few options,but are allowed to integrate and transform individual andsocial search information. This enables analysis of howmuch individuals are influenced, rather than merely ifthey are influenced.

Another key characteristic of previous studies is thatthey have primarily relied on a particular type of stu-dents at particular universities in a lab setting [S39].Furthermore, this work has relied on these participantssolving artificially designed tasks. Researchers haveusually designed the problem task to be solved, andtherefore also the nature of the landscape to searchand what constitutes a good solution (see e.g. [S30–S32, S34, S36, S40, S41]). Our experimental frameworkpoints towards a possible solution to these challenges,since we investigate how citizen scientists, engaged in areal world, high-dimensional and mathematically well-defined problem, adapt their search strategies to perfor-mance feedback and inspiration from solutions of otherplayers. Finally, while individuals’ ability to do adaptivesearch may make them uniquely suitable for navigatingrugged fitness landscapes as evidenced in previous work[S1, S42, S43], we do not know how this adaptive searchmechanism plays out in a collective search environment.

SI,H. Experimental treatments – The Alice TeamChallenge

We randomly allocated participants into two differentexperimental conditions, in order to further investigatethe collective search process. In the treatment condi-tion, information regarding how often a certain solutionwas copied from the previous round by team-memberswas available to participants, while in the control suchinformation was not available. We conjectured that bypresenting participants with this information, we couldtest the occurrence of explicit metacognitive social learn-ing strategies [S44]. More specifically, we hypothesized

that because participants could see how many of theirteams solutions had been generated by social learning(as opposed to individual search not involving copying)they could compensate, among others, for under-relianceon social learning and copy more in a given round. Inthis way we take the first step to study if a collectiveof human searchers can function as an adaptive globalsearch algorithm, gradually changing their recombinationintensity according to their performance as well as themeta-information received. Figure S6c demonstrate theresults. Participants in the condition that were exposedto meta-information about how often a solution had beencopied in their team, engaged in more social learning thanparticipants in the condition where this information wasnot available. This shows that it is possible, via a sim-ple manipulation, to nudge the human players into rely-ing more on social learning strategies, specifically “copythe best” (see also table S1). Considering that previouswork [S41, S45] argues that human solvers rely too littleon social learning, and thus that an increase in relyingon social learning strategies is desirable, this is a promis-ing result. In the following we provide an analysis ofthe aggregated search behavior, in order to establish ifand how a collective of humans are able to solve such ahigh-dimensional problem.

SI, I. Analysis of individual and collective search –The Alice Team Challenge

Almost all teams and individuals managed to submitrelatively good solutions above the 1 million threshold(see figure 3c in main text and figure S7). Similar toRef. [S36], we find that 53 % of all moves were individ-ual, 41 % involved some form of social learning and theremaining 5 % were random, i. e. randomly recombiningexisting solutions (see table S1). As outlined in the maintext, we test and are able to show that players adapttheir search based on the performance feedback they re-ceive (see figure 3e where feedback and distance measuresare ranked across all players and rounds). To further sup-port this analysis, we normalize all scores in the followingmodelling efforts. We analyze the data using generalizedlinear mixed models with a Gaussian (or Binary with alogit function, where appropriate) error structure, andwe control for individual variance by allowing for a ran-dom subject effect. This approach allows us to estimatea generalized model of adaptive search where individualheterogeneity and the repeated nature of the measuresare taken into account. Models are constructed by for-ward inclusion and reported effects are within a 95 %confidence interval.

We model the distance from the players’ latest solu-tions as a function of the feedback players received in theform of a score. In this way we track how players re-sponded to information about the underlying landscape.We find players are more likely to make minor changesto their solutions when they achieve a performance com-


Figure S6. (a) and (b) How much players edit their own solution compared with relative performance in the previous round. (a)only includes submissions that did not involve any kind of copying, whereas (b) shows the data that involved copying anothersolution. In both cases, the solutions of players that performed well relative to the team are changed less than players who didnot perform well. Both the distance and score measures are ranked within each round with the current team-best score as areference point. A 95 % confidence interval is shown. The distance measure is based on distance from the players own previoussolution (a) and on distance from copied solution (b). (c) Participants in the condition where the meta-information of seeingthe number of copied solutions in their team in the previous round was available (red bars), used the “copy the best” sociallearning strategy more than participants in the condition where this information was not visible (blue bars). A two-samplet-test showed the two to be statistically different (p¡0.0001). (d) Variation of exploration in time. The measure for explorationwas derived relative to the entire solution space covered by the players in the ATC. By computing distances from any twosolutions submitted in the challenge we have obtained an average distance step of ∼ 6.13.

parable to the team-best versus more significant changeswhen their performance is low comparative to team bestfeedback (CI: (-1.61: -1.21), p¡0.0001). This supportsformer findings on individual adaptive search [S30, S31].Additionally, players tend to become more conservativeas the rounds progress (CI: (-0.12:-0.06), p¡0.0001), seealso figure S6d).

Our collective setup also allows an investigation of ifand how players engage in collective adaptive search, i.e.if they not only modify their own solutions, but also ac-tively copy the solutions of other players (social learning).First, we establish that whether players engage in sociallearning or not depends on previous performance, wherelow performance leads to a higher likelihood of engagingin social learning (CI: (-0.92: -0.41), p¡0.0001), see also[S32, S33, S36, S40]. We also studied social learning interms of which peer solutions players copy. This behaviorfollows a similar adaptive mechanism: players will tendto copy more dissimilar solutions, provided they had justexperienced low performance (CI:(-1.35:-0.36), p¡0.0001).Conversely, with low score differences, players are more

likely to copy solutions similar to their own.

Furthermore, advancing previous studies, our setup al-lows us to investigate how players manipulate solutionsafter engaging in social learning (i. e. copying anothersolution), but before submitting their solution. As inpure individual search, players behave adaptively in thissocial situation: if they performed better than the pre-vious team-best, their submitted solution will tend tostay closer to the copied solution (CI: (-2.33: -1.34),p¡0.0001). Conversely, if their past score is below thesame benchmark, their submitted solution will tend todrift further away. Interestingly, a comparison of therank-based slopes in the graphs illustrating individualand social search shows that the adaptive effect perfor-mance induces in subsequent search, appears stronger forindividual search than search that involved social learn-ing (see figure S6a and Fig. S6b for details).

Overall, we created a novel, online gamified interfaceconnecting a real-time physics experiment to citizen sci-entists. The setup provided a unique opportunity to bothmeasure how much a collective of players change their


solutions but also have an external measurement of thequality of the solution in the solution space. This en-ables one going beyond merely claiming human superior-ity [S1, S25] and study how human problem solvers areefficient at balancing the trade-off between global andlocal search.

We show how individuals search adaptively dependingon their own former performance, thus supporting lab-based studies based on artificial, low-dimensional prob-lems [S30, S31], while simultaneously expanding thisadaptive mechanism to the realm of social learning. Eventhough the nature of the adaptive search mechanism isthe same for both individual and social search, we findexploratory evidence for social search inducing less con-servativeness for high performers. Finally, our innovativeexperimental game setup allows a genetic algorithm in-spired opportunity to recombine and manipulate existingsolutions, going beyond a simple imitation option in eachround that simpler setups were constrained by [S35, S41].When searching for an optimal solution in a complex,high-dimensional problem space, our exploratory inves-tigation shows that humans dont indiscriminately copyother solutions. They often only copy part of the solu-tion and then further transform the copied solution in anadaptive manner. The fact that these individual and so-cial adaptive search mechanisms systematically dependon the individual searchers’ relative performance createsa diverse mixture of search within a collective, shapingthe collective balance of local vs. global search and whenthe collective stops searching.

SI, J. Variables used in the analysis of individualand social search – The Alice Team Challenge

Feedback is defined as the ratio between the individ-uals previous score and the best team score recorded sofar. For individual adaptive search, a similar analysiswas conducted using different benchmarks for feedback(i.e. either individual best or second to last submis-sion). These models yielded qualitatively similar results.In the social adaptive learning situation only the socialteam-best score was considered to be a relevant bench-mark. This operationalization follows previous stud-ies that show individuals benchmark their performanceagainst the best performance so far [S30, S31]. Thesearch distance is given by the Euclidean distance be-tween consecutively submitted solutions, in the case ofindividual adaptive search. For social adaptive search,

the similarity variable refers to the distance between thecopied solution and the solution submitted in the previ-ous time step by the player. The shorter the distancebetween two solutions, the more similar they are. Infigure 3e of the main text, figure S6a and figure S6bfeedback and distance measures are rank-based acrossall players and rounds, while scores are normalized in allmodelling efforts. For the reported analysis, the feedbackscores are normalized by dividing the individuals current

Table S1. Search strategies in the ATC

Overall search strategies Social learning strategies

Individual search 53.4 % Copy the best 57.6 %

Social learning 41.4 % Other copying behavior 42.4 %

Shuffle 5.1 %

The table shows how often players engaged in various types ofsearch moves. Individual search refers to moves that did notinvolve any form of copying. Social learning strategies referto moves that involved copying others. Copy the best refersto copying the entire solution (all three lines) that at the timewas the best. Other copying behavior refers to copying anyother solution or only partially copying the best (e. g. one ortwo of the three available lines). If a player “shuffled” hereceived a random combination of existing solutions, i.e. eachline could be from different solutions.

score with the team best so far in the game, leading tocorresponding numbers between 0 and 1. Results arerobust to varying modelling assumptions, such as stan-dardizing the data, controlling for individual heterogene-ity within round or taking round (time) as a fixed effect.

SI,K. Characteristics of team-participants – TheAlice Team Challenge

At the end of 13 rounds, participants were redirectedand asked to fill in a brief survey. This allowed us to col-lect a number of demographic variables about the players.We had a response rate of 80 % (89 respondents). Themajority of our players were male (69 %), with an aver-age age of 30.1 (st.d = 10.12). With respect to education,66 % of the participants had obtained a higher educationdegree, and a little over half (53 %) had physics as a sub-ject in their education, after high school. Respondentswere from 17 different countries, the majority being fromEurope or North America.

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