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Page 1: arXiv:1611.08624v1 [cs.CV] 25 Nov 2016

Fast deterministic tourist walk for texture analysis

Lucas Correia Ribas∗

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science,University of Sao Paulo (USP), Avenida Trabalhador sao-carlense,

400 13566-590 Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil andScientific Computing Group, Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo (USP),

PO box 369 13560-970 Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil -

Odemir Martinez Bruno†

Scientific Computing Group, Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo (USP),PO box 369 13560-970 Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil -

(Dated: November 23, 2021)

Deterministic tourist walk (DTW) has attracted increasing interest in computer vision. In the lastyears, different methods for analysis of dynamic and static textures were proposed. So far, all worksbased on the DTW for texture analysis use all image pixels as initial point of a walk. However, thisrequires much runtime. In this paper, we conducted a study to verify the performance of the DTWmethod according to the number of initial points to start a walk. The proposed method assignsa unique code to each image pixel, then, the pixels whose code is not divisible by a given k valueare ignored as initial points of walks. Feature vectors were extracted and a classification processwas performed for different percentages of initial points. Experimental results on the Brodatz andVistex datasets indicate that to use fewer pixels as initial points significantly improves the runtimecompared to use all image pixels. In addition, the correct classification rate decreases very little.


Deterministic walk on random and regular means haveachieved promising results over the years with highlightfor deterministic tourist walk (DTW). The initial studyof the DTW was introduced by Lima, Martinez and Ki-nouchi [1], with the goal to analyze the effect of simplewalks on random environments. These walks are au-tomata able to obtain several characteristic or rich in-formation about the environment on that are performed.Here, we are interested in the deterministic tourist walkalgorithm for texture analysis.

Textures can be defined as a repetition of elements ona surface with visual patterns composed of sub-patternswith brightness, color, shape and size. Also, it is animportant visual attribute widely used to describe pat-terns and characteristics of images in computer visionand image processing [2–5, 16]. Recently, the determin-istic tourist walk has emerged as a very promising ap-proach for texture analysis [3, 6–11]. The deterministictourist walk can be understood as a tourist that visitscities in a map according to a rule of movement and amemory. In images, each pixel is considered a city andthe neighborhood of a pixel is the 8-connected. A walkis started from each pixel and the tourist moves accord-ing to the following rule: goes to nearest pixel (i.e., thatminimizes the module of the difference between the graylevels of the pixels) that has not been visited in the lastu steps. This walk produces a trajectory composed bytwo parts: transient and attractor. The transient is the

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initial part of the walk and the attractor, the final part,it is a cycle of cities that the tourist gets stuck.

The precursor study for texture analysis using DTWwas introduced in Ref. [12]. This study uses the transientand attractor sizes for texture characterization. Then,Backes et al. [7] proposes a new variation that combinestwo rules of movement and new measures extracted fromthe joint distribution of attractor and transient sizes. Af-ter that, a new approach combining DTW and fractal di-mension to extract spatial features of attractors achieveda significant improves in classification [2]. Besides these,other works investigated the use of the DTW combinedwith complex networks for texture analysis [3, 8]. An-other field with good results are the dynamic textures.These are an extension of the textures for the spatial-temporal domain, i.e., texture patterns in videos. InRefs. [9, 10], were proposed two methods for dynamictexture recognition and segmentation with significant im-provement in the field.

For image characterization, all works cited above useall image pixels as initial points to perform a determinis-tic tourist walk. Thus, the N image pixels are consideredthe map of the tourist. However, although the severalstudies performed, there is not a full investigation thatanalyzes the ideal number of initial points and its influ-ence in the characterization. From the first work, it wasassumed all image pixels as the map, without analyzingthe consequences. It is certain that this strategy increasesconsiderably the computational cost of the methods thatuse the DTW. Therefore, this is a point that need beinvestigated more deeply.

This paper accomplishes a study to analyze the perfor-mance of the deterministic tourist walk method accordingto the number of initial points to start the walks. The








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main objective is to verify if the DTW method is compet-itive using a smaller number of initial points. For this,we propose a simple method to select the pixels in thatstarts a walk. This method is deterministic and selectspixels of all regions from the image. Thus, three char-acteristics important for us are considered: homogeneity,simplicity and deterministic. From this characteristic,it is expected that our method has good results with alow computational cost. Experimental results using tex-tures from the Brodatz book and Vistex datasets illus-trate that our method improves considerably the compu-tational cost and achieves good correct classification ratecompared with the original method. Thus, it is possibleto obtain a competitive running time, without signifi-cantly decrease the correct classification rate. The maincontribution of this paper is a simple and effective op-timization of the deterministic tourist walk that can beused in all methods of dynamic and static textures of theliterature.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. InSection II, the deterministic tourist walk method is de-scribed. The proposed method of the fast deterministictourist walks is presented in Section III. In Section IV,we describe the datasets and experimental setup used toevaluate the proposed method. Section V presents theresults and discussion. Finally, the Section VI concludesthe paper and presents suggestions for further investiga-tion.


To describe the deterministic tourist walk on image,consider which an image consists of a pair (P, I), where Pis finite set of pixels and I a mapping that assigns to eachpixel i = (xi, yi) an intensity I(i) ∈ [0, 255]. The neigh-borhood η(i) consists of pixels j whose the Euclidean

distance between i and j is less than√

2 (Equation 1).

η(i) = {j | d(i, j) ≤√


d(i, j) =√

(xi − xj)2 + (yi − yj)2(1)

The ”distance” between two pixels i and j neighborsis given by a weight w(i, j). This weight is the modulusof difference between their intensities:

w(i, j) =| I(i)− I(j) | (2)

Given the above definitions, for texture characteriza-tion is considered independent walks started from eachpixel i ∈ P . The tourist walks through image pixels ac-cording to a rule of movement. Considering that a touristis in the pixel i, the next step is move to one of neighbor-ing pixels j that minimizes the weight w(i, j). Moreover,the tourist avoids returning to pixels visited in the lastµ previous steps, which are stored in a memory M . This

rule of movement will be referred to as r = min. Themovement of the tourist can also be governed by a ruleof movement r = max. In this rule, the tourist walkstowards the maximum weight w(i, j). Another commonsituation is the existence of two or more neighbors thatsatisfy the rule of movement. In this case, the first neigh-bor is selected, considering which the neighbors are vis-ited in a clockwise order [7]. These rules produce trajec-tories of great complexity [3].

Trajectories yielded from these walks can be dividedinto two parts: an initial part, with τ steps called tran-sient and the final part, where the tourist is trapped ina cycle of period ρ ≤ µ+ 1 called attractor [10]. The at-tractor consists of a set of pixels which form a path thatthe tourist cannot escape from. There are cases wherethe tourist cannot find an attractor. In this case, thewalk is performed until it finds a transient with a sizeequal to the number of image pixels T [7]. In Figure 1,we show an example of the deterministic tourist walk onthe image. In this example, the pixels are represented bycircles and the gray-level from each pixel is given insideits circle. The transient is represented by the blue circles(τ = 5) and the attractor part is given by green circles(ρ = 4).

15 16 2673 21 10

26 18 7129 54 29

31 23 2317 30 28

71 40 2018 22 39

17 55 2133 10 40

37 11 2943 26 18

FIG. 1. Example of the tourist walk on image with memoryu = 2 and rule of movement r = min.

For each initial situation, the tourist produces a differ-ent trajectory. Thus, according to the literature methodseach pixel is taken as an initial condition for a trajectory.To obtain features able to discriminate texture images,the transient part and the attractor from each trajectorycan be used to built a joint distribution Srµ(t, ρ) [7–9].This joint distribution defines the probability of trajec-tories with transient τ and attractor ρ sizes (Equation

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Srµ(τ, ρ) =1



{1, if τi = τ and ρi = ρ0, otherwise


where i is the pixel that the trajectory was initiatedand N the number of initial points (pixels).


As described above, a walk is started from each im-age pixel. It causes the literature methods have a highcomputational cost. Therefore, we propose a simple op-timization for reducing the computational cost in textureimage characterization. To describe our method, let usconsider a mapping unidimensional for each pixel i ∈ P .Thus, to each pixel i is assigned a code ci (Equation 4).

ci = W ∗ xi + yi, (4)

where W is the width of the image and, xi and yi thecoordinates of the pixel i.

To optimize the deterministic tourist walk, some imagepixels are ignored as initial point. For this, a simple wayis apply a function δ(P, k) to the original set of pixels P,thus selecting a subset Pk, Pk ⊆ P , where each pixel ofi ∈ Pk has code ci do not divisible by k (Equation 5).This is, if the remainder of the Euclidean division of ciby k is different to 0. This approach enables us reduc-ing the computational cost keeping the selecting of thepixels deterministic and homogeneously. It is importantto stress that the choice of the pixel where starts a walkhas that be homogeneous, i.e., pixels of all regions of theimage will be chosen. Thus, it is possible to ensure thatfeatures of all regions of the image will be extracted bythe method.

Pk = δ(P, k) =⋃i∈P

i | if ci (mod k) 6= 0 (5)

Examples of application of the function of selectionδ(P, k) on the image with various k values can be seenin Figure 2. In the Figure, the white squares representpixels selected (which belongs to Pk) to perform the walkand the gray squares are pixels ignored. Note that to in-crement k, the number of initial points decreases. There-fore, the k value is directly associated to percentage ofinitial points which it will be performed walks in the im-age. Table I shows the k values and its percentage cor-responding of initial points in the image.

From this new set of pixels Pk, walks are performedto characterize the texture image. Thus, a new jointdistribution Snµ,r(τ, ρ) can be obtained from the set Pk:

Skµ,r(τ, ρ) =1


{1, if τi = τ and ρi = ρ

0, otherwise(6)

A. Feature vector

Several studies in previous works were performed tofeature extraction from the joint distribution [7–10].Here, we use a histogram hnµ,r(l), where l = t+ ρ (Equa-tion 7). This histogram proved to achieve better re-sults in classification tasks. The histogram hnµ,r(n) com-putes the frequency of trajectories that have size equalto l = t+ ρ in the joint distribution.

hkµ,r(l) =


Skµ,r(b, l − b) (7)

Earlier works have shown that the histogram concen-trates most image information on the first elements [7, 8].As there are no attractors of size smaller than µ+ 1, thefirst position of the histogram used as descriptor is toµ+ 1. To compose the feature vector νrµ, the first m = 4elements are obtained from the histogram. Thus, thefeature vector νrµ is constructed for a specific µ value:

νrµ = [hkµ,r(µ+ 1), hkµ,r(µ+ 2), ..., hkµ,r(µ+m)]. (8)

Different rules of movement and values of memory sizecan obtain local and global informations of the image(e.g., low values of µ perform a better local analysis in theimage) [10]. Therefore, different values of memory sizeand rule of movement are used to provide more effectivetexture representation. The final feature vector consistsof the concatenation of νrµ vectors, for different µ values:

ϕr = [νrµ1, νrµ2

, ..., νrµn] (9)

where µ is the memory size and r the rule of movementthat can be max or min.


In order to validate the proposed method and compareits efficiency with other ones in texture recognition, ex-periments were carried out using two datasets: (i) Bro-datz and (ii) Vistex. The Brodatz dataset consists ofsynthetic images collected from the Brodatz book [13].This dataset is widely used in computer vision literatureas a benchmark for evaluating methods of texture recog-nition. Each image has 200 × 200 pixels size with 256gray levels. A total of 110 classes, with 10 samples each,were used. Samples of the textures are shown in Figure3.

The second dataset used in this work, namely VisionTexture - Vistex [14], contains 864 samples of real-worldtextures. This dataset contains textures captured indifferent combinations of illumination, orientation andplane perspectives. Each image has 128 × 128 pixels with

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TABLE I. Percentage of initial points according to the k values compared to the number original of image pixels.

k 10 7 5 4 3 2 [2 9] [2 5] [2 3]

% of initial points 90% 86 % 80 % 75 % 67 % 50 % 44 % 40 % 33 %

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33 34

35 36 37 38 39 40 41

42 43 44 45 46 47 48

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33 34

35 36 37 38 39 40 41

42 43 44 45 46 47 48

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33 34

35 36 37 38 39 40 41

42 43 44 45 46 47 48

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33 34

35 36 37 38 39 40 41

42 43 44 45 46 47 48

(a) (b) (c) (d)

FIG. 2. Example of selection of initial points of an image with different k values. Each pixel of the image is represented by asquare and the code ci is given inside it. The white squares are initial points selected and the gray squares are initial pointsignored. The k values are: (a) original image, (b) k = 5, (c) k = 3 and (d) k = 2.

FIG. 3. Six examples of textures from the Brodatz dataset.

256 gray levels. A total of 54 texture classes, each con-taining 16 samples, were used in the experiments. Figure4 shows some examples of textures.

Feature vectors were classified using Linear Discrim-inant Analysis (LDA) [15] in a 10-fold cross-validationscheme. LDA is a well-known method and supervisedmethod to estimate a linear subspace with good discrim-inative properties. This method consists in to find datawhere the variance inter-classes is large in comparisonto the variance intra-classes. The method of textureis considered good when it creates compact clusters faraway from each other for all classes. The 10-fold cross-validation scheme splits the samples into 10 folds withthe same number of sample per fold. One fold is used fortest, while the folds remaining are used for supervisiontraining and validation tasks. This process is performedfor all folds.

FIG. 4. Examples of some Vistex texture classes used in theexperiments.


Here, first, we present an analyze of the parameters ofthe deterministic tourist walk and its impact on the tex-ture recognition performance. Then, we show the perfor-mance of the fast deterministic tourist walk for differentk values.

A. Parameter evaluation

In this section, we evaluated the performance of thedeterministic tourist walk traditional on all image pixelsusing different parameters in the texture recognition task.Figure 5 presents the correct classification rate (CCR) fordifferent memory sizes µ and rules of movement r usedin the deterministic tourist walk. From Figure 5(a), wenote that the correct classification rate decreases with the

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increase in the memory size µ on both Brodatz and Vis-tex datasets. The results in Figure 5(a) also show thatthe tourist walk presents a better correct classificationrate when uses the rule of movement r = max, insteadof the r = max. Therefore, tourist attractors formed inheterogeneous regions (i.e., regions with the presence ofcontours or changes in texture patterns) have most im-portance in recognition task [7]. However, the best cor-rect classification rate was achieved combining the rulesmax and min feature vectors (ϕmin ∪ ϕmax). This newfeature vector presents both heterogeneous and homo-geneous image information. This occurs also on bothBrodatz and Vistex datasets.

Interesting results can be achieved concatenating thememory sizes. These results obtained for the combina-tion of memory sizes are shown in Figure 5(b). Note thatthe best correct classification rate is obtained for the con-catenation of a few memory sizes. This diminishes theindividual importance for each µ value. It is importantto stress also that is necessary a small number of mem-ory sizes provide better results. For the Brodatz andVistex datasets, the concatenation of memory sizes thatprovided the best result is µ = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], with acorrect classification rate of 89.72% and 86.92%, respec-tively.

B. Results

In this section, we present the results of the proposedmethod for optimization of the deterministic tourist walkmethod by classifying the Brodatz and Vistex datasets.We emphasize that our method uses exactly the sameparameters obtained in the earlier experiment with thedeterministic tourist walk on all image pixels (µ =[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and r = min,max).

First, we evaluated the performance of the fast deter-ministic tourist walk for different k values according toTable I. Results using different k values from the Brodatzand Vistex datasets are shown in the plot of the Figure6. In this Figure, we present the correct classificationrate in function of the percentage of initial pixels whichcorresponding to a k value. The plot shows that thegood results were achieved for 50% or less initial points.It is expected as, to decrease the percentage of initialpoints the correct classification rate also decreases in thesame proportion. However, the results show that thecorrect classification rate decreases slowly. Notice thatusing 50% of initial points the correct classification rateis 87.20 % and 83.21 % on Brodatz and Vistex datasets,respectively. In contrast, using all image pixels as initialpoints were achieved 89.45 % and 87.03 % on Brodatzand Vistex datasets, respectively. This corroborates ourtheory that is possible achieve good results in classifica-tion without to use all image pixels to perform the walk.

As we can see above, the correct classification rate isnot highly affected by the decrease in the percentage ofinitial points of the walk. Thus, it is necessary to answer


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


R (










90 Brodatz - MinBrodatz - MaxBrodatz - [Min Max]Vistex - MinVistex - MaxVistex - [Min Max]

(a)Different memory sizes µ


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


R (











Brodatz - MinBrodatz - MaxBrodatz - [Min Max]Vistex - MinVistex - MaxVistex - [Min Max]

(b)Combining memory sizes µ

FIG. 5. Correct classification rate as a function of differentmemory sizes µ and rule of movement r .

% of initial points30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


R (












FIG. 6. Correct classification rate for Brodatz and Vistexdatasets according to several % of initial points.

other question: if the complexity computational also de-creases significantly. For this, we evaluate the perfor-mance in the runtime from five images chosen randomly

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from Brodatz dataset. Figure 7 presents the runtime inmilliseconds of the deterministic tourist walk on the fiveimages for different percentage values. The experimentswere performed using 2.6 GHz Intel (R) Core i5, 8 GBRAM and 64-bit Operating System. In the figure, weshow the runtime for all memory sizes used in the exper-iments. It is observed that the runtime decreases sharplyas the percentage of initial points decreases. This is veri-fied for all memory sizes. These results indicate compet-itive runtime time combined with a good correct classifi-cation rate.

% of initial points30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100













FIG. 7. Runtime of the fast deterministic tourist walk foreach memory size and several % of initial points from fiveimages.


In this paper, a study for optimization of the determin-istic tourist walk has been presented. In this study, wepropose a simple method that does not consider all im-age pixels as initial points of the walk. From this method,we evaluate the correct classification rate in function ofthe number of initial points to start a walk. Experi-mental results indicate that the use of a smaller numberof initial points achieves a competitive correct classifica-tion rate. Besides that, the runtime is significantly lowerthan the use of all image pixels as initial points. For in-stance, in the Brodatz dataset to use 50% of the pixels asinitial points, the runtime decreases for half, while cor-rect classification rate decreases only 2.25%. This resultshows that our study can be applied for optimization ofall methods that use the deterministic tourist walk fortexture analysis.


The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Co-ordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Per-sonnel - CAPES (PROEX-9254772/M), CNPq (GrantNos. 307797/2014-7 and 484312/2013-8) and FAPESP(Grant No. 14/08026-1).

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