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Year 7 Drawing

Project 1 Autumn Term 2009

Art & Design

home learning


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Spring term project

Summer term project

In this terms project, you will

be learning about texture,

perspective, composition, and

reflection. You will also be

discovering the different types

of words and their meanings

used in the art world.

Over the course of year 7 I am

going to learn lots about basic drawing

techniques and have the chance to

develop my drawing skills. Each term I

will look at different aspects of drawing

before putting all of these skills into

pr practice in June where I am going

tto make a large final drawing Autumn term project

In this term you will be learning

about the basic drawing

techniques looking at the correct

pencils to use, tonal drawing,

shading, shape and mark making.

My project





September to December

January to April

May to July

In this terms project, you will be

putting all of your skills learnt so

far this year together to draw

groups of objects. The final piece

of work will involve you making a

large A3 size drawing.

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The bigger picture…

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Hand in date:

Guidance for students:

• You should spend around 25 hours on this project over the

term which you have been given to complete this project in,

the hand in date is in December.

• Make sure you read through this booklet first before you


• Try to complete one section each week – DO NOT LEAVE IT


• Bring this booklet into class with you to every Art lesson,

you teacher will be checking your progress regularly over

the term.

Guidance for parents:

The idea behind this home learning project is to

encourage pupils to work at home and develop

independent learning skills outside of the classroom.

Where possible pupils should complete work by

themselves with only guidance from parents, doing the

work for them will not help to develop their skills

further. Pupils will need a basic range of pencils to

complete the tasks in this booklet. Help and equipment

are available to all pupils during the extra curricular art

clubs held each week in school.

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Week by week task List

By the end of week 1 you should have completed:

Tasks: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d &1e.

By the end of week 2 you should have completed:

Tasks: 1f, 1g &1h.

By the end of week 3 you should have completed:

Tasks: 1i, 1j, 1k &1L.

By the end of week 4 you should have completed:

Tasks: 1m.

By the end of week 5 you should have completed:

Task: 2.

By the end of week 6 you should have completed:

Tasks: ‘My mark’ sheet assessing all of you work and also you need to set

your self a SMART target. Also the back page needs completing.

Tick when finished

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How will my work be marked?

You will receive 2 marks for this project, the first a level indicating what standard you have

achieved and the second will be a an effort grade, A – outstanding effort, B – Excellent effort,

C – Satisfactory effort, D – Poor effort & E – Unsatisfactory effort. You will be marked on

your presentation, observational drawing skills and the evaluation. See below to find out what

you have to do to gain each of the levels!

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Starter Task: Look at your hand for 10 seconds, then place

your pen on the starting point,

close your eyes and try to draw

your hand with out looking. Do not

take your pencil off the page until

you have finished!

Starting Point

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2B 3B 4B 5B

Task 1. Using the right pencil.

1a. Ever wondered what the numbers mean on pencils? Graphite pencils come in different

grades of softness and hardness, the numbers show how hard or soft the graphite is. HB is

a standard writing pencil, 2B is a good all-rounder drawing pencil, but there are lots of

different grades

Each of the squares below is labelled with a different grade of pencil. Shade in each box

with its grade of pencil.

1b. Fill in the diagram using the pencil grade labelled in each section.

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1c Tone. In the box first set of boxes, add shade or tone from light to dark, starting with lightest on the left to darkest on the right. You can choose which grade of pencil to use.

Which grade of pencil did you use? ………….

To do well… make each square just a little bit darker so there is not a big jump from one to the next.

1d. In this set of boxes add shade or tone from dark to light to dark again. Make sure the change

from light to dark is even. You can choose which grade of pencil to use.

Which grade of pencil did you use? ………….

To do well… Make sure there is no big jump in tone and try and get each square even not


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1e. In the box below draw a round piece of fruit. Use what you have learned about grades of shading to make the fruit look 3D or life like.

To help an object look real or 3D you need to give it a shadow. If you don’t, your object will look like its

floating about. Think about where the light source is coming from in your drawing, then add some

shading on the ground where the object would cast its shadow. The shadow will be darkest closer to the

object and lighter the longer the shadow is. The lightest part of your fruit will be the part closest to

the light source.

To do well… Fill the square with your drawing and get your shading smooth not scribbley

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1f. Draw a basic shape of a mug. Use a plain mug, not one with lots of pattern on it. Put it

in a place where you have the light coming from the left hand side.

Start with a centre line, draw a cylinder with the sides parallel to the centre line then

draw in the top and bottom using ovals and then draw in the handle. You now have a

‘skeleton’ shape that you can add shading or tone too to make it look 3D.

Now rub out the centre line, and the part of the bottom circle you can’t see when you look at

the real mug.

Use a 2B pencil to add tone or shading to the mug. Look carefully at your mug to get all the

shadows, reflections and highlights accurate. For the lightest sections you could leave the

paper white.

To do well… Make sure you have a range of tone, from very dark to very light.

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Draw your mug


1g. Mark making - Make a 'library of marks,' in the boxes below. Fill each box. Do

this by using a pencil (you can use different grades, but make a note of which ones you use) to create as many different marks as possible.

It can be difficult at first but just experiment with using the pencil. You can smudge mark with your fingers if you like to create new and interesting effects. If you're stuck for ideas, wander around with your book looking for interesting surfaces (not shapes and

forms) to try and re-create just using a pencil.

Here are some examples:

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1h. Just for fun! Draw a dog using your thumb.

To do well… try lots of different marks, hold your pencil differently to usual, use your left hand be experimental!





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1i. Line – in the box below, draw a fork and two spoons in line only. This is a drawing without shading. Arrange them in whatever composition you like.

To do well… only use line, no tone. To make your objects look more real, vary the thickness

and darkness of your pencil lines; darker and thicker for dark areas, lighter and thinner for

lighter areas.

1j. Now draw the same fork and two spoons using line but do not take your pencil off the paper.

This is called continuous line drawing.

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1k. In the box below draw a picture of an object or collection of objects from in front of you that shows lots of lines. For example you could place a bunch of dry spaghetti in front of you or make a

drawing from twigs and branches taken from a tree. Can you think of your own object rather than

using one of our examples? Add tonal shading to your drawing to complete it!

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1l. just for fun, draw the beetle in the box below

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1m. End of term challenge!!!

Use the box below to make a drawing

of a group of an opened sweet or

chocolate bar. Remember to use all of

the skills you have learnt so far in this

project looking at tone, line, shape and

mark making. There are two examples

on the right to give you an idea of

what to do, don’t copy these, we want

to see a different drawing below!

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My teachers Mark Page

Page 18

Overall I achieved a Level: My Effort grade is

Observational drawing:

Mark making:

Tone and Shading:

Imagination & creativity:

Mark out of 10 Converted Level Any additional comments

Mark out of 10 Converted Level Any additional comments

Mark out of 10 Converted Level Any additional comments

Mark out of 10 Converted Level Any additional comments

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I am marking my self on:

Is it a strength (S) or a

weakness (W) of mine? Using the correct pencil: How well have

I understood what effects the different

shades of pencils can give? How well

have I used this in my drawings?

Tonal drawing: Do I understand what tonal drawing is? How well have I

used tone in my drawings?

Shading: Do I understand what shading is? How well have I used shading

in my drawings?

Shape: Do I understand what shape is? How well have I used shape in my

mug / end of term drawings?

Mark making: Do I understand what mark making is? How well have I

used marks in my drawings?

Line: Do I understand what line is? How well have I used line in my


End of term drawing

challenge: Did I do well in this drawing? Did I use all of the new skills

learnt in this project?

Time keeping: Have I completed

and handed my project in on time?

My Mark Page

My SMART Target is: _______________________________

Use this page to mark your own work. If you think that you have been successful in one

of the areas listed below then write a ‘S’’ next to it. If you think that it is a weakness of

yours then write a ‘W’ next to it, this is called assessment for learning.

Finally, set your self a SMART target to improve one of you weak areas!

SMART = Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Timed.

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Art words and their Meanings:

Below you will find many words which are used in your art lessons

back in school. You need to write down the meanings of each work

shown in black boxes below, you can use a dictionary to help you!






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Congratulations on finishing your project Use the box below to create your own ‘Warm Fuzzie’ like the one above, how can you

customise it to make it different, could you add sunglasses, a cap, some jewellery etc?

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